Signs of maturation and judgments about them

The maturity of the juices is recognized by the urine, as has already been explained in its place, and one should not be deceived by the sharpness of the color of the urine: if there is no sediment, it does not come only from ripeness. Lack of maturity in relation to density is more malignant than immaturity in relation to color, for it is the degree of density of matter that predisposes it to difficult or free exit.

If signs of maturity appear at the beginning of the disease, then the disease is safe and there is no doubt about it, but if they are delayed, this is not necessarily always associated with danger: ripening often lasts a long time, but this is not scary; sometimes maturation even inevitably must be long. Every time a good crisis occurs, the maturity of the juices is evident, but not every time there is maturity, a crisis occurs, for sometimes the disease passes due to the dissolution of matter.

Know that with the onset of maturity there is no exacerbation of fever, just as there is no severe pain after the tumor matures. If maturation is delayed, but you see that the signs are good and the strength is stable, then expect it soon.

Not every sudden change in complexion or skin feel is cancerous; sometimes it even points to great good and beneficial crisis; Here you should take into account what the state of the body is after this. Signs of exhaustion in general appearance, in the face and in the condition of the limbs, appearing after insomnia, fatigue, physical work and relaxation, are benign, and the patient returns to health after two or three days, but signs appearing as a result of burning of tissues and loss of strength are malignant.