Zogan facial massage after 40 years

Indications and benefits of facial massage

The skin reflects everything that happens in the body, how its systems and organs work. According to medical experts, after 40 years, the dermis needs additional resources as it becomes thinner, like muscle fibers. As a result of a decrease in collagen production, not only wrinkles are formed, but also jowls and a double chin. This is due to the fact that there is not enough white building material to maintain skin tone. A sign of aging of the dermis is sagging tissue, which is especially noticeable in the corners of the eyes and mouth. Also, at the age of 40, dryness and flaking of the epidermis, caused by a decrease in the level of mucopolysaccharides, often appears.

Lack of nutrients and hydration makes the dermis very sensitive to many factors, including: chemical components of cosmetics, sun rays, lack of vitamins and others. To protect it from all negative influences, it is necessary to provide comprehensive care, which includes not only the use of various products, but also facial massage procedures. Among them, the massage technique from Japan – Asahi – is especially popular. It is indicated for the following problems:

  1. fine and deep wrinkles, creases;
  2. decreased elasticity, firmness, and tone of the dermis;
  3. furrows, bags under the eyes, puffiness;
  4. double chin, loss of clarity of the oval of the face;
  5. deepening of wrinkles in the forehead, nasolabial folds;
  6. weakening of the muscle frame, excessive dry skin.

Regular and correct massage helps to correct existing deficiencies and prevent the development of others. Areas where there are pronounced problems need to be worked out more carefully.

How does Asahi massage help?

Asahi's technique has been known since ancient times. Japanese stylist Tanaka Yukuko took the ancient technique as a basis and brought it to perfection. It was after this that it became especially popular all over the world. The effective massage developed by Tanaka Yukuko is called Zogan. If translated literally from Japanese, it would sound like “creating a face.” Among practicing massage therapists and women who perform the procedure themselves, the technique is known as Asahi, which translates as “morning sun massage.” Its main principle of operation is based on improving the outflow of the bodice, which allows you to eliminate several problems at once. Among its most pronounced effects are the following:

  1. improving the skin regeneration process, which allows you to start the natural rejuvenation process;
  2. strengthening facial muscles;
  3. acceleration of blood circulation, elimination of lymph congestion;
  4. normalization of processes in dermal cells;
  5. evening out skin tone, increasing its tone and turgor;
  6. smoothing out small wrinkles, as well as reducing the visibility of severe ones;
  7. reduction of swelling, which often appears in the morning, as a result of impaired outflow of the bodice;
  8. tightening the muscle frame, providing a lifting effect;
  9. reducing the appearance of looseness and sagging tissue.

Performing Zogan massage is considered one of the most effective techniques, since it affects not only the upper layers of the skin, but also connective tissues, deep facial muscles, and skull bones.

Preparation and rules for performing Asahi facial massage

To learn Japanese massage techniques, you must first study general recommendations. You can take 1-2 sessions in the salon to see in practice how professionals perform the procedure. It is also important to understand that in order to obtain visible effects, massage must be given time regularly. All movements should be performed in the direction of the lymphatic pathways. Before you begin the procedure, you need to do the following:

  1. pin or tie your hair so that it does not interfere during the session;
  2. You can cleanse your face of remnants of decorative cosmetics and impurities using a scrub, micellar water, or foam;
  3. apply oil or moisturizer in small quantities to the cleansed and dry dermis;
  4. take a comfortable position, you can sit on a chair or lie down on a flat surface.

When performing a massage, it is very important that the skin is clean, since if there are contaminants, they will only penetrate deeper into the pores, causing inflammation. Also, after cleansing, you need to remove all moisture from the surface of the dermis (you can use a dry cloth).

Asahi massage: recommendations for implementation

Facial massage for women who are 40 years of age or older is easy to master at home, but before you start, you need to thoroughly study the features of the procedure. One of the main rules of massage is regularity. Constantly massaging the skin will not only make your face more toned, but also fresh. The procedure is not addictive, so the positive effect only intensifies with each session. It is suitable for daily use.

