Prevention of burns

Burn prevention starts with fire safety. Observe the following rules:
Keep matches away from children. Never leave children unattended; do not store materials that could easily ignite in a fire; never keep gasoline or other flammable liquids in residential areas; when cooking, make sure that the handles of the pan do not protrude beyond the stove, and, if possible, use back vodka; if oil or fat catches fire, do not try to extinguish the flame with water;
• do not spray aerosols near open fire;
If you have a fireplace, equip it with a strong protective metal screen. Never leave paper or fabric near the fireplace
or other flammable materials.
The sun can be harmful to the skin and cause burns. Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer and premature aging. To prevent sunburn, follow these guidelines:
Avoid being in the sun from 10 am to 1 pm;
• wear appropriate clothing to protect yourself
from excessive exposure to sunlight