Causes of facial pigmentation in women

Every representative of the fair sex strives to have beautiful and healthy skin throughout her life. But on the way to this dream there are often obstacles such as age spots on the face. They are not so easy to get rid of, and they annoy the lady with their unaesthetic appearance.

Many people naively believe that the appearance of pigmentation on the face is associated precisely with the condition of the skin and use only cosmetic preparations to combat it. As a rule, such methods are not enough and the spots either do not disappear, or fade insignificantly, or upset their owner with their steady progression. Such an unsuccessful fight against them is explained by the fact that there are many reasons for their appearance, and almost all of them are associated with disturbances in the functioning of the body.

In our article we will talk about the reasons for the appearance of age spots on the face and various methods of getting rid of them and treating them. Such knowledge will allow you to look at this problem from a different perspective and take timely measures to combat it.

Causes and types of pigmentation on the face


Age spots can appear in both young girls and women over 50. As a rule, their appearance is more likely over the age of 35-40. In isolated cases, they go away spontaneously; more often, getting rid of them requires considerable effort.

A pigment spot is an area of ​​excessive accumulation of melanin: a special pigment found in various layers of the epidermis. When it is deposited in the upper layer of the skin, pale spots (for example, freckles or moles) form. They can be from light yellow to brown and, in most cases, do not cause much trouble or worry to their owner.

Hyperpigmentation, which is deposited in the deeper layers of the epidermis, looks completely different - a dark brown spot appears on the surface of the skin (it can even rise above the surface of the skin). Such pigmentations are more frustrating for women, and in some cases they greatly interfere with them (for example, applying makeup, putting on or taking off clothes).

Doctors distinguish the following types of pigmentation:

  1. freckles;
  2. chloasma;
  3. lentigo;
  4. moles and birthmarks.

What can cause increased levels of melanin production? There are many reasons for the appearance of age spots.


This type of pigmentation is due to a genetic predisposition. Typically, pigment spots are already noticeable in newborns, and they can only be eliminated using stronger techniques (for example, laser resurfacing).

Hormonal diseases and changes

Deeply colored and irregularly shaped pigment spots may appear during menstruation, pregnancy, the first year after childbirth, or due to hormonal imbalances caused by a medical condition. Doctors call them chloasma and do not recommend doing anything specifically to eliminate them.

In case of diseases that cause hormonal imbalance, treatment of the underlying disease is recommended. The causes of endocrine pigmentation can be gynecological diseases, neoplasms of the pituitary gland, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, etc. After treatment of the underlying disease and normalization of the woman’s hormonal levels, they become significantly pale and gradually disappear.

Skin injuries

Such pigmentation can be provoked by severe cases of acne, furunculosis, chemical and thermal burns, unsuccessful peeling and other injuries. Their intensity depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the depth of the traumatic lesion. In some cases, local remedies to eliminate such age spots are not enough, and complex treatment must be carried out.

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays

Pigment spots of this type are provoked by aggressive exposure to sunlight or other sources of ultraviolet radiation. They often appear on the face, because the skin of this area of ​​the body is the thinnest and most vulnerable. Melanin is designed to protect the skin from burns and paints it a darker color, but if you abuse the solarium or stay in the active open sun during the daytime, the pigment layer can lie unevenly. Spring rays of the sun have a particularly aggressive effect, because after winter the skin of the face is partially depigmented. In some cases, even the use of sunscreen cannot protect it from the appearance of unsightly spots. You should not be in the direct rays of the daytime sun for too much time; morning and early evening hours are preferable.

Diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and intestines

Reddish spots appear in women with intestinal dysfunction, brown spots with liver or gall bladder pathologies, and yellowish brown spots with kidney diseases. They do not require separate treatment; they turn pale and disappear when a proper diet is prescribed and the functions of the internal organs are normalized.

Nervous disorders, mental illness and frequent stress

Such pigmentation is caused by metabolic and hormonal imbalances. The spots can come in various shapes and sizes.

Lack of vitamins or minerals

Quite a common reason! Spots can be caused by not consuming enough vitamin C or copper foods. Once the deficiency is eliminated, they gradually disappear.

