Chinese anti-wrinkle device

Most women begin to experience skin problems by the age of 30. The appearance of the first wrinkles, pigmentation, increased dryness or oiliness - all this causes a lot of problems. Of course, there is a way out of the situation. You can slow down the aging process by undergoing cosmetic procedures. Botox, hyaluronic acid injections, lifts and more. But such manipulations can lead to serious consequences; in fact, this is a violation of the skin. How this or that drug will behave is unknown. In addition, such procedures are quite expensive. And they need to be carried out once every six months. Where is it better to buy a Revoskin massager? Reviews about the device are only positive. Millions of women, having experienced it for themselves, were satisfied. We will find out what the advantages are in the article.

What is a massager for?

Japanese women always look young and well-groomed. And it’s not just about the right food, there are many methods, massages, techniques that have been preserved since ancient times. In the modern world, when there is not much free time, it is important that skin care procedures take a few minutes. The Revoskin massager, which has positive reviews, gives excellent results for facial skin.

It was developed by Japanese scientists. The main highlight is its operating frequency (about 6000 vibrations per minute). This allows for a deep massage. The skin of the face becomes elastic, elastic, facial wrinkles are smoothed out.

In addition, the device does not have a negative effect. Everything is as natural as possible. A vibrating facial massager is the key to beautiful, well-groomed skin. Just a few minutes a day can slow down the aging process that every woman dreads.


Studying the appearance

The Japanese facial massager "Revoskin" has an interesting design. Outwardly, it resembles a razor. The dimensions are small, length about 14 centimeters. This allows a woman to easily carry it in her purse or take it on a business trip or travel.

The color scheme is dim. The orange tint of the device is diluted by the golden tip. The massager runs on several batteries that are included. They are hidden in a case made of waterproof material.

The tip is interspersed with gold of the highest standard. When the device starts working, precious metal ions have a special healing effect. The weight of the device is small, about 80 grams. The massager fits perfectly in your hand. It is a pleasure to work with him and perform cosmetic procedures.

The Revoskin device does not require special knowledge or skills. Any woman can use it correctly; just read the instructions carefully.


What does the device affect?

It is worth noting that a vibrating facial massager directly affects different areas of the skin:

  1. Ions, which are negatively charged, ensure the normalization of fat secretions. In addition, the process of microcirculation occurs. Cells are enriched with oxygen, proper blood circulation is restored. The skin of the face acquires a pleasant shade, oily shine, puffiness, and bags under the eyes go away. In order for the effect to be more noticeable, the developers of this device advise monitoring your water balance and nutrition. Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Food should be rich in vitamins and essential microelements.
  2. The Revoskin massager, reviews of which never cease to please, has a slight vibration that is practically not felt, but has a wonderful effect on the skin. The circulatory system begins to work faster, due to this the cells are enriched with oxygen, and they are restored. Small expression wrinkles are completely smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic. Pigment spots that appear with age also disappear.

With this device you can achieve excellent results that will be noticeable not only to you, but also to those around you.


What effect will be achieved?

Speaking of a facial massager, many are perplexed as to how an ordinary device that works silently and does not perform any special visible actions can affect the skin? The secret lies in its mechanism, which scientists have been working on for many years. Japanese "Revoskin" affects the skin with the help of vibrations and ions that release energy. Thereby:

  1. the skin aging process slows down;
  2. metabolism and blood circulation are normalized, fine wrinkles and acne disappear;
  3. the skin becomes elastic;
  4. the vascular network disappears;
  5. pigment spots are removed.

Revoskin anti-wrinkle facial massagers are suitable for absolutely all skin types. Recently, men take care of themselves no less than women, so the device may appear among their skin care products. You should not wait for the effect after the first procedure; the result will be noticeable after some time. To do this, massage must be performed regularly. It is also recommended to use special face creams.


We study the strengths of the device

The Japanese facial massager is popular among middle-aged women. The demand for the device is huge, and this is not without reason. Among its strengths are:

  1. Compact, light weight.
  2. Interesting design.
  3. Powered by batteries, no connection to the mains.
  4. Easy to use.
  5. The effect is noticeable after a month.

All these advantages indicate the need to purchase the device.

