Causes of inflammation on the face in women

Why does inflammation appear on the face? Our face is always open to external factors; very often even weather changes affect the condition of our skin and cause inflammation on the face. Alas, we cannot adjust the weather to suit ourselves, but we can protect our face from various rashes and facial skin diseases.

First of all, let's figure out why inflammations on the skin of the face appear and what they can be?

Types of inflammation on the face

The rashes that you may notice on your face can be divided into two types: inflamed and non-inflamed. To treat the latter, a simple treatment is sufficient and they are not so painful. But the first type requires special attention.

Therefore, you should first understand what inflammations on the face are.

Pustules on the face

1. Pustules - purulent rashes. Very similar to a small white ball, around which slight redness is visible. Besides the face, pustules can also appear on the chest and back. In order to cure such inflammations, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment in accordance with the scale of your problem.
2. Papules. These are pink-red or purple-brown rashes on the skin that are small in size. If you put pressure on the papule, you still won’t be able to remove it. If you squeeze out such inflammations, it will not lead to anything good. The scars will remain on your face forever. Therefore, it is better to visit a doctor and undergo certain medication treatment that he prescribes.

This is what papules look like on the face

3. Subcutaneous nodules – lumpy pimples that can grow up to 10 mm in diameter. They can be either on the surface of the skin or in the depths (like subcutaneous pimples or wen on the face). You can feel and distinguish the nodules by the painful sensations. If such a problem is not treated in any way, then it can develop into a very large problem called a boil. A boil can only be cured with the help of a surgeon.
4. Cysts. Such cystic inflammations (red pimples on the skin of the face) are formed during the degeneration of nodular pustules. The cysts are reddish-bluish in color and are very painful. To treat such inflammations, you will most likely need to take antibiotics, but in order not to further harm your face, you should definitely consult a doctor.

If you begin to notice the appearance of such rashes, you should immediately seek help from a professional so as not to damage your face, otherwise the disease will continue to progress.

How to get rid of inflammation on the face: useful tips

Everyone is wondering how to get rid of inflammation on the face? In order to get rid of them, you first need to find out the cause of their appearance. If you analyze everything as early as possible, you will be able to avoid a large number of mistakes and problems.
1. If you find the above mentioned inflammations on your chin, this means that you have problems with the digestive or endocrine system. This may also be due to hormonal changes in women.
2.Inflammations that appear under the eye are the cause of gastrointestinal diseases
3.Very often comedones and ulcers (like acne) appear in the forehead area. In this area they appear due to problems with the pancreas, intestines or gall bladder.
4. Foci of inflammation near the eyebrows appear due to general intoxication of the body or dysbacteriosis.

How to relieve inflammation on the face from acne: treatment method

Inflammation can be eliminated in different ways. The best way to help you with this is a doctor who can accurately determine the cause of inflammation and prescribe precise treatment.

Furacilin for facial cleansing

An experienced doctor will prescribe you medication:
• Antibiotics;
• Antibacterial ointments;
• Multivitamins;
• Furacilin.

BUT! You definitely need to see a doctor so that you can be prescribed the correct and effective treatment.

How to quickly relieve inflammation on the face: cosmetic methods

An experienced cosmetologist who knows what procedures need to be carried out for specific types of acne can help you eliminate inflammatory processes in the facial area.

• Mesotherapy – is carried out to eliminate inflammatory reactions. Consists of maintaining a therapeutic cocktail.
• Cryotherapy – treatment of inflammation with low temperatures. But this procedure is not suitable for everyone.
• Peeling – allowed only for the treatment of mild rashes.
• Ultrasonic facial cleansing is the safest and most effective way to get rid of acne.

This method of eliminating acne will require you to spend a little money, but the results will not take long and your face will again shine with cleanliness and freshness.

How to relieve inflammation on the face at home?

Treatment at home will help you completely get rid of mild inflammation on your facial skin. But if you have severe rashes, then home remedies will only help to slightly speed up the appearance of results from drug treatment or cosmetology.

