Pimples on back after sunbathing

Sometimes after sunbathing or visiting a solarium, rashes appear on the face and body. Why does skin react to ultraviolet radiation with pimples and pimples? How to get rid of them and should I go to the doctor?

Causes of acne and pimples after sunbathing

Pimples and blemishes caused by ultraviolet radiation can appear due to several factors. Let's look at the most common reasons:

  1. Photodermatitis, or sun allergy - intolerance to ultraviolet rays. This is a rare pathology that is detected in approximately 2% of the world's population.
  2. Malfunctions of the sebaceous glands. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the epidermis dries out and the activity of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. The pores begin to become clogged with sebum mixed with keratinized skin particles, which leads to the appearance of acne and inflammation, sometimes with purulent contents.
  3. Incorrectly selected sunscreen. The UV protection product you use, which is designed to protect against the harmful effects of radiation, may not be suitable for your skin. This manifests itself as an allergic reaction in the form of rashes.
  4. Increased sweating. Sometimes the cause of rashes is not ultraviolet radiation, but sweat, to which the skin reacts with irritation in the form of pimples. The situation is aggravated by dirt and dust clinging to sticky skin.
  5. Photosensitivity caused by taking certain medications. Some pharmacological drugs make the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet rays. These may be antibiotics, hormonal agents, anti-inflammatory drugs, sulfonamides.


In some cases, the appearance of pimples and pimples may indicate skin diseases. Therefore, if a rash is detected, you need to contact a dermatologist to identify the true cause of the problem.

Acne comes in many different forms. It’s one thing when it’s an allergic rash and quite another when it’s an exacerbation of acne, for example. They look different and behave differently too. Photodermatitis, in theory, appears immediately as soon as you begin to regularly appear in the sun. An allergy to the sun that appeared a week after sunbathing itself seems absurd, it seems to me. If you had oily or combination skin, you might think it was acne. And so, you need to go to a dermato-cosmetologist and find out why your skin behaves this way, even if it’s already quite tanned.



Video: What ingredients in sunscreen can cause acne?

Preventing rashes

By preventing the factor that causes pimples and pimples, you can prevent their reappearance under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Table: what to do to prevent rashes from appearing

Cause of rash What to do
  1. avoid exposure to direct sunlight
  2. contact an allergist to prescribe appropriate treatment
Disorders of the sebaceous glands
  1. do not sunbathe in the sun for more than 30 minutes if your skin is light, or 1.5–2 hours if you have dark skin
  2. sunbathe before 10 am or after 16–17 pm
  3. do not abuse the solarium
"Wrong" cosmetics
  1. for oily skin, choose products with a light texture (fluids, milk) that will not clog pores
  2. Before using any product, carry out an allergy test: apply a little on the bend of the elbow and use if no undesirable manifestations are detected within 24 hours (burning, irritation, rash, etc.)
Excessive sweating
  1. wear light-colored clothes made of light natural materials
  2. use wet wipes to wipe sweaty areas if you cannot shower.
Treatment with drugs that cause photosensitivity Avoid exposure to direct sunlight during the course and for a month after it.
Dermatological diseases Consult a doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment.

I also had it 3 years ago, it all started from a solarium too - pimples all over my body, I didn’t attach much importance to it. But when I went to the seaside, I was shocked - from the sun’s rays, entire areas of me were blistered and everything was itching (((. I went to a dermatologist, it turns out I have PHOTODERMATITIS - an allergy to the sun - although I’ve never had it before. Good Erius remedy - you take the pill 2 hours before going out in the sun and everything is fine!



There was also this nuance - my sister had an allergy - exactly the same hives to SUN CREAM! Nivea face cream. I stopped smearing my face with it - the allergy went away. But if you are allergic to the sun, then it is better to sunbathe under an awning.


Video: doctors about sun allergies

How to get rid of acne and pimples

Methods of dealing with rashes that have already appeared also depend on the cause of their appearance. It is not recommended to treat formations on your own you should consult a dermatologist, who, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the cause, will prescribe therapy.

