Aevit for face against acne

Acne on the body or face is the result of inflammation followed by infection. This pathology is treated by cosmetologists and dermatologists, who quite often prescribe Aevit vitamins for acne.

Aevit is a medical preparation, a vitamin complex with a pronounced antioxidant and immunomodulatory effect. It is an oil composition based on soybean or corn vegetable oil, vitamins A and vitamin E. Aevita’s composition provides complete synergy, when the components not only “get along”, but enhance each other’s effect. After taking the drug, an improvement in the structure of the skin is noted: it becomes denser, smoother, and more elastic. The tone is evened out, facial wrinkles are smoothed out, acne and their consequences (inflammation, spots, etc.) disappear.

Aevit is produced in the form of gelatin capsules for oral administration, packaged in 10 or 20 pieces. Injections are prescribed less often: then you need to buy a solution in ampoules. In addition, Aevit is used externally for acne.

The drug has a cumulative effect: being absorbed by the digestive and gastrointestinal sections, it circulates in the body for three weeks, and only then is excreted by the urinary system.

Therapeutic properties of vitamin A

Vitamin A, known for its regenerating properties, is included in caring and medicinal cosmetics or used independently. With systematic intake of retinol, cellular immunity increases, hematopoiesis accelerates, and the number of microphages that actively destroy bacteria increases. Together, these factors cleanse the body of bacteria and toxins. Retinol regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands (eliminates excessive dryness or oiliness), stops keratinization (keratinization, cell death), and promotes regeneration. This cannot but affect the condition of the skin: rashes and oily shine disappear, pores are tightened, tone is evened out, and shallow wrinkles are noticeably reduced. The epithelium becomes more elastic, the oval of the face is tightened.

In addition to its positive effect on the skin, vitamin A reduces the risk of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract, promotes growth and strengthening of bones (including hair and nails), and improves the functions of the reproductive system.

About the properties of vitamin E

Alpha-tocopherol acetate actively participates in the body's metabolic processes, protects cell membranes from the destructive effects of free radicals, controls the destruction of red blood cells, and promotes oxygen saturation of cells. Taking vitamin E has a positive effect on the trophism of tissues and blood vessels, giving them greater elasticity. A pleasant bonus from taking the drug is improved immunity.

Indications, contraindications, side effects

The vitamin complex Aevit has found its place in surgery (rehabilitation practice), therapy, and cosmetology. In our case, the prescription of Aevit for skin pathologies, including acne, is of particular interest. The main indications for taking the drug are:

  1. Acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhea.
  2. Excessive oily skin.
  3. Enlarged pores.
  4. Age-related skin changes (loss of turgor, wrinkles, dryness, peeling).
  5. Long-lasting wounds.

You can take Aevit only as prescribed by a doctor: it has a number of contraindications. In addition to individual drug intolerance, chronic circulatory failure, kidney inflammation, glomenulonephritis, risk of thromboembolism, atherosclerosis.

If the drug is taken incorrectly, there is a high probability of side effects: peeling, redness, itching of the skin and mucous membranes, drowsiness, headaches, irritability, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Mode of application

The duration of the Aevita anti-acne course varies from person to person, but on average lasts from 10 to 40 days. The drug should be re-administered no earlier than six months later, or, in extreme cases, after 3 months.

Take one capsule at a time. They are swallowed without chewing and washed down with water. For better absorption, it is recommended to take the drug immediately after meals. In case of any unusual reactions of the body, you should consult a doctor.

Outdoor use

It is effective to use the drug externally. The contents of the ampoule or capsule are applied pointwise or completely to the face. First you need to cleanse the skin with a tonic, scrub, or steam it with an application of herbal decoction or warm water. The oil solution is applied to the face and décolleté in a thin layer, massaged for maximum absorption, and left overnight. In the morning, wipe the skin with tonic and use skincare products.

To treat single pimples, you can use a targeted practice: apply the solution only to areas of inflammation as it is absorbed. Usually 2-3 days are enough to relieve inflammation and complete regeneration.

You can saturate creams and masks with Aevit. It's convenient and useful. Mix a portion of the cream with 2-3 drops of the drug in the palm of your hand and apply. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at night. It has a therapeutic and preventive effect and will be useful for aging skin prone to irritation.

