How to clear blackheads from pores

Are you tired of fighting blackheads or do you prefer not to notice them? You may be interested in knowing the cause of their occurrence and how to cleanse your facial skin of blackheads.

But there are many myths that mislead those who are desperately fighting this scourge. Do you want to know the truth? Then let's begin!

What is the reason for the appearance of blackheads (comedones)?

To begin with, let’s briefly and clearly go through the process of the appearance of comedones on the face. By the way, these are the same acne, and the reason for their formation is increased production of sebum. It clogs the flow of sebaceous glands, forming a plug. Dust and dirt stick to its surface, and now you are the owner of blackheads on your face.

Do you need to get rid of them? Certainly! Firstly, for aesthetic reasons, and secondly, it is unhygienic. After all, comedones disrupt and slow down the sebaceous metabolism of the skin, which causes inflammatory processes. Therefore, the pores should be clean and tight, and the face should be smooth and velvety.

Ways to get rid of comedones

How can you cleanse your facial skin of annoying blackheads? Let's talk about the methods that most girls use. Let's find out how effective it is and find out whether it's worth trying. So, let's begin:


How sometimes hands reach out to squeeze out another dot on the face. But at this moment, the neighboring pores are deeply pressed together with bacteria and dust. And now instead of dots there are purulent pimples.

By squeezing pimples and spots, you can cause an infection, and its entry into the bloodstream can result in infection. In addition, scars and cicatrices are formed that are difficult to hide. Stop squeezing!


Masks will help most effectively cleanse the skin of comedones. And even more effective are those prepared at home. Here you will find an effective mask recipe and some more useful tips for getting rid of blackheads. And here is another recipe)

Adhesive strips

Judging by the reviews, they are also effective. They quickly pull out plugs from clogged pores. But it is important to close the pores after cleansing with special masks or wipe your face with a piece of ice.


Scrubs are also good at cleaning clogged pores, but it is important not to overuse them. Once a week is enough, since this is the roughest type of cleansing. And not all scrubs are capable of removing blackheads. And using them on sensitive skin is not recommended at all, as you can spread the infection all over your face.

Lotions and tonics

Quite effective means. Suitable for daily use and exfoliates dead skin cells well. They remove shine from oily skin, tighten pores and smooth out the surface of the face.

Professional cleaning

How can you cleanse your facial skin of blackheads using salon procedures? There are several ways:

  1. mechanical cleaning – a process consisting of sequential actions: professional cleansing, steaming, cleansing mask, deep cleaning manually using tools, washing, completing the procedure. Not very pleasant, but effective procedure
  2. ultrasonic cleaning – the principle by which the surface layer of the skin is cleansed, removing sebaceous plugs. The skin becomes elastic and firm, and the pores become smaller
  3. brushing – superficial facial cleansing using a device with brush attachments. A pleasant procedure, but short-lived
  4. vacuum cleaning – the process of sucking out dirt and excess fat with a vacuum tube. Suitable for those with very problematic skin
  5. disincrustation – the effect of electric current on the skin with the penetration of a solution to clean it. An effective and safe procedure, but many contraindications
  6. chemical peeling – the most gentle, but less effective procedure. Peeling is not able to deeply cleanse pores and only solves the external problem.

Blackheads are a problem for oily skin. Read about caring for oily skin here.

Common Myths

We learned about the methods used to cleanse facial skin of blackheads. Now let's move on to the myths, and here is the first of them:

Myth No. 1

“If you continuously use masks, scrubs and other products, you can gradually get rid of blackheads and acne”

This is, of course, wonderful, but they cannot be used often, as addiction occurs and the skin is injured. And the skin will give you a response in the form of increased production of sebum (sebum). And again, “hello, blackheads and pimples.”

Even if you carefully and regularly cleanse your face of blackheads and pimples, they will reappear over time. Therefore, you must understand that the problem lies deeper, in the body itself. Dermatologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists should help you figure this out, and only then you can consolidate the result with cosmetics.

Myth No. 2

“The appearance of blackheads does not depend on nutrition”

Oh, how zealously many people argue that the appearance of comedones and pimples is associated only with hormonal imbalance. But abuse of sweets, fatty, spicy foods, overeating and unbalanced nutrition have no effect. No, they still influence!