If the cause of acne is an allergy, your doctor will most likely recommend an antihistamine. In other cases it could be:

  1. antiseptic and anti-inflammatory creams and ointments
  2. wound healing agents
  3. anti-acne medications
  4. compositions with drying properties
  5. drugs for the treatment of a specific dermatological disease.


In addition to taking medications prescribed by your doctor, you must:

  1. balance the diet (exclude salty, spicy, fried, fatty foods, flour and sweets)
  2. observe the rules of personal hygiene (regularly shower and wash using mild cleansers).

During treatment, you should not be in direct sunlight or use cosmetics that could cause rashes.

Video: doctor about the treatment of photodermatitis

Folk remedies

Folk remedies will help soothe the skin, relieve inflammation and reduce itching, but they can only be used as auxiliary methods in combination with the therapy prescribed by a doctor and only after consultation with a dermatologist.

Supporters of unconventional methods recommend:

  1. Herbal decoctions. Pour 2 tablespoons of raw material into a liter of boiling water and leave in a steam bath for 10 minutes. Cool, strain. To prepare decoctions, you can use string, chamomile, celandine, calendula or sage. Use for lotions and wipes.
  2. Washing with tar or laundry soap. If your skin is dry and/or overly sensitive, this should not be done.
  3. Aloe juice. Used for daily wiping of affected areas.


A cool shower will help relieve burning and itching.

What not to do

For the treatment of acne after sunbathing, it is not recommended:

  1. use fatty sour cream or oils (these products form a film on the skin that clogs the pores, which further aggravates the situation)
  2. use alcohol-containing products (in some cases such compositions are justified, but they can injure skin that is over-dried by tanning).

If acne and pimples appear after sunbathing, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the rash and prescribe appropriate therapy. During treatment you will have to stop tanning.


Any girl especially looks forward to summer, because it’s a great opportunity to soak up the sun’s rays. It is especially pleasant to sunbathe under the sun on the beach. But no matter how strange it may sound, even pleasant sunlight can sometimes cause acne and other skin problems. Sun acne on the body, arms, legs and face is a peculiar reaction of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. And in order to get rid of or completely prevent the appearance of this defect, you should understand the reason for this skin reaction to ultraviolet radiation.

Can the sun cause acne?

It has been proven more than once that sunbathing in moderation has a positive effect on the human body, including the skin. But with prolonged exposure to the sun, the effect can be the opposite.

Ultraviolet radiation has a greater negative effect on the skin. Short-term exposure to ultraviolet rays allows you to dry the skin and get rid of harmful microorganisms, which are the main source of inflammation. But with prolonged exposure to the body, ultraviolet radiation can accelerate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which leads to profuse sweating and clogging of pores. Also, overdrying the skin can cause severe damage and irritation. With prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, collagen is destroyed, which leads to a deterioration in the body's natural defenses.

Photo of acne formed from the sun or, as they are also called, comedones.


The most unpleasant thing about the appearance of acne from the sun is that there are many reasons for this phenomenon.

Causes of acne after sunbathing

Sun rash can appear on the back, arms, décolleté and face. And as already mentioned, there are a considerable number of reasons for the appearance of acne from the sun after tanning:

  1. Allergic reaction to sunlight. An allergy to the sun can appear as red bumps. They begin to form after 1-2 hours of exposure to sunlight. An allergic reaction due to sun exposure can also be caused by applying low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics, or taking medications.
  2. Excessive sweating can often be the cause of inflammatory sun rash. At the moment when strong sweating occurs, the pores are very open and dust from the street can get into them. Thus, the pores begin to become inflamed, causing rawness in the skin.
  3. Excessive sun exposure can have a detrimental effect on the skin and cause a photodermatic reaction in the form of burns. And if you are under the sun at the very peak of the heat, the skin will react with profuse sweating of the sebaceous glands, which will cause clogged pores.
  4. The appearance of acne when exposed to the sun can be caused by the use of low-quality tanning products.
  5. A reaction in the form of a rash on the body can be caused by poor diet, including consumption of alcoholic beverages, salty or canned foods.
  6. The use of cosmetics out of season, for example, the use of winter creams to protect the skin from the cold, which, under the influence of sunlight and heat, can clog the pores more, creating an inflammatory process.

