Why is there swelling on the face?

Swelling on the face is a local accumulation of excess fluid in the intercellular space of the skin. Swelling, “bags” under the eyes, puffiness can be both symptoms of diseases and manifestations of disturbances in sleep patterns, nutrition, overwork, and alcohol intake. For adequate treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of facial swelling.

Mechanism of edema formation

Swelling is formed due to excessive transfer of the liquid part of the blood from the vessels into the intercellular space. The volume of circulating blood decreases, and baroreceptors located in the wall of blood vessels react to this. They signal the kidneys, which retain sodium. The element increases osmotic pressure, and more fluid remains in the body.

Excess “water” tends to accumulate in loose parts of the face rich in subcutaneous fat: cheeks, eyelids. The forehead swells only in the area of ​​the eyebrows.

Swelling on the face often appears in the morning. This occurs in healthy people due to a slowdown in metabolism, uncomfortable head position during sleep, and as a result of venous stagnation.

Provoking factors are:

  1. lack of sleep;
  2. night work;
  3. alcohol consumption;
  4. strict diets with a minimum amount of protein, fasting;
  5. abuse of salty foods;
  6. cosmetic procedures.

Diseases leading to facial swelling

There are many diseases in which facial swelling is one of the symptoms of developing pathology of internal organs.

  1. Heart. Swelling is not limited to the face area. The skin is pale, lips have a bluish tint (cyanosis).
  2. Vessels. With vascular disorders, the skin over the edema becomes red-bluish in nature.
  3. Kidneys. Characterized by morning swelling and swollen eyelids. This is combined with impaired urination, pain in the abdomen, lower back, and weakness.
  4. Liver. The reason for the formation of facial edema is a decrease in protein synthesis by hepatocytes. Pastiness appears in advanced stages of cirrhosis and is combined with nausea and vomiting. The skin is yellowish and sometimes itches.
  5. Hypothyroidism is an insufficiency of the thyroid gland. The face constantly swells, becomes puffy, and when you press on the swelling, no traces remain. The skin is dry, pale, cold.
  6. Allergic reaction. It develops suddenly, the process involves subcutaneous fatty tissue and mucous membranes. Angioedema is dangerous, which leads to difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness. In women, allergies are often the result of using new cosmetic products.
  7. Infectious diseases in the head area - tooth abscess, mumps, sinusitis, conjunctivitis. In these cases, soft tissue swelling occurs on the half of the face where inflammation occurs.
  8. Neoplasms on the face (benign or malignant). They lead to swelling of the soft tissues on one side due to both tumor growth and lymphedema.
  9. With facial injuries, hematoma and swelling of the soft tissues in the area of ​​the bruise occur.
  10. Postoperative lymphedema.
  11. With high blood pressure, kidney tissue is injured, the functionality of the organ is reduced, hence edema.
  12. Deficiency of B vitamins.
  13. Idiopathic edema syndrome develops in obesity and in women during menopause. The problem occurs in the morning after waking up, puffy bags are visible under the eyes.
  14. Damage to the nerve trunks on the face leads to disruption of trophism, as well as to a disorder of lymph flow.
  15. Solar edema occurs when the skin is exposed to solar radiation. High temperature disrupts blood circulation in the capillaries, which expand and plasma enters the intercellular space.
  16. Pregnancy complicated by gestosis.
  17. Parasitic or chemical intoxication, taking certain medications (glucocorticoids).
  18. Insect bite. A combination of a violation of the integrity of the skin and exposure to toxins that get under the skin from an insect bite. Severe swelling is caused by the bite of bees, wasps, hornets, and bumblebees. An allergic reaction often occurs.

If the swelling is persistent, widespread, and combined with other symptoms, a thorough examination and treatment of the underlying disease is necessary.


Swelling that occurs after violations of the regime, alcohol consumption, or after cosmetic procedures can be treated at home.

Products that regulate water-salt metabolism help remove swelling from the face. These are black currants, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, cucumbers, pumpkin, cabbage, cranberries. Daily consumption of these fresh products, juices, compotes, mousses will have a beneficial effect on fluid metabolism, enrich the body with vitamins, microelements, and improve kidney function.

Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants that have a moderate diuretic effect are also effective for swelling on the face.


