Why is there a bag under one eye?

When swelling occurs under the eye, the cause of the formation must be determined by the doctor, prescribing treatment.

Edema occurs as a result of the accumulation of a certain amount of fluid in tissues or organs. It is especially unpleasant if formations appear on the face under the eye: visibility is limited, and painful swelling causes a lot of trouble and pain. People begin to struggle with the resulting swelling, which resembles a bag, trying to hide it with cosmetics and resort to folk remedies.

First of all, you need to find out the cause of the problem, otherwise the consequences of improper treatment can lead to disastrous results. The area of ​​tissue around the visual organs is very delicate, so it is the first to react to any changes in the body.

Etiology of the disease

The main reasons: impaired outflow, accumulation of fluid in tissues. There are many diseases that cause stmptom.

The most common sign of swelling is kidney problems or kidney disease. This is due to insufficient removal of fluid and salts from the body, which is primarily reflected by the accumulation of fluid. The resulting bags are very soft, and the skin over them is often pale in color.

Swelling may be caused by allergies. The phenomena are most common in women and occur as a result of exposure to applied cosmetics. Mechanical damage and trauma can cause swelling. The appearance of a formation may be caused by an infection. The beginning of the development of the inflammatory process of barley can provoke swelling under the left eye or on the other side, causing pain, complicating vision, increasing body temperature and pain - the most severe of all swelling under the eye. It may appear as a result of infection or after hypothermia. It is not recommended to treat the problem yourself.

Hormonal imbalances in women are the most common causes of bags under the eyes. They arise as a result of impaired fluid exchange and untimely outflow from the eye area. Other causes include pregnancy and the menstrual cycle, especially its final stage. With age, the likelihood of bags increases due to loss of skin elasticity and weakening of muscles.

Alcohol may be involved in problems. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages very often leads to such consequences. A large amount of liquid, especially drunk before bed, will negatively affect your face in the morning.

Traditional medicine recipes

If the bags are caused by fatigue, improper daily routine, or insomnia, they can be eliminated with simple folk remedies. It is enough to wash your face alternately with cold and warm water to create a temperature contrast. After this, it is advisable to pat your face dry with a towel; under no circumstances should you rub your face, otherwise redness will increase.

Puffiness is relieved by the medicinal properties of plants; the most popular and effective is parsley. To use, fresh leaves are finely chopped or crushed, then applied to the swollen areas, it is better to press the top with cotton wool or a piece of gauze (bandage).

Several leaves of fresh or harvested parsley are poured with boiling water, one tablespoon is enough. After 15 minutes of brewing, the product is ready, moisten a cloth or cotton wool in it, and wipe the problem area. The product is used not only to get rid of bags under the eyes. Parsley tincture is good to use for preventive purposes.

There are ways to combat the use of vegetables. Popular ones include cucumber and potatoes. Potatoes have an effect on the infraorbital areas, thanks to the starch in its composition, which absorbs and retains moisture. Fresh or boiled potatoes will do. The boiled pieces are applied to the swollen areas for half an hour, this is often enough. Raw tubers are cut into circles and applied to the infraorbital areas. It is better to wrap the slices with a bandage or gauze first. The time of this procedure is no more than 15 minutes.

The cucumber is cut into thin slices and applied to the eyes. But in terms of effectiveness it is inferior to parsley and potatoes. A good way to fight is with black tea; lotions made from it help a lot. It is good to mix tea with chamomile; this remedy will also have anti-inflammatory properties. Lotions with a warm solution using cotton wool will quickly relieve swelling.

If the swelling is caused by allergies, it can be treated with infusions and decoctions of eyebright herb. It’s good to drink the tincture, and make special lotions from the decoction for your eyes. This tincture can even cure infectious conjunctivitis. It is better to take the tincture internally in portions before meals, 1/3 of a glass. The lotions are applied for 10 minutes.

Other causes of the problem include incorrect head position during sleep, pressure from a hard pillow on either side of the face. The material of the pillowcase or pillow itself can cause an allergic reaction, which will lead to swelling in the lower infraorbital area. Various chronic diseases contribute to the development of swelling.

Sometimes contrast compresses are used. They do not use ordinary water, but tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs. You can use sage. The herb is brewed in two containers with a volume of no more than a glass. After this, one is cooled and the other is kept hot. Alternately moisten the cotton wool and apply the decoction to the infraorbital areas, creating a temperature difference.

People suffering from heart disease are familiar with the phenomenon of swelling under the eyes after sleep. A tincture or decoction of plantain leaves will help to avoid this phenomenon. It is enough to take about 15 leaves and boil them in a 1.5 liter container for 15 minutes. Then the broth should sit for another hour, after which it will be ready for use. You can drink 2 glasses throughout the day. Such a prophylactic agent can eliminate and reduce the appearance of edema. With regular use for a month, the likelihood of swelling will disappear completely.