Are there any contraindications

Many people, when buying a massager, are interested in whether it has any contraindications. Of course they exist. You cannot use:

  1. Children and persons under 16 years of age. This is explained by the fact that in a young body all processes are streamlined. And there can be no talk of the appearance of wrinkles or pigmentation. At this age, you need to enjoy what nature gives and not interfere with natural processes.
  2. People suffering from furunculosis. If there are open wounds or ulcers on your face, you should forget about the device so as not to aggravate the skin condition.
  3. Pregnant women. Doctors advise expectant mothers to use the device with caution. It is better to use creams, and after giving birth, do a facial massage.
  4. People with hypertension. Due to the small vibrations of the device, blood flow increases, which can cause an increase in blood pressure.

Before purchasing an ionic vibrating massager, it is better to consult a therapist and dermatologist.


How to use the massager

When purchasing a device, you want to get a good result. This can be achieved if you do the procedures daily. It is better to divide them into courses, for example, 2 months of using the device, then a short break. The session can last up to 10 minutes. It is better to do the exercises several times a day. Ideally - in the morning and evening. With this scheme, the result will be noticeable within a couple of weeks. And after a month, the skin will take on a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Anti-wrinkle facial massagers are absolutely harmless, so you can use them constantly. To achieve better results, before the procedure you need to wash your face with warm water, then moisturize the skin with lotion or cream. You need to work with the most problematic areas: forehead, nasolabial folds, area around the eyes.

In addition, you can massage the abdomen, décolleté, and neck. After the procedures, the device must be turned off and be sure to wipe with medical alcohol or soapy water.


Where can I buy the device?

The Revoskin Gold massager is quite popular in Russia. It is often displayed in large supermarkets and entertainment venues. In addition, you immediately have the opportunity to try the device on yourself and then purchase it. But the developers assure that the price of the massager in this case will be high, since you have to pay the cost of rent and the work of a sales consultant.

To buy a massager at an affordable price, it is better to contact suppliers through the official website. In this case, the cost of the goods will be about 3500-4000 rubles.

Ordering through online stores is quite dangerous. You can get a fake, but such a device will have no effect. So, what should you pay attention to when purchasing?

  1. The color of the device is orange, there is a golden edging.
  2. Outwardly it resembles a razor.
  3. Operates only on batteries.
  4. When the device is turned on, there should be no sharp sounds or unpleasant odor.
  5. Product weight: no more than 80 grams.

If you cannot place an order through the official website, it is better to purchase a massager at a pharmacy and ask for a quality certificate for the product.

Customer Reviews

Each of us tries to look as young as possible; no one wants to grow old. Often the skin of the face reveals one's true age. The Revoskin massager will help prolong youth. Reviews about the device are only positive. The main thing is a noticeable effect. The skin becomes elastic, a pleasant complexion appears, wrinkles and pigmentation disappear. Achieving results is quite simple; just use the device regularly for a few minutes a day.

The device also helps boys and girls with acne and acne well. Now you don’t need to visit a cosmetologist or undergo expensive procedures. The massager will make your facial skin smooth, restore blood circulation and cell regeneration. Buyers also highlight the following advantages of the device:

  1. Compact. Fits well in a woman's handbag.
  2. Has an interesting design.
  3. The operating principle is quite simple.
  4. Affordable price.
  5. The case is made of waterproof material.

All these advantages indicate the reliability and efficiency of this device.


Are there any downsides?

Among the negative aspects, we can note the high probability of purchasing a fake. It is very difficult to buy an original product. Hence the negative reviews, saying there is no effect, and stuff like that. Many cosmetologists use the device during procedures, its effectiveness has been proven, all that remains is to purchase an original product.

But this point can be avoided if you place an order on the official website.

The Revoxin massager is very popular. It is universal, suitable for both women and men. The principle of operation is quite simple, just turn on the device and start massaging problem areas of the skin. The effect will be noticeable within a month.

Effective use of the device for facial rejuvenation at home

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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The use of creams and other cosmetics will be even more effective if used together with devices for facial rejuvenation at home. The performance of such products directly depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on the characteristics of the dermis.

One woman may find such home appliances to be a real fairy tale, while another may not like them at all. But it is useful to know what types of devices there are, how to choose them and take into account all contraindications.

Features of the devices

Modern anti-aging facial devices at home will help improve the effects of caring cosmetics, but you should not expect a real miracle from them. Only professional salon equipment is capable of instant rejuvenation, the main disadvantage of which is many side effects. Home appliances can practically not cause harm, and this is their main advantage, along with saving time.

Such devices also have some other attractive features:

  1. You can correct the first signs of aging, and with regular and long-term use, get rid of a number of noticeable factors of skin aging;
  2. Home appliances are easy to use and do not require any skills;
  3. You can use it in any conditions, since most devices are portable.

