The use of aspirin in cosmetology

The beneficial effects of ordinary pharmacy aspirin on the condition of facial skin can be a real discovery for many. This simple remedy can slow down the aging process and restore the radiance and attractiveness of youth to the skin. How to properly use anti-aging masks so that they successfully fight wrinkles and do not harm the skin?

"Rejuvenating" aspirin for skin

Aspirin tablets are likely to be found in every home medicine cabinet - acetylsalicylic acid has a very wide range of medicinal uses. But not everyone knows that the popular aspirin, among other things, is also a wonderful home cosmetologist. A simple and affordable medicine, when used externally correctly, can significantly improve and rejuvenate the skin of the face - rid the skin of acne, age spots and even wrinkles.


Why is it useful?

Systematic and competent use of this pharmaceutical drug for facial care helps to significantly improve the condition of the skin at any age. Anti-aging masks are especially popular for those “over thirty.” The effect of such procedures is based on a unique combination of beneficial properties of acetylsalicylic acid, which can bring beauty miracles into reality:

  1. stop acute and chronic inflammatory processes;
  2. improve blood circulation in the skin and nutrition of its cells;
  3. normalize water-fat and other metabolic processes in tissues;
  4. promote cleansing and disinfection of foci of infection and intoxication;
  5. launch renewal mechanisms, improve dermal turgor and smooth out fine wrinkles;
  6. even out the skin structure, narrowing pores, eliminating pigmentation and improving complexion.


How it works

For cosmetic procedures using aspirin to be effective and safe, a clear understanding of the mechanism of action of this drug on the skin is necessary. It is necessary to take into account the following nuances in practical application:

  1. For preparing masks, only pharmacy tablets of the most common acetylsalicylic acid are suitable - without coating and aromatic additives; “Effervescent” instant tablets are also not suitable for cosmetic purposes.
  2. First, consult with an experienced cosmetologist - he will help you determine the characteristics of your skin and choose an individual, most effective formula based on them.
  3. Use a soft wide brush to apply the composition and damp cotton pads to remove - before washing off the mask, it must be thoroughly soaked.
  4. Aspirin-based products are safe only for very oily skin - for all other types it is advisable to use formulations with moisturizing and fat-containing components, and after using the mask, you need to rinse your face with a decoction of herbs and soften it with any nourishing cream.
  5. The prepared composition can only be applied to well-cleaned and steamed skin; the duration of action should not exceed fifteen minutes.
  6. Masks with acetylsalicylic acid should not be used more than once a week, and after a two-month course of regular use, it is advisable to take at least a month's break to restore the skin.
  7. The best time to carry out such procedures is evening; You should not go outside after them.


Proven beauty recipes

An important rule: you should strictly adhere to the proven recipe for anti-aging masks. The fact is that acetylsalicylic acid is a very active component; it is not ready for “benevolent cooperation” with any other component. Do not experiment - the results of such a creative approach can be disastrous.

With lemon

This very simple mask can only be used on skin with high oil content - it eliminates excess sebaceous tissue, normalizes metabolic processes, quickly restores the dullness and smoothness of the skin, tightening enlarged pores.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid - 4 tablets;
  2. fresh lemon - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Squeeze the juice from a lemon scalded with boiling water and immediately mix it with crushed tablets - the finished mask should resemble sour cream in thickness.
  2. Apply the composition to cleansed skin, after ten minutes wash with warm mineral water.

With clay

A very successful combination of components for rejuvenation - the mask smoothes out fine wrinkles, improves the contours and complexion.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid - 6 tablets;
  2. water, honey, cosmetic clay - 1 teaspoon each.


  1. Dissolve the crushed tablets in water, add honey and clay - white or blue.
  2. Spread the mixture evenly over your face, leave for a quarter of an hour, and rinse.

With aloe

With regular use, it gives an amazing regenerating effect, activating skin restoration at the cellular level.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid - 3 tablets;
  2. honey and agave pulp - 1 teaspoon each.