Particular attention should be paid to those areas of the face that already have problems. They should be worked out 2 times a day. One session should last no more than 17 minutes. It is better to perform the procedure in the morning and evening. There is no need to massage the skin several times a day, as this can cause it to stretch, which will lead to the formation of even more wrinkles.

When performing a massage, all movements should be along the lymphatic pathways. Women who have sensitive and thin dermis need to be more careful with pressure. Movements should be smooth and soft, repeated at least 3 times. Also, before kneading the skin, it must be lubricated with massage oil or cream. When applying pressure, it should be intense, but not painful.

At the end of the massage, you need to perform light and smooth strokes in the collarbone area through the lymph nodes. This is necessary in order to remove excess lymph and toxic substances. After completing the procedure, you need to clean your face with a dry cloth, then apply a nourishing mask and cream.

Asahi massage: sequence of execution

Before performing facial massage, you need to relax well. It is necessary to straighten your back and take a comfortable position; the best option, especially for beginners, is to sit in front of the mirror. After cleansing your face and applying massage cream, you can proceed to the massage itself. The technique involves several separate methods that take into account how old the woman is - 40, 45, 50, 60.

Most often, women over 40 develop a so-called double chin. To get rid of it, you need to place your palm under your chin and move it to the earlobe area. It is important that the hand fits tightly to the muscles; they must be captured and worked well. The movements should be repeated at least 3 times in one direction and the other.

Zogan Asahi massage can also help with drooping corners of the mouth. To do this, you need to place the middle index finger of both hands in the center of the chin, then make a semicircle with them, connecting them in the nach area with the upper lip.

To reduce nasolabial folds, you will need to place your fingertips under the wings of the nose, then perform intense circular movements towards the bridge of the nose. If there are deep wrinkles on the face in the forehead area, they can be reduced by placing the fingertips in the center and applying intense pressure. Next you need to continue actions towards the temples. You can also smooth the skin from left to right and vice versa.

To make the oval of the face more toned and clear, you need to fix the chin area with the palm of one hand, and with the other make smooth movements from the lower jaw to the temple. At this time, you need to warm up the muscles at least 3 times, then move to the other side of the face.

You need to perform a facial massage for at least 10 minutes every day. All actions should be smooth and intense, but not cause discomfort. The first results appear after a month of regular procedures.

Another important point that needs to be paid attention to when performing a massage using the Asahi technique is the correct completion of the session. Each procedure must end with a final movement. It should be in the direction of lymph flow. In the area where the parotid lymph nodes are located (they are located in the area between the tragus of the ear and the temple), you need to perform light movements, starting from the lateral parts of the facial contour, while going around the jaw joint. Having reached the area of ​​deep cervical nodes, you need to hold the ends of your fingers for 2 seconds, then smoothly massage the sides of the neck. The complete completion of the massage procedure will be after the area at the jugular cavity and the inner extreme part of the clavicle has been worked.

Asahi facial rejuvenation technique by age category

To choose the right technique that will actually work, you need to take into account how old the woman is, since the Japanese massage technique is divided into several categories, each of which takes into account age-related changes in the face.

To maintain beauty after 40 years, you need to choose a technique that suits these years. The first thing Zogan Asahi massage involves at this age is working on the corners of the mouth and nasolabial folds. You need to clench your fist, but leave your index finger on top, then massage the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, moving from top to bottom. Then you need to perform a similar movement from the corners of the mouth to the center of the chin. Next, a line is worked along the lower jaw to the ears. Actions are performed on the face with both hands on both sides.

The next action is to spread your elbows to the sides and point your fists towards your face, then you need to make an effort and press them along the lower jaw, performing scrolling. You need to make rotational movements up to the ear area. Next, the effect is applied to active biological points in the area of ​​the chin, corners of the mouth, and wings of the nose. You need to press on them with your fingertips and hold for up to 3 seconds. Then the palms move towards the ears.

The next exercise according to the Asahi massage method involves: using the fingers of one hand to lift the cheek muscle, and placing the fingers of the other hand on top. Next, the fingers smoothly move in the ear area, light stroking movements are performed with one hand, and with the other, massaging the skin along the line from the ear to the middle of the chin. Then the exercise is performed in the opposite direction.