Taking medications

Sometimes spots on the skin appear after long-term use of certain medications. They are most often caused by taking antibiotics. Be sure to contact your doctor and inform about the appearance of pigmentation; your medication will be replaced or discontinued.

Allergic reactions, improper use of skin care products and poor-quality cosmetics

Rash and spots on the skin appear immediately after applying a cosmetic or other product. They can be provoked by essential oils, low-quality ingredients of decorative cosmetics, and unreasonably frequent cleansing of the skin.


Alas, often dark spots on the face, as well as on the neck and hands can appear over the age of 40-45 years. They are caused by increased production of melanin and its uneven distribution, hormonal changes and aging of the skin layers. Also, their appearance may be associated with the presence of chronic diseases, which increase with age.

The appearance of pigmentation in itself in most cases is not dangerous, but it always signals a malfunction in one of the body systems. When it appears, you should think about the state of your health and undergo a diagnostic examination. What it will be like will be determined by the doctor.

Treatment of age spots on the face

The main principle of treating pigmentation is to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. To identify it, you may need to consult a therapist, gynecologist, endocrinologist or gastroenterologist. After making a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for the underlying disease, after which the spots on the skin of the face will either disappear spontaneously or turn pale, and it will be much easier to get rid of them.

Most women want to quickly get rid of age spots that spoil their appearance, and use various methods to get rid of these unpleasant cosmetic defects.

A cosmetologist can recommend many ways to eliminate hyperpigmentation on the face:

  1. whitening;
  2. cosmetic procedures;
  3. cosmetical tools;
  4. traditional medicine recipes.

Skin whitening for age spots

Various substances can be used as “whiteners” for hyperpigmentation:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide - a 3% solution can only be applied to the area of ​​the pigment spot, as this product can injure the skin.
  2. Mercury cream: can be used short-term, as long-term use of this aggressive product can cause skin irritation. note: It is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Zinc paste – gently whitens the skin, helps eliminate wrinkles and acne.

Cosmetic procedures for age spots

These techniques can only be performed by a cosmetologist or dermatologist and are selected individually depending on the severity of pigmentation, location, indications and contraindications.

Skin whitening is promoted by:

  1. Ultrasonic or chemical peeling: the type of procedure is determined by the doctor. Glycolic, fruit and other acids can be used for chemical peeling. They promote exfoliation and renewal of the upper layers of the skin and eliminate pigmentation. For ultrasonic peeling, special equipment is used to introduce various drugs into the upper layers of the skin, causing skin renewal and whitening.
  2. Laser treatment is performed using laser beams that gently remove the top layer of skin and promote its renewal. This modern technique is quite traumatic and painful. After its completion, the use of various healing drugs is required. It is better to carry out this procedure in winter, since this is the time of year when the sun's rays are least active. In addition to whitening the skin, laser beams help improve its condition: it rejuvenates, becomes more elastic, and acquires a beautiful and even tone.
  3. Phototherapy: This procedure is performed using a laser device that produces intense pulses of light. Light waves hit only areas of the pigment spot and destroy cells with a high melanin content.

Cosmetics for age spots

Cosmetic whitening creams are most commonly used to remove areas of pigmentation. Dear women, treatment with such products must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, because inept use of them can cause the opposite effect - there are more pigment spots, they contrast more strongly with the main skin tone.

The doctor will determine the type of whitening cream and rule out possible contraindications to its use. Some cosmetics cannot be used if you have kidney or liver disease. They are also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

The most commonly used whitening cosmetics are:

  1. Achromin Alen Mak cream gently removes stains and protects facial skin from ultraviolet rays.
  2. Retin-A cream helps reduce the amount of melanin in the skin.
  3. VC-IP solution (based on vitamin C) - it is able to prevent hyperpigmentation of the upper layers of the skin.

Clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of complex treatment of hyperpigmentation problems. Sun protection and use of a topical product.

Traditional recipes for age spots


In some cases, with superficial age spots on the face, time-tested folk recipes for masks and lotions can help.