  1. Keep the aloe leaf in the refrigerator for at least ten hours, then cut off a piece of the desired size, peel and mash the pulp.
  2. Grind with honey and powder from aspirin tablets.
  3. Keep on face for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

With oatmeal

The mask is perfectly absorbed, nourishes the skin and evens it out, at the same time improving complexion.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid - 4 tablets;
  2. Hercules flakes - 1 tablespoon;
  3. kefir or yogurt - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Grind oatmeal into flour and brew with a small amount of boiling water.
  2. Crush the tablets, mix with oatmeal mass, then dilute with kefir to a creamy consistency.
  3. The mask is effective for twenty minutes, after which it is removed with damp cotton pads.

With activated carbon

This is a very effective mask - it increases the turgor of the dermis, cleanses enlarged pores well and tightens them.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid and activated carbon - 1 tablet each;
  2. gelatin granules - 1 teaspoon;
  3. cold, boiled water - a quarter glass.


  1. First fill the gelatin granules with water, wait until they swell and heat, stirring; Do not allow it to boil.
  2. Mash the black and white tablets in a mortar and mix well in the gelatin solution.
  3. Apply the mixture evenly to the face with a soft cosmetic brush.
  4. When the film has dried, carefully remove it from the perimeter to the center.

With sour cream

An effective remedy for deep nutrition and rejuvenation of skin that has lost its elasticity.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid - 2 tablets;
  2. warm mineral water - 1 teaspoon;
  3. fat sour cream, preferably homemade - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Dissolve crushed aspirin in heated mineral water and add this solution to sour cream.
  2. Keep the mask on the skin for twenty minutes, rinse, alternating warm and cold running water.

Aspirin-sour cream face mask - video

With tea

A multi-layer mask made from available ingredients instantly tones and tightens oily skin - an “ambulance” before going out.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid - 2 tablets;
  2. flower honey - 1 teaspoon;
  3. natural yogurt - 2 tablespoons;
  4. strong brew of unflavored green tea - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Brew tea in the usual way, and when the tea leaves have cooled a little, stir crushed tablets, honey and yogurt into it.
  2. Immediately apply three layers to the face with a wide brush, allowing each previous layer to dry.
  3. The total duration of the mask is ten minutes.

With butter

The rich oil base allows this mask to be used with convincing results even on dry skin, improving its turgor and rejuvenating it.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid - 3 tablets;
  2. oil, olive or castor - 1 tablespoon;
  3. jojoba oil - 0.5 teaspoon.


  1. Heat the base oil until warm, mix with cosmetic oil and crushed tablets.
  2. Apply on the skin of the face and neck for about 15 minutes, rinse with a heated herbal decoction, and after another quarter of an hour, apply your usual cream - moisturizing or nourishing.


A strong tonic that stimulates metabolism and self-renewal of aging skin.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid - 4 tablets;
  2. cinnamon, honey, warm water - 0.5 teaspoon each.


  1. Grind cinnamon and aspirin, dilute with water and mix with honey.
  2. Apply the mask for a quarter of an hour, wash with warm mineral water.

With starch

A wonderful product for removing wrinkles from aging skin of any type.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid - 3 tablets;
  2. potato starch - 1 tablespoon;
  3. sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 teaspoon;
  4. water - 1 glass.


  1. Divide the starch in half a glass of water until completely dissolved; Boil another half glass of water, pour the starch into the boiling water in a thin stream and brew a thick jelly.
  2. Pour crushed aspirin into the cooled jelly and pour in sea buckthorn oil.
  3. Spread the well-mixed warm mass in a thin layer on the skin of the face and neck; When the layer dries, apply the next one.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, rinse the skin well with warm water.

With herbs

An excellent remedy for healing and restoring problem skin - by regulating the balance of the skin, the herbal mask helps to even out and rejuvenate it.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid - 4 tablets;
  2. calendula and chamomile flowers, lemon juice - 1 teaspoon each;
  3. boiling water - a third of a glass;
  4. natural honey - 1.5 tablespoons.


  1. Grind the dry medicinal raw materials, steam with boiling water until cool, filter.
  2. Mix the warm flower infusion with the remaining ingredients until smooth.
  3. Spread the mixture evenly over the face and neck, and rinse off after a quarter of an hour.

