Signs of a particular nature of the uterus

A sign of hotness is the hotness of the mouth of the uterus, which is indicated by the participation of the whole body and the paucity of menstruation. This is also indicated by the color of monthly cleansing, especially if you take a linen rag, insert it into the vagina at night and then dry it and see whether it is red or yellow; this will indicate heat and a predominance of bile or blood. Either the rag will be black or white, and this will serve as a sign of the opposite, but black blood with a putrid stench indicates hotness, and another color indicates coldness. Sometimes the hotness of the uterus is inferred from pain in the liver area, as well as from abscesses and ulcers that appear in the uterus, from the dryness of a woman’s lips, an abundance of pubic hair, in most cases, from the color of urine and the speed of the pulse.

Signs of a cold uterus. These are constipation or scantiness of menstruation, their fluidity and colorlessness or strong black-bile coloring, prolongation of the period of cleanliness, previous consumption of rough or cold food, previous frequent copulation, numbness in the upper parts of the uterus, scantiness of pubic hair, weak color of urine and its bad color. .

Signs of moisture. Fluid menstruation, frequent effusion of moisture, miscarriage of the fetus when it enlarges.

Signs of dryness. Dryness of the uterus and scanty discharge.