Aspirin for subcutaneous acne

Greetings, dear readers! In today's note I would like to analyze very effective acne remedy - aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). This is one of my first remedies, which really helped, really Effect It was not as persistent as other medicines, but still I used it, and still use it, let’s only change the principle and purpose of use.

There is a drug on sale called aspirin, and there is acetylsalicylic acid, the composition is the same, but the price varies significantly.
In the article I will mention both of these names, since they are identical.

I note that we will use aspirin in the form of a mask, but no way to use it internally. Otherwise you’ll think that you’ll have to stuff yourself with pills 🙂

The main properties for which aspirin is valued against acne

  1. Anti-inflammatory, precisely due to anti-inflammatory properties can be treated acne on the face.
  2. Antipyretic.
  3. Painkiller.

As you can see, aspirin is not intended directly for acne. Due to the above properties, aspirin is primarily use:

  1. for headaches.
  2. to thin the blood.
  3. reduce fever
  4. anti-inflammatory.
  5. relieves hangover.

Just a golden remedy:) and very cheap, the price for 10 tablets is about ten rubles, I think everyone has bought acetylsalicylic acid at least once in their life, so they are well aware of the price.

Properties of aspirin against acne on the face

Against acne, aspirin also boasts an abundance properties .

  1. Due to anti-inflammatory properties, quickly eliminate redness from acne.
  2. Acetylsalicylic acid cleanses pores, and also removes stratum corneum of skin, thus, sebum will not accumulate in the sebaceous gland (if you read the article about the causes of acne, then you know how important it is that sebum can come out freely).
  3. Thanks to the easy drying effect, you can get rid of excess oily facial skin, as well as dry out existing pimples.
  4. Great whitens stains, and also promotes rapid healing of scars.
  5. Pores gradually become smaller.
  6. Evens out complexion.

As a rule, to enhance the effect of acetylsalicylic acid, experienced people add additional components; we will talk about all this below.

My experience using the mask, recipe

To be honest, I tried a lot of things to get rid of acne, and aspirin was one of the first remedies that I helped for a long time.

On the advice of a friend, I used a mask from aspirin and suprastin, he praised this mask so much that I couldn’t help but try it :)

Preparing the mask is very simple:

  1. 3-4 aspirin tablets (you can add more tablets, it all depends on your goals).
  2. 1-2 tablets of suprastin.

Suprastin Unlike acetylsalicylic acid, it is difficult to dissolve in water, so it must be crushed with a spoon and poured into a container with aspirin.

You need to add literally a little water to all this healing mass, if you add too much, then you will not be able to apply the mask to your face, so add water until there is no mushy substance.

Apply this entire mass to problem areas of the face 3-4 times a week.

I would like to note that you can apply it not only to pimples, but also to age spots, this mask fades them well. For people suffering from a large number of age spots, I recommend a mask with white clay and aspirin (link to note)

Walk for a long time with an aspirin mask you won't have to, because it begins to dry out and crumble very quickly. As soon as it starts to crumble, carefully rinse it off with warm water.

According to my observations, aspirin strongly skin doesn't dry out, but if you have signs of dryness, then use any moisturizing gel or cream.

Regarding the effect

The first results will appear in a couple of days, since aspirin relieves well inflammation, thanks to this, the redness will disappear literally before our eyes. After seven days, acne will become noticeable less, new acne will not appear.

From aspirin I gradually switched to mash with chloramphenicol, for subcutaneous acne, mash is more effective, I have already tested it from my own experience more than once. If there are difficulties with strong acne, then I advise you to read this article.

Remember with external medications you will remove the external factors of acne, that is, if the cause of acne is not hidden in adolescence, and in a serious health problem, the acne will return. It sounds sad but it's a fact. I have already tested this on myself 🙁

If you are under 20 years old, then the appearance of acne is normal; when your hormonal system calms down, then acne will not pop up.

