
Pulpitis is an inflammation of the dental pulp, which often causes severe toothache in humans.

The pulp is the soft connective tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. It is located in a cavity of the tooth called the pulp chamber.

Causes of pulpitis

Pulpitis usually occurs due to caries - this is when a hole, or cavity, appears in the tooth due to the destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth by bacteria. These bacteria can infect the pulp, causing inflammation.

Other causes of pulpitis:

  1. A crack or fracture of a tooth that leaves the pulp open to bacteria

  2. Tooth trauma, such as a blow

  3. Chemical effects on the tooth of any substances

  4. Using food and drinks that are too hot or cold, resulting in heat or cold irritation of the pulp

Symptoms of pulpitis

  1. Severe throbbing toothache that gets worse when biting
  2. Pain from hot, cold, sweet or sour foods
  3. Pain that does not go away with regular painkillers
  4. Swelling of the gums near the problem tooth
  5. Tooth sensitivity even to light touch

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of pulpitis is made by the dentist after an examination, a survey about symptoms and an x-ray of the tooth.

Treatment depends on the stage of the disease. In the early stages, therapy is carried out to eliminate infection and inflammation. If pulpitis is widespread or chronic, it may be necessary to remove the pulp (pulpectomy) or completely remove the tooth.

To avoid pulpitis, it is important to promptly treat caries and other dental problems, as well as regularly visit the dentist. Good oral care will help maintain healthy teeth and prevent inflammatory pulp diseases.

Pulpitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the dental pulp that can cause severe toothache and lead to serious oral health problems. Dental pulp is a soft tissue formation located inside the tooth containing blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. When the pulp becomes inflamed, it can become sore and cause pain.

Causes of pulpitis

Pulpitis can be caused by various factors. Main reasons include:

  1. Tooth decay: This is the most common cause of pulpitis. Caries can cause inflammation of the tooth pulp if it is not treated promptly.

  2. Trauma: Impacts and other injuries to teeth can damage the dental pulp and cause inflammation.

  3. Abrasive materials: Using abrasive materials when brushing your teeth can wear away tooth enamel, which can lead to pulpitis.

  4. Bacterial entry: Bacteria can enter the tooth through cracks in the tooth enamel or decayed tissue, causing inflammation of the pulp.

Symptoms of pulpitis

Symptoms of pulpitis may include:

  1. Pain when eating hot or cold food or drinks.

  2. Pain when chewing.

  3. Pain when touching a tooth.

  4. Increased tooth sensitivity.

  5. Swelling of the gums.

  6. Pulpitis can lead to caries and tooth decay.

Treatment of pulpitis

Treatment of pulpitis depends on the degree of inflammation of the pulp. If the pulpitis is mild, then treatment may be prescribed to reduce inflammation and pain. More severe cases may require tooth extraction or a root canal.

Prevention of pulpitis

The following measures can help prevent pulpitis:

  1. Regular brushing of teeth.

  2. Calcium-rich foods to strengthen teeth.

  3. Avoid eating sweet and sour foods.

  4. Wear a safety helmet when playing sports.

  5. Regular visits to the dentist for preventive examinations.

In conclusion, pulpitis is a serious condition that can lead to serious oral health problems. However, with proper treatment and prevention, the development of this disease can be prevented. If you experience symptoms of pulpitis, contact your dentist for professional help.

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the most important structure of the tooth. If we have a tooth or gum pain, we go to the doctor so that he can check the composition and replace the filling. But pulpitis is a more insidious disease. It is because of him that our dentist is going on vacation. After all, you can live 5-10 years without a filling, but you will have to treat the same disease ad infinitum. In addition, it is often the patient himself who is to blame for the fact that the health of the tooth has deteriorated to such an extent. He simply does not treat pulpitis or does not treat tooth pain with due attention; he considers “pain syndrome” to be the norm. Yes, that’s right, dental diseases are the norm!

**What is the danger of pulpitis?** Pulpitis can occur due to various reasons. The disease almost always occurs due to our love for sweets. We look at many of the delicacies around us perfectly with our eyes closed, through the other mouth, as they say. And bacteria and microorganisms help us with this. Being in the gum tissue, they accumulate acid, which begins to corrode the base of the tooth and the pulp membrane. As a result, microbes infect the entire tooth cavity and cause inflammation of its tissues. As a rule, the cause of the formation of pulpitis is carious rot and cracks in the tooth root. Even at home, treating pulposis is painful and dangerous! So you should not hope that the disease will gradually resolve, and it is also dangerous to stick your finger into the hole of a diseased tooth or press it with a clothespin.