Based on the type of impact, the products are divided into several categories. It is the method of work that determines how effective the procedure will be in solving specific skin problems.

Laser devices

To truly dissolve wrinkles at home, you can use a laser-type device, which is somewhat reminiscent of salon units. Laser devices for facial rejuvenation are able to penetrate deep into the layers, triggering the production of important elastin and collagen.

The equipment improves nutrition of the epidermis, restores it from the inside and starts vital processes. The course of treatment with a laser device for smoothing wrinkles at home lasts 3-4 months. The use of such equipment should be avoided in case of skin diseases, during pregnancy, in the presence of allergies of various kinds and in the stage of exacerbation of herpes. Chemical peeling procedures are contraindicated.

Ultrasonic rejuvenation

Ultrasonic treatment takes little time - only 20 minutes a day, 2-3 times a week. The procedure is reminiscent of mesotherapy and ultrasound treatment. It affects the upper layers of the epidermis, cleanses it, but cannot fight the aging process. Ultrasound improves skin nutrition and stimulates hydration. Under the influence of technology, the process of producing elastin and collagen is launched.

Vacuum facial massage

Typically, devices of this type for home use are available with several attachments; they are designed for different areas of the face and allow:

  1. Regulate pressure;
  2. A correctly selected nozzle protects against damage to blood vessels;
  3. The zones are treated without effort.

By drawing in all layers of the dermis, the device creates a vacuum that strongly grips the connective tissue and tears away the areas of fat in them. The lymphatic system removes lipids, which leads to a face lift and the elimination of unevenness. This technology provides a high-quality fight against swelling and wrinkles.

You cannot use vacuum devices for facial rejuvenation at home: if you have wounds, a large number of acne, large moles, rosacea and sensitive skin.

Microcurrent and radio waves

Radio lifting devices work like a microwave oven. They heat the epidermis and begin to stimulate fibroblasts, which trigger collagen formation and smooth out wrinkles. The technology also removes any stretch marks from the skin.

Popular devices for facial rejuvenation

Modern technologies make it possible to combine several operating modes, which leads to the creation of different devices for facial rejuvenation. Their complex action, when used correctly, helps achieve positive results. When choosing such a device, you should take into account not only reviews on the Internet, but also the reputation of the manufacturer. But it should be remembered that no device can achieve the effect of a salon procedure.

"Home electroplating" device

Solves many problems of aging and problematic skin:

  1. Cleansing mode. Produces deep cleansing of the face, removes harmful substances. Saturates the epidermis with ions that stimulate the outflow of all harmful products of the breakdown of metabolic processes. Stimulates oxygen supply and removes dead cells.
  2. Massage. Tones and moisturizes every cell, which prevents the appearance of various types of wrinkles. The regimen improves blood circulation.
  3. Nutrition. Stimulates the absorption of nutrients through the use of galvanic current. Improves the effectiveness of most cosmetic products.
  4. Pull-up mode. The device for home rejuvenation stimulates cell protection and prevents elastin and collagen from disappearing. The lifting effect is noticeable after 3-4 procedures.

The microcurrent and radio wave device is suitable for any facial skin.

Gezatone BioSonic 2000

The presented device model KUS-2k has several interesting modes:

  1. Micromassage. It acts with ultrasound, due to which the skin rejuvenates, metabolic processes in it improve, health and beauty are normalized.
  2. Phonophoresis. A special treatment method that eliminates swelling and sagging.
  3. Peeling. Ultrasonic cleansing with a delicate effect. Fights blackheads and age spots, removes any impurities.

The device for facial rejuvenation at home comes in a convenient form and is easy to use. Designed for people with oily skin, post-acne or acne. Can be used for rough skin, as well as to combat scars and scars.

NEWA brand devices

The Israeli company Endy Med produces a high-quality NEWA series of devices for home facial rejuvenation. It affects tissues with radiofrequency radiation and is good at combating facial wrinkles. Unique 3DEEP technology helps improve RF efficiency.

LaserLift Rio

A successful representative of the laser type. It has a positive effect on the process of tissue repair and can be used daily. Designed for powerful lifting and anti-wrinkle treatment.

La Mente Aurora Ceutical G7

Another ultrasound machine that also uses infrared radiation to improve nutrition and cleanse the skin. Capable of deep massage, significantly enhances the benefits of cosmetic preparations and improves the smoothing of wrinkles. Removes any swelling, the first factors of aging, increases skin elasticity.