For any other cases, two points need to be noted:

  1. Body health: gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.
  2. Nutrition. Proper nutrition is very important, because if you overuse fatty and sweet foods, then severe acne cannot be avoided. This happens due to too much fat accumulation in the body, for this reason the skin begins to throw out much more fatthan necessary, this oil clogs the pores, bacteria accumulate under the pores and acne occurs.

Read the article about how nutrition affects facial skin in the article about diet.

types of acne masks with aspirin

Before you make face masks, you need to make sure that you have no allergies. To do this, apply the components you need on your wrist, since the skin in this place is very delicate, then if there are negative reactions, you will clearly see everything.

Previously I gave an example with suprastin, since I used this particular mask and it showed good results. But acne fighters have come up with a lot of masks, see for yourself.

№1. White clay and aspirin, I talked about it in detail in this article, but I’ll say it briefly here.

Mix a few tablespoons of clay and 5 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid in a bowl. Add water to make a paste. Apply to face and keep for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

This mask cleanses pores well, dries and treats age spots.

№2. Acetylsalicylic acid and honey. A few drops of heated honey are added to the aspirin tablets located (if you don’t warm them up, you won’t be able to achieve the desired consistency). Keep on the skin for 15-20 minutes.

№3. Are you using any cosmetic masks? If yes, then these masks can be mixed with acetylsalicylic acid, thereby enhancing their effect.

№4. Lemon and acetylsalicylic acid. Dissolve a few tablets in lemon juice and apply to your face. In theory, lemon should fade stains faster.

In principle, you can come up with a lot of ways mixing aspirin with anything. You can experiment yourself, for example by adding tea tree oil or calendula tincture.

By the way, you know why calendula tincture with aspirin took an honorable position among acne remedies? Read the note and you will understand everything.

Aspirin for acne reviews


You should definitely try a mask made from aspirin; thanks to its properties, it will help get rid of many blemishes on the face. Especially I liked the effect against pigment spots.

As you can see from the review, the masks have helped many people, so I can safely recommend using them.

Did acetylsalicylic acid help you? I'm interested in your opinion on this matter.

The creation of pure acetylsalicylic acid by Felix Hofmann in 1897 revolutionized the field of medicine. Trying to find a cure for his father, the scientist first received a new drug, which gained enormous popularity. The material for the synthesis of acid was willow bark. Hence the name of the well-known drug - from the Latin name of the Spiraea tree.

Description of the drug

Aspirin is an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. These properties of the drug are still successfully used in the treatment of many diseases.

Aspirin's ability to block hormones involved in inflammatory processes and affecting platelet fusion has found wide application in cosmetology. Testing the drug has opened up wide possibilities for the treatment of pimples, boils and acne. The ability to use the properties of masks with the addition of aspirin without age restrictions makes it especially popular among young people. Unlike many expensive cosmetics, aspirin is more affordable and works much faster than advertised salon treatments.


What is the cosmetological effect of aspirin based on? The anti-inflammatory property of the drug helps relieve skin inflammation. In this regard, masks with aspirin quickly dry out problem areas of the skin, removing the problem itself.

The cleansing effect of salicylic acid, which is contained in this drug, easily copes with acne blackheads.

The whitening effect of masks with aspirin is based on the same effect. By exfoliating the top layer of epithelium, the drug easily evens out the complexion, removing traces of acne, scars and inflammatory processes.

Quick helper

How to use aspirin against acne on the face? Of course, only externally. You can deal with an annoying pimple that pops up before a date quite quickly. To do this, you just need to crush a couple of tablets, mix with a few drops of water to form a paste and apply to the problem area for a few minutes. This is how aspirin is used for acne on the face.

It will take some time and various supplements to get rid of more serious problems.

General rules for the preparation and use of aspirin-based cosmetics

You can use ready-made pharmaceutical powder or tablets. Any medicine from any manufacturer will do. The difference between Aspirin and Acetylsalicylic acid is only in price and some additional components. The latter do not affect the quality of the drug at all.

