Acne after 30 years reasons

Girls are acutely aware of skin problems during adolescence and worry about how others will perceive them because of this. The only thing that consoles in such situations is the belief that very soon the teenage rashes will leave the young face and then you can forget about the problem forever. What a disappointment it can be when a woman suddenly develops acne at the age of 30. Experts say that the causes of acne can be different, and although this does not make it any easier, it is by knowing them that you can find a way to effectively combat it.

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✔Is acne possible at 30 years old?

The idea that acne at 30 cannot be wrong. Much to the regret of many girls, and often boys, this problem arises not only in the process of age-related changes in the body. In fact, the body is susceptible to many negative influences from both the external and internal world. And, as a result, with their prolonged action, acne appears after 30 years.

There is no need to panic, and there is no point. It is better to spend your energy on treating acne and identifying the causes that caused it. Having found out why acne appears, you should also begin to eliminate this factor. Otherwise, the treatment will not bring the expected effect.

✔Main reasons

Having acne after 30 is not normal. Therefore, they should be fought. However, often the fight should not be about cosmetic attacks, but about eliminating the factors that caused the problem. Before treatment, you need to find out why rashes appeared after thirty. There are endogenous and exogenous causes of acne in women 30 years of age and older.

Endogenous factors that cause acne in women after 30 include internal changes and fluctuations in the body, the result of which is reflected in inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin. This group includes the following factors:

  1. Hormonal imbalance at 30, increased levels of male hormones.
  2. Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, breastfeeding, after an abortion.
  3. Changes in hormonal levels due to taking medications and birth control pills.
  4. Malfunction of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries,
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other body systems,
  6. Infections and inflammatory processes.

The appearance of acne in women after 35 years of age is often associated with external causes, among which are the following:

  1. Constant stress, fatigue, lack of sleep,
  2. Insufficient number of walks in the fresh air, dirty air in the area of ​​residence,
  3. Having bad habits, smoking, frequent alcohol consumption,
  4. Lack of a healthy diet, eating food poor in vitamins and proteins, rich in carbohydrates and fats,
  5. Poor hygiene, improper skin care,
  6. Using low quality, expired, and unsuitable cosmetics for your own skin.

Usually, at the age of 30, acne appears due to several factors at once. Even if the degree of influence of each of them is not critical, then in the aggregate the result is literally obvious.

✔Effect of stress

At 35 years old, a young woman is torn between household chores, childcare, and work. In the crazy rhythm of her life, stress often arises, which can trigger the appearance of skin rashes. During a strong shock, a powerful release of adrenaline occurs, blood flow to the skin increases, and the overall temperature rises. These aspects provoke the opening of clogged pores, into which bacteria enter and fuel the inflammatory process.

When the woman’s condition normalizes and she gains peace of mind, acne after 35 years can go away on its own.

✔Hormonal fluctuations

Most often, acne appears at thirty because of these changes. Hormones and changes in their quantity can provoke increased activity of the sebaceous glands, releasing excessive amounts of fat, which will linger on the skin. Acne can also appear as a result of taking hormonal contraceptives. Acne cannot be eliminated by squeezing. You can try to stop taking the drug, but it is best to consult a doctor immediately.


Modern cosmetics are considered relatively safe for female beauty. But many bottles and tubes contain components that clog pores. In particular, harmful components in cosmetics that you should be wary of are:

  1. Lanolin,
  2. Mineral oils,
  3. Isopropyl myristate.

To prevent acne from appearing in women at the age of 30, you should carefully read the ingredients on the package before making a purchase. And also, at the age of 35, you need to understand that expired cosmetics should be thrown into the trash, even if the tube is still almost full.

✔Localization of rashes in women

The places where pimples appear say a lot. This feature must be taken into account when acne treatment is prescribed.

✔Rashes on the face

Acne appears on the face mainly due to the use of poor cosmetics, irregular cleansing and makeup removal, and improper skin care. Pimples on the forehead indicate hormonal imbalances, on the cheeks - about digestive problems.

✔On the sternum

In this place, acne appears at 30 for reasons of hygiene, nutrition, and bad habits. Stress and unnecessary worries can also provoke their occurrence.

✔On the buttocks

This area is damaged when using synthetic underwear, limiting the skin's ability to “breathe”.

✔In an intimate place

Mainly in the bikini area, the presence of acne at 30 may be associated with insufficient hygiene, as well as with the occurrence of infectious or sexually transmitted diseases. If identified, you can wipe it with lotion or cleanser. But the best thing is to immediately go to the gynecologist.