Often, the appearance of acne is also affected by individual intolerance to ultraviolet radiation.

When to see a doctor

The appearance of acne from the sun on different parts of the body depends on the characteristics of the body. For some girls, acne from the sun appears more often on the face areas of the nasolabial triangle and forehead are especially susceptible to breakouts. Others often experience acne on the back and décolleté. Many people regard the appearance of inflammatory tubercles without any particular concerns. But in fact, there are some signs when your skin needs immediate treatment.

The fact that you need to visit a dermatologist may symbolize a sudden rash on a certain area of ​​the body with an unpleasant itching sensation. You should also be wary if the pimples that appear begin to itch.

If you have a sunburn over a large area of ​​skin, you should also consult a dermatologist to avoid cracking of the burn crust and infection.


The appearance of ulcers and watery blisters is considered a bad sign in some cases, they can develop into eczema or blisters, which, if infected, can cause blood poisoning.

How to treat acne from the sun

If inflammatory rashes appear after a long stay outside under the scorching sun, it is not recommended to treat them yourself. In any case, a visit to a dermatologist or allergist is required. At home, you can only reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, but it will not be possible to completely eliminate it, since it is necessary to identify the cause.

After examination by a specialist, certain treatment may be prescribed. Basically it is as follows:

  1. Taking antihistamines if the cause of acne is an allergic reaction.
  2. The use of anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and itching ointments or creams (Fenistil, Panthenol, Radevit).
  3. Avoid walking in the sun to avoid repeated exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the affected area.
  4. Stop using cosmetics or medications that may cause acne from sun exposure.

If the appearance of acne from the sun was caused by skin contamination or clogged pores, then such inflammatory rashes should be eliminated in the usual ways:

  1. The use of wound healing and antibacterial agents.
  2. Spot drying in areas where acne appears.
  3. Using cosmetics that help get rid of acne (masks, peelings, scrubs, lotions).
  4. Changing your diet, excluding fatty, salty, fried and too spicy foods.
  5. Compliance with personal hygiene rules. Frequent washing with clean water (once a day it is recommended to wash with baby or laundry soap, this allows you to slightly dry your facial skin).

If for some reason it is not possible to visit a doctor, then you can use folk remedies that will reduce skin irritation, reduce inflammation and the number of acne.


Folk remedies against acne from the sun:

  1. herbal decoction of chamomile, calendula or sage (used for washing or making lotions)
  2. washing with laundry or tar soap
  3. you can drink a decoction of string or nettle (pour 2 liters of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of herbal tea, leave until cool and drink 100 ml 4-5 times a day)
  4. aloe juice effectively eliminates inflammation, so it is recommended to wipe the affected area.

Preventive actions

To avoid acne from the sun, you need to take a number of preventive measures:

  1. Under no circumstances should you touch your face with your hands when you are outside, since it is on your hands that there is a large accumulation of harmful microorganisms.
  2. Before going outside and after a walk, be sure to wash your face and wash your hands thoroughly.
  3. Periodically clean your face with lotion or at least wet wipes.
  4. When tanning, use only proven and high-quality sun protection products.
  5. It is extremely undesirable to touch inflamed areas of the skin with your hands opening, squeezing and piercing pimples is especially contraindicated.
  6. When the first signs of photodermatitis appear, it is recommended to limit exposure to the sun and wear a wide-brimmed hat or Panama hat and sunglasses.
  7. Sunbathing for more than 20 minutes is contraindicated, and the most favorable and safe time for tanning is the morning, from 10 to 12 o'clock, and also in the evening after 17 o'clock.
  8. After tanning, you should moisturize your skin to prevent it from drying out.

By following these simple rules for staying under the sun, you can avoid the formation of unwanted acne.


Sun acne is a rather unpleasant skin defect, which often leads to a complete refusal to stay in the sun, which can ruin not only the skin, but also your mood. And if you properly monitor the condition of your skin and follow all the recommendations for proper tanning, you can avoid this kind of problem.