How to prepare a remedy for acne on the face with aspirin? To do this, you need to crush a certain number of tablets into powder. Mix aspirin with other ingredients according to the recipe.

You need to keep such masks for no more than 15-20 minutes. Frequent use of aspirin-based products is undesirable. Cosmetologists recommend using therapeutic masks no more than twice a week.

Basic recipes for masks with aspirin

  1. How can you use aspirin for acne on your face? You can prepare one medicine. The healing properties of honey have been known for a long time. By mixing a unique beekeeping product with aspirin, you can get a powerful cure for acne and blemishes. Dilute a couple of crushed tablets with a few drops of boiled water. Then you should add a teaspoon of liquid honey. Mix until smooth. Apply the mask with light circular movements in a clockwise direction. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. No need to use additional creams. Honey perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  2. A face mask with aspirin for acne and redness will cope with these problems perfectly. How to cook it? You need to mix the powder of aspirin tablets and Suprastin (or its equivalent) and dilute with boiled water. Apply the paste in a thin layer on the face. Rinse off with warm water after 15 minutes.

Lotions and other products

How to use aspirin for acne on the face at night? You can prepare a powerful lotion based on calendula tincture. Both a ready-made pharmaceutical preparation and a tincture prepared independently will do. It is enough to pour half a glass of calendula flowers with a glass of vodka and leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. To 50 ml of tincture add powder of 5 aspirin tablets and 5 tablets of chloramphenicol. After thoroughly shaking the resulting liquid, wipe the problem skin before going to bed. The interaction of the anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin and calendula and the antibacterial properties of levomycetin makes this mixture an effective remedy in the fight against acne.

Another excellent lotion can be prepared by mixing 5 tablets of aspirin and chloramphenicol with an alcohol solution of boric acid. The method of use does not differ from the previous recipe.

How else can you use aspirin for acne on your face? Let's look at the recipe below. We bring to your attention an excellent exfoliating and anti-inflammatory product. It is made from blue clay. It is better to prepare it each time immediately before use. It is enough to mix a tablespoon of clay with the powder of 1 aspirin tablet and dilute with water. The mask is applied as usual - for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

The whitening properties of hydrogen peroxide work well when mixed with aspirin. Mix 4 tablets with a few drops of peroxide. Apply the mixture to your face for 10 minutes.

A liquid for spraying the skin with a rejuvenating and whitening effect can be prepared by mixing 3 aspirin tablets with 100 grams of hydrogen peroxide. To use this liquid, it is advisable to use a spray bottle. Spray cleanly washed skin with the composition, wait until it dries and rinse with warm water. The effect will not be long in coming.

The same aspirin will help enhance the effect of your favorite lotion. You can use it as a mask by mixing a couple of tablets with a few drops of the product, or simply add the drug to a bottle of cosmetic product. Proportions must be observed. For 100 g of lotion, 1 aspirin tablet.

Baking soda, aspirin and lemon juice are included in the mask for oily problem skin prone to acne. How to prepare such products? You need to mix 10 aspirin tablets with half a teaspoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply to skin for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. This is how aspirin is used for acne on the face.

Yogurt is popular among cosmetologists, nutritionists and simply beautiful girls. Moreover, when mixed with aspirin, it gives an amazing cleansing and nourishing effect. Preparing a mask is no more difficult than eating a jar of this delicacy. Mix a tablespoon of yogurt with an aspirin tablet diluted in a few drops of water. You can enhance the effect of the mask by adding honey or a fruit mixture (banana, strawberry, apple). The result is a powerful vitamin nutrient for the skin. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 10-15 minutes and wash off as usual.

Handmade soap with aspirin. What do you need?

You can make excellent medicinal soap with your own hands. You will need a soap base or regular baby soap without additives. You can also use tar, but its smell will overwhelm all the aromas and spoil the pleasure of use.

