Signs of yawning and sweating, dreams, appetite and thirst

Yawning and sweating occur for the reason that nature moves organs rich in muscles in order to expel excesses from there; if the organ is ignoble and the matter is not abundant and pliable, this is not required, and it happens. it is necessary only when its qualities are opposite. If I mentioned the phenomena occur during the transition from heat. to cold, then this helps nature and is not a bad sign; often they indicate that nature, due to the abundance of matter or the weakness of force, is unable to do so. disperse juices without the help of muscle fibers.

Often the patient sees in a dream something similar to how his fever will resolve, for example, if the crisis is expressed in perspiration, he dreams that he is in a bathhouse or is going there.

Loss of appetite in chronic diseases is a bad sign, and in acute diseases too, but to a lesser extent, and in general, lack of appetite indicates the presence of bad juices and the dying of mental and natural strength. When thirst stops during burning fevers, this is a bad sign, especially if the tongue turns black.