Causes of widened passages, roughness, smoothness, dislocation and displacement of members

The passages widen either due to the weakness of the holding force or due to the strong movement of the expelling force. This also includes the action of holding your breath. Dilation is also caused by opening drugs and relaxing drugs, hot and wet. The passages narrow due to reasons opposite to this, as well as from blockage.

Roughness arises either from something that strongly scrapes and roughens, producing tears - such as bites and sour excesses - or causing dissolution, such as sea foam and sharp excesses, or from something contracting, such as , tart things; or it is caused by something cold, causing roughness due to thickening of the skin, or finally, by the fact that earthy particles, such as, say, dust, settle on this organ.

The cause of the smoothness may be either something exposing, due to its stickiness, or a slightly dissolving substance, which softens the matter, causes it to flow and removes the dense layer from the surface of the organ.

The displacement of a member from its place occurs either as a result of tension, when, for example, someone’s member is pulled and pulled out until it is dislocated, or as a result of a sharp movement when placing emphasis on the member, moving it out of place, when, for example, it is twisted leg, or under the influence of a relaxing and moisturizing factor, as happens with hydrocele, or a factor that corrodes and suppurates the substance of the ligament and thereby spoils it; This happens with leprosy and with inflammation of the sciatic nerve.