The effect of anti-aging masks is significantly increased if you add Aevit. Add 2-5 drops of the capsule contents to the base prepared according to any recipe. Clay masks are especially popular:

  1. For acne-prone, oily skin - from white, blue, yellow clay.
  2. Gray clay is good for dull, inflamed, tired skin
  3. Red clay is effective for irritated skin prone to rashes and allergies.
  4. Black - to get rid of blackheads and pimples, tighten pores.

One tablespoon of clay is diluted with warm water to the consistency of sour cream, 2-4 drops of oil solution are added and applied to previously cleansed skin for 15-25 minutes (until it dries completely).

Interaction with other drugs

Like any medicine, Aevit interacts with other drugs in different ways. For example, it enhances the effect of antioxidants, cardiac glycolysis, antiepileptic and anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin D.

There is also a downside to the coin: simultaneous use with certain medications can lead to negative consequences. It is not recommended to take vitamins with estrogens, tetracycline antibiotics, anticoagulants, or calcium supplements. This threatens with increased intracranial pressure, hypercalcemia, increased bleeding, and an excess of vitamin A. Mineral oils reduce the effectiveness of Aevit, and it destroys the therapeutic effect of glucocorticoids.

If acne occurs frequently, it is not recommended to self-medicate. An integrated approach is also important: vitamin complexes must be combined with immunomodulators, and the main treatment should be aimed at eradicating the cause of the rash.

Amina Pirmanova / article author

Previous article: Pimples in the throat

Vitamin deficiency affects the condition of the entire body, causing various disorders. The skin, for which vitamins A, E, C, and group B are especially important, also suffers from vitamin deficiency.

Insufficient intake of these substances into the body causes peeling and dryness of the skin, acne.

Does Aevit, a complex of vitamins A and E, help cope with skin defects?

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!

What determines its effectiveness?


Aevita in high dosages includes:

  1. retinol palmitate (vitamin A);
  2. tocopherol acetate (vitamin E);
  3. auxiliary components - corn, soybean or sunflower oil, in which vitamins are dissolved.

Release form

Aevit is available in the form:

  1. gelatin capsules for internal use (10 and 20 pieces per package);
  2. oil solution in ampoules for injection (10 ampoules of 1 ml per package).

Dosage of active ingredients in capsules:

  1. 100,000 IU vitamin A;
  2. 100 mg vitamin E.

Dosage of active compounds in injection solution:

  1. 100 mg vitamin A;
  2. 35 mg vitamin E.

How it works

Retinol and tocopherol take part in many vital processes occurring in the body.

Vitamin A:

  1. provides normal twilight vision;
  2. supports the functioning of the reproductive system organs;
  3. accelerates skin cell renewal processes, slows down cell keratinization.

Vitamin E:

  1. has a pronounced antioxidant effect;
  2. participates in protein synthesis;
  3. improves oxygen saturation of cells;
  4. reduces the permeability of capillary walls, thereby providing an anti-edematous effect;
  5. reduces the fragility of vascular walls;
  6. normalizes fat metabolism;
  7. improves the functions of the male gonads;
  8. promotes muscle tissue restoration;
  9. accelerates blood circulation;
  10. improves metabolism in the heart muscle.

Photo: Aevit is a combination of vitamins A and E

So, a combination of retinol and tocopherol:

  1. has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  2. strengthens blood vessels;
  3. improves blood circulation, tissue nutrition and oxygen saturation;
  4. increases cell resistance to oxygen starvation;
  5. normalizes the functions of the male and female reproductive system.

Beneficial features

Cosmetologists prescribe Aevit for acne and acne, since the beneficial effects of vitamins A and E on the skin have long been studied and proven.

When they are deficient in the body, the skin becomes flabby, fine wrinkles appear, and acne marks leave marks, scars and scars.

  1. Vitamin E is involved in the synthesis of collagen fibers, normalizes the production of estrogens, progesterones and testosterone, which immediately affects the skin - it becomes fresh and toned.
  2. Vitamin A has a regenerating effect, eliminating dryness, flaking and inflammation, increases protective functions and reduces oily skin.
  3. Aevit has a positive effect on the skin (photos before and after taking vitamins that can be found online clearly demonstrate this). The drug eliminates inflammation, smoothes wrinkles, evens out facial tone, makes the skin toned and elastic.