  1. Fresh cucumber mask: grate the cucumber on a fine grater, apply the resulting paste to your face for half an hour. You don’t have to wash off the mask, but simply remove it with a napkin.
  2. Yeast and lemon juice mask: 20 g of fresh yeast are mixed with 15 ml of lemon juice. The resulting paste is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water.
  3. Parsley lotion: 2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley, pour 100 ml of water. Let it brew for an hour and strain. Add 100 ml of milk and wipe cleansed face twice a day.
  4. Pour the strained parsley infusion into water molds and place in the freezer. Washing them in the morning quickly removes stains, tones the skin, and tightens pores.
  5. Rice flour, honey and vinegar mask: mix 2 teaspoons of rice flour with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Apply the mixture to your face for half an hour. Remove the mask with a dry cloth and rinse your face.
  6. Almond and lemon juice mask: grind half a glass of almonds through a meat grinder and mix with lemon juice and a small amount of water. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.
  7. Potato and egg yolk mask: boil one potato in its skin, peel it and mash with a fork. Add egg yolk to the resulting puree and mix. Apply to your face and keep the mask on until the potatoes have cooled completely. Rinse off with warm water.
  8. Protein mask: mix the white of 1 egg with the juice of 1/4 lemon and 3-4 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply to skin for 10 minutes, rinse with water or milk, apply nourishing cream.
  9. Lotion made from milk and vodka: mix milk and vodka in a ratio of 3:1. Wipe your face at night.

Traditional recipes have a fairly gentle effect on the skin of the face, but in order to avoid skin irritation and allergic reactions, it is recommended to try applying the product to a small area of ​​skin on the inner surface of the forearm before using them. If redness does not appear after 15-20 minutes, the product can be used.

After removing age spots on your face, don’t stop taking care of your health! Use sunscreen, and also visit your doctor on time to correct the underlying disease, eat right, and in early spring do not forget about preventive courses of vitamin C and nicotinic acid - all this will help prevent hyperpigmentation of the skin on your face, and your reflection in the mirror will always delight you . Your beauty is entirely in your hands!

Which doctor should I contact?

If pigment spots or other changes in skin color appear, you should consult a dermatologist. In order to find out the cause of the spots, you may need to consult a gynecologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, or therapist. A cosmetologist will help remove spots on the skin.

We name the main reasons for the appearance of age spots, and at the same time learn to distinguish banal freckles from “senile buckwheat”, prevent hyperpigmentation and fight it if it has already appeared.

  1. What are pigment spots
  2. Causes of pigmentation
  3. Types of pigmentation
  4. Methods for eliminating age spots
  5. Cosmetic ingredients effective against pigmentation
  6. Prevention of hyperpigmentation
  7. Fighting pigmentation at home

What are pigment spots

Pigment spots are darkened areas of the skin that appear as a result of a local accumulation of the melanin pigment, which gives color to the skin and hair. The size, shade, and number of spots can vary: from a scattering of golden freckles to single dark brown areas.

Age spots can appear at any age, in people with different skin colors and types. Everyone is susceptible to them:

representatives of the first phototype - fair-skinned blonds with gray or blue eyes who do not tan well and quickly get sunburned;

representatives of dark phototypeswho have an increased tendency to hyperpigmentation, especially after inflammatory processes or with hormonal imbalance.

Causes of pigmentation

To fight pigment spots, or better yet, prevent them, you need to have an idea of ​​the culprits behind their appearance.


The main provocateur of the formation of age spots is the sun. And even if problems with pigmentation are programmed genetically, UV rays will be the very trigger that will manifest these problems.

Ultraviolet radiation damages cells, causing protective reactions, as a result of which the activity of melanocytes is activated (they produce pigment). Melanocytes intensively produce melanin. And it is deposited unevenly in the skin, especially in places of greatest photodamage.

As a result, spots appear on the prominent parts of the face—on the nose and cheekbones—that become darker with age.


Often the reason for the appearance of age spots on the face in women is associated with hormonal changes against the background of:

When the body returns to normal life, pigment problems disappear, although there are exceptions. Then you will need the help of an endocrinologist who will identify the cause, and a cosmetologist who will find a way to eliminate the consequences.