  1. 100 g baby soap or soap base;
  2. a pack of aspirin (10 tablets);
  3. a teaspoon of glycerin (you can use any cosmetic oil, such as peach or burdock);
  4. a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil;
  5. alcohol for spraying;
  6. 100 g of water.
  1. saucepan for making soap;
  2. grater;
  3. form;
  4. alcohol spray or syringe.

It is not necessary to acquire special molds for making soap at once. Silicone baking molds or children's sand play sets are quite suitable. Soap will not harm the molds. It is enough to rinse them with water after preparation and they can be used for their intended purpose.

Making soap

Grate the soap on a fine grater. The finer the crumbs, the better the result. Grind aspirin into powder and, thoroughly diluting it in water, add it to the soap crumbs. Heat the mixture in a water bath. Add glycerin and essential oil. Stirring thoroughly, bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.

Sprinkle soap molds with alcohol and pour out the still hot mixture. Press the mixture into the mold with light tapping. To prevent bubbles and voids from forming, spray the soap with alcohol. The soap can be used as usual, immediately after cooling.

It is possible to enhance the therapeutic effect with the help of a decoction of medicinal herbs. Chamomile and calendula will add anti-inflammatory properties to the soap. Rose petals will help relieve itching and redness.

The effectiveness of cosmetics based on acetylsalicylic acid

The properties of aspirin discussed above help in the fight against skin problems. But the effect, of course, is not immediate. Minor troubles such as redness and swelling after a pimple disappear within a few hours. Advanced cases require long-term and systematic treatment. Regular treatment will help heal and improve your skin. But don’t get carried away and try to get rid of all problems at once. Potent medicinal products may cause burns or an allergic reaction.

It is important to remember that skin problems can be a reflection of certain diseases of the internal organs or a lack of vitamins in the body. Treatment of visible problems should begin with a consultation with a doctor. It wouldn’t hurt to get advice from an experienced cosmetologist who will help you choose the best recipes for specific cases.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the apparent harmlessness of the popular drug, any pharmacist will give a number of reasons why it can be harmful.

  1. Allergic reaction to aspirin.
  2. It is not recommended to use aspirin even externally in the first half of pregnancy. Getting through the pores of the skin, the drug can cause undesirable consequences for the baby.
  3. Blood diseases are a contraindication to the use of masks based on this medicine.

Aspirin against acne on the face: reviews

Women who have used this drug to solve problems on their face notice a positive result. Aspirin relieves redness. It also works great on acne.

The product helps in the fight against blackheads. Girls who have used aspirin for acne on their faces leave positive reviews. They note that this product is an excellent peeling. The skin becomes clear after such procedures. But, as women note, you need to be careful with aspirin so as not to harm your skin.


Now you know how to use aspirin for acne on your face. The use of the drug helps in the fight against skin imperfections. In our article we looked at different means. We hope that our tips will help you in solving facial skin problems.

Many people are faced with such a pressing problem as uneven, inflamed skin on the face, and for a long time they have been trying to get rid of rashes and blackheads. And in search of the best remedy that will help them solve these problems, they try various medications, resort to cosmetic procedures, buy expensive cleansers, masks, scrubs. But an assistant was always at hand - aspirin, which is easy to find in almost any first aid kit. Aspirin for acne is an affordable and very effective medicine.

How aspirin helps against acne and blackheads: the effect of the drug

Another name for the drug is acetylsalicylic acid, which is its main component. When applied, it soothes the skin and relieves it from inflammation and redness. The acid, getting deep under the skin, immediately begins to have a positive effect, acting as follows:

  1. helps in the fight against hated comedones, has a narrowing effect on pores;
  2. removes dead cells;
  3. soothes, relieves inflammation, redness;
  4. fights inflammation;
  5. refreshes and whitens the skin;
  6. relieves dermatitis.