Specialist consultation

The most correct and effective way of treatment if the eye is swollen is to consult a doctor. Especially if it is caused by an infection or inflammatory process. If there is swelling under the eye, the reasons are different.

It is recommended to undergo an examination of the kidneys, heart, and hormonal levels, and based on the results, effective treatment will be prescribed.

Treatment and elimination of bags after vision correction surgery can be carried out using folk remedies used to reduce and relieve swelling. But it is better to first consult with your doctor.

At the onset of the inflammatory process, called barley, treatment is carried out using special medications. Do not wet the area of ​​inflammation or apply compresses - this can lead to the spread of infection further. In advanced and complex cases, surgical methods are used to remove accumulations of pus in the departments of maxillofacial surgery. Independent attempts to squeeze out or open the area of ​​inflammation are prohibited.


To prevent the appearance of bags, it is enough to follow a daily routine, do not abuse heavy and spicy foods and drinks, especially alcohol. Don’t overwork your visual organs with work, sit at the computer less.

The formation of bags under the eyes may indicate some kind of disorder in the body. But there are cases when swelling appears only under one eye, on the right or left side. What to do if there is swelling under the right eye? We will look at the reasons for this phenomenon in the article.

Causes of edema

Puffiness under the eyes is a fairly common occurrence. Their formation is directly related to the anatomical features of the human face.

The skin around the eyes is much thinner than the rest of the face. Near the eye socket, under the skin, there are fatty layers that are designed to protect the eye from damage. It is this layer that absorbs moisture well, resulting in swelling.

If moisture accumulates too often (due to disorders in the body), the skin stretches and bags under the eyes become a chronic phenomenon.

In some cases, swelling may be asymmetrical. Causes of swelling under the right eye:

  1. Conjunctivitis.With this disease, in addition to swelling, redness, itching and purulent discharge are observed. After some time, the symptoms spread to the second eye.
  2. Injury. Any traumatic injury to the head area (frontal region, skull, etc.) can manifest itself as swelling under the eye.
  3. A bite of an insect. May go unnoticed, especially small insect bites. In this case, the swelling goes away within a few days.
  4. Disruption of lymphatic drainage. It occurs as a consequence of increased venous pressure in people with heart failure or pericardial disease.
  5. Hypothyroidism. A disorder of protein metabolism in the body, which is manifested by the appearance of swelling under the eye and throughout the body.

What to do

If swelling is detected under the right eye, you first need to exclude obvious causes - alcohol abuse, overeating salty foods at night, staying at the computer for a long time, lack of sleep or, conversely, sleeping soundly only on the right side.

If these reasons exist, you can try to remove the swelling yourself. Tea bags or chamomile decoction are good for this.

If you suspect conjunctivitis, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment.

If there are no obvious causes of edema and accompanying symptoms, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination to rule out heart disease.

Swelling under the eyes is a fairly common phenomenon, and its occurrence is closely related to the anatomical specificity of the human face. The skin around the eyes is thinner than the rest of the face, and in this area there are layers of fat that protect the eyes from various irritants. This layer perfectly absorbs moisture, resulting in swelling.

The bag under the left eye is most often perceived as a cosmetic defect. The cause of the symptom is considered to be:

  1. Pathology of the kidneys, in which swelling appears and soon disappears within a day to a day and a half;
  2. Impaired skin elasticity associated with improper metabolism, which in turn is a consequence of age-related changes - aging of the body.

Bags under the eyes bother both men and women, and often children too.

Bags under the left eye causes and treatment

When bags appear under both eyes, this can be somehow explained, but why a bag appears under only one eye, the reason may be different. One of the most popular explanations is lack of sleep and excessive fatigue. Spending time in front of a computer monitor, reading in poor lighting, or driving a car contributes to the appearance of edema. In women, the appearance of bags may be associated with familiarity with “new” cosmetics.

Still, why are there bags under the left eye, and not under both?

One day, looking at himself in the mirror, a person discovers some swelling under one or under both eyes. The question immediately arises: why did this happen? The simplest reasons for the appearance of a bag under the left eye:

  1. Trauma, blow focused on the left side of the face, forehead, bridge of the nose;
  2. The habit of sleeping on the left side can sometimes cause a bag to appear under the left eye. In this case, the fluid, which makes up 95% of the human body, accumulates on the lower half of the face;
  3. There is a high probability of a bag appearing under the eye - a common cold, it provokes swelling, left-sided sinusitis or sinusitis;
  4. Cardiac problems are often considered the cause of swelling under the eye. However, a bag under the left eye can “help” its owner, if you pay attention to this factor in time and consult a cardiologist, you can avoid serious problems with the activity of the cardiovascular system.