Ultraviolet light provokes hyperpigmentation © iStock


Hyperpigmentation may indicate problems with the liver, kidneys, endocrine system disorders and gynecological diseases. In such cases, cosmetic procedures are necessary, but it is more important to focus efforts on treating the underlying disease.

Mechanical skin damage

“Anything that violates the integrity of the epidermal barrier - wounds, burns, abrasions - often becomes the cause of pigment spots, because in response to damage, melanin synthesis increases,” says Alexander Prokofiev, an expert at the Ls Roche-Posay brand. Therefore, it is recommended not to carry out cosmetic procedures such as chemical peels and dermabrasion during periods of solar activity, and after them, be sure to apply a cream with SPF 30 or 50.

Types of pigmentation

Pigment spots differ in size, shade, color saturation. Their only common property is their “love” for the sun: most often they are found on areas of the skin exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Freckles (ephelids)

These are small spots of a round shape, uniform color, with a diameter of 1-2 mm. As a rule, they appear with active exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin of the face, body and hands of blondes, brown-haired and red-haired people unprotected from the sun.

The more intense the sun exposure, the darker the freckles. Without the support of the sun, they turn pale, and in winter they may disappear completely until the next season.

Lentigo (solar lentigo)

Larger than freckles, oval-shaped spots with a diameter of 2-20 mm. Located where the skin is more exposed to UV rays:

Their color is usually uniform, the pigmentation is persistent and does not disappear on its own. Lentigines are also called “age spots” because they appear in adulthood, often in the same places where freckles were in youth.

The older a person is, the more extensive, dark and difficult to remove the spots become. This is how areas damaged by ultraviolet radiation throughout life make themselves felt.

Birthmark (nevus)

The most common type of age spots. Almost everyone has them, even babies. Nevi can appear at any age, but are especially active in adulthood.

Melasma (chloasma)

Large pigment spots that do not have a clear shape. Most often they appear on the face, their number increases under the influence of the sun. The main reason is hormonal changes. If they are temporary (pregnancy, lactation), then melasma may disappear after the hormonal levels return to normal.

Methods for eliminating age spots

Phototherapy is an effective hardware procedure against age spots © iStock

Age spots do not always cause problems for their owners. In youth, freckles look charming and are not considered a flaw. Another thing is that when they become brighter and larger, their number increases and does not decrease even in winter. Melasma, islands of accumulated pigment, also causes concern.

High-intensity pulsed light destroys the accumulation of melanocytes. The doctor prescribes the number of flashes and sessions individually depending on the depth of the pigment and its quantity.

A laser with an ultrashort pulse finds cells with a high content of melanin and literally crushes it into small particles.

A good lasting result can be achieved by a course of peelings with glycolic acid, which renews the skin, in combination with home cosmetics that suppress the production of melanin.

Consequences of hyperpigmentation

Pigmentation problems are often associated with age-related changes © iStock

Pigment spots themselves are not dangerous to health. But this is a signal that ultraviolet radiation has already damaged the skin, and should not be ignored. The sun can trigger the process of cell degeneration and become a provocateur of irreversible changes.

Cosmetic ingredients effective against pigmentation

In cosmetic formulas, whitening ingredients reduce the synthesis of tyrosine, a precursor to melanin.

Kojic acid - one of the AHA acids, has a whitening and exfoliating effect.

Arbutin - a plant component found in bearberry and blackberry. In combination with kojic acid, it enhances the whitening effect.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - a powerful antioxidant and reducing agent. It is easily destroyed, so magnesium salt of L-ascorbic acid is often used in cosmetics, which turns into vitamin C in the skin. Reduces melanin synthesis and enhances collagen synthesis.

Glabridin - licorice root extract. It has not only a whitening, but also an anti-inflammatory effect.

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Prevention of hyperpigmentation

There is no better preventative measure than sun protection. If you are prone to hyperpigmentation, use products with a high protection factor. Ideally, every day, even in cloudy weather, because type A UV rays, which enhance pigmentation, penetrate even through clouds and window glass.

