Signs of the quality of acne and what is similar to it

Black pimples in the shape of chickpea grains in acute fevers are very bad; if they are stable, they often kill the patient on the second day. The color transition of ulcers on the body to blue, black, light blue or yellow is a bad sign; yellow ulcers are easier than all others. They say that if a patient has something black on his knee, similar to black grapes, and a red rim forms around him, he will quickly die, and if he survives for fifty days, a sign of imminent death will be that he will break out in a cold sweat .

When something like castor bean seeds with numerous white bubbles appears on the veins in the neck, the patient begins to crave hot things and dies on the twentieth day. We have already mentioned the destructive pimples that appear on the tongue.

They say: When a fever occurs, whatever it may be, and black tumors form on all the fingers, similar to grains of vetch and accompanied by severe pain, the patient develops heaviness in the head and hibernation, and dies on the fourth day. If at the same time the nature is still locked, then sarsam happens. Sometimes the feces become so blocked that they turn to stone.