
Alcoholism is a chronic disease characterized by a pathological craving for alcohol, leading to mental and physical degradation of the individual.

The causes of alcoholism may be related to genetic predisposition, psychological characteristics of the individual, social environment and other factors. The development of the disease occurs gradually - from accidental alcohol consumption to the formation of persistent alcohol dependence.

Main symptoms of alcoholism:

  1. irresistible craving for alcohol;
  2. loss of control over the amount of drinking;
  3. increased tolerance to alcohol;
  4. hangover after stopping drinking alcohol.

As the disease progresses, mental and neurological disorders develop and internal organs are affected, primarily the liver.

Treatment of alcoholism includes drug therapy, psychotherapy, and social rehabilitation. The support of the patient's loved ones plays an important role. Complete recovery is possible only with complete cessation of alcohol consumption.

Alcoholism is a chronic mental and physical disease caused by the abuse of alcohol or other alcoholic beverages. This manifests itself differently in different people, as well as a different prognosis for recovery. A. Lur says the following: “When a person ceases to feel proportion, when everything seems to him for the best

Alcoholism remains one of the most common problems of our time, leading to serious consequences for the health and life of people. This problem affects all sectors of society, and many people experience it personally. What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a syndrome characterized by physical dependence on alcohol. Sudden cessation of alcohol consumption can lead to various symptoms such as hand tremors, hallucinations, delusions and fear. The risk of developing alcoholism depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and where the person drinks. For example, in France, where drinking strong and sweet drinks is part of the culture, the development of alcohol dependence and its symptoms is more pronounced.

Drinking alcohol reduces a person's intellectual abilities and impairs their physical fitness, including memory, reasoning and physical fitness. Although social skills may be preserved in the early stages of the disease, their impairment may be severe in later stages.

In modern society, alcohol is often used as a universal means of relaxation, stress relief and mood improvement. However, alcohol abuse can lead to serious health and mental problems, one of which is alcoholism. Physical dependence syndrome involves physical dependence on alcohol: a person may experience withdrawal symptoms (that is, withdrawal symptoms) after drinking has stopped. Symptoms of the syndrome include dizziness, headache, body tremors, anxiety and depression. Alcoholism greatly affects the mind and brain, especially when a person drinks excessively. This can lead to decreased intelligence,

Alcoholism: Physical dependence syndrome

Alcoholism is a serious syndrome that requires a careful and comprehensive approach to treatment. It manifests itself in physical dependence on strong alcoholic beverages, and can lead to serious consequences for a person’s health, social well-being and mental state. This article talks about what alcoholism is and how to treat it.

_Physical dependence syndrome_

One of the most common forms of alcohol addiction is physical dependence syndrome. It occurs in people who have been drinking strong alcohol for a long time and are accustomed to constantly elevated levels of alcohol in the blood. When a person stops drinking alcohol, it causes symptoms called withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms may include tremors, seizures, fears, anxiety, dizziness, dry mouth and abdominal pain. These symptoms may appear gradually over several days or even weeks after you stop drinking alcohol.

It is important to note that the manifestations of physical dependence syndrome may vary from person to person depending on their individual tolerance to alcohol. Some people may experience mild withdrawal symptoms after drinking a small amount of alcohol, while others may have serious problems even if only a small amount of alcohol is consumed.

Alcoholism is one of the most common diseases of our time. Its manifestations are becoming more and more noticeable in many countries of the world, including Russia. Many people believe that alcoholism is a problem for young people, but in fact, middle-aged and elderly people are susceptible to it.

Alcohol addiction is not only a phenomenon that is directly related to alcohol abuse, it affects us in the entire social aspect of a person’s life. And although one might assume