Causes and methods of treatment of hanging papillomas under the arms

Hanging papillomas under the arms

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. What do hanging papillomas look like under the arms?
  3. Treatment with medications
  4. Recipes for folk remedies
  5. Removal of hanging papillomas under the arms

Hanging papillomas under the arms are benign epidermal neoplasms caused by infection and activation of HPV in the body. Threaded papillomas can be treated in medical institutions and at home, with medications and traditional medicine.

Causes of hanging papillomas under the arms

HPV 3d model

The formation of hanging papillomas under the arms is caused by the human papillomavirus. There are two routes of HPV infection: congenital and acquired. In the first case, the child becomes infected from the mother during gestation or passage through the birth canal. In the second case, it becomes infected through personal (handshake, hugs, sexual intercourse) or household (using other people's towels, visiting public saunas, swimming pools) contact with a carrier.

The pathogen can be in the body for many years, which the patient sometimes does not even know about, but under certain circumstances it is activated, leading to an increase in concentration and, as a consequence, the appearance of epidermal growths. Among the most common reasons: decreased immunity, susceptibility to seasonal colds and chronic diseases, frequent change of sexual partners, stress, poor environment and alcohol and smoking abuse. But there are also specific factors that influence the formation of papillomas directly in this area.

Causes of hanging papillomas under the arms:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. Throughout life, men and women experience fluctuations in hormone levels. Often the first papillomas are observed in adolescence during hormonal changes due to puberty. Then, for women, the period of risk is labor, the postpartum period, and menopause. It may provoke the development of growths and the need for drug treatment with hormonal drugs. It is noted that modern medications with hormones have minimal effects on the body, but with prolonged use, negative consequences are possible. The occurrence of hanging papillomas under the arms is also noted.
  2. Solarium abuse. With active exposure to artificial sunlight on the epidermis, sweating significantly increases, which contributes to the development of the virus. In addition, ultraviolet rays reduce elasticity and dry the skin, which makes it easier for pathogens to penetrate through cell membranes, leading to mutation of these cells. To a much lesser extent, but still, this warning also applies to natural tanning.
  3. Visiting beauty salons. This factor is both a way for the virus to enter the body and the reason for its significant activation. First of all, this applies to a procedure such as hair removal. Poor processing of consumables is one of the common causes of hanging papillomas under the arms.
  4. Neglect of personal hygiene rules. Lack of proper hygiene, especially in the hot season and after intense physical activity, leads to the development of pathogenic flora, which contributes to the activation of viral and bacterial infections. It is extremely important not only to take a shower in the morning and evening, as well as after sports and physical activity, but to use only personal cosmetics for the body that prevent excessive sweating, and dry the armpit area dry from water and deodorants.
  5. Using someone else's toiletries. For hygienic purposes, even between spouses, despite their close contact, sharing towels, washcloths, and razors is prohibited. It is also not recommended to wear someone else's clothes and, especially, underwear. The last recommendation especially concerns teenage girls, because it is during this period that the exchange of clothes between girls is quite common, and in conjunction with reduced immunity and hormonal changes caused by puberty, this can contribute to the transmission of HPV and the formation of hanging papillomas under the armpits and in other areas bodies.

See also the main causes of papillomas.

What do hanging papillomas under the arms look like?

Hanging papillomas under the arms

The photo shows hanging papillomas under the arms

The armpits are one of the most common sites of localization of tumors caused by the human papillomavirus. Here vulgar and flat warts and genital warts are formed. It is impossible to find spines at all in this area. And most often here hanging or, as they are correctly called, filamentous papillomas are diagnosed. On the Internet you can find many photos of hanging papillomas under the arms. Let's take a closer look at what these neoplasms look like.

Threaded papillomas are formed, as a rule, as a result of infection of the body with HPV types 2 and 7. At first, papilloma looks like a small bump, similar to a pimple. It then develops into a stalk and begins to lengthen. The leg is getting thinner. The growths can be from 1 mm to 1 cm in length.