With vitamins

Rejuvenating mask for all skin types; enriches the dermis with valuable easily digestible vitamins.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid - 2 tablets;
  2. juicy grated apple and natural yogurt - 1 tablespoon each;
  3. oil vitamins A and E - 2 drops each.

application of aspirin in vzjkb.webp

  1. Grate the apple along with the peel on a fine grater, add mashed aspirin, yogurt and pharmacy vitamins to the resulting mass.
  2. Without waiting for the mixture to oxidize, apply the mask to your face; hold for twenty minutes.

With honey

A universal, very popular mask; women love it for its simplicity and quick, impressive effect. Just two components after the first use significantly improve the condition of the skin: smooth it, even out the color and improve the structure.

  1. acetylsalicylic acid - 4 tablets;
  2. buckwheat honey - 0.5 teaspoon.


  1. Dilute aspirin powder in a spoon of warm water and mix well with honey.
  2. Warm the mixture a little and spread it on the skin.
  3. After 15 minutes, soak the mask with damp cotton pads and rinse with running water.

Practice of using aspirin for facial rejuvenation - video


Despite all the undoubted benefits of aspirin for facial skin, its improper or irresponsible use for cosmetic purposes can cause considerable harm, the consequences of which will be difficult to correct. Do not forget that this drug, in essence, is a rather aggressive chemical substance - an acid, with all the properties inherent in this type of compound, which are especially dangerous for thin, sensitive skin.

You should be critical of some “recipes for rejuvenation” offered on the Internet. For example, you cannot use aspirin as a scrub, much less do a facial massage with it - this way you can get a serious chemical burn.


Even with external use of acetylsalicylic acid, there are a number of clear contraindications, including:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. bronchial asthma;
  3. skin damage and dermatoses;
  4. sunburn;
  5. rosacea;
  6. individual intolerance.

Allergic reactions can occur not only directly to aspirin, but also to other components of the masks. Therefore, before using the procedure, it is recommended to do a blitz test - apply a small touch of the finished composition to the surface of the skin, for example, behind the ear or inside the bend of the elbow. If this particular recipe does not suit you, then after a quarter of an hour the first symptoms of an allergy will appear at the test site: redness, rash, itching, etc.

It is also undesirable to apply masks with aspirin to areas of the skin that have recently undergone active cosmetic procedures: after solarium, hair removal, peeling.


I crush 5 tablets into powder, moisten them lightly with water (it turns out like some kind of paste) - and apply it to my face. After 3 minutes, I rub and scrub with wet hands. I really like the result. By the way, I constantly read on the Internet that when soaked, the tablets “granulate.” I don’t know what kind of aspirin they have, nothing was granulated, just wet grains and that’s it.

A drop of absinthe

I do this: first I scrub with a mixture of baking soda, sea salt and shaving foam (I got into the habit of asking my husband because he often shaves, his skin, like mine, is sensitive, and this shaving gel is never masculine, it smells very... delicious ).1 tsp. Total. Hold for 5-7 minutes. Then a pore cleansing mask goes into battle (the next day). I mix the egg white, thoroughly beaten, with a small amount of almond and olive oil, apply first one layer, then another, then a third. I sit until I start to remind myself of a facelift victim. Next is a nutritious mask - oatmeal with sour cream, honey and jojoba oil. Delicious, infectious. Keep everything for 15–20 minutes. Finally, I just wash my face with micellar water. After such a shocking week, my skin is immediately beautiful)))))


Moisten 6 aspirin tablets with a little water and knead. Pour a pinch of sea salt with lemon juice (1 tsp), stir until dissolved, add to aspirin. 1 tsp. Pour warm honey into the mixture and add the same amount of cosmetic clay. Mix well. This composition improves skin tone and makes small wrinkles invisible.


Please note that honey with aspirin is a very allergic combination; I would advise you to check your sensitivity to the finished mixture (there may be undesirable effects, even if there is no food allergy to honey). It seems to me that for oily skin it is better to make a mask of aspirin with clay (for a teaspoon of cosmetic clay - 2 aspirin tablets, dilute with water to a paste). Aspirin is strictly not recommended for dry skin. Well, in case of combination, with problem areas (my case) - perhaps as a means for spot application.