Photo: the drug helps reduce skin oiliness

This effect of using Aevita for the face is due to the beneficial properties of the drug, which:

  1. normalizes metabolic processes;
  2. improves oxygen saturation of cells;
  3. moisturizes, prevents dehydration;
  4. activates cellular regeneration processes;
  5. enhances microcirculation;
  6. increases the protective functions of the epidermis;
  7. neutralizes the negative impact of environmental factors;
  8. suppresses the development of pathogenic flora on the surface of the skin;
  9. whitens, removes excessive pigmentation;
  10. tightens and tones, eliminates wrinkles;
  11. tightens pores.

Thanks to these properties, Aevit can be used:

  1. against acne and acne scars;
  2. to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduce skin oiliness;
  3. in the treatment of seborrhea, psoriasis, dermatitis;
  4. in the care of aging and dry skin.

Causes of acne and the most effective remedy for acne

How to use Aevit for acne

Reviews from cosmetologists contain many recipes and recommendations on how best to use Aevit for acne.

  1. Usually, capsules are first prescribed orally, then they switch to external treatment with Aevit.
  2. If acne is mild, Aevit is prescribed only externally.

Aevit in the form of injections is not used for cosmetic problems. Typically, indications for intramuscular administration of the drug are acute deficiency of retinol and tocopherol.


At the initial stages of treatment, 1 capsule is usually prescribed once a day for 30 days.

The maximum permissible course duration is 40 days.

The break after taking Aevita should be at least six months, since vitamins are not immediately removed from the body.

After this period, the treatment course can be repeated.

Photo: capsules can be taken internally and used externally


The undoubted advantage of Aevit is that it can be used by people with any skin type.

The oil vitamin complex moisturizes dry skin, eliminates flaking, and with increased activity of the sebaceous glands, the drug suppresses the production of sebum and reduces skin oiliness.

Aevit can be used externally in several ways:

  1. in its pure form;
  2. in combination with cream;
  3. for preparing masks.

In its purest form

  1. If acne affects a large area of ​​the skin, the drug is applied to the entire face.
  2. To eliminate single rashes, spot treatment of problem areas is carried out.

Are hormonal medications effective for acne? Find out here.

Instructions for using Aevita for acne in its pure form:

  1. cleanse the skin with lotion, gel or foam, scrub;
  2. pierce the gelatin capsule with a needle;
  3. Spread the contents of the capsule over the face in a thin layer, including the area around the eyes;
  4. leave overnight, wash with warm water in the morning.

Carry out the procedure once a day for 15 days.

The minimum course of treatment is 10 days, the maximum is 40 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated, but not earlier than after 3–6 months.

For isolated rashes, the oil from the capsules is applied only to the inflamed areas.

  1. After a few hours, when the product is absorbed, re-treatment is carried out.
  2. You can treat pimples this way until they go away completely (on average, this takes 1-2 days).

Mixed with cream

Pierce the Aevita capsule, add 2-3 drops of oil to the cream (take as much as required for a single application).

Photo: Aevit can be added to the cream and applied to the affected areas

Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to the face. Carry out the procedure at night.

When combined with cream, Aevit acts as a prophylactic agent, so there are no time limits for this method of use.

Aevit in combination with cream is best used to maintain normal skin condition and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

But to cure acne, it is better to use Aevit in its pure form.

Contains a mask

A mask with Aevit helps smooth out wrinkles and slow down the aging process; it is more suitable for caring for mature skin.

  1. To prepare the product, add 3-4 drops of oil from the capsule to any anti-aging mask and mix thoroughly.
  2. The mixture applied to the face is washed off with warm water after 20–30 minutes.

Such masks should be done 1-2 times a week for a long time.

Anti-inflammatory masks are also prepared with Aevit to help fight acne.

  1. Potato. Add the contents of 1 ampoule or 3 capsules of Aevita to mashed potatoes (from one small tuber). Mix the mixture thoroughly and spread it over your face, lightly pressing the mixture. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  2. With lemon and yolk. Mix 20 ml of lemon juice, a tablespoon of olive oil, yolk, and the contents of 1 Aevita capsule. Apply to face, rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.