At the very beginning, they do not differ in color from the healthy skin around them. But they can gradually darken, acquiring a brownish or grayish tint. Their redness or blackening may indicate degeneration into a malignant tumor, which requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Hanging papillomas under the arms are insidious in that they rarely cause discomfort. Considering that they are hidden from prying eyes, do not hurt or itch, and do not interfere with everyday life, patients are in no hurry to treat them. But in vain, because any benign neoplasm can become malignant.

If we talk about gender predisposition to localization under the arms, then they are more often found on the body of women. This is due to the fact that the fairer sex is more susceptible to hormonal changes (for example, during pregnancy and menopause), and also more often visits solariums and beauty salons, exchange clothes and borrow each other’s toiletries.
  1. Read also what warts under the arms look like

Treatment of hanging papillomas under the arms with medications

Preparations for the treatment of hanging papillomas under the arms

Photos of drugs for hanging papillomas under the arms

Medicines used to treat hanging papillomas under the arms caused by HPV are for internal (immunomodulators, antiviral agents) and external (ointments, solutions, gels, sprays) use. The desired long-term effect can be achieved with complex treatment. Let's take a closer look at each type of these funds.

Antiviral drugs and immunomodulators:

  1. Isoprinosine. The action of the drug is based on inosine pranobex. The calculation of the required dose for administration is 50 mg per kilogram of body weight. This is from 6 to 8 tablets per day, taken 3-4 times. The price of the drug is from 580 rubles in Russia, from 310 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  2. Amiksin. The main active ingredient is tilorone. The drug has a strong antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. On the first and second days, 125 mg of the drug is taken, then after two days - 125 mg. Course - 10-20 tablets. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. The price of the drug is from 950 rubles in Russia, from 350 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  3. Viferon. The active substance is interferon. Its action is to suppress the ability of the virus to reproduce. Helps strengthen immunity by increasing the specific cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes. Release forms: ointment, gel, rectal suppositories. When treating hanging papillomas under the arms, by neutralizing the causative agent of the disease throughout the body, it is more advisable to use suppositories. The price of the drug is from 151 rubles in Russia, from 141 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  4. Immunal. Immunomodulating agent based on Echinacea purpurea juice. Available in the form of drops and tablets. Drops take 2.5 ml 3 times a day, tablets - 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 8 weeks. The price of the drug is from 200 rubles in Russia, from 80 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  5. Kagocel. It is based on an active substance of the same name. Use 1 tablet 2 times a day for the first 48 hours and then 1 tablet 1 time a day. The therapeutic dose should not exceed 20 tablets. The price of the drug is from 430 rubles in Russia, from 200 hryvnia in Ukraine.

External means:

  1. Feresol. The product is used once. If it does not work, 2 more treatments are allowed at intervals of a week. The price of the product is from 45 rubles. in Russia, from 18 UAH. in Ukraine.
  2. Collomak. Treatments are carried out pointwise, 1-2 times a day for a week. The price of the product is from 319 rubles. in Russia, from 295 UAH. in Ukraine.
  3. Antipapillomas. The gel is applied specifically to the tumor, once. If the procedure does not give the expected result, it is necessary to carry out another application no earlier than after 3 days. In total, up to 5 applications are allowed, with a mandatory interval between them. The price of the product is from 140 rubles. in Russia, from 110 UAH. in Ukraine.
  4. Kerasal. This ointment should be applied to the tumors 1-2 times a day until the hanging papilloma under the arm is detached. The price of the product is from 1650 rubles. in Russia, from 153 UAH. in Ukraine.
  5. Clareol. The product is applied once a day until the neoplasm darkens. After this, treatments are stopped and the papilloma is expected to detach. The price of the product is from 347 rubles. in Russia, from 399 UAH. in Ukraine.
  6. Papilovir. A three-phase agent that has not only cauterizing, but also antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. It is used externally according to the following scheme: using nozzle No. 1, a drop is taken from the middle phase, applied to the center of the papilloma, not rubbed in; after 15 minutes, using nozzle No. 2, a drop is taken from the lower phase, applied to the center of the neoplasm and rubbed in; After another 15 minutes, using nozzle No. 3, a drop is taken from the lower layer and also applied to the center of the neoplasm and rubbed in. After this, add 15 drops of the mixed preparation to 50 ml of purified water using nozzle No. 1 and drink it in one go. Apply externally 2 times a day, internally - 1 time. The duration of treatment is 30 days. The price of the product is from 990 rubles. in Russia, 339 UAH. in Ukraine.
Note! The use of vitamin complexes will significantly increase the effect of using both external and internal means of treating hanging papillomas under the arms. The following have proven themselves well: Multi-Tabs Immuno Plus, Centrum, Complivit, Vitrum Prenatal Forte and others.