The main task of the complex is to solve the problems that are inherent in a person after forty. Its main goal is to correct nasolabial folds and prevent sagging cheeks.

There are also Asahi massage options for those who are 45 years or older. These are separate techniques. Another option to consider is performing a massage on a thin face. It helps remove swelling. The beginning of the procedure involves performing smooth movements in the form of stroking with the middle fingers in the direction of a line from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones. Then you need to work on the bridge of your nose for a few seconds and move back along the upper eyelid, following the line of eyebrow growth. Next, you need to stop and work on the outer corners of the eyes, return back to the inner corners, moving along the lower eyelid. The last movement should be carried out with minimal effort so as not to injure thin and delicate skin. The penultimate exercise involves moving across the face from the outer corners of the eyes and targeting the temples. At the end, a finishing movement is performed.

For Asahi massage procedures to produce results, they must be correct and regular. It is recommended to carry out intensive therapy at least 2 times a year. To consolidate the effect obtained, as well as maintain it, it is important to review your diet. The menu should have enough fruits and vegetables. You need to give up smoking and alcohol, as bad habits contribute to accelerated skin aging. It is also important to use high quality cosmetics, taking into account skin type, age and existing problems. To make your face look younger, you should watch your facial expressions, not wrinkle your forehead and be less stressed.

Does the procedure have any contraindications?

Like every effective technique, Asahi may have unspecified disadvantages, which relate to the manifestation of side effects that occur when massage is performed with contraindications. Before starting the procedure, you need to make sure that there are no such problems: disease of the lymphatic system, rosacea, pathological diseases of the ENT organs, various rashes on the epidermis, ARVI, very thin and sensitive skin, general malaise and chronic fatigue syndrome. Before mastering the technique and starting to implement it, it is recommended to consult with a specialist and make sure there are no contraindications. You can get advice here.

Hello, friends! Isn't it great when a woman looks younger than her age? Today I would like to continue the topic of massage, which I started in the article about lymphatic drainage facial massage. Today I’ll tell you about one of the types of this massage - Japanese facial massage. Judging by the reviews, it perfectly helps fight wrinkles.

Who invented

This method of massage has been known since ancient times. But brought to perfection and presented in practical form by the Japanese stylist Tanaka Yukuko. In 2007, she presented the world with the book “Facial Massage”. This work generated positive reviews and lively debate among both readers and critics.

Have you noticed how young the women of the land of the rising sun look? Their beauty is often characterized by longevity, refined features and snow-white skin. Maybe we should adopt their beauty recipes?

The well-known name of this amazing massage is Zogan, which literally means “creating a face.” In RuNet it is better known as Asahi (or “morning sun massage”)

Cosmetologists and dermatologists recognize lymphatic drainage massage as rejuvenating, as it affects the lymph flow pathways.

Basic recommendations for implementation

You can master the ability to properly massage your face. There are instructional videos available for this. The best option is to do 1-2 sessions in a salon with a professional. Then you can do the massage yourself. This way, you can understand the technique of performing the procedure.

Just remember, Tsogan procedures are not a one-time session. Regularity is required to achieve the rejuvenation effect.

The main rule is that all manipulations with the face must be carried out exactly according to the location of the lymphatic pathways

This massage is therapeutic in nature. To gradually get rid of wrinkles, just a little effort when pressing on the face is enough.

  1. Cleanse your face first. To do this, use your favorite cleanser: micellar water, foam or gel. Remove any remaining moisture with a paper napkin. It is good to do the procedure in the morning.
  2. Before starting, apply a special oil-based massage product. Can be replaced with moisturizer or cosmetic milk. But I still recommend buying an oil base.
  3. Carefully study the video instructions in this article. You must clearly know which areas of the face to press on.
  4. at the end, be sure to remove the remaining oil base (cream) with a napkin and wash with warm water.


Japanese facial massage + video in Russian and techniques in pictures

I tried to describe everything in detail and clearly with pictures, videos and comments. Perform the 10-year back technique daily for the first 2-3 weeks. Next, reduce the intensity to 2-3 times a week. For better understanding, I recommend watching the video.

In addition, depending on age, different Asahi techniques are used.