  1. Rosehip infusion. You need to combine 100 g of rose hips, 20 g of St. John's wort, 35 g of thyme, 30 g of nettle leaves, 20 g of bearberry, 25 g of plantain. Brew with boiling water at the rate of 5 tablespoons of the mixture per 1 liter of water. After an hour, the product should be filtered and drunk 180-200 ml three times a day.
  2. An infusion of bay leaves will help remove swelling. Place 5 bay leaves in 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour, drink 40 ml twice a day.
  3. For cardiac edema: brew 40 g of corn silk with 800 ml of boiling water, after 3 hours add 20 g of honey. Drink a glass every four hours.
  4. Brew bear ears (20 g) in 300 ml of boiling water. After settling, drink a tablespoon 4 times after meals.
  5. Grind the dried zest of a large lemon into powder. Take half a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals with water and honey.

Lotions, compresses

If swelling needs to be removed urgently, local remedies and procedures will help:

  1. Contrast baths will help quickly remove swelling from the face. Prepare two containers: one with hot water, the other with cold. Dip the napkin in hot water, apply it to your face for 2 minutes, then do the same with cold water. Repeat the manipulation 10 times.
  2. Make an infusion of chamomile or calendula flowers (a tablespoon of raw material per glass of water). After cooling and straining, pour into a container for freezing. An ice cube is passed over the face. You cannot stay in one place for a long time, especially for those who have thin skin with translucent blood vessels.
  3. Compress on the face with calendula decoction. To prepare the product, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into two tablespoons of flowers and boil for 3 minutes. In the cooled, strained broth, moisten gauze and apply to the swollen area for 5-7 minutes.
  4. For swelling of the eyelids, compresses with green tea are effective. For this purpose, you can use tea bags, applying them for 20 minutes.

Mask recipes

Masks applied along massage lines help get rid of swelling on the face.

  1. A mask of drunk coffee with the addition of vegetable oil or honey in a 2:1 ratio.
  2. Mix finely chopped fresh parsley with sour cream in equal parts, apply to the eyes.
  3. Combine a tablespoon of vegetable oil with 2 drops of juniper oil.
  4. Add a tablespoon of soda to a glass of brewed green tea. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes.
  5. Place chopped raw potatoes on a napkin and apply to your face for 2 minutes.
  6. Chop the peeled apple and add a tablespoon of oatmeal. Keep on face until dry.
  7. Mix 20 ml of cucumber and aloe juices, a pinch of corn starch, 3 drops of olive oil. Apply to face for 15 minutes.
  8. Grind fresh cabbage into a pulp, add a teaspoon of honey. The mass is kept on the skin for no longer than 10 minutes.
  9. Combine a tablespoon of sauerkraut and raw grated potatoes. Add white clay to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply for 5 minutes.
  10. Make puree from boiled pumpkin, add the same amount of honey. Hold for 10 minutes.
  11. Mix a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese and parsley. Leave on face for 10-12 minutes.

Urgent Care

In the event of an insect bite, allergy, or injury, immediate measures must be taken to prevent or relieve swelling.

  1. Cold. Vasospasm helps reduce the absorption of toxins into the blood, so this method is effective for insect bites. Wrap ice in a napkin and apply to the affected area for 5 minutes.
  2. Alcohol lotions. Moisten a napkin in a vodka solution, apply it to the bite site, and keep it on your face until it dries.
  3. Dilute baking soda with water to a paste. Apply to the affected area for 30 minutes.
  4. Compresses with Dimexide. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:4, moisten the gauze and hold for 15 minutes.

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    Facial swelling requires careful attention. Swelling not associated with illness can be relieved at home using folk remedies. If swelling occurs frequently, you should consult a doctor so as not to miss the development of a serious disease..

    At any age, swelling on the face may appear in the morning: the causes of this unpleasant external defect may be different, but they must be taken with equal seriousness. They may indicate some serious diseases of the body that require immediate treatment.

    Almost all people have a slightly swollen face in the morning, but this is almost unnoticeable and goes away within an hour, so not many people pay attention to it. However, in some cases, this phenomenon becomes so pronounced that the face is a fairly voluminous swelling, when from under the cheeks the eyes become almost invisible, turning into a small slit.

    At the same time, the skin acquires an unpleasant reddish-bluish tint, and at one glance in the mirror it becomes scary: how can you go to work with such an appearance?

    First you need to try to find out why did swelling of the face suddenly occur: the causes of this phenomenon can be completely safe and quickly removable, or they can be a consequence of serious processes occurring in the body. In the latter case, you will need to undergo a course of treatment.

    Causes of swelling on the face

    Edema is too much fluid that has accumulated in the tissue. The water that is in the human body is distributed very evenly: 2/3 of its total volume is located inside the cells, the remaining 1/3 is in the intercellular space.

    If this third increases, then swelling in the tissues occurs. To eliminate it and put your appearance in order, you need to find out the possible causes of swelling on the face: only by eliminating the provoking factor will you be able to get rid of the scourge.