Recipes for folk remedies for hanging papillomas under the arms

Potato juice for hanging papillomas under the arms

Traditional medicine knows many ways to combat skin growths caused by HPV. Many of them, based on the use of natural components, formed the basis of certified medical preparations used both orally and externally.

Let's look at the most popular alternative medicine recipes:

  1. Herbal collection. Mix chamomile, immortelle, St. John's wort and birch buds in equal proportions. Brew at the rate of 2 tablespoons of the mixture per 1 liter of boiling water. Leave overnight in a thermos. Use this infusion for hanging papillomas under the arms, 100 ml before meals 3-4 times a day.
  2. Sea buckthorn tea. To prepare this drink, it is better to make a preparation from sea buckthorn. To do this, grind 1 kg of sea buckthorn with 500 g of sugar in a blender. Transfer to a glass container and place in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the product is 3 months. Pour a heaping tablespoon of sea buckthorn into 200 ml of well-warm water. If you pour boiling water over it, the berry will lose some of its healing properties. Drink several times a day after meals, instead of the usual black tea.
  3. Garlic cream. Garlic is a very powerful antiviral agent. Therefore, it will help not only get rid of papilloma, but also prevent the appearance of new growths in this area. Take a teaspoon of grated garlic. To do this, squeeze it through a press, then grind it in a mortar. Mix a teaspoon of the product with a teaspoon of any cream. Baby cream is best. When the mass becomes homogeneous, apply it to a gauze or cotton swab, apply it to the papilloma and secure with an adhesive plaster. Make such applications every day at night.
  4. Therapeutic compresses. For this method of removing tumors, you will need aloe and Kalanchoe leaves that are at least 5 years old. You need to take a sheet and cut it lengthwise. Apply the inner part to the neoplasm and secure with adhesive tape. Compresses must be done alternately, one every day. Aloe should be kept on the papilloma for 4 hours, Kalanchoe - at least 8 hours.
  5. Celandine juice. Perhaps this plant is the most popular in the fight against tumors caused by HPV. To treat hanging papillomas under the arms, you need to take celandine juice and treat the papillomas with it twice a day. This should be done pointwise, avoiding contact of the product with healthy skin.
  6. Protein treatment. Take a chicken egg and break it. Use the product for culinary purposes, and for treatment, the protein remaining on the inside of the shell is sufficient. Scrape it off with a cotton swab and apply it to the growth. Let dry, apply again. Do this 5-6 times. It is better to carry out this procedure at night and wash off the residue in the morning.
  7. Potato juice. It contains active substances that have a strong antiviral effect. To treat with potatoes, you need to take several tubers, peel them, and carefully cut out the eyes. If there are signs of any disease in the potato, such a product should be put aside; removing the affected part will not help. Healthy peeled tubers are grated on a fine grater, after which the pulp is squeezed out using gauze or a linen napkin. The released juice should be taken 120 ml 30 minutes before meals. The juice should be drunk freshly squeezed, twice a day, for at least 2 months.