If acne breaks out on the skin after sunbathing, it causes enormous discomfort, both aesthetic and physical. Irritation worsens due to contact with clothing, and itching may occur. There are several ways to get rid of an unpleasant rash on the body at home. Next, we will look at the causes of acne, why it itches after sunbathing, and how to properly deal with it.


Why do acne appear on the body after sunbathing?

Usually rashes on the body are associated with the fact that sunbathing is not done correctly. Pimples often form after prolonged exposure to the sun. The sun is very active between 12.00 and 16.00 hours. The skin becomes dry, the sebaceous glands are forced to work harder, as a result, pores become clogged and comedones appear. Fair skin is prone to breakouts due to the fact that it contains much less melanin, which serves as protection during the tanning process. Failure to follow the rules of behavior on the beach leads to various pimples on such skin.

In some cases, the appearance of pimples and pimples may indicate skin diseases. Therefore, if a rash is detected, you need to contact a dermatologist to identify the true cause of the problem. #128105 #127995 ‍⚕️

Causes of acne on the back and shoulders:

  1. These parts of the body are more exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Because of this, the sebaceous glands are activated and they begin to secrete more sebum. The skin begins to thicken to provide additional protection from the sun. As a result, the pores become clogged and dirt, dust and bacteria enter them. As a response, acne appears.
  2. Drops of water act like a lens, intensifying the burn from UV rays. It may also be accompanied by swelling and itching. These are symptoms of allergic sensitivity or photodermatitis. It occurs when there is a deficiency in the synthesis of melanin in the skin to protect against UV rays.
  3. As a reaction to sunscreen cosmetic products. Cream with SPF is not suitable for the skin it contains too many preservatives, fragrances or chemical filters. In this case, it is enough to change it. The sun can also enhance the effect of moisturizing lotions, perfumes, and deodorants.
  4. As a response to recent stress. The skin reacts acutely to all processes in the body. Under the influence of UV rays, inflammation and negative conditions intensify, and acne occurs.
  5. Sometimes acne after the sea and sun can occur due to the wrong selection of cosmetics, in particular, sunscreens or after-sun products, moisturizers or lotions, or the use of deodorants and perfumes.
  6. If there are a lot of acne, they are accompanied by redness and even swelling, the skin is very itchy, and the rash covers large areas of the skin and exactly where there was the greatest exposure to the sun, most likely you have a so-called “sun allergy” or photodermatitis. This is a reaction to ultraviolet radiation that is caused by insufficient production of melanin to protect the skin from sun damage.


Sun allergies may appear as red dots or small pimples. A distinctive feature of allergic rashes is skin itching and redness. Red small bumps appear due to long exposure to direct rays. Blackheads and small pimples after sunbathing appear due to excessive dryness of the skin, the production of large amounts of sebum, and enlarged pores.

What should you do if you have pimples that itch after sunbathing?

Ways to remove acne after sunbathing at home:

  1. If a rash appears after using protective products, then simply stop using them. If everything goes away, then such cosmetics are simply not suitable
  2. When the cause is photodermatitis, it is important to protect the skin from sunlight for some time, using various products and closed clothing. Treat sun acne on the face, chest, shoulders and other parts of the body with Diphenhydramine solution. It is recommended to consult a doctor, since in case of complications, a course of special medications is important
  3. If after a trip to the sea you develop rashes after sunbathing, then this may be due to dehydration of the skin, so ensure hydration. Please note that even oily skin needs nutrition and hydration. Give preference to creams with a light texture, as they do not expand or clog pores. It is equally important to use cleansers that do not contain alcohol. Another important point is to maintain hydration by drinking enough water
  4. If the desire to get a beautiful tan has led to sunburn, then use Panthenol or Lioxazine in gel form topically. To relieve itching, it is allowed to take antihistamines
  5. You can treat acne after sunbathing using cocoa butter, which is used to wipe the affected areas.
  6. If acne itches after sunbathing, use herbal decoction of chamomile, it is suitable for lotions or wiping the affected areas of the skin. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties. You will need 2 tablespoons of herb per glass of boiling water. To treat the rash, use crushed pumpkin, as well as sour cream, yogurt or kefir. These simple products will soothe inflamed skin and relieve itching if acne appears due to sunbathing.
  7. Aloe tincture. Cut off a few leaves of a young plant and place it in the cellar or refrigerator for 10 days. Grind the leaves to form a porridge, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:5. Leave for one hour, put on the fire, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. Strain the cooled medicine. If the pimples that appeared after sunbathing are not inflamed, wipe them with pure juice. #127811
  8. Fir oil. If your skin is combination, you can wipe acne from sunburn with fir oil. It has bactericidal properties and does not dry out the skin. Dampen a cotton swab or gauze and gently wipe the affected areas.