An incorrect diet can cause problems in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and adrenal glands. Because of this, accumulated toxins are released through the skin pores. It provokes the appearance of not only purulent acne and pimples, but also blackheads.

Myth No. 3

“Mechanical (manual) cleaning aggravates the skin condition”

Actually, no, if it is performed by an experienced cosmetologist, and not by you at home. In general, mechanical cleaning improves the appearance of the face, but does not solve the root of the problem. Therefore, again, you cannot do without the help of specialists.

Mechanical cleansing is not just squeezing out blackheads and blackheads with your nails while standing in front of a mirror. This is a process in which the hands must be sanitized and the skin properly prepared. Only a cosmetologist can handle this!

Myth No. 4

“If you don’t wear makeup, you don’t have to wash your face.”

This is also incorrect reasoning, since during the day the skin absorbs harmful substances from the city air. During the night, dirt also has time to accumulate and must be removed. How to wash yourself properly is written in detail here.

Myth #5

“Long exposure to the sun gets rid of acne and blackheads”

This is also not true, since ultraviolet radiation only enhances the process of fat formation. Of course, the disinfecting effect of ultraviolet rays is good. But an acquired tan can only mask imperfections, but not get rid of them. And at the same time it will age your skin faster.

Use nourishing masks for each season, choosing individually for your skin type. In this article you will find the best recipes for homemade masks.


And finally, I will say that not all remedies are effective, some of them can be harmful. But even the most effective means provide only a temporary effect. Therefore, you must understand that in most cases, black dots indicate internal problems - with hormones, nutrition, gastrointestinal tract .

Take good care of your health, visit doctors to get to the bottom of the truth. And don’t rely on the benefits of the advertised products, then the blackheads will gradually go away. Be healthy and take care of yourself! And a little attention to us will be gratitude for the article, so subscribe to the blog)

You can get rid of clogged pores yourself at home. Cleaning the face from blackheads at home is carried out using cleansing, scrub, mechanical cleansing and masks. As a result, the skin becomes clean even after the first procedure, and the effect lasts for a long time.

What is hplaintiff's claim

Pores on the skin of the face often become clogged. This leads to the appearance of blackheads and inflammation. Regular washing with daily facial cleansers does not always help.

Pore ​​blockage occurs because of:

  1. Dirt getting into the sebaceous ducts leads to their blockage and subsequent disruption of operation. This is due to poor hygiene: periodically not removing makeup before bed, using creams that are unsuitable for the skin, poor environmental conditions, constantly touching the skin with dirty hands and excessively hard water;
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands caused by hormonal imbalances in the body or changes in the digestive process in the gastrointestinal tract due to: poor nutrition with fatty foods, alcohol abuse, as well as the presence of serious diseases. In this case, increased work of the sebaceous glands occurs;
  3. Physiological characteristics of the body, especially in adolescents, when the sebaceous glands are overactive and secrete more sebaceous fat.

Eliminating the problem of clogged pores

You should not cleanse your face at home if:

  1. sensitive and allergic skin;
  2. small capillaries are located close to the surface of the skin;
  3. there are purulent inflammations;
  4. presence of damage: wounds, cuts, burns, abrasions, etc.

In order to clean pores at home, scrubs, masks, warm compresses and mechanical cleaning are used. First of all, you need to open the pores. Steaming is used for this. If you neglect this procedure, then when using masks, only the cap from the sebaceous plug will be removed. The sebaceous duct remains blocked.

note! The composition of masks and scrubs for cleansing helps to narrow pores.

Features of facial skin cleansing Houses

In order for home procedures to be beneficial, you need to take into account some nuances in their implementation.

Mechanical cleaning

This is the most traumatic and not always effective cleaning method. There is a chance of infection, injuring the top layer of skin and causing inflammation. However, in terms of effectiveness, mechanical cleaning can only be compared with salon procedures. Not everyone will be able to do this procedure correctly. Need some skill:

  1. The correct procedure is to press the pads of your index fingers onto the skin at the base of the pore so that the contents are completely released.
  2. It is wrong to press with your nails, as this will definitely cause skin injury.