Removal of hanging papillomas under the arms

Electrocoagulation of hanging papillomas under the armpit

If none of the options proposed above suits you, for example, due to individual intolerance to the components of medications or traditional recipes, you can turn to physiotherapeutic methods for removing hanging papillomas under the arms.

How to remove a tumor:

  1. Laser correction. The effectiveness of this method is based on the removal of tumors using a carbon dioxide laser beam. After the procedure, a microscopic wound remains, which heals on its own within a month. However, given the delicacy of the treated area, doctors prescribe agents that accelerate tissue regeneration for speedy healing. This method does not lead to the formation of scars on the body, but is not used if there is irritation on the skin, which often occurs under the arms, or in the presence of wounds, pimples, abrasions - any dermatological defects. As a rule, this method does not involve the use of anesthetics. But, given that in this area the skin is more delicate and thin, it is possible to use such. The price for removing papillomas with a laser is 2900 rubles (1300 hryvnia).
  2. Cryodestruction. This method involves treating the papilloma with a refrigerant, which literally freezes the tissue, which leads to the destruction of mutated cells and detachment of the neoplasm. Cryofreezing is not a successful method when choosing a method for removing hanging papillomas under the arms. This is due to the fact that after this procedure, a blister often forms, which later opens, liquid comes out of it, and after this the tissue heals. After opening the blister, an open wound remains, and the presence of active diaphoretic glands nearby can cause severe infection that can spread throughout the body. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles (150 hryvnia).
  3. Electrocoagulation. This method involves burning out papilloma with electric current. It is a rather traumatic method, leading to irradiation of not only the lesion, but also healthy tissue located next to the growth. Given the delicacy of the area and the fact that electrocoagulation leads to a long healing of the treated area, this method is resorted to only if it is not possible to use another type of therapy. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles (250 hryvnia).
  4. Radio wave method. This method is used through the use of electrodes represented by a thin tungsten filament. The electrode is heated by an electric charge, and high-frequency radio waves are concentrated at its end, which heat the tumors, cauterize nearby tissues and clog blood vessels. Thanks to this, the papilloma is cut off from the epidermis, and the wound is, as it were, sealed, which prevents infection from entering it when removing hanging papilloma under the armpit using this method. The price for radiosurgical removal of a tumor is 3,000 rubles (1,200 hryvnia).
  5. Surgical method. It is the least popular way to combat tumors, as it is often accompanied by hospitalization in the surgical department. In the case of surgery to remove large papillomas, the length of hospital stay can range from 1 to 3 weeks. The method involves removal with a scalpel, capturing healthy tissue around the tumor. After this, sutures are placed that require removal after surgery. The method involves the use of strong anesthetics. Full recovery occurs within several months after the procedure. The price of surgical removal of papilloma is calculated individually in each individual case.

Considering the area of ​​removal, additional precautions are required during the rehabilitation period, regardless of the method of removing the growth, which involves more thorough hygienic treatments - changing tampons, bandages, washing the wound. It is also not recommended to use any cosmetic products, including deodorants, during this period. Considering that heavy sweating occurs under the armpits, which can provoke an infection, it is better to remove hanging papillomas in the cold season, when sweat is not produced so intensely.

In addition, under no circumstances should you peel off the crust formed after the procedure until it is completely detached from the body on its own. It is not recommended to use washcloths until healing, even very soft ones, especially synthetic ones.

How to get rid of hanging papillomas under the arms - watch the video:

It is necessary to begin the prevention of this type of neoplasm by searching for an answer to the question of why hanging papillomas appear under the armpits. Thus, it is possible to develop fairly simple and effective ways to prevent the development of this disease. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, limit alcohol intake, and eliminate smoking. Moderate physical activity and the absence of stressful situations will help. Remember about personal hygiene, do not allow the use of other people's towels, deodorants, machines, or wearing unsuitable clothes. Also, regularly take vitamin complexes and eat well, get enough sleep, and then the body itself will repel the attack of the virus.

  1. Related article: Consultation with a virologist for papillomas