Asahi 2 after 40 years

More aimed at age-related changes: helps improve skin tone, smoothes the wings of the nose, “lifts the cheeks.”

  1. Make fists with your thumbs on top of your index fingers
  2. Place your fists near the base of the nasolabial folds. Slowly move along the line of the nasolabial folds to the chin. The fists should meet in the middle of the chin.
  1. Extend your fists, elbows pointing to the sides. Apply pressing movements from bottom to top along the edge of the cheekbones to the ear area. Repeat 3 times with finishing movements.
  1. Place the pads of your fingers on your chin. Apply a little pressure and hold for 3 seconds at this point. Next, move your fingers to the corners of your mouth and also hold for 3 seconds. Move your fingers up to the wings of the nose and again apply a small 3-second gentle pressure. Next, move your palms to your ears and perform the final action. Repeat three times.
  1. Place the fingers of one hand on your cheek. Place the fingers of the other hand on top. Press your fingers firmly onto the skin and move your fingers up to your ear. Then one hand goes to the final action, and the other moves along the edge of the lower jaw to the chin. 3 repetitions with finishing actions.

Asahi 2 after 50 years video

Fighting sagging cheeks and the formation of jowls on the skin of the face. Repeat each exercise 3 times.

  1. We form our fingers into fists. From the corners of the mouth along the lower jaw we move with pressing movements to the ears. Then we do the final step. Repeat three times.
  1. Smoothing movement from nasolabial folds from top to bottom. First on one side, then on the other.
  1. Place your right hand on your left. Press your palms to your face in the temple area. Pressing on the skin, move towards the auricle. Next, one hand goes to the final action, and the other moves along the lower edge of the chin. This is done on both sides of the face.
  1. Place your palms on your cheeks. Press down on your face as if lifting your cheeks. Move slowly towards your ears. Then take the final action.

Asahi 2 after 60 years video

It’s time to add elements of massage to the previous exercises to eliminate sagging chin and neck. Repeat each exercise 3 times.

  1. Place your fingers under your chin. Slowly move along the edge of your chin up to your ear. Perform the final action.
  1. For this exercise you will need a napkin or towel made of natural fabric. Press the towel to your chin for 5 seconds. Next, run your fingers from the middle of the chin along the edge of the face. The fingers move in the other direction, not as usual, but forward. Take the final action. This is done on both sides of the face.
  1. With an open palm, grab your chin. Go down slowly along the entire neck.

For a better understanding of how to perform the techniques, check out the training video:

What problems may arise after a massage and how to solve them

If everything is done correctly and carefully, no problems will arise. But in some cases, some troubles may arise:

Skin rash

As I wrote above, you can’t do a massage if you have skin rashes. You will spread more irritation. At this time, it is better to take a course of soothing masks or white clay.

If irritation is caused by massage, then the rash will be localized in the area of ​​the lymphatic tract.

  1. stop massage until the rash completely disappears;
  2. change the massage product;
  3. Remove massage oil (base) more thoroughly after the procedure.

Facial weight loss

For those who already have a doll-like face with sunken cheeks, this can cause inconvenience. To avoid this, you need to reduce the number of sessions.

If your face becomes flat and expressionless, this massage is not suitable for you at all. Switch to another type of facial gymnastics.

Morning swelling

Check out where this problem is coming from. I described the most basic reasons in the article “causes of puffiness under the eyes.” Maybe it has something to do with nutrition. It is better not to massage at night. This may cause swelling in the morning.

Zogan massage is called “Morning Sun” because it is best done in the morning. How to quickly get rid of swelling, see another article.


It appears in the form of blood vessels and stars on the face. If you have this disease, lymphomassage can be done with caution, and even better, consult a doctor. If these signs appeared after the Asahi massage:

  1. exclude exercises in the area of ​​rosacea;
  2. use a special cream for the treatment and prevention of rosacea;
  3. use scrubs and peels less often;
  4. avoid temperature changes.

Japanese facial massage – reviews from those who have experienced its effects

Karina: I have been doing massage for a week. I chose virgin coconut oil as the oil. I love! Only positive effect.

