Signs of a continuity problem

If a disruption of continuity occurs on external organs, then it is recognized by vision, but if it occurs in internal organs, this is indicated by drilling, shooting and corroding pain, especially when there is no fever. Disruption of continuity is often accompanied by the leakage of juice, for example, hemoptysis and hemorrhage into the chest cavity, as well as the release of bad juice and pus, if there were previously signs of a tumor and that it has matured. A disruption of continuity that occurs after a tumor often indicates the opening of the tumor after maturation, but sometimes does not indicate this. If the opening of the tumor occurred due to maturation, then the fever goes away after the opening of the abscess and the flow of pus; the heaviness also passes and becomes lighter; if this is not so, then the pain increases and intensifies.

A violation of continuity is sometimes concluded by the displacement of organs and their departure from their place, although there is no displacement, as with a hernia. This is also indicated by the detention of eruptions outside their paths; they sometimes pour into the cavity into which the disturbance leads, and do not leave in the usual way. This happens to those whose intestines have ruptured: sometimes their feces are retained and poured into the rupture.

Often, a violation of continuity remains hidden and is not made known by the general signs mentioned above, so that to explain this, frequent discussions about each organ separately are necessary. This happens because the organ is devoid of sensitivity or does not contain fluid that could pour out, or there is no space near it for it to move, and it does not rest on another organ and does not move away due to its displacement.

Know that the most severe tumors in terms of manifestations and the most severe discontinuities are those that occur in very sensitive, nerve-rich organs. They are sometimes disastrous. As for fainting and spasms, they always follow such diseases: fainting - due to severe pain, and spasm - due to the nervous sensitivity of the organ. They are followed in terms of danger by tumors and disorders of the joints. They respond slowly to treatment due to the high mobility of the joint and the presence of space near it prepared for the outpouring of matter there.