Laryngeal Reflex

Laryngeal Reflex is a protective mechanism of the body that occurs when the larynx is irritated. This reflex manifests itself in the form of a cough and is important for protecting the respiratory tract from various external influences.

When any irritant enters the mucous membrane of the larynx (for example, a bolus of food, a foreign body, acid), receptors in the larynx signal this to the brain through nerve fibers. The brain, in response to this signal, generates impulses that cause contraction of the muscles of the larynx and diaphragm, which leads to coughing.

The Laryngeal reflex is one of the most powerful and protective reflexes in the body. It cleanses the larynx from various irritants that can lead to breathing problems. In addition, this reflex also plays an important role in protecting against acid reflux that can occur with gastroesophageal reflux.

Impaired Laryngeal Reflex can lead to various health problems such as chronic cough, asthma, respiratory tract infections and other diseases. Certain factors such as smoking, allergies, infections and other diseases can negatively affect the functioning of this reflex.

Overall, the Laryngeal Reflex is an important defense mechanism of the body and plays an important role in maintaining normal airway function. Therefore, for any health problems related to breathing, you should consult a doctor for advice and treatment.

The laryngeal cough reflex is an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the larynx, which occurs when its mucous membrane is irritated. This reflex plays an important role in protecting the body from various infections and toxins, and also helps prevent foreign bodies from entering the respiratory tract.

The laryngeal cough reflex can be caused by various factors, such as inhalation of irritants such as smoke, dust, chemicals, and also due to various diseases, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma.

In order to understand how the laryngeal cough reflex works, you need to know that the larynx is the organ that is responsible for breathing and voice production. It consists of several parts, including the vocal cords, which meet in the center of the larynx and form a semicircle. When the mucous membrane of the larynx is irritated, receptors located on its surface send signals to the brain, which cause contraction of the muscles of the larynx. As a result, the vocal cords close and a cough occurs.

Thus, the laryngeal cough reflex plays an important role in maintaining human health and safety. However, if this reflex becomes too strong or uncontrolled, it can lead to various problems such as chronic coughing, difficulty breathing, and even choking. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and prevent irritation of the laryngeal mucosa.

Laryngeal reflex, or Laryngeal Reflex

Normally, the larynx is reliably protected from irritation and irritation by foreign substances - the Laryngin reflex. It lies in the fact that we have a defensive reaction - throwing our heads back and increasing our breathing movements to protect our larynx. This is an involuntary reflex that is regulated by the brain. Occurs when a foreign body enters the larynx: a bolus of food, air, an object. With the laryngeal reflex, a deep release of air occurs, a strong spasm of the vocal cords, uncontrollable.

Experts compare this reflex to a camel blowing its fur.