Homemade masks with aspirin can be used for any skin type - provided that the individual formula is correctly selected and the rules for using the active composition are followed. The rejuvenating effect of such procedures can clearly manifest itself after one or two first sessions. The main thing is to rely on the recommendations of a cosmetologist, strictly adhere to a reliable recipe and not take risks by experimenting with your own face.

The possibilities of aspirin as a cosmetic product have been discovered by women recently. You can use aspirin on the face not only to cleanse and treat the skin, but also for rejuvenation purposes. To do this, it is important to choose the right composition of the mask and learn how to use it. Read more about this.

Effect of the drug on the skin

Poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition, decorative cosmetics and lack of quality care negatively affect the condition of the epidermis. Pimples, irritations, comedones and wrinkles appear more and more often, and the skin instantly loses its natural firmness and elasticity. Aspirin for the face will help correct these shortcomings, transform the outside and heal from the inside.


The main component of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. It acts on the skin, soothes and restores wasted cell health. The drug actively penetrates deep and causes a number of positive changes:

  1. Deeply cleanses, tightens pores;
  2. Gently removes dead cells;
  3. Soothes the skin, reduces inflammation to a minimum;
  4. Prevents acne, pimples;
  5. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  6. Eliminates oily shine and dries out skin;
  7. Smoothes the surface of the face;
  8. Refreshes, evens out the shade of the skin;
  9. Treats dermatitis and irritations.

Cosmetologists recommend using aspirin for acne on the face. It acts deeply, cleanses, neutralizes inflammation, and prevents their reappearance.

Properties of aspirin masks

Aspirin is a real godsend for gentle and deep cleansing of the skin, it is a stimulus for active tissue renewal. Using it in cosmetics solves a number of problems. This is due to the unique properties of the drug:

  1. Anti-inflammatory – acetylsalicylic acid eliminates acne permanently. After just a few procedures you will notice an amazing effect;
  2. Cleansing – along with its medicinal properties, the drug eliminates acne, comedones and impurities. It penetrates deep into the epidermis and cleanses pores. After the procedure, the skin begins to “breathe”, looks refreshed, and the unusual grayness disappears;
  3. Exfoliating and regenerating – salicylic peeling is well known in cosmetology. It perfectly removes impurities, comedones and dead cells. After peeling, the body activates the synthesis of new cells that will occupy the vacant spaces. Thus, the surface becomes smooth and renewed;
  4. Moisturizing, nourishing - additional components of the masks guarantee hydration and adequate nutrition of the epidermal cells. A face mask with aspirin and honey, vegetable oils, herbs replenishes the lack of mineral elements, moisture and vitamins;
  5. Whitening – peeling affects the complexion and brightens it.


Noticeable transformations after the procedure will delight you with soft, elastic and brightened skin. But don't overdo it! Aspirin for the face is useful only in moderation. No more than 2 masks per week are allowed, and for dry skin, limit yourself to one session with the addition of a moisturizing component.

Simple but effective formulations will help you achieve amazing results in cleansing, healing and regenerating the skin. Cooking them at home will not be difficult even for a beginner.

Recipes for flawless skin

The secret to the ideal condition of the skin involves several stages: thorough cleansing, intensive nutrition and safe treatment. Medicinal mixtures will provide a triple effect without long preparations, with minimal costs.

Mask with deep cleansing effect

It is also possible to get rid of blackheads and dead particles without salon procedures. To prepare the peeling product you will need:

  1. ¼ tsp. baking soda;
  2. ¼ tsp. “Extra” salts;
  3. 1 table acetylsalicylic acid;
  4. Shower gel.

Take some cleansing gel. Add a mixture of salt, soda, and medicinal powder to it. Apply the enriched product to your face. Massage it until foam forms. Pay special attention to problem areas near the wings of the nose and on the forehead. These are the favorite places for blackheads (comedones). Rinse off the gel with cool water. Be sure to make a vitamin mask or apply a nourishing cream.

Light peeling mask

You can make a light peeling that will get rid of acne and heal the skin with the following mixture:

  1. 1 table aspirin;
  2. 1 tbsp. wheat or oat bran;
  3. A little boiled water.