The right sunscreen contains filters against UVB and UVA rays, contains caring components and antioxidants, and also has a comfortable texture.

Below are some effective high SPF sunscreens.

Contains a special complex to prevent hyperpigmentation.

Designed for very fair skin, suitable for face and body.

Anti-aging care 3-in-1 with antioxidants Capital Idéal Soleil, SPF 50, Vichy

Protects from the sun, not only prevents the manifestations of skin aging, but also specifically fights them.

Fighting pigmentation at home

Home care for skin affected by age spots includes creams and serums that can influence the functioning of melanocytes and renew the skin to lighten the spots.

Remedies against age spots

complex of four multidirectional acids, yeast extract

Smooth, healthy skin color is the dream of every woman. However, no one is immune from the occurrence of various types of defects. In order to get rid of them as soon as possible, you need to find out why pigment spots appear on the face of women and what health problems they may indicate.

Age spots on the face

What are pigment spots

A pigment spot is an accumulation of melanin (a special pigment) on a certain area of ​​the skin. These include the familiar freckles. Most often, such minor defects do not cause discomfort, sometimes they even decorate their owner.

Hyperpigmentation, in which melanin is deposited in the deep layers of the epidermis, is a different matter. Visually, this defect looks like a dark brown spot, sometimes slightly raised above the rest of the skin. Owners of such marks on the face cannot completely disguise them, even out their skin color, or apply makeup properly.

This problem can occur in a young girl under 30, but more often women aged 35-40 deal with it. The likelihood of pigmentation in women who have crossed the age mark of 60 increases sharply.

There are several types of age spots:

Sometimes age spots disappear on their own, but more often they have to be removed using special techniques prescribed by a specialist.

Reasons for appearance

The causes of pigmentation on the face in women can be very different, sometimes only a specialist can determine them correctly.

  1. Age-related changes associated with menopause. For women over 40 years of age, the appearance of hyperpigmentation is not uncommon. Spots appear both on the face and on the arms and neck. The source of the problem lies in hormonal imbalance and withering of the skin layers. In addition, age leads to deterioration of health, which also provokes the appearance of spots.
  2. Allergic reactions to care products. Darkened areas of the skin, rashes and itching often occur as a reaction to improper cleansing of the skin or the use of cheap, low-quality cosmetics.
  1. Taking medications. Hyperpigmentation can occur as a side effect of certain medications, such as antibiotics. Usually in this case, the attending physician replaces the medication with a more suitable one.
  2. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements. Lack of copper or vitamin C in the body sometimes leads to the appearance of age spots. When the deficiency is replenished, the defects gradually disappear.
  3. Stress and constant nervous tension provoke a failure of metabolic processes in the body. This can affect the skin of the face in the form of hyperpigmentation.
  4. Diseases of the gallbladder, intestines, liver or kidneys. Problems with the intestines provoke the appearance of reddish spots, malfunctions of the liver cause brown spots. If yellow spots have formed on the face, the reasons for women and men lie in one thing - kidney disease. With appropriate treatment, hyperpigmentation disappears.
  5. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. For most of the year, the skin of the face is exposed to sunlight. Melanin, coloring the skin dark, is designed to reduce the aggressive effect of exposure, but sometimes it is distributed unevenly. Skin that is pale after cloudy winter days is especially defenseless. The growing spring sun provokes the appearance of small freckles, and sometimes larger yellowish spots. To avoid exposing your skin to excessive rays, it is advisable to avoid exposure to the open sun during midday and use special protective equipment. You should be more careful when visiting a solarium.
  6. Consequences of injuries. Furunculosis, acne, and unsuccessful peeling can leave behind pigment spots. Sometimes they are so deep that home treatment is not enough. You have to resort to the help of professionals.
  7. Hormonal imbalances. After childbirth, during pregnancy, as a result of an imbalance of hormones in women's diseases, reddish spots (chloasma) appear on the face. After the disease is cured and the body begins to produce hormones normally, the pigmentation will disappear.

Pigmented birthmarks form in newborns. The reason for this is heredity. Simple techniques are powerless here; you will have to resort to serious intervention, for example, treating the spot with a laser.

