Stage makeup for oriental dances

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Makeup intended for a stage look appears to be simple and is applied using a combined pencil and shadow technique. The arrows are drawn mainly with wet shadows, and only slightly outlined with a pencil to create greater expressiveness of the eyes.


Beauty of the East

Oriental eye makeup for belly dancing is done in the Arabic style, but the technique of applying shadow is slightly modified. It is easy to apply and can be done at home without resorting to the services of a makeup artist, but at the same time it is quite effective.

The specificity of applying shadows in this makeup is that we will work mainly not with brushes, but with sponges or applicators previously moistened with water. After the makeup base has been applied to the entire eyelid, you can begin working directly with the shadows.

Apply a light gray pearlescent tone under the eyebrow and distribute it along the entire eyebrow line from the middle to the tip. We will also apply gray color in the corner of the eye, and distribute it towards the middle of the eyelid, and stretch the shade over the entire eyelid.

The next step is to give the eye an oriental elongated shape. For this we will use brown shadows with warm pearlescent shades. Apply the color above the crease of the eyelid and go to the outer corner of the eye, drawing the shape of a corner or the shape of the letter “v” turned to its side.

We choose a shade that matches the color of the stage costume: golden, yellow, red or another. We put it on a brush and apply it from the inner corner of the eye to the crease of the eyelid, placing accents in the makeup. When working with bright shades of shadow, you should pick up the color in a minimal amount and add it as needed, giving it more saturation.

Arabic arrows for belly dancing

We wet the applicator with a damp cloth and pick up some black eyeshadow. From the bone under the tip of the eyebrow to the outer corner of the eye, draw a thick black stripe, and connecting it with the eyelash contour, draw the next line to the middle of the eye. And then another stroke to the inner corner of the eye.

We complement the oriental eyes with a black line drawn in the same wet way along the lower eyelid, but do not bring it a little to the inner corner of the eye. Take a black pencil and draw the bird's beak in the inner edge of the eye, drawing cat eyes. We draw a line from the upper eyelid, lowering it below the natural corner of the eye, and connect it with the line of the lower eyelid.

Using a waterproof pencil or gel eyeliner, draw the water line of the lower and upper eyelids. We complete the makeup by painting the eyelashes for volume. It is best not to glue false eyelashes, as they will interfere with oriental belly dancing during the performance. Hair can get tangled in them, distracting you from dancing. But, if such moments do not bother you, you can use false eyelashes.

Creating an image for a ballroom dance performance

We will apply an eyeshadow base to the entire moving eyelid to extend the durability of stage makeup for ballroom dancing. Apply light beige shadows over the base, several shades lighter than the natural color of the skin. Apply cocoa-colored brown shadows into the crease of the eyelid and draw the shade beyond the corner of the eye in the form of a thick but elegant arrow.

Paint the eyelash line on the movable eyelid with black gel eyeliner, applying it to a thin small brush. Let's draw small arrows flying upward from the outer corner of the eye, towards the eyebrows. Paint your eyelashes with lengthening mascara.

Apply a little pink blush in natural shades to your cheeks, refreshing your flawless look. And add a little highlighter in the area around the eyes with the letter “c”, on the central part of the nose and in the cupid’s dimple. Paint your lips with a delicate pink shade of gloss or lipstick. And we’ll complete the wonderful look of a beauty rushing to a ballroom performance by applying a little highlighter or light shadows with pearlescent grains to the corners of the eyes.

Eastern beauties have always captivated us with their fabulous beauty. Bright and expressive images of Indian and Arab dancers or Japanese geishas are still present in romantic narratives. A feature of their image has always been bright and expressive makeup, which, with the help of instructions with photos and videos, every woman can create.

There are three main trends in oriental makeup: Japanese, Indian and Arabic.

  1. Japanese captivates with its purity.
  1. Indian emphasizes femininity and vitality.
  1. Arabic is simultaneously bright, bold and mysterious.

Often, when we mean oriental-style makeup, we mean a certain mix of oriental influences. There is an opinion that the Arabic style is aggressive. Indeed, the makeup of an oriental beauty implies considerable audacity. But let's agree - he is so effective.

Oriental makeup: how to do it correctly at home - instructions with step-by-step photos

For this we need

  1. primer (makeup base) and foundation (used with primer) or foundation (used instead of primer and foundation);
  2. palette of pearlescent shadows (shades can be mixed, but the presence of black and white colors in the palette is required);
  3. kajal (special black soft pencil, can be replaced with black shadows);
  4. black liquid eyeliner;
  5. bronzer (similar to powder, but with darker pigments);
  1. regular eyeliner (black, white and other colors of your choice);
  2. highlighter (a decorative product to create a natural glow);
  3. colorless lip gloss or bright lipstick (can be either glossy or matte);
  4. lip liner to match the lipstick or a tone darker;
  5. makeup brushes;
  6. anti-redness eye drops.

Applying the base

Primers are available for the face, lips, eyelids, eyebrows and eyelashes. Each of them has its own purposes and, accordingly, composition and texture.

On previously cleansed facial skin, apply a primer or foundation that matches your skin type using your fingers, a brush or a makeup sponge. This will even out the surface of the skin so that cosmetics lie more evenly, and the makeup is long-lasting and flawless.