Other anti-acne masks can also be enriched with vitamin composition - based on cosmetic clay, oatmeal, cottage cheese, and fruit.

How to use Aevit - externally or internally, in pure form or as part of masks and creams, a cosmetologist must decide in each case.

External use of the vitamin complex is safe, since the only side effect in this case is allergies.

However, in severe forms of inflammation, external use may not be enough - the drug must be taken orally.

Photo: the drug can be added to a clay-based mask


Aevit for acne is characterized by high effectiveness (reviews from those who have used the drug confirm this).

However, direct indications for prescribing a vitamin complex are not skin problems, but serious diseases of internal organs and systems. This:

  1. atherosclerosis;
  2. endarteritis;
  3. stress;
  4. high physical or mental stress;
  5. recovery after a long illness;
  6. disruption of tissue nutrition;
  7. vitamin deficiency or increased need for vitamins A, E;
  8. asthenia;
  9. neuropathy;
  10. myopathy.

The dosage of vitamins in the drug significantly exceeds the daily requirement.

Therefore, a doctor should tell you how to take Aevit for a particular disease.

Exceeding doses of the drug can lead to an overdose of vitamins A and E:

  1. acute – develops several hours after administration;
  2. chronic – occurs against the background of long-term use.

An overdose can cause serious problems in the kidneys, liver, vision, hematopoietic, nervous and digestive systems.


Absolute contraindications to internal use of Aevit are:

  1. age under 14 years (in some countries - up to 18 years of age);
  2. hypervitaminosis (acute or chronic) tocopherol and retinol;
  3. hypersensitivity or allergy on the main or auxiliary components of the drug.

Relative contraindications include:

  1. cardiovascular diseases;
  2. liver and gallbladder diseases;
  3. chronic pancreatitis;
  4. renal failure, acute or chronic glomerulonephritis, nephritis;
  5. thyrotoxicosis;
  6. low levels of prothrombin in the blood (hypoprothrombinemia);
  7. previous sarcoidosis;
  8. alcoholism;
  9. first 13 weeks of pregnancy;
  10. breast-feeding.

For these diseases and conditions, Aevit is prescribed only for strict indications.

Photo: when taking Aevita, you should adhere to the dosage recommended by your doctor

How many capsules per day and how long to take Aevit is decided by the doctor in each specific case.

Side effect

In some cases, Aevit when used internally can cause unwanted side reactions:

  1. peeling skin, rash;
  2. allergies;
  3. drowsiness and weakness;
  4. headache;
  5. increased sweating, short-term increase in temperature;
  6. discomfort in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  7. bone pain (especially in the legs), gait disturbance;
  8. exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  9. attack of cholelithiasis;
  10. increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure (in childhood).

Intramuscular administration of the drug can provoke local reactions - pain and hardness at the injection site.

Questions and answers

Can I take it during pregnancy?

Aevit should not be taken during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, as the drug can cause serious abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

In the second and third trimester, vitamins are prescribed only for strict medical reasons.

How to take the drug and what course of treatment to take should be decided only by a doctor.

Photo: During pregnancy, the use of Aevit is contraindicated

Does it interact with other medications?

Concomitant use of Aevit with certain other medications can cause negative consequences:

  1. with Isotretionine, oral contraceptives (estrogens) – the risk of vitamin A overdose increases;
  2. with preparations containing calcium – there is a threat of hypercalcemia, the effectiveness of calcium-containing products decreases;
  3. with tetracycline antibiotics – intracranial pressure may increase;
  4. with anticoagulants, silver and gold preparations – possible bleeding;
  5. with Neomycin, Colestramine, Colestipol and mineral oils – the bioavailability and therapeutic effect of Aevit decreases;
  6. with glucocorticoids – their effectiveness decreases.

Aevit also enhances the therapeutic effect:

  1. antioxidants;
  2. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. vitamin D;
  4. cardiac glycosides;
  5. antiepileptic drugs.

Drinking alcohol or taking medications containing alcohol reduces the effectiveness of Aevit.

Are there any analogues

Analogues of Aevit are the following:

The drugs, like Aevit, contain vitamins A and E in high doses, have a similar effect, and have the same indications and contraindications.