General recommendations:

  1. Before the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly and treat them with alcohol;
  2. The procedure should be carried out no more than once a month, but for those with oily skin it may be necessary 2 times.

Scrub cleaning

It removes only the top stratum corneum and prepares for further cleaning procedures. Regular use of the scrub keeps the skin clean and prevents the formation of blackheads.

General recommendations:

  1. If the skin has blood vessels close to the surface, then it is better to use a scrub based on apricot kernels;
  2. If you have multiple inflammations, you will need salt and soda. Mix them in equal parts and add a binding element - regular cream;
  3. If there is slight redness around the clogged pores, then you need to apply a salt-based scrub. Salt crystals relieve inflammation and cleanses the skin well;
  4. For people under 30 years old and with thin and sensitive skin, it is better to choose a scrub with small abrasive particles.

Cleansing with a mask

The mask acts on the clogged pore and softens its contents. The pore itself narrows, and the dirt contained in it is pushed out. This cleansing method is gentle and allows you to get rid of blackheads in uncomfortable and hard-to-reach places: skin folds and the wings of the nose.

The mask has the following effect:

  1. softens dead skin cells and helps them to be easily removed;
  2. improve blood circulation in the upper layers;
  3. regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  4. launches rejuvenating processes;
  5. nourishes and makes the skin elastic;
  6. reduces blackheads.

General recommendations:

  1. The beneficial properties of the mask quickly begin to disappear if it is left for more than 20 minutes before application. Therefore, the prepared composition must be applied immediately.
  2. You need to keep the mask on your face for no more than half an hour. During this time, it completely delivers all its nutrients to the skin.
  3. Do not apply the mask if your skin is sunburned or has allergic rashes.

Clay-based masks are suitable for oily skin. This mask removes old dirt from clogged pores, dries out excessively oily skin and reduces the production of sebum by the glands.

To get rid of numerous blackheads on the nose, you should prepare a charcoal mask.


  1. 1 tablet of activated carbon;
  2. 2 teaspoons of edible gelatin.

Pour 1 tbsp gelatin. spoon boiling water, let cool, add crushed coal. Apply to the skin, remove after the mask has completely dried.

How to cleanse your face of blackheads at home so as not to cause infection or cause inflammation? It is imperative to wash and sanitize your hands with alcohol before the procedure and do not use expired products.

Washing off the product from the face

How to cleanse your face of blackheads at home

All procedures for cleansing the face of blackheads are carried out sequentially:

  1. First you need to cleanse your skin of dust, cosmetics and surface fat. To do this, you can use a special daily cleanser or micellar water.
  2. Carry out a more thorough scrubbing to remove the layer of dead skin cells. You can prepare the scrub yourself: use coffee grounds from natural coffee as a base, add yogurt or sour cream to it. This scrub will have a gentle effect and will not harm sensitive skin. You can only wash off the scrub with warm water, as cold water can narrow the pores.
  3. In order for the pores to open and their contents to soften, you need to steam your face. To prepare the solution, you will need a base of pre-brewed herbs: calendula, chamomile. They are diluted with very hot, but not boiling water, so as not to burn your face with steam. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil: tea tree or eucalyptus.
    The steaming procedure is carried out over a container with a hot solution, covered with a thick cloth. The duration is no more than a quarter of an hour.
  4. Now that the pores have been steamed and their contents have softened, you can carry out mechanical cleaning. If you cannot squeeze out a pimple, it means that it is not yet ripe; excessive exposure to the skin can injure it.
  5. After this action, wash the face with the solution that was used for steaming. If a large number of blackheads have been squeezed out, it is better to treat the skin with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  6. To thoroughly cleanse the pores and nourish the skin with beneficial substances, you need to make a mask. You need to select the composition of the mask depending on your skin type and its condition at the time of the procedure. Wash off the mask with the same steaming solution.
  7. The final procedure should be the application of a cream with a moisturizing effect or, instead, olive oil.

note! If you add a few drops of aloe juice to the finished cream, its effect will improve many times: the skin will receive more nutrients, hydration, and the rejuvenation process will start faster.