If a bag appears under the left eye, the reason may be an insect bite - a bee, a wasp and other flying and stinging creatures.

Middle-aged people, regardless of gender, often experience eye swelling. Sometimes a person falls asleep on his left side after a fun evening and there is swelling or circles under the eye, giving the face a haggard appearance. But the possibility of swelling under the other eye for this reason is also likely.

If a large bag under the left eye appears unexpectedly, and the cause cannot be explained by some factors, consulting a doctor will help avoid serious health problems.

Why are bags under the eyes dangerous?

If a bag appears under the left eye in the morning, it can move down to the lower part of the face - to the cheeks, lips, corners of the mouth.

If the cause of such swelling is not an excess of fluid or insomnia, then it may well be a consequence of incipient diseases, and in some cases their only symptom:

  1. The cause of the bag under the left eye may be the penetration of an allergenic substance into the cornea. Swelling develops very quickly with close contact with the allergen, but also disappears immediately if the irritant is eliminated and antiallergic medication is taken. This kind of bag under the left eye is often accompanied by sneezing, lacrimation, pain and itching in the eyes, congestion and profuse discharge from the nose;
  2. Inflammation of nearby anatomical structures can in many cases explain why there is a bag under the left eye. In turn, inflammation of these structures may be a symptom characteristic of some insidious disease;
  3. We must not forget that swelling under the eyes can occur due to inflammation of the tissues located in the immediate vicinity of the root of the upper jaw tooth;
    In the morning, a bag appears under the left eye when inflammation of the corresponding nasal sinus begins.
  4. Swelling can result from inflammatory processes of the facial nerve, conjunctiva of the eye, periorbital tissue, lacrimal gland;
  5. Serious edema develops when the outflow of venous blood from the head and face is interrupted.
  6. With a vertebral hernia, a pinched nerve on the left side will correspondingly cause a bag under the left eye.

Myxedema in pathology of internal organs

If the problem of swelling depends on problems of the cardiovascular system, along with it there is swelling of the legs, then a large bag under the left eye appears in the evening. The same reaction of the body can occur when diuretics are taken in parallel with the treatment of heart disease. When the progression of cardiovascular diseases is observed, a bag forms under the left eye and, at the same time, swelling in the lower extremities.

When the kidneys do not have time to remove excess fluid from the body, that is, problems with their health are observed, this can also cause puffiness under the eyes.

Necessary tests to determine the causes of swelling

As in the treatment of any disease, before finding out exactly why a bag appeared under the left eye, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination of the whole body, visit the following specialists:

  1. Therapist. The doctor should prescribe a general urine test, a general and biochemical blood test. You need to undergo a fluorographic examination and do a cardiogram;
  2. Dentist. Using a computed tomogram or x-ray, a specialist will give an opinion on the presence or absence of diseases of the teeth and gums of the upper jaw;
  3. Allergist. To find out why there is a bag under the left eye, the doctor will prescribe tests for allergenic substances;
  4. ENT doctor. Using an x-ray, a specialist will give an opinion about diseases or the absence of them in the nasal sinuses.
  5. Neurologist. Using a computed tomogram and x-ray, the structure of the spine is examined and problems with the passage of nerve impulses to the face and neck along the nerve fibers are determined.

Bag under the left eye and its treatment

When, after undergoing an examination and determining the causes of swelling, the most effective treatment method is selected.

If, as a result of an examination by specialists, it turns out that swelling under the eye acts as a symptom of the disease, then efforts should be directed toward treating the disease itself.

If it is determined that the bag under the left eye is a consequence of a cosmetic defect, then you need to slightly adjust your behavioral habits, namely:

  1. Change the nature of lighting in the workplace, at home in the kitchen or office, garage.
  2. Try to provide maximum natural light in the rooms.
  3. When working in front of a computer monitor, you should take breaks more often.
  4. When using cosmetics, which often causes a bag to appear right under the left eye, you should get rid of makeup at night with special cosmetic preparations and a light skin cream.
  5. In the evening, you do not need to eat salty foods, plenty of fluids, and drinking alcoholic beverages is undesirable. By adhering to this rule, you can also protect yourself from bags under your left eye.
  6. A full, long night's sleep and a well-chosen pillow that does not provoke spasms of the neck muscles have a good effect on the condition of the skin around the eyes.

How to remove a bag under a child's left eye

Puffiness under the eye is not only a problem for adults; children also experience all the “delights” of this discomfort. The causes of edema in children are basically the same as in adults. But there may also be a congenital swelling that occurs due to the structural features of the fatty tissue around the eye.

The sudden detection of edema in parallel with a painful change in the state of the body should alert parents. In this case, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician who will advise how to remove the bag under the left eye.