Perfect Photo Portion

A dual-mode device combining electroporation and LED rays. Improves cell permeability, stimulates deep penetration of nutrients. It copes well with standard tasks, plus it improves skin texture and increases the tone of facial muscles.

CareBuiw device

A wonderful device for complete facial care. It not only remarkably rejuvenates and tightens the skin, but also slows down the aging process and improves the absorption of nutrients by almost 100%.

Vacuum device Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner

Suitable for use together with cleansing cosmetics and enhances it tenfold. Tones the dermis, but does not damage the skin, helps get rid of many imperfections and perfectly rejuvenates.

The manufacturer Gezatone has many other interesting devices that have a similar effect. It has been noticed that reviews for many devices are very different. Most likely, the effectiveness of a particular device will depend on proper use, combination with high-quality cosmetics and systematic use of the device.

Touchbeauty rejuvenation device

A complex preparation that combines herbal medicine, microcurrent and vibration. Tightens the skin, eliminates wrinkles, and also helps fight irritation and acne.

As for the cost of devices for facial rejuvenation at home, it starts from 1000 rubles and reaches 20-30 thousand. And not always a well-known brand can offer truly high-quality devices. To make the most correct choice of device, it is advisable to consult a specialist to understand what type of treatment will suit your skin.

Facial massage with spoons

The founder of facial massage with spoons is a cosmetologist from Germany, Rene Koch. This classic version of massage is popular among European, Chinese and Japanese women. Recently, Russian ladies have also become interested in the technique of performing rejuvenating massage with spoons. To perform the procedure you will need dessert spoons.


The essence of the procedure is that the back of the spoon acts on the skin, facilitating the penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the skin. Metal is an excellent conductor of both cold and heat. This helps activate metabolism, fat cells break down, swelling goes away, and muscles are toned.

And the use of nourishing creams and oils, when interacting with spoons, penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, which allows it to receive all the necessary beneficial minerals and substances. The result is an improvement in the condition of the facial skin.

There are two massage options.

  1. Cold. Touching cold metal to the skin helps reduce inflammation and swelling. Unpleasant dark circles and bags under the eyes disappear. Coolness restores the elasticity of the skin.
  2. Warm. The touch of warm metal to the skin allows you to get rid of fine wrinkles, tighten the skin in the neck area and get rid of a double chin. The facial contour becomes clearer.

The benefits and results of massage with spoons are obvious:
Firstly, this massage procedure improves blood circulation and improves the general condition of blood vessels.
Secondly, all excess fluid is removed from the tissues.
Thirdly, the facial muscles are strengthened, which allows you to look fresher and younger.

Indications for use

  1. swollen face
  2. Bags under the eyes,
  3. Wrinkles,
  4. Pronounced nasolabial folds,
  5. Deterioration of complexion.


  1. Diseases of the ENT organs,
  2. Inflammations on the skin of the face,
  3. Diseases of the lymphatic system,
  4. Cuperosis,
  5. Colds,
  6. Herpes.


To perform a massage you will need approximately 20 minutes of free time. 2 teaspoons and 2 dessert spoons. It is considered a plus if the spoons are made of silver. Of course, conventional devices will also work, but the result will take longer to achieve. Why is silver better? The answer is simple. Silver is an excellent antioxidant. In addition, you should prepare 2 bowls of water - cold and warm. It would be a good idea to add a few ice cubes to cold water. Instead of plain water, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, nettle. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over the dry mixture and let it brew for a while. Herbs have a more beneficial effect on the skin, so if you have the opportunity to brew herbs, it is better to use it. You can also brew green tea, which has a calming effect and removes toxins.

You need an oil that suits your individual skin type - olive, flaxseed, almond or just vegetable oil. The oil should be at room temperature. It can be replaced with rich cream or honey. Honey is an excellent remover of toxins. The spoon should glide over the skin easily, without effort, so as not to stretch the skin.

As before starting any massage, the facial skin should be thoroughly cleansed. You should wash with water, you can apply a light scrub or peeling. Dry with a soft towel. Apply cream, honey or oil to your face. If desired, these cosmetics can be applied directly to the spoon before starting the massage. Before doing this, the spoons must be disinfected with alcohol.

Cosmetologists advise massage in the morning and strictly along massage lines:

  1. The bridge of the nose is whiskey.
  2. The inner corner of the eye is the outer corner. In a circular motion.
  3. Wings of the nose – cheeks – temples.
  4. The base of the neck is the chin.