Aspirin for facial acne: proven recipes

Just recently, people learned about these possibilities of aspirin and that it can be used not only internally, for its intended purpose. Another advantage of the drug is its rejuvenating effect. Agree, it is interesting that acetylsalicylic acid is used not only to get rid of inflammation and blackheads, but in addition it is widely used for rejuvenation. Below are the three most common ways to make homemade masks.

Method No. 1

This is the simplest and most common of all known masks, the main ingredient being acetylsalicylic acid. The second component of the mask is water. To prepare the medicine according to the first recipe, you need to take 2-3 aspirin tablets, gently grind them with a tablespoon and add a couple of drops of water. The mask is applied pointwise to areas of inflammation. You need to sit with the mask for no more than 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Method No. 2

Another simple method: aspirin + lemon juice. This mask perfectly dries out comedones and gives the face freshness. It is prepared in exactly the same way as the first one, the proportions are the same. Application time: 15-20 minutes.

Method No. 3

This method is suitable for people with sensitive and dry skin; masks prepared in the first two methods are contraindicated for them, because they can only harm your skin. This method is safer than those listed above and is suitable for use if you have sensitive facial skin. An additional ingredient here is regular yogurt or sour cream. The recipe is very simple: crush 3-4 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid to a powder state and add a few drops of water to obtain a mushy mass, put a little yogurt or sour cream in a bowl. The procedure takes about half an hour; after this time, you need to wash off the yogurt mask with warm tap water.

Aspirin with honey for acne and blemishes

If you want to prepare a mask that will save you not only from the main enemies of a beautiful face - acne, but also from the unpleasant spots that often remain after them (the so-called post-acne), you need to soak 4 aspirin tablets in warm water and pour into the resulting paste 5 ml (that is, a teaspoon) of liquid honey. The resulting product must be carefully rubbed into the inflamed areas and held for about 20 minutes.

If, in addition to treatment, you want to achieve a whitening effect, use lemon juice instead of water, but remember its dangers if you have dry facial skin.
If the prepared mask turns out to be runny, you can add half a spoonful of white clay to it, which will add more benefits to the mask. While rinsing off, massage the skin gently.

Aspirin and suprastin for acne, blackheads and blackheads

The miracle remedy is prepared as follows: you need to crush a couple of pieces of suprastin and 3-4 aspirin, drop a little water into the resulting white powder. If we compare these two medications, suprastin is less soluble in water, so you will have to put in a little more effort. When preparing masks from aspirin, you need to remember that the main thing in this is not to overdo it with water, because if the mask turns out to be liquid, it simply cannot be spread on the skin.
Positive changes will be noticeable if you treat inflamed skin with such care at least 3 times a week.

After applying aspirin masks, it is recommended to sit quietly, as the mixture dries out very quickly and begins to crumble. The masks wash off very easily.
Aspirin masks do not dry out the skin too much, but if dryness or tightness of the skin occurs, apply rich face creams.

Acne remedy recipe with aspirin, chloramphenicol and calendula

Taking 4 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and chloramphenicol, pour them, crushing them to dust, into a bottle with ready-made calendula tincture. Use the solution to wipe the affected areas of the face using a cotton pad. The benefit of calendula is that it has an anti-inflammatory effect, alcohol dries the skin and eliminates oily sheen, and chloramphenicol has antibacterial properties. Triple strike on rashes!

As a result of treatment, the inflammation quickly dries out, but this treatment should not be abused, because it can easily harm the skin.

Effective scrub for blackheads with aspirin

Scrub composition:

  1. 4 aspirin tablets;
  2. water at room temperature;
  3. honey or olive oil (as an option, take sunflower or castor oil).

Preparation: crushed aspirin is dissolved in water. Honey/oil is added to the resulting mass. It is important to note that in this case, honey is replaced with oil only when the skin is non-oily, rather combination. There is no need to rub the mask into the skin; apply it with gentle movements and keep it on for no more than 10 minutes. This product perfectly fights comedones and deeply cleanses the skin.

The before/after effect will be noticeable after 1 month of treatment with this product.