Here are some folk remedies.
Ice cubes. It is necessary to brew thoroughly washed and chopped parsley in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. After this, strain the broth and pour into special ice trays. Wipe your face every morning. Try not to injure the skin.
Lotions. Dissolve 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil in a teaspoon of filtered water. Apply lotions to inflamed areas of the skin. Use 2-3 times a day for one week.
Antibacterial face mask. Take a few cherries, they need to be pitted and peeled, then turned into pulp. Add enough starch to it to form a thick mask. It is correct to apply the mask to the skin of the face 2 times a week for half an hour.
Potato mask for inflammation on the face. Take fresh, peeled potatoes and grate them. Mix 100 grams of the resulting slurry with pre-beaten raw egg yolk. Add one tablespoon of concentrated lemon juice. Just before using the mask, you need to add copper sulfate to it on the tip of a knife. You can keep this mixture on your face for only 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with a solution of water and lemon juice. For 1 liter of water – 100 ml of juice. Can be applied once every 2-3 days.

There are many reasons for the appearance of inflammation on the face, as well as their treatment methods. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, deal with this problem right now. And very soon your face will say “Thank you!”


Svetlana, 19 years old:

— Tell me, please, which doctor can help me fight rashes?

Expert's answer:

- Hello. A dermatologist, cosmetologist or therapist can help you.

Yana, 34 years old
— Tell me, is it possible to get rid of such inflammations on the face forever?

Expert's answer:

- Yes, Yana. You can get rid of acne and inflammation on your face, but only after undergoing certain treatment.

Ksenia, 22 years old

- Good afternoon. Tell me, please, are blackheads on the face related to inflammation?

Expert's answer:

— Good afternoon, Ksenia. No, blackheads are not inflammation on the skin, they are facial pores clogged with dirt and oil that can be easily cleaned.

Almost every person has encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as skin inflammation. It manifests itself in completely different ways. These can be ulcers, pimples, herpes around the lips, boils, stye on the eye and acne. Some people only occasionally suffer from skin inflammation, while others struggle with such an unpleasant phenomenon throughout their lives. So why does it occur and can it be dealt with? Much in this case depends on the characteristics of the body, skin type and the size of the affected areas. The main thing is not to start the disease that caused this phenomenon. After all, a more serious complication can be provoked.


Is it worth treating on your own?

Many people try to overcome inflammation of the skin on their face on their own. Most often, in such situations, they resort to alternative medicine recipes. If the inflammation is minor, then such remedies can help. To combat this unpleasant phenomenon, you can use antibacterial washes, as well as disinfecting masks. However, if large areas of skin are affected and there are ulcers, then the therapy should be handled by an experienced doctor. But first you need to figure out why the skin inflammation occurred.

Main reasons

Among the main reasons are:

  1. Infectious lesions. Such phenomena often arise due to the activity of harmful microorganisms that are able to penetrate into the deep layers. As a result, furunculosis and herpes on the face may develop.
  2. Allergic reaction. Inflammation of the skin on the face can occur as a result of intolerance to any product. Allergies come in different forms. It can be on detergents, cleaning products, pets, products with nickel, dust, some insect bites, pollen, cosmetics, sun, canned food and medications.
  3. Thermal inflammation. It could be a burn or frostbite. Most often, such skin inflammation occurs among those who love solariums, as well as relaxing on the southern beaches.
  4. Complications and injuries resulting from improperly performed cosmetic procedures.
  5. Damage to the skin that occurs as a result of trying to eliminate a pimple on your own.
  6. Any disturbances occurring in the body, as well as hormonal changes. Inflammation can occur during adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, and also with long-term use of a certain number of drugs.
  7. Insufficient and unbalanced nutrition.
  8. Weakened immunity.
  9. Depressive, anxious state, constant stress and neuroses, worries. In this case, the body experiences a release of adrenaline and vasopressin. The latter hormone can severely damage the blood supply to the skin. As a result, cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen and useful components.
  10. Chickenpox, measles.
  11. Genetic predisposition. This includes eczema, acne, psoriasis.
  12. Bad habits: drug use, alcohol, nicotine.
  13. Blockage of the sebaceous glands.


Only by establishing the reasons that caused the skin inflammation can treatment begin. If the problem lies in poor diet or lifestyle, then you can gradually make changes to your daily routine, create a menu and give up bad habits. If the reason lies in a certain disease, then you should consult a doctor to solve the problem.