Tatiana: Hello! And I had a bad experience. I am 35 years old. I had a massage for 14 days. Signs of swelling and nasolabial folds became even more pronounced. The face somehow became haggard. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Adelia: And Asahi’s self-massage really works. After a week-long course, my cosmetologist noted improvements in my face. And the opinion of a professional is worth a lot!

Lydia: I liked everything. When I started doing massage (about 3 months), I didn’t find any warnings about a thin face. Now I have a problem and “have something to fight with.” Girls, pay serious attention to this moment!

Margot: I started doing massage for 2 weeks. I chose peach oil for myself. I didn’t feel particularly rejuvenated. The skin tightened up a little and that’s it. I don’t notice a great effect on the color and pores of my face. Although, maybe 14 days is not enough?

Tamara: And my skin condition immediately improved. And then somehow my face seemed to sag. The folds around the nose became more visible. It didn’t seem to stretch it much. As soon as I stopped, everything quickly fell into place. But I did everything right.

We understand perfectly well that massage alone is not enough. Of course, you need to take care of yourself from the inside too: eat right, drink clean water, don’t get nervous.

The use of additional care products is very important at any age. Especially after 40. I often see reviews like this: “The skin is saggy.” You need to train your facial muscles the same way you train your body muscles in the gym. I recommend doing special gymnastics for the face, which keeps the muscles toned. I plan to write an article about her soon 🙂

Do not forget about the use of special anti-aging products. Compliance with an integrated approach is the key to beauty and youth!

Indications and contraindications

Japanese Zogan massage as a remedy has a number of indications and contraindications.

  1. prevention of premature aging;
  2. increasing skin tone;
  3. fight against wrinkles;
  4. swelling of the face;
  5. improvement of skin color;
  6. getting rid of double chin.
  1. colds (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, ENT diseases, runny nose);
  2. diseases of the lymphatic system;
  3. inflammatory processes on the skin of the face;
  4. rosacea (only with doctor's consultation);
  5. do with caution in case of autoimmune diseases (Werlhof's disease);
  6. For those with a thin face with a small layer of fat, it is better to work only on the upper part of the face, because This procedure promotes facial slimming.

During critical days, it is better to refrain from facial massage.

Friends! If you found this information useful, don't forget to share on social networks and subscribe to updates. I try to look for everything that is most useful and effective. See you again!

After 40–45 years, women try to look in the mirror less often, fearing to see new wrinkles, furrows and folds in the reflection. Of course, it is impossible to stop age-related changes in the body, but reducing their expression on the face is a feasible task. You won't be able to achieve the desired success with cosmetic products alone. Massage treatments will help preserve the beauty and youth of your skin. Cosmetologists especially recommend Japanese facial massage after 45 years. What kind of technique is this, how effective is it in eliminating deep wrinkles, jowls and other age-related imperfections on the face.

Features of mature skin

Skin is an external expression of internal changes in the body, the functioning of organs and systems. Medicine claims that after 40, the process of involution, the reverse development of organs, occurs. Maintaining the same skin condition requires more effort and natural resources than in youth.


Over time, the skin becomes thinner, and the thickness of the muscle fibers decreases. Epidermal cells produce fewer proteins that build the muscular framework of the face, so it is not possible to maintain the integument in tone; they seem to “float” down, forming jowls and a double chin. The first signs of tissue sagging are drooping corners of the mouth and eyes.

Dryness and flaking are another characteristic feature of mature skin, caused by a decrease in mucopolysaccharides (component of the intercellular substance, connective tissue of the integument). Thin, moisture-deprived skin reacts sensitively to solar ultraviolet radiation, chemical components of cosmetics, and a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body.

What problems does a woman face after 40:

  1. skin hyperpigmentation, appearance of brown spots;
  2. manifestation of rosacea in the form of spider veins;
  3. bags, swelling under the eyes, swelling of the upper eyelid in 35%;
  4. feeling of tightness, unusual dryness of the skin;
  5. furrows, deep wrinkles on the forehead;
  6. a cobweb of wrinkles around the eyes and lips;
  7. pronounced nasolabial folds;
  8. porosity, looseness of the skin;
  9. a “floating” oval, drooping corners of the eyes and mouth - after 40, according to experts, a little more than half of the facial tissues are covered by ptosis.

