President with a spot on his head


Yes, almost everything is correct, during the time he ruled the Russian state, Gorbachev always dreamed of changing the borders of the USSR, he wanted them to coincide with his birthmark on his head, if you want to know what would happen, then put a picture of his spot on the map of the Russian Federation.


This spot looks the least like a map of the USSR. There was a common joke about the map of Burma.


At M.S. Gorbachev has a birthmark on his head. Medicine calls such a spot congenital infantile capillary hemangioma, which is actually a benign tumor with a large number of capillaries. It is dangerous to perform medical manipulations with such a tumor, so such a spot is removed only if it is rapidly growing or seriously spoils the appearance. The spot did not spoil Gorbachev, it even seemed like something fateful and exclusive; because of this spot he was nicknamed Mishka Marked. The shape of the spot has nothing to do with the map of the USSR.


“URA.Ru” found a Rezhevsky deputy who surprised the governor’s residence yesterday with an unusual tattoo. Evgeniy Surnin, who moved to the municipal parliament, has a spider with a cross on his head. As the people's representative explains, this is part of the biker subculture to which he belongs.

“It's a birthmark. And it’s not the only one,” jokes Evgeny Surnin. -Are you a motorcyclist? Come, let's go for a ride. Have you seen the address of the Russian President? Did you see what the biker Surgeon was wearing? [Alexander Zaldostanov came in ordinary biker clothes]. Well, what questions? I've been on a motorcycle since I was a child. I currently have a BMW K of 1300°F. It’s not a motorcycle, it’s something more!”


“And a tattoo is simply artistic,” continues Deputy Surnin. — If you are trying to “smear” criminal issues, then for 40 years tattoos in the “zone” have meant nothing. What could Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator on his back mean? Well of course nothing! What else could this stuffed animal mean? You've obviously been abroad and seen that people have a lot of tattoos. They don't carry any subtext."

When asked why Evgeniy Vitalievich got a tattoo on his head, he said: “This is not the most unusual place where tattoos can be found.”

Let us recall that Evgeny Surnin is an entrepreneur who participated in the elections in the Rezhevsky urban district as a self-nominated candidate.

A missing 27-year-old man is being sought in Kiselevsk. He left home back in February.

Valery Mazkov, born in 1990, left home on February 20, 2018, and nothing is still known about his whereabouts. The man appears to be about 30 years old, about 185 centimeters tall, with blue eyes and dark brown short hair.

One of the special features of the missing person is that the man has a birthmark on the left side of his head with a diameter of about one centimeter.

The man left the house wearing a black windbreaker with white inserts, a black shirt, gray jeans, a black knitted hat and black lace-up winter boots.

The police are asking Kuzbass residents for help in the search. If anyone saw the man after his disappearance, you can report this by phone: 8-(3846)-44-08-16, 8-(3846)-44-09-11 or call “02”. Anonymity is guaranteed.

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