We pay special attention to the upper eyelid, evenly distributing the primer or foundation with our fingertips. This prevents the shadows from rolling off at the edge of the moving eyelid, and makes the shadows brighter and more saturated. Wait 3-5 minutes, then, if we use a primer, apply foundation with the next layer, avoiding the area of ​​the upper and moving eyelid.

If the hairstyle involves open ears, then they also need to be tinted to match the complexion. Otherwise they will look ridiculous.

Doing oriental eye makeup (step by step instructions in the photo)

  1. Apply light pearlescent shadows to the upper eyelid in the direction from the very beginning of the inner corner of the eye, to its outer edge.
  1. In the middle of the upper eyelid we make a bright point accent.
  1. Let's use the third shade. Carefully, without going beyond the bend line, apply shadows from the middle of the upper eyelid towards the outer edge of the eye. Shadows can be either pearlescent or matte.
  1. To blend the shadows, use a special straight makeup brush. Blend the shadows on the upper eyelid, achieving the smoothest possible transition of colors.
  1. Using kajal (a special black soft pencil), draw an angled arrow on the outer corner of the eye. Kayal can be replaced with black shadows. Apply with a thin brush.
  1. Using a thin brush, shade the line of the angular arrow, moving towards the middle of the upper eyelid.
  1. Using liquid eyeliner along the eyelash growth line from the very beginning of the inner corner of the eye to the outer, draw an arrow. Carefully paint the space between the eyelashes. To obtain a straight line, you need to control the force of pressure on the brush, as well as the firmness of your hand. To make the task easier, the elbow of the hand in which we hold the brush can be placed on a stable surface.
  1. To add lightness to the makeup, using white (you can use any light palette) shadows, draw a stripe along the end of the arrow towards the outer end of the eyebrow. This part is at your discretion; you don’t have to draw the stripe, but it’s much more impressive.
  1. Now draw an arrow with a black pencil on the lower eyelid, under the lash line. Notice how the top and bottom lines at the inner corner of the eye meet, giving the eye an almond-like shape.
  2. To add depth, you need to use a brush under the arrow on the lower eyelid, along its entire length, to apply shadows using a lighter shade than the arrow itself (gray, dark purple or any other). Then, using a white pencil, we color the mucous part of the lower eyelid from its middle to the outer corner of the eye, and with a black pencil - from the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the lower eyelid.

You should paint the mucous membrane very carefully, and also take into account that this action can lead to redness of the eyes. If this happens, you can use anti-redness eye drops.

  1. To get rid of sharp boundaries of the transition of one color to another, carefully shade with a round brush.
  1. Apply eyelashes with lengthening mascara. If necessary, the use of false eyelashes is allowed. Don't forget about the eyebrows, give them a neat, correct shape. If necessary, draw on them with a pencil.

Apply bronzer and highlighter

Using a fluffy brush, apply bronzer to the prominent parts of the face, achieving a light tan effect. We apply highlighter to those places that we want to emphasize, as a result of their highlighting. If you have any doubts about what to apply and where, in this case there is a universal scheme for all face types:

Lip makeup

Here you can choose from two options: apply a colorless gloss to your lips, leaving only one accent on your eyes, or use a bright matte or glossy lipstick. Both options are acceptable in modern versions.

If you decide to highlight your lips too, then:

1. Apply primer or foundation to the lips (if you didn’t do it at the very beginning).
2. Outline the contour of the lips with a pencil in steps:

  1. draw a “bird” on the upper lip;
  2. draw a strip on the lower lip;
  3. connect the edges of the upper lip contour from bottom to top, as shown by the arrow in the photo;
  4. We connect the contours of the lower lip from the middle to the edges, moving along the arrow.

3. Apply lipstick with a flat brush, this will allow you to qualitatively fill all the unevenness on the surface of the lips.
4. The outline can be slightly emphasized with a white pencil.

Matte lipstick looks more impressive, but highlights all the wrinkles on the lips. Experiment with types of lipsticks and choose the best option for yourself.

Ideas for such makeup


Usually the bride is presented as sweet and gentle, but it’s time to break stereotypes. Wedding makeup in this design will present the bride as a sensual and magnificent beauty, leaving no one indifferent.

For a photo shoot

In a modern version, it is quite suitable as makeup for a photo shoot. Exquisite accessories will complement the look.

Video of applying oriental makeup

This video shows in detail how to apply makeup correctly, what cosmetics and brushes to use. The resulting image can be used for festive or other social events.

Makeup video for oriental dances

This video shows how to create a vibrant stage look. Everything on stage should be brighter than in life. Video with Russian subtitles.

Now we have finished our experiment, I hope everything worked out for you. Don't be discouraged if this is not the case, it may not be perfect the first time. Be sure to practice in advance so that at the crucial moment you can create your magical image of an oriental beauty with ease and confidence. It is also recommended to subject it to a temporary test. Namely, leave makeup on your face for the number of hours you expect, and observe. Depending on the result, you may have to choose a different makeup base, or lipstick, or change something else. Only those who do nothing fail, but you will definitely succeed. Write in the comments about your experience, whether you managed to replicate the makeup of oriental women, as in the photo, whether your expectations were met.