Skin inflammation: treatment with drugs

Experts do not recommend using anti-inflammatory medications on your own. It is dangerous without consulting a doctor. After all, only a specialist can identify the exact cause of the development of the inflammatory process. Cosmetic procedures can eliminate the problem for a long time. In addition, they have a positive effect on the condition of the skin in general. Among the drugs that can help get rid of skin inflammation, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Brewer's yeast.
  2. Furacilin for lotions and washing.
  3. Antibiotics. This list includes Erythromycin, Synthomycin, and Tetracycline. They can be used in the form of ointments and tablets.
  4. Activated carbon.
  5. Antibacterial ointments, for example, “Ichthyol”, “Sulfuric”, “Zinc”, “Streptocidal”.
  6. Multivitamins.


Treatment with cosmetic procedures

To overcome inflammation and skin irritation, you can use the services of salons. Some cosmetic procedures can eliminate the lesion. Here are the most effective:

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning. This procedure is considered the safest and most effective. It allows you to quickly get rid of inflammation of the skin.
  2. Ozone therapy. Eliminates pimples and acne, improves complexion and smoothes wrinkles.
  3. Peeling. This procedure is allowed only for minor inflammation.
  4. Mesotherapy. This is one of the most expensive procedures that allows you to completely eliminate signs of inflammation on the face. In this case, a therapeutic cocktail is injected under the skin.
  5. Laser cleaning. This procedure is very similar to ultrasonic cleaning.
  6. Cryotherapy. This method is not suitable for everyone, since the skin may react differently to cold treatment.
  7. Darsonvalization. In this case, treatment is carried out using microcurrents.


Parsley ice

If inflammation of the scalp or face is caused by any disease, then you should seek help from a doctor. They will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If inflammation on the face manifests itself as pimples and acne, then you can resort to the help of alternative medicine.

In a blender or with a knife, you need to chop fresh parsley. Pour a few tablespoons of the resulting mass into a glass of boiling water and leave for two hours. After this, the product should be filtered and cooled. The resulting infusion should be poured into ice molds and then placed in the freezer. This ice can be used daily for wiping. The procedure should be carried out carefully so as not to damage the skin.


Disinfecting mask

Various masks based on available products will help eliminate skin inflammation. To prepare a medicinal composition, you need to mix a teaspoon of talc and a teaspoon of white clay. The resulting mixture must be diluted with low-fat, warm kefir or milk. This amount of powder requires only two tablespoons of liquid. The result should be a creamy mass. The mask should be applied to the skin and washed off after 15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out several times a week.

Inflamed acne on the face not only spoils the appearance, but is also accompanied by pain and discomfort. This type of acne is difficult to disguise and requires special treatment. Acne can also signal abnormalities in the functioning of the body and be a symptom of a disease. Therefore, it is necessary to take this problem seriously and not ignore it.


Treatment of inflamed acne on the face begins with identifying the cause of its formation. Rashes appear in the following cases:

  1. an allergic reaction of the body to certain foods or external irritants. It can be expressed as a small rash on the cheeks and cheekbones, or in the form of large single formations;
  2. low-quality cosmetics containing heavy metals and other toxic chemical components. They get clogged in the pores and cause inflammation;
  3. self-squeezing pimples without maintaining sterility;
  4. poor facial skin hygiene, consisting in insufficient and untimely cleansing of the skin; metabolic disease;
  5. mechanical injury to the epidermis;
  6. non-compliance with nutritional standards, abuse of sweet and fatty foods, carbonated drinks;
  7. bad habits, especially alcohol addiction;
  8. hormonal changes during adolescence, pregnancy, the menstrual cycle and other physiological processes;
  9. some chronic pathologies of internal organs may be accompanied by symptoms such as inflamed acne;
  10. weak immune system, unable to resist the attack of bacterial organisms;
  11. infectious skin lesions;
  12. a side effect from taking certain medications may be the development of an inflammatory process;
  13. disorders in the nervous system caused by stress and depression; lack of vitamins and microelements in the body.