✔How to treat acne

Acne in a 30-year-old woman should be treated following the recommendations of a doctor. External agents with salicylic or glycolic acid, retinol are predominantly prescribed; antibiotics are used less frequently. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out or tear apart acne.

Folk beauty secrets suggest wiping your face every day with a slice of lemon. Every beauty can test the effectiveness of the method - it will not cost much, but perhaps will give a greater effect than expensive tonics and lotions.

If pimples, blackheads and other low-risk skin formations appear in teenagers, no one is surprised. But there are cases when acne appears on the skin of the face at the age of 30 much more actively than at 18. Often this process causes panic in women and men. But is it worth taking such rashes so seriously? What do these pimples mean, and what treatment methods are relevant in this case?

As long-term practice shows, the appearance of such formations after 30 years is really a reason to think about your own health. The fact is that most often they signal the appearance or development of some disease in the body.

You should immediately check with the relevant specialists for:

  1. Skin diseases. This is the first thing that comes to mind. But the option is far from the only one.
  2. Serious disorder of the digestive system. The sebaceous glands and skin are closely connected with the intestines and stomach. It is quite possible that the cause of acne is a violation of the primary or secondary processes in these organs.
  3. The presence of individual women's problems. Acne often appears in women at the age of 30 as a signal of the development of dangerous infections affecting the genitals. They are transmitted mainly through sexual contact, so you should be especially wary if you have had sexual intercourse with strangers in the near past. We recommend that you learn more about rashes on the genitals.

The main causes of acne after 30 years

In this case, there are many more factors than, for example, in adolescence. Therefore, their intersection is possible. The simultaneous impact of several factors practically guarantees the appearance of acne after 30, even in people with absolutely healthy skin.

  1. Menstrual irregularities. This is one of the most popular reasons among women. After 30 years, the cycle is very unstable, which affects hormonal levels. This is the main cause of acne.
  2. Mechanical damage to the skin. In this case, it is possible for the virus to enter the body, which is a strong pathogen of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system. Constant stress and depression can cause acne to appear at almost any age. Take sedatives if you feel like you can't control your nerves.
  4. Hormonal imbalance due to pregnancy. This is especially true in the first trimester. Cases are very common among women over 30, since at this age pregnancy is much more difficult to tolerate.
  5. Side effect of medicinal contraceptives. Taking birth control pills can lead to disruption of basic processes in the body. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting to take these medications.
  6. Incorrectly selected cosmetic products. This is perhaps one of those reasons that are relevant at almost any age. If you choose cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type, most likely you will not be able to avoid acne problems.
  7. Negative effects of direct sunlight. If you stay in the sun for a long time, you risk receiving a large dose of ultraviolet radiation. This negatively affects the skin in general. In particular, it can cause the appearance of pimples and acne of various types.
  8. Exposure to alcohol, nicotine or drugs. This cause of acne on the face at 30 years old is quite rare, however, it does occur. Such substances have a particularly active effect on the skin between the ages of 18 and 25, but effects are also possible after 30. Remember that by giving up bad habits, you only improve the condition of the whole organism.
  9. Allergic reaction or inappropriate food. Some types of acne may appear as a consequence of the influence of an allergen on the body. Others are due to improperly selected food products. So, it is recommended to give up junk food and drinks, and also reduce the amount of sweet, fried and smoked foods in your daily diet.

This way you put your digestive system in order, which has a positive effect on the sebaceous glands and skin.

The appearance of acne on various parts of the face can indicate to you exactly what problems are in your body, and you can read about it here.

Effective methods for treating acne after 30

In search of effective ways to get rid of rashes at this age, many people are faced with a shortage of suitable drugs. The fact is that most modern products are designed for teenage skin, which has its own characteristics. And often such drugs have absolutely no effect on the skin of an adult. But professional cosmetologists always have several effective options in their arsenal.

1. Acne removal with laser

This procedure is intended mainly to remove post-acne and scars, but practice shows that the laser actively affects bacteria developing in the sebaceous canals. Thus, with the help of this device you can not only get rid of acne temporarily, but also completely eradicate the pathology.

It is noteworthy that the cost of the procedure can be quite high. It all depends on the level of specialists and equipment.

2. Lotions with a special composition

Wrinkles and acne at 35 are a combination that can make any woman depressed. Special lotions and creams based on ratinol will help you get rid of both problems at the same time. Just indicate at the pharmacy that you need a product containing this substance. Most likely, you will be offered several options with different prices.

3. Proper facial care during and after treatment

Every woman needs to carefully care for her facial skin at any age. But during the treatment period, these are extremely necessary procedures, since otherwise the situation may worsen. For care recommendations, watch this video:

Acne after 30 years of age can be treated as effectively and quickly as in adolescence. You just need to know and use the right methods.

