Signs determined by large and small amounts of urine

A small amount of urine indicates weakness of strength. Urine in less quantity than the liquid drunk indicates a large absorption of liquid into the body or an upset stomach and a predisposition of the body to dropsy. If more urine is excreted than the liquid drunk, then this indicates the melting of the body or the emptying of the body from excess, from melting substances; the true difference between two phenomena is determined by the state of the force.

If poorly colored urine, which is considered a bad sign, is emitted in large quantities, then this can serve as a favorable sign. If it is released intermittently, then this is a worse sign, which happens when emitting black and thick urine.

If urine, having a different state, is emitted in large or small quantities, and sometimes is retained, then this indicates the fatigue of human nature and is a bad sign.

If, in acute diseases, copious urination is not followed by relief, this indicates the presence of tabes or spasms from internal heat. All of the above also applies to sweat.

If during acute illnesses urine is not excreted abundantly, but drop by drop, then this indicates brain damage, as a result of which nerves and muscles are affected. If at the same time the fever calms down and signs of health appear, then bleeding from the nose may occur, otherwise all this indicates possible insanity and memory impairment.

When a healthy person produces urine little by little and in liquid form for a long time, and at the same time he himself experiences heaviness and pain in the lower back, this indicates the presence of a solid tumor near the kidneys.

If a person suffering from kulanj emits urine in large quantities, this often indicates the onset of recovery, especially when the urine is colorless and comes out easily.