After 45, the situation with the skin becomes more complicated: itching and discomfort appear, acne becomes a frequent guest, and hopes for a clear contour melt away before our eyes. This is facilitated by changes in a woman’s hormonal background (menopause). Special medications will help smooth out the hormonal surge, and massage and high-quality cosmetics will help reduce the risk of sudden skin aging.

Indications for testing


Active facial massage will correct many skin problems, especially the following defects:

  1. decreased tone and elasticity of tissues;
  2. wrinkles, creases, furrows;
  3. deepening of nasolabial folds, longitudinal and transverse wrinkles on the forehead;
  4. swelling, bags under the eyes;
  5. double chin;
  6. weakening of the muscle frame, tissue ptosis;
  7. itching and discomfort caused by increased dryness of the skin;
  8. vagueness of the oval.

Visiting a massage therapist or performing a massage procedure at home will help correct visible defects and prevent them from deepening. The expressed problems are worked out in more detail.

Note! Cosmetologists strongly recommend that facial massage be included in the list of regular cosmetic procedures after 40 years. Such a solution will prevent the rapid aging of the skin and correct existing age-related deficiencies.

Expected effect


Facial massage is a set of exercises and movements that can increase muscle tone and affect the speed of metabolic processes and regeneration. The primary task of massaging the skin is to speed up blood circulation, get rid of possible stagnation of lymph (intercellular fluid), and strengthen the facial muscles.

1–2 weeks after the first massage session you will notice significant changes:

  1. skin regeneration is enhanced, the natural rejuvenation process is launched;
  2. internal processes in the cells of the epidermis and the work of the sebaceous glands are normalized;
  3. improves and evens out complexion;
  4. fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable;
  5. tightening the muscle frame, strengthening the facial muscles;
  6. has a pronounced lifting effect;
  7. skin tone and turgor increases;
  8. sagging and looseness of tissues decreases.

You can enjoy a long-lasting, noticeable effect only with regular massage treatments, a one-time session cannot solve skin problems. It is better to include massage exercises in facial care.

There are many options for rejuvenating massages, Japanese massage from Asahi Zogan is especially popular. The massage technique differs from the usual classic massage:

  1. A large role is given to biologically active points and lymph flow lines. In the classic version, the master performs stroking and kneading, taking into account massage lines.
  2. Pressure is performed with the palm or pads of several fingers simultaneously.
  3. Particular attention is aimed at removing toxins and waste from epidermal cells, eliminating lymph congestion. After 45, toxins and lymph stagnation inhibit the natural regeneration of the integument.

One more moment! Asahi massage after 45 and 40 years is different, this is due to severe skin problems in patients. After 40, special emphasis is placed on solving problems around the eyes, mouth, and eliminating facial wrinkles. As for the massage actions of more mature skin, the master concentrates on the lifting effect, the fight against sagging cheeks, and a double chin.

General provisions of the procedure


Asahi facial massage refers to therapeutic and rejuvenating procedures. Translated, “Asahi” means “morning sun massage.” On the Internet, this massage is also known as the Zogan technique; its translation exactly coincides with the effectiveness of the technique (“creating a face”).

Not long ago, the Japanese massage technique was partially adjusted by Yukuko Tanaka. In 2007, her book on massage was published, where Tanaka competently differentiated exercises for the face and neck, taking into account the type and age of the client. This greatly simplified the process of performing Japanese massage and brought it closer to doing it at home. The advanced massage technique became known as "Zogan Asahi 2 massage".