Assess the degree of skin damage. If there are only isolated rashes, slight hyperemia, then you can get by with products that do not contain hormones, but which have an antiallergic effect. They will relieve irritation, help eliminate itching and help if acne has formed from the sun. Among the effective tablet drugs are:

If red spots from the sun on the skin itch due to increased sensitivity that occurred after contact with photosensitizers, then enterosorbents should be used to treat the condition. They will remove substances from the body that contributed to the reaction that occurred, and recovery will be faster. What can be recommended for use:

  1. Polysorb powder. Dilute in water and drink an hour before meals.
  2. Filtrum tablets. If the doctor has not prescribed any other regimen, then use the medicine according to the standard: 2 tablets 3 times a day.
  3. Enterosgel paste. You should consume 1 tbsp between meals. l. at least 3 times a day.


How to treat? The epidermis for acne can be treated:

  1. spot on salicylic acid
  2. aloe juice to moisturize and relieve inflammation
  3. boric acid
  4. a mixture of aloe and natural honey
  5. a solution of clay with essential oils of tea tree and citrus fruits.

#128105 #127995 ‍⚕️ Pimples on the chest after sunbathing can be eliminated using pharmaceutical clay. It has excellent aseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, and therefore is perfect for combating this problem. Simply dilute the clay with water according to the included instructions and apply it to the chest area. Wait until the clay dries and then wash it off with water. This mask will allow you not only to get rid of acne, but also to tighten the skin of your chest.

If acne causes discomfort, pain and itches severely, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In addition to taking medications prescribed by your doctor, you must:

  1. balance the diet (exclude salty, spicy, fried, fatty foods, flour and sweets)
  2. observe the rules of personal hygiene (regularly shower and wash using mild cleansers).

During treatment, you should not be in direct sunlight or use cosmetics that could cause rashes.

What is not recommended to do? ⛔

For the treatment of acne after sunbathing, it is not recommended:

  1. use fatty sour cream or oils (these products form a film on the skin that clogs the pores, which further aggravates the situation)
  2. use alcohol-containing products (in some cases such compositions are justified, but they can injure skin that is over-dried by tanning).

#128293 Recommended reading:

Prevention methods #127774

To avoid a problem when acne appears and itches after sunbathing, what to do, how to treat it, it is important not to forget that the sun is not always safe, and that contact with it can cause such unpleasant surprises. Be sure to acquire products that will protect you from harmful solar radiation. When choosing a cream, the degree of protection matters.

To prevent acne from appearing after sunbathing, we recommend following the following rules:

  1. Do not sunbathe for too long: a whole day at the peak of the sun's activity will lead not only to acne, but also to burns. The optimal time for tanning is before 11 am and after 16 pm.
  2. Limit tanning time to 10-15 minutes. Do not spend more than an hour and a half in the sun.
  3. While sunbathing, just relax. When reading a book or scrolling through the news on your smartphone, you risk getting carried away and spending too much time in the sun.
  4. Use cosmetics that protect your skin from the sun. Use quality products that suit you.
  5. If you are taking antibiotics or other medications, avoid spending time under ultraviolet rays.
  6. In the summer heat, drink more fluids, this will more effectively cleanse the body from the inside and stimulate the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  7. Wipe your skin thoroughly with lotions to cleanse after a hot summer day.
  8. Don't touch your face with your hands. If you sweat profusely, blot it with a napkin (you can use a damp one that can cool the skin).

Now you know why acne appeared during a trip to the sea after sunbathing or walking under the hot sun. Use the methods presented to quickly cope with the problem, and also do not forget about prevention.