
Erythema is redness of the skin due to the expansion of blood capillaries passing through the dermis. Erythema may be physiological or a symptom of tissue inflammation or infection. Erythema nodosum (erythema nodosum) is characterized by the formation of bluish nodules on the skin of the legs; the disease is often accompanied by the presence of streptococcal infection. With multiforme (exudative) erythema (erythema multiforme), rashes, manifested in various forms, are characterized by so-called concentric lesions, which can occur again after the patient has suffered an infection caused by a simple herpes virus. Infrared erythema (erythema ab igne) appears as a network-like pigmented rash affecting the lower extremities and is associated with prolonged exposure to thermal radiation.

Erythema is redness of the skin resulting from dilation of blood vessels in the dermis. It can be either physiological or a symptom of inflammation and infection.

Erythema nodosum is characterized by the appearance of blue nodules on the skin of the legs. This disease is often associated with a streptococcal infection and may be accompanied by a high fever and other symptoms.

Erythema multiforme manifests itself in the form of various forms of rashes characterized by concentric lesions. It can occur after an infection caused by simple herpes viruses, and can recur.

Infrared erythema appears as a reticulate pigmented rash on the lower extremities and is associated with exposure to prolonged thermal radiation.

We all know the answer to the question “What is erythema?” But not everyone associates this phenomenon with infection, inflammation or the development of cancer. True, sometimes people consider skin rashes to be erythema. Although this is far from true. If you notice any rashes, be sure to consult a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous to health.

Erythema represents a change