The technique of Japanese massage is quite simple, so manipulations are performed without the help of a specialist, at home. Before proceeding to a detailed study of patterns and directions of massage movements, familiarize yourself with the basic rules for conducting such a massage:

  1. Regularity is the most important criterion for success. Asahi Zogan massage is suitable for daily use and is not addictive.
  2. Pay more attention to working on problem areas (periorbital, frontal zone, contour). If there are significant defects, perform massage movements twice a day.
  3. One rejuvenation session should not exceed 17 minutes. If necessary, repeat the steps in the morning and evening; overexertion causes stretching of the skin and the appearance of a large number of wrinkles.
  4. Please note massage movements using the Asahi technique are performed along the lymphatic pathways. It is recommended to study their location in advance.
  5. Those with sensitive, thin skin should be extremely careful and control the pressure applied.
  6. Massage movements should be smooth and soft. They should be repeated 3 times.
  7. It is necessary to refuse the rejuvenation procedure if there are contraindications. Contact a specialist, he will select a massage technique that is safe in your case.
  8. Zogan massage is performed only on clean skin, using massage oil (cream).
  9. Pressure during the massage procedure should be intense, but not painful.
  10. Each massage exercise is completed with light, smooth stroking of the skin in the direction of the collarbone through the lymph nodes. They promote the drainage of excess lymph and the removal of toxins, increasing the effectiveness of the actions performed.
  11. After the manipulations, thoroughly remove any remaining massage cream (oil) with a paper napkin, and consolidate the effect with a nourishing mask or skin care cream.

Important point! If the next morning after an evening massage session swelling appears on your face, do not worry. Next time, perform the procedure not in the evening, before bed, but in the morning.

Preparation for the procedure


Preparing for massage exercises is a simple but important factor. You need:

  1. Remove hair and pin it up so that it does not interfere during the massage procedure.
  2. Remove makeup residue, particles of dust, grease and sweat. In a word, the skin should be perfectly clean. A mild cleanser is suitable for this. Many cosmetologists recommend cleaning the skin with a scrub on the eve of massage procedures.
  3. After cleansing, dry the skin and remove droplets of moisture using a clean cloth (paper) napkin.
  4. Apply a little massage cream or oil to a clean, dry face. Please note that massage therapists do not recommend using oil for self-massage, based on the inability to deeply work the skin on your own. It is important to check the product for an allergic reaction before the massage.
  5. Lie down on a flat surface or sit on a chair. The main thing is that your back is straight.

Clean, humidified air in the room, relaxing music and a few drops of essential oils in an aroma bowl will put you in a positive mood and help you relax.

Step-by-step execution

Instructions for performing face-building exercises depend on the age category of the client and his individual characteristics.

For category 40+

The following exercises will help preserve the beauty of your face after 40 and correct flaws that reveal a woman’s age:

  1. Make a fist with your index finger on top. Work on the nasolabial folds, from top to bottom. From the corners of the mouth, move to the middle of the chin, then along the lower jaw to the ears. The exercise is performed symmetrically, with both hands on both sides.
  2. Spread your elbows to the sides and open your fists. With effort, but without pain, apply pressure while rolling your fists along the lower jaw. When you reach the ear, perform the finishing movement.
  3. Impact the active points on the chin, the corners of the mouth and the wings of the nose by applying pressure with your fingertips. Perform each pressure for 2-3 seconds. Smoothly move your palms to your ears and complete the exercise.
  4. Using the fingers of one hand, slightly lift the cheek muscle to enhance the effect, place the fingers of the other hand on top. Slowly move your fingers towards your ear. Then perform a final stroking with one hand, and with the other, massage the skin in the direction from the ear to the center of the chin.
  5. Do the previous massage exercise in the opposite direction.


This complex is recommended for women over 40. Its main task is to correct nasolabial folds and prevent sagging cheeks.

For those over 45

For clients 45+, it is recommended to pay special attention to the cheeks and chin area. Perform the following massage exercises:

  1. Using your fists, apply pressure in the direction of the corners of the mouth - the auricle, along the lower jaw. Make the finishing move.
  2. Work the nasolabial folds from top to bottom using moderate pressure, as if you were smoothing them out. Complete the exercise.
  3. Place one palm on the other and on the temporal area, apply pressure, moving towards the ear. Complete the exercise with one hand, and with the other make smoothing movements in the direction of the chin, along the lower jaw.
  4. With one palm, fix the cheek muscle near the corners of the mouth. Using light pressure on the skin, smoothly move your palm towards the top of the ear. Perform the finishing movement.


Before performing Asahi massage exercises, we recommend watching video tutorials or visiting a massage therapist.