Recommendations for facial skin care

After the cleansing procedure, facial skin needs special care:

  1. mechanical cleaning, when carried out as a separate procedure, must be completed by treating the skin with 3% hydrogen peroxide and blot with a dry cloth;
  2. you can’t wash your face for about 10-12 hours;
  3. use cosmetics for 2-3 days;
  4. you can't sunbathe;
  5. after the procedure, you can help the pores narrow: use ice cubes from an infusion of herbs, apply a clay-based mask, wipe with alcohol lotion;
  6. replace the daily cream with olive oil or a honey-based mask;
  7. try not to go outside for a couple of days, especially in inclement weather, so as not to expose your skin to additional stress;
  8. for 1-2 weeks you cannot visit the swimming pool, bathhouse and sauna;
  9. use of the scrub is allowed after a week;
  10. during daily washing procedures, for the first few days you need to use a prepared herbal infusion or use boiled water.

If the skin is slightly inflamed, then removeYu inflammation helpguT:

  1. washing with mineral water with a few drops of lemon added to it;
  2. the use of warm lotions in the form of fabric towels soaked in an infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula or celandine.

Getting rid of blackheads at home is not such a difficult procedure. Sometimes it is necessary to cleanse the pores several times to achieve the desired effect. To keep your skin clean, you should cleanse it daily using cleansers and scrubs.


Just taking blackheads and wiping them off your face, for example, with a mask-plaster is not a good idea, because they will quickly return to their places. But this does not mean that the problem cannot be solved - you can clean the pores. We'll tell you exactly how.

What are blackheads on the face?

Often it is because of blackheads that people learn about the existence of pores on the skin. Pores are the points where sweat and sebaceous glands come to the surface of the skin. Through them the skin:

  1. releases protective sebum onto the surface;
  2. carries out thermoregulation;
  3. gets rid of toxins;
  4. absorbs moisture and nutrients from care products.

By the way, on every square centimeter of skin we have about a hundred pores. Huge scope for blackheads. Where do they come from?

A black dot on the face means that one of the pores is clogged and a plug has formed. Most likely, it consists of sebum mixed with impurities and cosmetics that were not washed off in time. This contaminant, fatty in structure, oxidizes in air and acquires a characteristic black color. It turns out to be a blackhead, or comedon.

This mud cocktail is of particular interest to microbes, in particular, to propionibacterium acne, which turns a blackhead into an inflamed red and then white pimple.

Causes of blackheads

Blackheads on the face most often appear in people with oily and combination skin, because they have the most active secretion of sebum, and therefore there is a higher risk that it will clog the pores. But under unfavorable external conditions and unreasonable care, a girl even with dry skin can develop blackheads, because they are nothing more than the result of pollution. The most popular location is the nose. So, the reasons for the appearance of comedones.

  1. Insufficient or improper skin cleansing. Part of the contamination invariably consists of remnants of decorative cosmetics.
  2. Bad ecology - an abundance of pollution in the air, for example, on the highways of a metropolis, in the subway.
  3. Incorrectly selected care products.
  4. Fluctuations in hormonal levels. Increased activity of androgens (male hormones) activates the sebaceous glands, which automatically increases the risk of clogged pores.
  5. Poor nutrition. Especially the abuse of simple carbohydrates - flour and sweet.

Simple carbohydrates cause an immediate and significant release of insulin, which, in turn, also enhances the functioning of the sebaceous glands. If all this is combined with trans fats, which fast food is rich in, it will not only harm your skin.

How to clean pores at home

There are many options at your disposal for removing blackheads. Regardless of the chosen method, the stages of skin cleansing will be as follows:

  1. makeup remover;
  2. washing;
  3. steaming: extreme bath temperatures of 80˚C are not needed, but steam from the shower or at least a warm towel that you can hold on your face for a couple of minutes will slightly dilate the pores and make it easier to separate the resulting plug;
  4. applying tonic.

Cosmetical tools

To get rid of blackheads today, special scrubs, clay masks, lotions that dissolve impurities, and patch masks are used.