When an inflamed pimple appears on the face, how to get rid of it becomes a priority. To choose treatment, it is necessary to find out why rashes of this nature occur. Typically, a biochemical blood test, visual examination, and examination of the patient’s health record are sufficient to make a diagnosis. In special cases, the doctor recommends additional diagnostics. Based on the identified results, the most suitable method of therapy is selected.


One of the most effective ways to treat acne is antimicrobial drugs. Despite the possible disadvantages of these medications (dysbacteriosis, allergies, side effects), in many cases you cannot do without them. It is important to choose the right medicine that can cope with the causative agent of the infection without causing much harm to the body.

External means

The advantage of local use of antibiotics is their exclusive effect only on the inflamed pimple. The medicine quickly penetrates the affected area and suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms. In this case, healthy areas of epidermal tissue are not affected. Let's present several of the most popular types of such funds.


Lotion Zenerit – designed to cleanse the skin, based on the antibiotic erythromycin. An additional component is ethyl alcohol.

  1. destroys bacteria that cause acne;
  2. the zinc contained in the composition restores membrane cells, thereby preventing the inflammatory process;
  3. resolves both closed and open pimples. Helps with acne of varying severity;
  4. Apply to clean skin, without cosmetics or surface contaminants. The course of using the lotion is ten weeks.

Zerkalin solution – this liquid contains clindamycin, which has a wide range of effects on bacterial organisms.

  1. suppresses the reproduction function of pathogens (acne pathogens);
  2. reduces skin oiliness. In some cases, it may dry out, in which case additional moisturizing will be required;
  3. fights all types of acne, including subcutaneous acne;
  4. treat the previously cleansed face with the solution. Use for a month; in case of severe lesions, the course is extended to six months.

Gel Klenzit S – white consistency, represented by a combination of the active substances adapalene (retinoid) and clindamycin (antibiotic). Can be purchased in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.

  1. suitable for treating problem skin with different types of pimples and blackheads;
  2. prevents the expansion and clogging of pores;
  3. if there is only one type of rash, this gel is not recommended, it is better to use an analogue;
  4. the affected areas are treated once a day at night. Use no more than a month.

Cream Klindovit – an antibiotic aimed at combating gram-positive cocci.

  1. suppresses the activity of bacteria, while simultaneously reducing the productivity of the sebaceous glands;
  2. helps with purulent and inflamed acne;
  3. before use, it is necessary to determine the pathogen, since this product has a narrowly targeted effect;
  4. Apply to problem areas, as well as areas with high fat content. The course lasts from six to eight weeks.

Levomekol ointment – a wound healing agent, containing the antibiotic chloramphenicol.

  1. is considered safe, since all components practically do not cause an allergic reaction in anyone;
  2. stimulates additional formation of leukocytes, stopping the inflammatory process;
  3. reduces the size of acne and removes pus in a short time, promotes rapid healing of scars and wounds;
  4. Apply directly after washing. After a quarter of an hour, the remaining medication is removed with a napkin. Apply for a month.

Internal drugs

Antibacterial medications in the form of tablets have a systemic effect on the body and have a number of limitations. They are prescribed to cure extensive inflammation.

Linkamycin – a representative of the lincosamide group, affects only gram-positive bacteria.

  1. copes with purulent inflammations;
  2. prescribed for infectious diseases;
  3. actively used not only in the fight against acne, but also in dentistry;
  4. Usually the course of treatment is a week, take three tablets a day. Depending on the scale of the inflammatory process, the doctor may adjust the duration of administration.

Erythromycin – a representative of the macrolide group, disrupts the protein synthesis of pathogens.

  1. effective for extensive rashes. If small pimples bother you, it would be more advisable to use ointment rather than tablets;
  2. resolves purulent accumulations, in particular large pimples, relieves inflammation;
  3. eliminates pathogenic microflora;

Apply once, after meals. Combination with other drugs is recommended only with the permission of a doctor.


Doxycycline – a representative of the tetracycline group, has a wide spectrum of action.

  1. suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms;
  2. effective not only against acne, but also other skin infections;
  3. promotes rapid elimination of rashes;
  4. drink twice a day, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor. In extreme cases it can last up to two months.