The procedure should be carried out with the back (back) side of the spoon with soft, sliding movements. The spoons should be held with slight pressure. Each exercise should be repeated 3 times. After completion, any exercise always ends with the same action, the so-called final step. The spoon must be drawn from the ear to the neck and to the collarbone, thereby draining the lymph along the line of the main lymph flow.


Elimination of swelling: this massage technique is performed with spoons previously dipped into a bowl of cold broth or water. The devices must be applied to the eyelids for 3 seconds. Put away. The procedure is repeated 5 times. This technique allows you to tighten the skin around the eyes, making your look open and fresh.

Elimination of circles and bags: this technique involves the use of 2 cold spoons, which must be placed at the inner corners of the eyes. Using wave-like movements, move to the temporal lobes. Press the temples 3 times, lightly. Then move to the eyelids using similar movements. Hold for 3 seconds. The procedure should be repeated 3 times.

Elimination of “crow’s feet”: this massage technique will eliminate facial wrinkles and tighten the skin. You will need 4 spoons. Some are warm, some are cold. An essential cosmetic product is anti-wrinkle cream. Place warm spoons with cream applied to them at the outer corners of the eyes. After making 3 circular movements, move to the temples. Hold for 3 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Then perform similar movements once with cold spoons. Complete 3 approaches.

Removing Forehead Wrinkles: There are two methods to get rid of forehead wrinkles. You need to arm yourself with 2 warm spoons and 2 cold ones.
Method 1. Lubricate a warm spoon with oil, cream or honey and apply to the base of the eyebrows. Using circular movements, bring them to your temples. Repeat 10 times.
Method 2. Place two warm spoons on the center of the forehead and at the same time lead to the temporal lobes, making zigzag movements. When the spoons are on your temples, press them 6 times. Repeat the procedure with cold utensils.

Elimination of wrinkles between eyebrows: 1 cold spoon, 1 warm spoon are required. The procedure begins with a warm one. It should be applied to the area between the eyebrows and pressed 6 times. Then move it up your forehead to your hairline. Similar manipulations with a cold spoon. Do 3 approaches.

There are many other ways to remove wrinkles between the eyebrows at home.

Smoothing out nasolabial folds: Nasolabial folds are smoothed out with an exercise called the “drum”. To do this, take two warm spoons and tap them in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. First on one side, then on the other. 10 times. To achieve the best effect, it is better to perform the exercise with puffed out cheeks.

Neck massage: lubricate a warm spoon with cream, honey or oil and move, rotating, from the base of the neck to the chin.

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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General tonic facial massage with spoons: the technique for performing it is extremely simple. You just need to apply warm and cold spoons to different areas of the facial skin. Apply one at a time. This massage will refresh the skin and relieve fatigue.

You can finish the self-massage by alternately applying warm and cold spoons to different areas of the face. After this, wash your face with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

Massage with spoons should be carried out depending on the condition of the face. If the skin is young and wrinkles are just beginning to appear, then the procedure should be performed 2-3 times a week. For mature skin, massage is recommended every other day. If a person requires urgent toning, self-massage should be performed daily. If the purpose of the massage is to relieve swelling, it can be done every day.
The massage course is approximately 10-15 sessions.

Massage with spoons has a positive result that is noticeable to the naked eye after just 4 procedures. The skin looks noticeably younger, tighter, the color is healthy and radiant.

Video of facial massage with spoons


  1. Wonderful massage! Nothing complicated. Pleasant to perform and excellent results.
  2. I suffer from facial swelling. I started doing a decongestant massage every morning before work. The face really became fresher and more beautiful. Before work is the sweetest thing.
  3. But I was convinced that it was not in vain that it was written about silver spoons. At first I made the most ordinary ones. I didn't notice anything. No, you could just barely see that your face had tightened up. But for this it was necessary to do 10 sessions. I recommended it to a friend. She just has silver spoons. So, her results were noticeable on day 4!