What is the price

The price of Aevit varies depending on the form of release and the manufacturer of the drug, the location and status of the pharmacy.

Aevita cost table (in rubles) in some Moscow pharmacies

Aevit/Pharmacy Rus Pharmacy Zdrav Zone Pharmacy Kremlevskaya
Capsules No. 10 35-00 33-00
Capsules No. 20 95-00 70 79-00


Almost all reviews about the results of using Aevit for the skin are positive.

  1. Those who used the product noted that after taking the drug, fine wrinkles were smoothed out, skin dryness was reduced, and firmness and elasticity increased.
  2. In isolated negative reviews there are complaints about the development of an allergic reaction or worsening acne.

Aevit is an effective vitamin preparation that helps cleanse the skin of unwanted rashes and get rid of acne marks.

Does Differin help with acne? Find out here.

What to do if pimples in the throat do not go away for a long time? Read on.

But it is not advisable to use vitamins without consulting a doctor, especially internally.

Despite the fact that Aevit contains only vitamins, it can cause quite serious side effects and disorders.

Video: “Medicines for cosmetic purposes”

A deficiency of certain vitamins affects the condition of the skin, causing various pathologies. Lack of vitamin E and A leads to peeling and dryness of the skin epidermis, causing acne and subcutaneous lumps.

Aevit for acne is used quite often. The effectiveness is due to the combination of ingredients.


The drug Aevit is a combination drug for external or internal use. The active ingredients are involved in a variety of physiological and metabolic reactions of the body.


  1. retinol palmitate or vitamin A;
  2. alpha tocopherol acetate or vitamin E.
  3. additional components.

For each release form, different excipients are used.

Release form

The vitamin complex Aevit is sold in the pharmacy chain in the following pharmaceutical forms:

  1. soft capsules in a gelatin shell containing glycerin and sunflower oil, in which vitamins are dissolved, as well as gelatin, E218, E216;
  2. liquid solution for intramuscular injection in 1 ml ampoules contains dehydroretinol or vitamin A2, as well as retinoic acid;
  3. Aevit cream for nourishing facial skin in bottles with the additional addition of plant extracts, methylglucose, triglycerides, higher fatty alcohols, glycerin and purified water.

The vitamin composition has an antioxidant, immunomodulatory effect on the skin epidermis and the entire body, stimulates cellular regeneration, relieves skin inflammation and swelling due to improved blood circulation.

How to use Aevit for acne?

All three forms are used to treat acne. The combination of tocopherol and retinol improves the condition of the skin, subcutaneous capillaries, saturates cells with oxygen and nutrients.


Aevit gelatin capsules are taken orally. The tablet should be swallowed whole; there is no need to chew it. Chewing or holding it in the mouth for a long time destroys the gelatin shell, and the therapeutic activity of the drug decreases.

The standard dosage for oral administration is one tablet per day, the duration of the treatment course is 1-1.5 months. Repeated therapy is recommended no earlier than six months later.

The dosage form in the form of a solution is injected intramuscularly into the buttock, shoulder muscle or anterior outer surface of the thigh. The solution should be slightly warmed before use. The recommended dose is 1 ml per day.

Conservative therapy should be continued for no more than 20 days, sometimes the duration is increased to 1.5 months. The course should be repeated no earlier than 3-5 months.


External use of Aevit improves the general condition of the skin epidermis. The drug does not get rid of acne completely, but the condition of the skin improves, small facial wrinkles disappear.

Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin and do a light massage. In this way, the selected area will be prepared for local application, which will increase the current therapeutic effect of Aevit.

There are two methods of local application of acne medication:

  1. Mix the contents of the ampoule with any vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio, olive oil is better. The resulting mixture is lightly rubbed into problem areas, sometimes a compress is made for 15 minutes;
  2. Aevit cream is used, it is applied to inflamed areas, and at the same time a massage is performed along the natural massage lines of the face. This manipulation is used in the morning and evening before bedtime.

For the treatment of inflamed pimples, acne, boils, and other rashes, it is optimal to use Aevit in its pure form.

Mixed with cream

The contents of the capsule or ampoule can be added to the cream, which is used daily. You need to mix the mixture and apply it to your face. You should prepare as much cream as necessary for a single use.