Add a little water to the bran until you obtain a thick, homogeneous paste. Add medicinal powder. Mix everything again and apply to your face. Massage the surface for a few minutes. Movements should be light and circular. Wash your face with water, apply cosmetic oil or moisturizer.

Mask with a healing effect


Acetylsalicylic acid for acne is the number 1 remedy. It quickly acts on foci of inflammation from the inside, prevents the spread of infection and dries out problem areas of the epidermis. Chamomile decoction helps the drug achieve maximum effectiveness. To prepare the medicinal mixture you will need:

  1. 1 tsp chamomile;
  2. 10 tsp boiling water;
  3. 1 table acetylsalicylic acid.

Pour boiling water over chamomile and let it brew. Dissolve the tablet in a warm broth. Soak a napkin in the liquid and place it on your face. Renew the compress every 5 minutes 5-6 times. Complete the procedure with a cool wash. Carry out similar manipulations every other day. After 2 weeks, there will be no trace left of problematic acne. The skin will be pleased with a healthy, well-groomed condition.

Aspirin for facial acne can be combined with chamomile, calendula and other herbs. Find out about the properties and benefits of herbs for the face here.

Mask with aspirin and tea

A combination of the drug with green tea can cleanse the integument and fill the cells with vitamins and nutrients. To prepare a healing remedy you will need:

  1. 1 table acetylsalicylic acid;
  2. 1 tsp strong green tea;
  3. 1 tsp natural honey;
  4. 2 tsp olive oil.

Dissolve the tablet in green tea. Add the remaining ingredients until smooth. For oily skin, it is recommended to replace olive oil with low-fat yogurt. Spread the mixture evenly onto the surface of your face. After 10 minutes, remove any remaining product with a moistened cotton pad. Rinse your face and apply the base cream. One procedure every 7 days is enough to maintain the skin in perfect condition.

Rejuvenation mask


To moisturize, increase the tone and elasticity of tissues, a face mask with aspirin and honey will be useful. It contains cosmetic oil, you can choose it yourself. Peach oil is perfect for mature, aging skin, and jojoba oil for problematic skin. Mix the ingredients in proportions:

  1. 2 tables medicine;
  2. 1 tsp honey;
  3. 0.5 tsp plant extract.

Grind the tablet into powder and mix with the oil extract. Then add honey and mix again. Apply a thin layer to your face for 20 minutes. Wash your face with warm water. To quickly tighten pores and invigorate the skin, use cosmetic ice. Apply skin care cream.

Honey can cause an allergic reaction. To prepare masks, choose only natural, thick honey. Before application, perform a rapid test to determine the tolerance of the ingredients.

Honey for the face is a unique rejuvenation product in itself; you can also do a honey facial massage with it - an extremely useful procedure in the fight against wrinkles.

Rules of application

To ensure that the effect after the procedure pleases and not upsets you, follow the recommendations of specialists:

  1. Before applying the mixture, read the contraindications. Take a rapid allergy test.
  2. It is not advisable to use tablets in an additional gelatin capsule.
  3. Apply the mask to clean, steamed and dried skin.
  4. Do not keep the composition on your face for more than 20 minutes.
  5. After the procedure, thoroughly rinse off any remaining product.
  6. It is not recommended to make a medicinal composition more than 2 times a week.
  7. At the slightest discomfort or itching, remove the mixture from your face.
  8. Perform aspirin treatments at night so that the skin has time to fully recover.
  9. Prepared mixtures cannot be stored.


Do not neglect the advice of cosmetologists, this is the only way you will achieve success in facial care. If for some reason aspirin masks do not suit you, replace them with others. You can view recipes for homemade express masks here.


Despite the availability and breadth of use of the drug, cosmetics containing it are contraindicated for many:

  1. If you are allergic to the drug;
  2. During pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  3. For varicose veins;
  4. For capillary mesh, fresh wounds and abrasions on the face;
  5. With a strong tan, sunburn;
  6. After the peeling procedure.

Those with dry skin should take special care. Aspirin has a drying effect, so it can aggravate the problem of lack of moisture.

Try several options for facial compositions. Only in this way will you determine their effectiveness and importance for your epidermis. Otherwise, reviews from cosmetologists and patients are only positive.