    To do this, you will need to remember your diet over the past few weeks (or maybe months), illnesses that you have suffered, as well as many other aspects of your life recently. Experts call the most common causes of facial swelling either internal diseases or a violation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

    1) Internal diseases as a cause of facial swelling:

    1. improper functioning of the heart (swelling of the face with this diagnosis is often accompanied by shortness of breath);
    2. disturbances in the functioning of the vascular system and blood circulation (in this case, a bluish, very unhealthy tint to the face is often observed);
    3. problems with the kidneys, which cannot perform their functions 100% and have difficulty removing fluid from the body (in this case, swelling on the face is usually localized in the eye area);
    4. liver diseases;
    5. impaired metabolism, problems with the thyroid gland, malfunction of the endocrine system;
    6. vitamin deficiency: lack of vitamins in the body, especially from group B;
    7. an allergic reaction (it can be recognized by the accompanying rash on the skin, difficulty breathing, frequent sneezing) can develop into a very dangerous angioedema: it can be triggered by insect bites, hay fever, dust, cosmetics, animal hair, plant pollen, long-term use of medications;
    8. lymphedema, which often occurs as a post-inflammatory syndrome;
    9. damage to nerve fibers;
    10. injuries and wounds on the face;
    11. high blood pressure;
    12. obesity;
    13. tumor processes (benign and malignant) in the maxillofacial area;
    14. infections: conjunctivitis, mumps, sinusitis, inflammation of the eye orbit, barley, dental abscess.

    2) Lifestyle as a cause of facial swelling:

    1. lack of sleep (due to insomnia or a small amount of time allocated for a full night's sleep);
    2. poor nutrition (diet, dry eating, an abundance of fatty and spicy foods, snacks on the run, overeating immediately before bedtime;
    3. hot weather;
    4. overwork, chronic fatigue;
    5. crying the night before bedtime;
    6. bad habits (large number of cigarettes smoked per day, excessive doses of alcoholic beverages);
    7. improper drinking regime: edema can be caused by both an insufficient amount of fluid drunk the day before and an overdose);
    8. pregnancy.

    Analyze your lifestyle over the past weeks, try to establish a connection between your diet, habits, internal diseases and the appearance of swelling on the face. This will guarantee that you can bring your appearance back to normal and never return to this issue again.

    Anyone whose face is very swollen in the morning needs to understand a very important thing: this is not just a cosmetic defect. This is a signal that some processes are occurring in the body that require your immediate intervention.

    Once the provoking factor has been identified, you will need to take all possible measures to eliminate it from your life as soon as possible.

    In parallel with this, swelling on the face, purely from a cosmetic point of view, can be very successfully eliminated using salon techniques and at home.

    Salon techniques

    Whatever the causes of facial swelling you have identified, you want to get rid of the cosmetic manifestation of this scourge as quickly as possible, but in some cases a rather long course of treatment may be required.

    In this case, you can seek help from a cosmetology office, where they will tell you how to remove swelling from your face using the latest innovative developments. The specialist will study your clinical picture, identify contraindications to procedures of this kind and select several options that are optimal for your body.

    To visit a beauty salon for this purpose, you need to have enough time and money. To date, of the available salon methods for eliminating facial swelling for a sufficiently long period are used:

    1. darsonvalization — treatment of edema with high-frequency current, which tones and disinfects the skin, resolves stagnant formations, improves the supply of oxygen to cells;
    2. myalifting - restoration of the skin after swelling under the influence of electrical impulses on the facial muscles, prescribed only after the age of thirty;
    3. lifting — facial skin tightening, if swelling is a consequence of age-related changes, oxygen lifting is especially popular and effective in this case, which supplies tissues and cells with the necessary amount of vital oxygen;
    4. mesotherapy — intradermal injections of medicinal solutions;
    5. course of treatment massage is one of the most effective ways to eliminate swelling on the face.

    The above salon techniques allow you to remove quite severe swelling of the face, caused even by serious internal diseases.

    Therefore, it is worth contacting them if the causes of the phenomenon may pose a health hazard. If the provoking factors lie on the surface and depend only on your lifestyle, facial swelling in the morning can be removed at home: there are a lot of folk remedies for this.

    Home remedies for swelling

    If you have found out why your face is swollen, and the reason is not serious enough to seek help from specialists and undergo a course of treatment, you can try to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon on your own, at home.

    There are a lot of recipes for folk remedies that help the outflow of fluid from the intercellular space. However, everyone who uses them needs to know that the effect will be quick, but rather short-lived: homemade masks and compresses can relieve swelling in half an hour, but only for a day.

