Pendant Epididymis

The appendix epididymis (PPE) is an element of the male reproductive system located behind the spermatic duct and testicle. This organ is of great importance for the proper functioning of the urinary system and sexual health of men. In this article we will look at the main functions of PJP, the causes of its occurrence and methods for diagnosing and treating this disease.

Epididymal appendages are small folds of tissue that are attached to the testicle or epididymis through adhesions (scar tissue). The PPU performs a number of important functions, such as filtering menstrual blood, protecting the testicle from infections, and reducing the risk of prostate cancer. The PPU is also responsible for the production of sperm, whereby the fluid it contains is mixed with the seminal fluid to create a homogeneous mixture.

The occurrence of epididymal appendage can be caused by various factors, including infectious diseases, trauma and genetic disorders. Among the causes of PJA are the following:

Insufficient estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone that plays an important role in the formation of male genital organs. However, if the body lacks this hormone, this can lead to various abnormalities of the reproductive system, including the appearance of epididymal appendages. Decrease in testosterone levels. Testosterone is the main hormonal regulator in the male body. Its deficiency can lead to various diseases, including epididymal appendages. Injuries to the epididymis by the testicles. Violation of the integrity of this structure can lead to the development of a pendant. The impact of force on the testicle can lead to the appearance of skin scars and thickening, which disrupts the normal functioning of this organ. Genetic failures. Certain factors or genetic abnormalities can make a man prone to developing PPJ. Genetic disorders can cause abnormal tissue development and abnormal scar restoration.