What simulators and devices are used to improve hitting technique in tennis?

We continue to study technical solutions for training modern tennis athletes. As you remember, we have already reviewed a small number of devices for training these athletes in this review. Continuing the topic, in the current article we will get acquainted with a unique device for recording flight speed And accuracy of ball placement in tennis.

So, as you already understood from the introduction, this device is used for the technical training of tennis players. It is with the help of this device that the technique of hitting in tennis is honed by modern professional level athletes in close cooperation with their coaches. Let's take a closer look at its structure and operating principle...

The contact sensor is secured with a cuff on the athlete’s arm (Fig. 1, a). It consists of the following parts: 1 - cylinder cover; 2— metal cylinder; 3— metal weight; 4 - large spring; 5 - wires to start the stopwatch.

A contact multi-section target (Fig. 1.6) is located in various places on the site and is made up of cells measuring 400X400 mm. The cell consists of base 4; four microswitches 5, cover 1, spring 3, guide screws 2.

The automation unit with indicators of hitting a specific section of the target is shown in Fig. 1, f. One of the options for using this educational technique is shown in Fig. 1, d. A schematic diagram of the operation of the device is shown in Fig. 1, d.

When a tennis racket hits the ball, the sensor load deviates from the straight axis of the cylinder and momentarily touches their walls, closing the millisecond watch trigger circuit, which begins counting time. The microswitch contacts of each cell are connected in parallel and included in the electrical signaling circuit of the corresponding cell and the millisecond watch target. When the ball hits one of the target cells, the cell cover moves along the guide screws and closes one of the four microswitches.

At the end of this review we would like to draw your attention to one more unique innovation in the field of elite sports and strength training of athletes...

Every self-respecting tennis player must have strong hands and arms, because in order to defeat an opponent you need to have not only competent technique, but also an impressive, crushing blow. And for his quality development, training on the court alone will not be enough. Fortunately, modern tennis players now have a Sotsky simulator with the eloquent name Bison-1 in their arsenal. If you want to have strong hands, be sure to get acquainted with this simulator, read the reviews on Bizon-1. This device is rightfully considered an innovative breakthrough in strength training not only for tennis players, but also for representatives of other sports disciplines. We highly recommend him to you.

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