Recipe for acne shake with aspirin

For a long time, homemade mash has been practically the most affordable and effective remedy against inflammation, but before we talk about the recipes themselves, we need to mention important nuances of use:

  1. A greater positive effect can be achieved by using mash and at the same time changing your diet, that is, you must follow a special diet, which consists of giving up fried, sweet, spicy and smoked foods for at least a couple of months. Meals should be five times a day, in addition, you need to drink more water. If all these points are observed, the desired effect will soon be achieved and the skin will become clear.
  2. Typically, such a talker is prescribed by a dermatologist; it is not recommended to use the medicine without consulting a specialist, because the composition contains components that have an aggressive effect on the skin.
  3. Apply the mash in the morning and evening, more often at night, so that your skin has time to calm down while you sleep.
  4. It is worth noting the scheme for applying the aspirin mash: for the first two weeks, use the product twice a day (in the morning and immediately before bed), after drying, be sure to apply the cream so as not to dry out the skin. Then you need to take a break for about 2 weeks, then apply as needed when rashes appear. You should not overuse it, as the components contained in the mash can be addictive and also dry out the skin.
  5. An addition to treatment can be washing with tar soap, but again, do not forget about moisturizing the skin. For this, in addition to creams, you can use washing gels containing milk casein.

Let's move on to the two most popular and most used homemade mash recipes.

Cooking method No. 1

  1. salicylic acid – 5 ml
  2. Levomycytin – 1 tablet;
  3. Alcohol – 50 ml;
  4. boric acid solution 2% – 50 ml.

Crush levomycin, mix with all the ingredients and spread what you get on your face for about 15 minutes. Wash with water and generously apply cream to your face.

Recipe No. 2

  1. Sulfur – 7 g
  2. Streptocide – 7 g
  3. Boric acid solution – 50 ml
  4. salicylic acid – 50 ml

Mix all the ingredients, crushing the streptocide tablets.

Aspirin and hydrogen peroxide

A medicine made from acetylsalicylic acid in combination with peroxide is an excellent assistant in getting rid of inflammation and irritation. The product can also be used to prevent the appearance of new rashes. Both ingredients have healing properties. You need to mix 4 aspirin tablets with peroxide and add water. Apply the resulting mask pointwise for 10-15 minutes.

Salicylic acid and aspirin for acne

To get rid of inflammation, you can prepare a tonic consisting of the following components:

  1. Salicylic acid - bottle;
  2. Levomycytin - 2-4 pieces (the amount depends on the condition of your skin - the more inflammation, the more tablets you need to take);
  3. Acetylsalicylic acid – 1 tablet.
  1. Grind the tablets and pour them into a bottle of acid.
  2. You should wipe your face with this product every morning and after washing at night. Where there is a lot of inflammation, you can keep the medicine longer. Be sure to apply cream after washing off the toner so as not to dry out your face. If the skin is hypersensitive, apply only once a day, applying the prepared tonic pointwise.
  3. It is enough to wipe the skin separately with salicylic acid, but when using it “in company” with chloramphenicol and acetylsalicylic acid, the stunning effect will not be long in coming.

Aspirin and boric acid

Let us note right away that this recipe cannot be used by people who suffer from allergies to vitamin C. For the rest, this remedy will help in the fight against inflammation.

The recipe is very simple: 1 package of chloramphenicol, 1 package of aspirin and 50 ml of calendula. All ingredients are mixed, the jar is closed, and the product is infused for a day. Be sure to shake before use.

  1. dry and sensitive facial skin;
  2. Tan;
  3. allergy to mask components;
  4. pregnancy;
  5. lactation;
  6. Dilated blood vessels on the face;
  7. damage and wounds;
  8. Bronchial asthma.

Before starting treatment, it is recommended to apply the composition to the skin of your hands and wait until it dries completely to check the skin's reaction to the components of the masks. And when using masks in the summer, it is recommended to apply a cream with a UV filter to the skin of the face.