    Until you eliminate the main cause of this cosmetic defect, you will have to look at the swelling of your eyes and cheeks in the mirror in the morning. There are a lot of recipes for folk remedies, so you will have plenty to choose from.

    Start washing your face with warm water, after 10–15 seconds turn the water cold (so that the skin is tolerable), then sharply turn the tap on to supply hot water (again, without fanaticism, so as not to cause redness of the skin of the face).

    Change the temperature regime of washing twice in this way and note with pleasure, looking in the mirror, that the swelling has subsided significantly. Wait another half hour, and there will be no trace of her left. Contrasting temperatures stimulate blood and lymph circulation in the tissues, which helps to quickly get rid of facial swelling.

    Compresses are a very effective and time-tested remedy against facial swelling. They are different, so try different methods when looking for the best option for your body.

    1. Cold compress: Place gauze folded in several layers in cold water, squeeze lightly and apply on face for 1-2 minutes until it becomes warm. Repeat the procedure from the beginning. Instead of water, in this case it is much more effective to use decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, lingonberry or St. John's wort).
    2. Hot compress: in some cases, a hot procedure helps, carried out according to the same scheme as the previous one, but using hot water or a medicinal decoction.
    3. Contrast compress: Place two cups next to you - with hot and cold water and alternately dip the gauze in them, put on your face (1 minute each).
    1. Self-massage

    Massage is a very effective home procedure for eliminating facial swelling. You can do it yourself without completing any courses. As soon as you notice swelling on your face, you need to lie down, relax and do a light, short massage, which includes:

    1. Lightly tapping the skin with your fingertips in all directions along the massage lines;
    2. Light, but quite frequent patting of the palms on the cheeks, forehead, chin;
    3. Minor pinching will help improve blood circulation and relieve swelling from the face.

    Start your morning with a facial massage - and very soon you will be able to forget about swelling.

    1. Green tea with milk

    If the cause of facial swelling is due to improper functioning of the kidneys, it is recommended to use gentle diuretics. One of them could be a morning cup of freshly brewed green tea, which should be flavored with fresh milk (1/3 milk for 2/3 tea).

    Soon you will notice the swelling subsiding. Decoctions of horsetail, rowan berries and lingonberry leaves have the same effect, with which you can start your morning if your face is swollen due to improper functioning of the kidneys.

    1. Potato decongestant mask

    Mash boiled potatoes in their skins with a fork, apply warm to the face for about 15 minutes. This homemade face mask for swelling is rightfully considered one of the most effective.

    Even if you don’t have time to boil the potatoes, cut a raw (be sure to be fresh!) potato into several pieces and apply them to the swollen areas with fresh cuts for a minute or two, then replace them with new slices.

    1. Anti-edema mask sour cream + dill

    Chop fresh dill and mix thoroughly (1 teaspoon) with high-fat sour cream (2 teaspoons).

    1. Parsley masks for swelling

    Not only dill, but also parsley has excellent anti-edematous properties. In crushed form, it can be added to a potato mask (see recipe above) to enhance its effectiveness. Or parsley root is passed through a meat grinder and mixed with strongly brewed black tea.

    Now you know how to remove swelling from the face: find out the cause, get rid of it if possible, and at the same time deal with the elimination of the cosmetic defect.

    This can be done either in a professional beauty salon or at home on your own.

    In both cases, if the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon is eliminated in a timely manner, it will be possible to wake up in the morning without fear and look in the mirror with pleasure, without fear of the appearance of new swelling.

    Often, pathologies from the internal organs can manifest themselves in the form of edema. Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, which lead to changes in the concentration of proteins, salts or increased pressure in the veins and capillaries, can cause swelling of both the face and other parts of the body. The face may swell due to pathologies of the heart or blood vessels, disorders of endocrine metabolism, diseases of the kidneys or genitourinary system. In addition, the causes of edema lie in liver diseases, rheumatic lesions of the body or lesions of the veins, and the manifestation of allergic reactions.


    Edema is an excessive accumulation of extracellular fluid that occurs due to various internal or external influences. Many women have encountered at least once in their lives facial swelling in the morning or evening, which significantly affects their appearance and can be a sign of serious metabolic disorders, one of the symptoms of somatic or other diseases. Why does excess water accumulate in the facial tissue area, which prevents it from leaving the body?

    Swelling on the face: causes and symptoms

    1. Facial swelling in women
    2. Various diseases as causes of edema
    3. Why does my face still swell?
    4. Characteristic features of facial edema caused by pathologies
    5. What to do?

