Signs of the nature of the seminal organs

Signs of a hot nature. Visibility of the vessels of the penis and scrotum, their significant thickness and hardness, the rapid appearance of vegetation on the pubis and adjacent areas, its rigidity, abundance and density, the rapid onset of puberty. Whoever wants to know the nature of his seed, let him establish his regime, and then see what color his seed is.

Signs of a cold nature are the opposite of these signs. Signs of a wet nature. Liquid and abundance of semen, weak erection. Signs of a dry nature are the opposite of this. Sometimes with this nature the seed comes out in the form of threads.

Signs of a hot, dry nature. The high density of the semen substance, the hasty eruption of semen from passion at the slightest intercourse or even the memory of it, frequent fertilization by male offspring, strong and rapid passion and powerful tremors, but only such a person quickly becomes incapable of repeated intercourse. If the dryness is excessive, then there is little aqueous humor, and the person emits little semen with frequent erections. As for the hair on the pubic area, thighs and adjacent areas, they are thick and abundant in dry, hot conditions.

Signs of a hot, humid nature. The seed is more abundant than with hot, dry nature, but there is less hair and fertilization is less frequent. The ability for frequent copulation is greater, but lust and erection are not stronger. Such a person suffers when immoderate copulation stops, he often has an involuntary emission of semen and quickly matures.

Signs of a cold, dry nature. Thickness and poverty of the seed and signs that are opposite to those of a moist, hot nature in all respects.

Signs of a cold, damp nature. Sparse hair in the pubic area, slow onset of lust and intercourse, semen fluid, rarity of fertilization, slow hair growth and scarcity.

Signs of unnatural natures are expressed in the appearance of signs inherent in natural nature after they did not exist; the varieties of this are indicated by feeling.