Cleansing toner against blackheads and oily shine “Clean Skin”, Garnier

The formula is enriched with salicylic acid and zinc, which have proven themselves in the fight against imperfections. The toner cleanses, tightens pores and mattifies the skin.

Steaming mask against blackheads and oily shine “Clean Skin”, Garnier

Contains cleansing and pore-tightening clay, zinc, and has a steaming effect, which promotes the cleansing process.

Exfoliating facial scrub “Clean skin active with charcoal”,

Charcoal's ability to draw out impurities from pores is enhanced by the action of scrubbing particles, blueberry extract and salicylic acid - they also help fight for clear skin.

Rare Earth Deep Pore Daily Cleanser with Amazonian White Clay

The composition based on Amazonian white clay and bentonite cleanses and visually tightens pores, and thanks to aloe vera, it also moisturizes the skin.

Scrub + washing gel + mask “Tri-Active deep cleansing” Normaderm, Vichy

This multi-functional 3-in-1 product works as a daily gel, a pore-cleansing scrub, and a purifying mask. Glycolic and salicylic acids exfoliate and promote skin renewal by removing surface impurities. White clay frees pores from dirt.

Sugar facial scrub, cleansing, reducing blackheads

It has a warming effect, actively exfoliates the surface layer, cleansing blackheads. Contains kiwi grains to exfoliate, plus refreshing mint & lemongrass oil.

Homemade remedies

Pore-cleansing scrub-mask made from baking soda and lemon

  1. 1 tbsp. l. soda;
  1. ½ tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar;
  1. ½ tsp. water;
  1. 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  1. mix soda and vinegar;
  1. add lemon juice and ½ teaspoon water;
  1. mix to a paste;
  1. Apply the mixture to your face and gently massage it, especially areas with blackheads;
  1. leave for 5-7 minutes and rinse with cool water.

More cosmetic recipes with lemon here.

This peeling mask is only suitable for those with oily and combination skin (oily areas). Lemon juice, even slightly diluted with water, may be too caustic for dry and normal skin.

Clay mask for clearing blackheads

  1. dilute the clay in vinegar to a homogeneous paste;
  1. Apply the mask evenly to your face and leave for 10 minutes or until it starts to dry out.

The mask has a slight warming effect, so if you are prone to redness, use it with caution!

Clay masks are recommended to be applied to slightly damp skin; you can also spray thermal water over the mask.

Find more clay mask recipes here.

Cosmetological methods for cleansing the skin of blackheads

Mechanical cleaning

Perhaps the most famous way to deal with blackheads. The cosmetologist steams the skin and removes them manually with a special tool. Very effective, but quite painful; the skin may remain red and very sensitive for a couple of days.

Vacuum cleaning

In essence, the same mechanical method, but the pores are cleaned not manually, but using a vacuum. The main disadvantage of the procedure is that it is not suitable for everyone, especially people with dry skin should avoid it.

Atraumatic cleaning

This sounds promising, but the procedure involves a very superficial treatment using exfoliating acids, which may not cope with deep and significant pore contamination.

Ultrasonic cleaning

The most gentle and effective option: the pores on steamed skin are cleaned using ultrasound.


It involves the cosmetologist using a device with various attachments that intensively cleanse the skin, removing superficial and deeper impurities, at the same time massaging it and stimulating blood circulation.

Salon cleaning is carried out no more than once every two to three months.

Precautionary measures

Do not remove comedones manually - this will lead to post-acne.

Apply scrubs and cleansing masks only to damp and steamed skin.

You cannot steam or use any methods of mechanical cleansing if there are wounds on the skin.

After intensive cleansing, be sure to use a moisturizing treatment suitable for your skin type.

Preventing the formation of blackheads

From everything said above, it is clear: the main means of preventing the appearance of blackheads is hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. A few specific reminders.

Provide proper daily care morning and evening.

Choose non-comedogenic cosmetics.

Get rid of the habit of touching your face with your hands.

Eat healthy foods: more protein and complex carbohydrates, fiber, less fat and simple carbohydrates.

Follow the drinking regime: 30 ml of water per kilogram of weight.

In hot weather, additionally cleanse and moisturize your skin.