Characteristics in the rating

1 ReFa Carat Microlifting at home. Better drainage effect
2 Biolift m100(S) Gezatone A successful combination of effective massage techniques
1 US MEDICA JOY The most compact and economical
2 Beauty Bar WS 7035 Wells The best device for massage with gold ions
1 VACU Beauty Gezatone The best replacement for vacuum cans
2 Delicate Silk US MEDICA The most ergonomic design. Soft impact
1 Foreo Luna 2 Using the latest technology
2 uSound (GESS-628) Gess Using ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 1 MHz
1 MediTech DH-68 Widest scope of application
2 Beurer FCE90 The best complex for anti-aging care

Despite the rapid development of cosmetology, manual and hardware facial massage still remains an effective and popular procedure. With its help, you can speed up the flow of arterial blood and thereby improve skin nutrition, relax overstrained muscles and tone relaxed ones, relieve stress and have fun. Already after the first session the results are visible:

  1. healthy complexion returns, signs of fatigue disappear;
  2. the skin becomes more elastic and rejuvenated;
  3. wrinkles, folds, and swelling are smoothed out or completely gone.

Despite all the positive reviews, there are practically no queues for massage therapists, even for the best of them. And all because the modern rhythm of life dictates its own conditions, and not every person has a sufficient budget and free time to afford a visit to a massage parlour. And in order to preserve natural beauty in such a situation, you cannot do without a household facial massager. Moreover, it is advisable to acquire it and use it regularly at an age when skin changes are just beginning to appear - approximately 27–35 years.

This device is compact in size, which allows you to carry it with you and perform self-massage of the face in any convenient place and at any suitable time. Mechanical massagers work superficially and require constant effort, which is why beauty gadgets that can work on the middle layers of the skin and run on electricity, batteries, or even solar energy are more popular in the ratings. In addition to high functionality, they have another advantage - a huge range of models.

So, depending on the type of impact, face massagers are divided into several categories:

  1. roller;
  2. vibration;
  3. vacuum;
  4. ultrasonic;
  5. combined with infrared heating.

Provided they are used judiciously and consistently, they produce an effect quite comparable to the result obtained after a manual procedure. However, in order for it to remain long-lasting, the massage process to be safe, and the massager to serve faithfully for many years, special attention must be paid to the quality of its manufacture.

In order to make the choice easier for our readers, we analyzed the characteristics of several dozen facial massagers, studied user reviews, assessed, if possible, efficiency and reliability, after which the best of them were ranked. When compiling the list of leaders, we also took into account the reputation of the manufacturing company, tried to find breakdown statistics and determine the development of the network of service centers.

The best roller facial massagers

The design of roller massagers is very simple: several rollers are attached to the ergonomic handle, which perform the massage function. Rolling over the body, they gently grab the skin fold in the same way as a salon massage therapist does. Their main advantages are accessibility (although the price range can be extremely wide), versatility of use (can be used to massage the face, hips, abdomen, arms) and the presence of additional functions such as infrared heating or microcurrent therapy.

2 Biolift m100(S) Gezatone


Not only do the French know a lot about female beauty, but they have also created a device that helps preserve it. The Biolift massager combines 3 hardware massage techniques: microcurrent therapy, electromyostimulation and roller massage. Under triple influence, the production of collagen and elastin increases, facial muscles are strengthened, blood circulation is restored and, as a result, the skin looks much better. The beauty device runs on 2 AAA batteries (they are purchased separately) and is lightweight and compact in size - about the size of a palm, which allows you to carry it with you.

For maximum user comfort, 4-level massage intensity control is provided, so that during the session they can adjust it to their requirements and receive an exceptionally pleasant sensation. According to reviews, the work of the massager is felt on the face as a slight tingling from the edges of the moving rollers. The procedure takes approximately 20 minutes, after which the skin turns slightly pink and a feeling of relaxation appears.

1 ReFa Carat


Microcurrent lifting is usually offered as a course in beauty salons, and such a course is not cheap at all. But about 5 years ago, if not more, the Japanese company MTG developed a device that can be used at home for the same purposes, and called it ReFa Carat. Due to the built-in solar battery, it generates microcurrents and passes them through the skin folds formed by two rotating spheres with many edges on the surface.

The effect of the massager, judging by the reviews, is practically not felt, but leads to a number of responses: microcirculation is significantly improved, the effectiveness of care products is increased, cellular regeneration processes are accelerated, as well as the synthesis of proteins, elastin and hyaluronic acid. This little thing weighing only 200 g can be thrown into your purse or taken to the bathroom - thanks to the special coating, it is not afraid of scratches and water. It is easy and pleasant to use. Just 20 ReFa movements on each area of ​​the face (about 6 minutes for the entire procedure), and you will almost instantly notice that the facial contour has become clearer, wrinkles are smaller, and the tone is fresher.