    Facial swelling in women

    When facial swelling develops, it is always necessary to identify its causes, since this is not only an appearance defect that is difficult to hide with cosmetics and simple procedures. HFrequently occurring swelling on the face is a symptom of quite serious diseases, especially if, due to the accumulation of fluid, it is difficult to open the eyes, the face becomes deformed and takes on an unnatural expression.

    In very young girls, facial swelling that develops after sleep can be caused by cosmetics used without the advice of a specialist or that are not suitable in composition and action.

    Excessive activity of individual components of cosmetic products - masks, creams, serums - leads to the release of fluid from skin cells and its removal from the intercellular spaces. Impulses are sent from facial tissues to brain regulatory structures that signal dehydration. This leads to a redistribution of fluid due to the action of hormones and other substances, which results in swelling of the face. It is important to identify and eliminate the negatively affecting drug from use.

    Another option that causes swelling of the face when using cosmetics is an allergy. When it occurs, excessive sensitivity to the components of the product is formed, which leads to inflammatory reactions and an influx of fluid into the area of ​​​​the negative reaction. In this case, not only the face swells, but also itching, redness develop, and sometimes small blisters and crusts form.

    Various diseases as causes of edema

    Often, pathologies from the internal organs can manifest themselves in the form of edema. Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, which lead to changes in the concentration of proteins, salts or increased pressure in the veins and capillaries, can cause swelling of both the face and other parts of the body. The face may swell due to pathologies of the heart or blood vessels, disorders of endocrine metabolism, diseases of the kidneys or genitourinary system. Besides, The causes of edema lie in liver diseases, rheumatic lesions of the body or lesions of the veins, and the manifestation of allergic reactions.

    If these or other diseases are present, swelling will disappear only after the underlying cause has been fully treated.


    Why does my face still swell?

    In addition to diseases, there are a number of conditions in which the face also swells. Their influence must be taken into account when identifying the true cause of edema. This may include abuse of alcohol of any strength; low-alcohol carbonated drinks retain liquid especially strongly.

    The face often swells when drinking excessive amounts of liquid, especially in the summer.

    The causes of edema can be various restrictive diets for weight loss, protein-deficient diets or complete starvation, constant overwork, chronic fatigue with insomnia or systematic lack of sleep, hypothermia or prolonged exposure to the sun with overheating.

    The face may swell in the morning after heavy late dinners with excess salty, spicy or fatty foods.

    Deficiency of vitamins and mineral components negatively affects the fluid balance in the body., especially potassium deficiency and sodium excess.

    There are also purely female causes of edema, such as the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome or pregnancy, problems with the thyroid gland.

    Characteristic features of facial edema caused by pathologies

    Based on the nature of the swelling, in some cases you can independently suspect their cause and take the necessary measures. Some types of edema that form as a result of somatic pathology have specific features that distinguish them from all others.

    Thus, “cardiac” edema has characteristics regarding the time of occurrence. Usually this is the second half of the day and evening, they are quite dense, and not only the face can accumulate fluid, but also the limbs - arms and legs, especially in the area of ​​the fingertips. During rest or sleep, their intensity decreases. To find out the cause of this condition, the help of a cardiologist is necessary.

    Swelling, which is typical for problems with the kidneys and urinary system, forms in the morning. They usually cover the lower eyelids and cheeks; the swelling itself is watery and loose. Against the background of swelling, pressure may increase, the amount of urine may decrease, and it will become more saturated in color. A nephrologist will be able to find out the exact causes of such edema, and he will also be involved in eliminating them.

    Swelling as a result of contact with an allergen increases quickly, literally before our eyes, against its background a rash may appear, itching occurs, and breathing becomes difficult. Not only the face (eyelids, lips, cheeks) swells, but also the neck. Such reactions are possible when using medications, eating certain types of food, or reacting to pollen. To eliminate such swelling, it is necessary to completely stop contact with the allergen and consult an allergist.

    When the face swells as a result of problems with veins, then against the background of swelling the skin acquires a bluish or purple tint, the veins in the neck or subcutaneous veins in the forehead and temples expand. Such problems should be a reason to contact a phlebologist or therapist.


    What to do?

    Initially, when identifying swelling of the face, you need to start with simple measures. Avoid drinking alcohol, reduce the amount of salt, hot and spicy foods in your diet, especially during evening meals.

    It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of liquid, while distributing its larger volume throughout the first half of the day, slightly reducing consumption in the evening.

    It is important to sleep at least 7-9 hours a day, go to bed and get up at the same time, and stop working on the computer at least 2 hours before bedtime.

    It is important to enrich the diet with fresh fruits, greens, and protein foods. In addition, you need to play sports, lead an active lifestyle and often be in the fresh air. Published by econet.ru.

    P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

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