You cannot use different types of antibiotics at the same time.

Cosmetic procedures

In cosmetology, there are also a number of methods to relieve inflammation of acne on the face and restore the health of the skin. You can choose the most suitable one, focusing on your skin type and the degree of the disease.

  1. Ultrasound – a type of facial cleansing with waves. It helps not only with inflamed acne, blackheads and redness, but also gives a rejuvenating effect. The procedure is popular among those with sensitive skin, as it is considered gentle and safe.
  2. Light or medium peeling – prescribed if inflamed acne affects large areas. Aimed at eliminating the stratum corneum of the dermis, as well as stimulating natural regenerative processes. This procedure not only promotes deep cleansing, but also nourishes the skin with vitamins and improves blood circulation.
  3. Laser cleaning – the mechanism of laser action is to destroy the upper dead epidermis, after which it is renewed and restored. The main advantages of such cleaning are considered to be visible results in a short time, painlessness, absence of trauma to the skin and the penetration of infections (non-contact exposure).
  4. Cryotherapy – a procedure aimed at eliminating skin imperfections using cold. Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen is prescribed for acne. As a result, pathogenic bacteria are destroyed, and the skin becomes fresh and elastic.

All cosmetic procedures must be carried out by a specialist with appropriate qualifications in an equipped office. Compliance with sterility standards is of particular importance.

Home remedies for acne

There are many acne remedies that are not difficult to prepare yourself. Masks are popular because they are considered an integral part of caring for problem skin. Let's look at the most effective recipes aimed at fighting acne.


Clay mask

To prepare it, white or blue clay is suitable, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. A teaspoon is mixed with the same amount of talc. Warm milk is gradually added until the mixture resembles sour cream. Keep on face for twenty minutes and remove with clean water.

Honey and egg mask

The components of this remedy are a tablespoon of honey and the white of one egg, everything is thoroughly mixed. The first ingredient affects inflamed acne, and the second dries out oily skin well and makes pores narrow. Wash off half an hour after application.

Aloe compress

The pulp from the pulp of this plant allows you to both remove already formed pimples and just nascent acne. A small amount is placed on gauze and fixed to the desired area and left overnight. Afterwards, you should remove the remaining pimple, it is advisable to anoint the area with a regenerating antiseptic.

Garlic juice

If acne is inflamed and red areas appear, garlic juice will help relieve these unpleasant syndromes. It has a powerful antimicrobial effect. Apply locally, directly to the affected area. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then remove with a cotton pad. It is recommended to repeat the procedure at least four times a day.

Cooling cubes

Ice cubes prepared at home will help soothe acne-damaged skin. You can freeze herbal decoctions (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, etc.) or add a little cucumber and lemon to clean water. This recipe allows you to cope with rashes, soothe and tone the skin. Therefore, they wipe not only the face, but also the skin on the neck and chest.


causes of inflammation on the face at ZmRJwz.webp

Alena 26 years old:

I am constantly bothered by severe rashes on my forehead and chin. To combat them, I regularly take vitamin complexes and visit a cosmetologist. Of all the procedures offered, I liked chemical peeling the most. To begin with, I tried a light one, based on grape acid, the skin tolerated it well, there were no allergies. I switched to medium peeling, I liked the result better, rashes disappear for a long time, acne marks are evened out.

causes of inflammation on the face at ZmRJwz.webp

Irina 19 years old:

Zenerit lotion was recommended to me by a cosmetologist. After the first course of use, I was delighted with this product. Now, with constant use, the number of rashes has become less, but I don’t see such a bright effect as the first time. I would like to note that in the winter season the lotion dries out the skin a little.

causes of inflammation on the face at ZmRJwz.webp

Love 30 years:
I'm worried about an extensive inflammatory rash. The doctor prescribed a course of Erythromycin. The situation has improved, but not much. The dermatologist included an ointment from the same series in the therapy; in this combination, inflammation became much less.

It is possible to cure inflamed acne and return the skin to its previous appearance only with the help of complex therapy. Medicines, external remedies and cosmetic procedures are only part of the treatment. To prevent this problem from bothering you, you should reconsider your diet and lifestyle, and be attentive to your health.