The best vibration facial massagers

It is customary to think of vibration in relation to the body as a negative phenomenon. However, mechanical vibration of a certain frequency can have a healing effect - this, by the way, is not just another opinion of British scientists, but a completely proven scientific fact. The benefit of using vibration devices is to improve not only the well-being, but also the appearance of a person, in particular the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. It is especially visible in the smoothing out of wrinkles: thanks to a kind of gymnastics, they become almost invisible.

2 Beauty Bar WS 7035 Wells


Chinese empresses, in order to maintain their attractiveness, massaged them with rollers made of the purest gold, and they did it for a reason. As a result of modern research, it has become known that gold ions, penetrating the skin, promote the accumulation of hyaluronic acid in it and increase the level of collagen. Thus, using a massager equipped with a tip made of the most real gold (999 standard, 24 carats), you help your skin stay elastic and fresh longer.

The tip of the model is T-shaped, and this allows you to cover a fairly large area of ​​the face in one movement, without bypassing hard-to-reach reliefs. The action of the massager is to create vibration in the working part with a frequency of 6000 vibrations per minute. This value is considered scientifically based, since it is possible to achieve a response of the skin without the risk of complications. Facial treatment is painless and does not require special preparation, and to enhance the results on both sides, it is recommended to combine it with the use of effective cosmetics.



At first, people buy this device simply because it is stylish, small and inexpensive, and also because a friend has one. That's what we understood from the reviews, anyway. But then, when the time comes to evaluate the results, they fall in love with him completely and irrevocably. Its small size (diameter - only 2.3 cm and length - about 14 cm) and weight (80 g) do not prevent the mini-massager from giving a real jolt to the lazy facial muscles, so that they instantly tighten up and “remember” what tone is.

The massager runs on a single AA battery, which, along with the cost, gives it the right to call it the most economical household beauty device. The housing is reliably protected from water, therefore, the device can be used even in the bathroom, swimming pool and sauna. It can be used to massage any problem areas, be it the stomach, calves or thighs, and to maintain hygiene, it is enough to wipe the surface of the massager with a cotton pad soaked in medical alcohol.

The best vacuum facial massagers

Many people know that vacuum massage helps to cope with cellulite crust on the thighs. But there are very few people talking about the use of vacuum for cosmetic purposes. Meanwhile, in the reviews, those who have already tried this procedure on themselves speak very positively about it: the tone of the face has evened out, and the bumps, swelling, and pimples have disappeared, and the cheeks have decreased in volume. Miraculous rejuvenation is explained by improved functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. But you cannot use vacuum massagers without caution - they have a number of contraindications, including venous insufficiency, weak capillaries and any damage to the skin.

2 Delicate Silk US MEDICA


Those who have experienced cupping massage at least once probably remember the painful sensations that can occur when the skin is pulled into the cavity of the cup. Most likely, they won’t even want to hear about vacuum facial massage, and they will do it completely in vain. The procedure performed with the Delicate Silk massager leaves only positive memories, so you can do it every day without any problems. The model is an easy-to-grip “pistol” with one hand, powered by two AA batteries, with a small suction cup attachment.

The gripping force of the suction cup is low, it can be moved across the skin without effort, and it is sufficient for the upper layers of the skin to receive more blood, and with it oxygen and nutrients. The session lasts 10–15 minutes, and can be done both in the evening and in the morning, since the face does not redden much. After the first time, young girls may not notice the effect - it is seen by women with obvious age-related skin defects. But 4-5 procedures are enough for the improvement to be visible not only to yourself, but also to those around you.

1 VACU Beauty Gezatone


Face, legs, back, stomach - with this device you can work on all problem areas of the body. To do this, the manufacturer has equipped it with 3 jar attachments of different sizes - 30, 60 and 100 cm. Be sure to lubricate the surface of the body with high-quality massage oil, you need to attach the attachment to it and select one of 4 operating modes. If the skin is retracted too much, there is no need to endure the pain - there is a special button for an emergency reset. The device runs on a battery, the charge of which lasts for 3-4 sessions.

By moving the nozzle along the massage lines (the manufacturer provided information about them in the pictures in the instructions), you achieve a uniform effect on the entire area, a rush of blood and destruction of the subcutaneous fat layer. Let us warn you right away - you most likely will not be able to lose weight using only a massager, but the cosmetic effect will be visible on the skin immediately. To maintain it, it is enough to arrange a 5-minute self-massage of the face every 1–2 days.