The causes of acne have been known to medicine for a long time. Impaired sebum secretion in combination with pathological keratinization leads to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora and the development of inflammation of the hair follicle, which causes acne to appear on the face and body.

Despite the common pathogenesis of the disease, the true causes of acne in adolescents and adults may differ. Thus, many patients have skin problems during puberty and, more often during puberty, in which case the appearance of acne is associated with temporary hyperandrogenism - a hormonal surge. However, a significant number of men and women experience difficulties with inflammation of the skin even after 20 and even 30 years of age; in this case, it is worth carefully examining the patient for the presence of concomitant pathologies that can cause acne.

What causes acne

Each patient is interested, first of all, in what causes acne, because knowing the cause of acne, you can quickly select a treatment. Quite often, the tendency to form acne is genetic, because the number of sebaceous glands, their size and ability to produce secretions are inherited. Therefore, already at a fairly early age, it can be assumed that a teenager may develop acne in the future.

People who have the following symptoms are at risk:

  1. uneven surface of the skin;
  2. increased level of sebum secretion;
  3. increased skin pore size;
  4. the presence of clearly visible black dots in the pores;
  5. periodic redness and peeling of the skin;
  6. the appearance of rashes and irritations on the skin due to a change in environment, heavy intake of spicy and fatty foods, stress, etc.

Hormonal causes of acne

Hormonal changes are the most common cause of acne. Excess testosterone leads to hyperproduction of sebum and changes in its composition. In the secretion of the sebaceous glands, under the influence of male hormones, the level of fatty acids and squalene increases significantly, which makes it more viscous. In addition, the maturation of keratinocytes is disrupted, the process of their keratinization is significantly accelerated, which together leads to the formation of sebaceous-keratin plugs. Thus, under the influence of hormonal reasons, a blockage of the sebaceous gland duct develops, resulting in acne.

The most common cause of hormonal acne is testosterone surges during puberty, and this mechanism of appearance is typical for both boys and girls. Patients with acne should be explained that the female body also contains male sex hormones and if they are synthesized excessively, the formation of hormonal acne can occur. This condition can be completely physiological, for example, in the period before menstruation, or it can also be a consequence of some hormonal or gynecological pathology (for example, polycystic ovary syndrome).

Very often, acne caused by hormonal causes becomes moderate to severe. Treatment of acne in this case should not be limited to local remedies. In the treatment of this type of acne, it is necessary to use hormonal drugs (for example, in women - COCs) and tetracycline antibiotics with a pronounced anti-acne effect.

It happens even more often that acne has hormonal causes not direct, but indirect. That is, it is not the level of hormones in the blood that increases, but the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to their effects. This cause of acne can be either a genetically determined feature or an acquired pathology. Thus, in some women, against the background of prolonged and severe stress, significant production of the hormone ACTH occurs, which can lead to the appearance of “androgenetic acne.”

Acne after 30 years: reasons

After 30 years, acne occurs mainly in women and is usually caused by endocrine disorders. The cause of acne after 30 years can be polycystic ovary syndrome, which was mentioned above, as well as other diseases that lead to disruption of the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Acne after 30 years, as a rule, does not appear for the first time - often the disease becomes recurrent by this age. A woman may notice an increase in the number of acne during the premenstrual period, during breastfeeding, and also due to stress.

Sometimes the sudden appearance of acne in adulthood can be associated with taking certain medications, for example, if a woman starts or, on the contrary, stops using oral contraceptives. Other medications can also cause acne after thirty - cases of acne in athletes and bodybuilders taking anabolic steroids are not uncommon.

Acne and stomach

Often patients consider the cause of acne to be the stomach, or rather a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Many scientists confirm the negative impact of pathology of the stomach, intestines and hepato-biliary system on the course of acne. Studies have shown that up to 90% of patients with rosacea (rosacea) have gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining). Another third of patients with acne have pathology of the small intestine, expressed in fermentopathy. However, it does not follow from this that every patient with stomach and intestinal diseases will also suffer from acne. In contrast, in an observational study by A. Reyn, only two of 595 patients with gastrointestinal pathology also had acne.

Thus, diseases of the stomach and intestines can contribute to the appearance of acne, but are not its direct cause. However, in the treatment of acne it is necessary to take into account this concomitant pathology, since it can aggravate the course of the underlying dermatological disease. Only complex therapy for acne will achieve a significant therapeutic effect in patients with pathologies of the stomach and intestines.