This method is used for preventive purposes; because of this, it does not have a time limit. This prevents the appearance of wrinkles and maintains the normal condition of the skin.

How to treat allergic acne on the face? More details here.

Contains a mask

Therapeutic and preventive masks with the drug Aevit help smooth out wrinkles, slow down the aging process, relieve inflammation and swelling. To prepare the mask, add 4-5 drops of oil from the ampoule to any mask for rejuvenation and stir thoroughly.

Mask recipes:

  1. add Aevit to warm mashed potatoes, mix, apply evenly to the face, lightly pressing the mask;
  2. Mix the yolk of one egg with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, add lemon juice, Aevit, apply to facial skin;
  3. grind cottage cheese with sour cream in a blender, add Aevit and a teaspoon of liquid honey;
  4. Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add the contents of 1 ampoule and a few drops of olive oil to the resulting flour. The density can be adjusted with chamomile decoction.

Keep the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse your face with cool water.

Video: Face masks with vitamin A and E

Therapeutic properties of vitamin A

Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin; it dissolves well in fats, penetrates into fatty tissue, and has the ability to accumulate.

Biological role of Retinol:

  1. promotes the production of chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, necessary for bone and cartilage matter, as well as intercellular fluid;
  2. helps heparin thin the blood, participates in the destruction of blood clots, and reduces blood clotting;
  3. activates liver enzymes to neutralize toxic substances;
  4. participates in the formation of rhodopsin, a pigment responsible for night vision;
  5. inhibits the degeneration of cells into cancerous tumors;
  6. takes part in the production of sex hormones and immune cells;
  7. forms collagen in the skin.

Thanks to the formation of special enzymes in the epithelium, vitamin A prevents desquamation and dryness of the skin epithelium, improves the structure of nails, hair, and teeth.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol is a fat-soluble compound with a strong antioxidant effect. Its main ability is to influence the process of conception and pregnancy.

In addition, vitamin E has the following healing properties:

  1. rejuvenates the body, slows down skin aging by activating tissue respiration;
  2. increases blood circulation, prevents blood stagnation in tissues;
  3. increases the efficiency of immune cells, thereby reducing infectious processes and inflammation;
  4. stimulates muscle functions, prevents cramps;
  5. accelerates the healing of wounds and burns, eliminates subsequent scars;
  6. improves the absorption of retinol;
  7. facilitates the course of menstrual syndrome.

At any age, regardless of gender, vitamin A lowers blood pressure, prevents the formation of fibrotic changes, is used to prevent cataracts, anemia, and maintains the functioning of nerve cells.


A treatment course using the drug Aevit is prescribed to those patients who need long-term intake of large amounts of vitamins A and E.

Treatment is justified in the following cases:

  1. vascular atherosclerosis with impaired microcirculation and tissue nutrition;
  2. obliterating endarteritis;
  3. skin infections, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus;
  4. eye diseases, when the optic nerve atrophies, the cornea becomes dead;
  5. inability to obtain vitamins E and A naturally;
  6. prolonged diarrhea;
  7. postoperative period after gastrectomy;
  8. rapid weight loss with prolonged stress.

The administration of tocopherol is justified in case of abuse of alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and long-term use of antibiotics, hormones, and iron supplements.

After using various diets for weight loss, as well as for diseases of the endocrine organs, nervous system, skin, and sexual dysfunction, the use of vitamin A will be useful.


Side effect

In case of overdose, hypervitaminosis is possible; an excess of the vitamin is just as harmful as its deficiency. Adults may experience drowsiness, headache, decreased performance, and lethargy.

In severe cases, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, irritation of the oral mucosa, peeling of the palmar surfaces, and muscle pain are possible.

Interaction with other drugs

Vitamin A weakens the effect of calcium. Some antibiotics and minerals reduce the absorption of the drug, sometimes requiring an increase in dosage.

Hormonal contraceptives increase the concentration of the drug in the blood plasma, and simultaneous use with tetracycline increases intracranial pressure.

Simultaneous use with anticoagulants can reduce the level of prothrombin and promote the development of bleeding.

Does it help?

Aevit is ineffective against subcutaneous acne. It is optimal to use the product for preventive purposes to improve nutrition and blood supply to the skin. When acne does appear, you need to visit a dermatologist and undergo an examination.

Photos before and after

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