For a thin face

The active effects on the skin suggested by the Asahi massage technique model the correct oval of the face and contribute to its weight loss. For those with a naturally thin face, massage is indicated to combat swelling.

A massage exercise against puffiness under the eyes is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Perform smooth stroking with the pads of your middle fingers towards the inner corners of the eyes from the outer ones.
  2. Pause for a few seconds on the bridge of your nose.
  3. Move in the opposite direction along the upper eyelid (closer to the eyebrow line).
  4. Pause for 2-3 seconds at the outer corners of your eyes.
  5. Return to the inner corners of the eye along the lower eyelid. This time the force should be reduced.
  6. Move towards the outer corners with light pressure.
  7. Apply targeted pressure to the temples.
  8. Perform the finishing movement.


Attention! When the problem is solved, stop exercising, and in this case, age-related deficiencies will be corrected by gymnastics. Otherwise, excessive thinness will only add age and emphasize visible defects.

How many sessions will it take?

The number and frequency of sessions are determined by the degree of the problem, as well as the choice of massage technique. Asahi massage movements after 45 years of age in order to correct imperfections on the face are recommended to be performed twice a day, every day. After a month, reduce the intensity of exposure to 2-3 times a week.

Asahi massage for facial rejuvenation after 40 and 45 years is somewhat different (pattern of massage movements, pressure pressure), so there is no difference in the quantity and frequency of performance. Visit intensive care at least twice a year.

The following actions will help to consolidate and delay the achieved effect longer:

  1. adjust your diet by filling your diet with vitamin-rich foods, vegetables and fruits, excluding alcohol, fried and salty foods;
  2. use high-quality cosmetics, taking into account age and skin type;
  3. Be less nervous, watch your facial expressions, don’t squint, don’t wrinkle your forehead;
  4. Gymnastics for the face (face building) will be useful and effective.


The cost of the procedure may vary significantly. This is influenced by the rating, the professionalism of the performer, and the location of the salon (beauty center, cosmetology salon). On average, one visit to a massage therapist in Moscow will cost 2 thousand rubles, in the region up to 1 thousand rubles.

For the purpose of saving, self-development You can perform massage exercises at home. To be sure that your actions are correct, it is recommended to perform 2-3 sessions with a specialist or carefully study the massage training video.

Precautionary measures

The main disadvantage of this transformation technique is the presence of contraindications. These include:

  1. rosacea;
  2. ailments, chronic diseases of the ENT organs;
  3. ARVI, fever, influenza;
  4. lymph related disorders;
  5. dermatitis, rashes of an infectious and allergic nature;
  6. chronic fatigue syndrome.

For those who have very sensitive and thin skin, performing a massage on their own is not recommended. Women with thin faces will have to choose a different massage technique.

Errors in performing movements are often accompanied by the appearance of side effects, in particular:

  1. Swelling in the morning - an acceptable phenomenon when a massage is performed before bedtime. Carrying out massage movements in the morning rather than in the evening will help to avoid swelling.
  2. Rash, irritation - the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon may be neglect of contraindications, performing a massage with dermatitis, acne on the face. Thus, the infection is transferred to healthy areas of the skin.
  3. Allergic rashes — the massage product is not suitable, an allergy test was not performed before the procedure.
  4. Rash localized to areas where lymph flows - irritation caused by massage. At the first manifestation of a side defect, stop manipulations, replace the massage oil (cream) used, and carefully remove any remaining product after each session.
  5. Spider veins, stars on the face - such side defects are often caused by neglecting contraindications; in case of rosacea on the face, the treatment is not performed or is performed only by a specialist. A medicinal cream can correct newly formed defects.
  6. Sunken cheeks, flat face - the technique is not suitable, turn to face-building or massage without any weight loss effect.

Japanese facial massage after 45 years is a simple but effective exercise. The massage technique is popular all over the world, has received positive reviews from beauty salon clients, and is suitable for home use. Take advantage of the advice and recommendations of specialists, perform massage regularly and be sure that the rejuvenation effect will not take long to appear and will be noticeable after just a few procedures.

Useful videos

Master class with Yukuko Tanaka on performing Asahi massage 2 after 40 years.