How to get rid of the problem

To determine the exact cause of the appearance of age spots on the face in women, you need to consult with your doctors. You will have to visit a gastroenterologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist.

The doctor will detect the source of pigmentation and prescribe appropriate treatment. As a result, the spots will disappear completely or become much less pronounced.

Cosmetology offers several options for getting rid of skin spots:

  1. Whitening;
  2. Cosmetical tools;
  3. Folk recipes;
  4. Cosmetic procedures.

They will help you finally get rid of the problem when the main course of treatment has been completed.


The following products will help lighten discolored areas of the skin:

  1. Cream with mercury. It is not suitable for repeated use, and is also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. This rather aggressive remedy is considered very effective.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) also works well in whitening stains. However, it must be applied pointwise so as not to damage the epidermis.
  3. A milder agent is zinc paste. It can fight not only hyperpigmentation, but also acne.

Cosmetical tools

Special whitening creams can lighten spots on the skin of women. But their selection should only be done by a specialist. The wrong choice can lead to serious damage to the epidermis.

Important! Some creams are contraindicated for people suffering from liver and kidney diseases, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

The most popular are:

  1. Retin-A, which helps reduce melanin levels in the skin.
  2. Akhromin Alen Mak. This cream not only lightens pigmentation, but also protects the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. The VC-IP solution successfully combats pigmentation of the upper layers of the skin.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies can, if not completely remove, then noticeably lighten the pigment spot. Although their effect on the skin is considered gentle, a preliminary test for allergies to the components will not hurt.

Lotion Recipes:

  1. Combine milk (3 parts) with vodka (1 part). Wipe your face with the resulting mixture at night.
  2. Pour a couple of tablespoons of chopped parsley into 100 ml of water. Leave for 60 minutes, then strain and add 100 ml of milk. Wipe your face daily.
  3. Pour the parsley infusion (without milk) prepared according to the above recipe into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. Wipe your face with the resulting cubes after waking up.

Mask recipes:

  1. Squeeze the juice from ¼ lemon and mix it with egg white. Add 3-4 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Leave on the skin for no more than 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Apply cream to your face.
  2. Boil a medium potato, peel and mash. Add 1 egg yolk (preferably homemade). Apply the mask and leave until the potatoes have cooled.
  3. Combine fresh yeast (20 g) with 15 ml of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the skin, hold for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Cosmetic procedures

In difficult cases, when pigmentation cannot be removed by simple means, a dermatologist or cosmetologist performs special procedures:

  1. Phototherapy. A light pulse from a laser device hits cells with a high melanin content and destroys them. The skin in the affected area becomes significantly lighter.
  2. Laser removal of the upper layers of skin contributes not only to lightening, but also to a general improvement in appearance and restoration of elasticity. However, the procedure is quite unpleasant and aggressive; after it, you have to use skin restoratives.

Laser skin treatment

  1. Chemical or ultrasonic peeling. Both types of procedures can even out skin color, improve gas exchange and restore elasticity.

Advice. After whitening procedures, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene, use protective sun creams and make nourishing masks. This will help maintain an even color and healthy appearance of the epidermis.

Expert advice

To prevent the occurrence of age spots, as well as to avoid their reappearance after treatment, it is important to listen to the advice of specialists:

  1. If you have chronic diseases, it is important to regularly visit your doctor and, if necessary, undergo another course of treatment;
  2. In spring and summer, do not neglect the use of sunscreen;
  3. After winter, during the time of hypovitaminosis, it is important to take nicotinic acid and vitamin C;
  4. Don’t forget about proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general.

Using sunscreen

Important! You cannot self-medicate; consultation with a doctor for problems with facial skin is mandatory.

A number of reasons can lead to the appearance of age spots. To understand them, you need to contact specialists. They will select an appropriate treatment for the case, and the skin will become healthy again. In order not to provoke excess melanin production, it is important to follow preventive measures and monitor your health and well-being.


Product name Action Active Ingredients
Highly effective anti-pigmentation cream-care Advanced Pigment Corrector, Skinceuticals Renews the skin, helps correct hyperpigmentation and prevent its reappearance.