The best ultrasonic facial massagers

Ultra-high sound vibrations, imperceptible to the human ear, are called ultrasound. It is successfully used in medicine and cosmetology, since ultrasound procedures are highly effective and lack any negative sensations. Mechanical vibrations that occur when using an ultrasound massager lead to relaxation of facial muscles and smooth out wrinkles, removal of acne, scars and stretch marks, increased tone, and activation of collagen production. However, remember the contraindications: with existing implants and stimulators, the use of ultrasound machines is prohibited.

2 uSound (GESS-628) Gess


To reduce the number of trips to a beauty salon, you only need to spend once on purchasing an ultrasonic massager capable of producing a record frequency of sound waves even by today’s standards - 1 million vibrations per second. The human ear does not perceive a sound of such a high frequency, but skin cells sense it and react to it by intensifying their work. As a result, after a 20-minute procedure that is almost imperceptible on the face, the surface of the skin is smoothed, its shade becomes more even, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands is reduced.

There is a light indicator on the body indicating one of five levels of ultrasound wave intensity. It is recommended for a beginner to start with the first one. To prevent the user from drying out his hair before treating his face before the massage, the manufacturer included a 30 ml tube of lifting gel in the kit. It provides the skin with nutrients and also protects it from stretching and injury during massage. Both items in the set come in presentable packaging, so the set is often purchased as a gift.

1 Foreo Luna 2


This is the most non-standard and controversial massager model in our rating. At first glance, this is an ordinary sponge brush, which can only mechanically clean the face with silicone bristles. Some cosmetologists also have a skeptical opinion about it, saying that there is no point in spending money on a trinket. But user reviews (believe me, we distinguish custom reviews from real ones) say the opposite: the Foreo Luna massager really has an anti-age effect and makes the skin clean, radiant, and healthy. This result is ensured by the new T-Sonic technology, thanks to which the bristles make and transmit 8000 sound pulsations through the skin barrier into the tissue in 1 minute.

There are several varieties of “Moon” for each skin type, which differ in color, as well as the size, location and shape of the “antennae”. One side of the massager has a cleaning surface, and you can apply any cleanser to it, since the device is waterproof. The second side is for facial massage. There is no need to connect the device to the mains - it is enough to charge it once every 5-6 months using the USB cable included in the kit. It comes with a 2-year warranty, but apparently it can work indefinitely!

The best combined facial massagers with infrared heating

Dosed exposure to vibration and heat waves emitted by infrared lamps leads to a significant improvement in skin condition. The final effect of the procedures is due to the activation of blood circulation, which eliminates the main causes of wrinkles and bags under the eyes - muscle spasms and puffiness. Combined massagers are safe to use (subject to the rules of conduct with electrical appliances) and can be used to massage not only the face, but also other parts of the body. It is only important to take into account the contraindications - if there is inflammation, tumors, scratches and wounds on the skin, as well as during the recovery period after injections of fillers or Botox, doctors do not recommend using such devices.

2 Beurer FCE90


This is another model that provides ultrasonic massage. Unlike massagers from the previous category, its action is designed for complete anti-aging care, consisting of 4 steps: skin cleansing using the deincrustation method, heating the skin to stimulate blood supply, ultrasound massage to reduce the number of wrinkles and work out the lower layers of the dermis, as well as moderate cooling the skin to tone it, reduce swelling and close pores.

Disincrustation, or, in other words, galvanic cleansing, allows you to cleanse the skin much better than conventional peeling programs: using iontophoresis, ions of a certain substance are introduced under the skin, which react with contaminants, after which they can easily be removed from the surface. To carry out this procedure, the complex includes 2 products - intensive cleansing milk and hydro-lifting cream. The device itself operates from the network; for ease of use, a push-button control panel and a large display are provided.

1 MediTech DH-68


To restore youthful skin, you need professional treatments, complemented by regular home massage. The easiest and most pleasant way to carry it out is with the help of a special device created by American scientists - the DH-68 massager. It works from the mains in 3 modes - vibration influence, IR heating and combined massage, and thanks to the 4 attachments it is able to efficiently work on the face area, scalp, arms, legs, back, buttocks and thighs.

Reviews indicate that the device is rightfully called medical: deeply penetrating heat helps to cope with pain due to myositis and osteochondrosis, smooth out the manifestations of cellulite, and rehabilitate after heavy sports activities. A comfortable handle, balanced design and the ability to regulate speed make the process simple and comfortable, and the built-in infrared heating is greatly appreciated by motorists who spend a lot of time behind the wheel.