Facial treatments for blackheads and comedones

Black spots on the skin can ruin your mood, cause a nervous breakdown, and even jeopardize your career. From this article you will learn the reasons for their appearance, existing types, cosmetic and traditional methods of removal, as well as other useful information to help you effectively get rid of this defect.

What information will you find out:

The concept of comedones and their types


Blackheads on the face can really ruin your mood

Remains of sebum with the addition of dirt and epithelial particles in the pore ducts are called comedones or blackheads. After infection penetrates, they become inflamed and form acne with purulent contents, which can reach a size of up to 5 millimeters in diameter.

They do not pose a threat to health, but are an aesthetic defect that requires treatment.

Cosmetologists distinguish 2 types of comedones - open and closed.

  1. Open ones are particles of sebum, epithelium and dirt remaining in the pore ducts that clog the hair follicle. When such a plug approaches the exit of the follicle, it acquires a black color due to the oxidation of its contents with oxygen. Dermatologists classify this type of comedones as the least problematic defects of the epidermis.
  2. Closed ones are distinguished by the absence of release of contaminants accumulated in the ducts to the skin surface; they form nodules (seals) that form purulent acne, boils and abscesses on the skin. In closed comedones, the inflammatory process occurs quite quickly. When they are squeezed out, a staphylococcal or streptococcal infection often penetrates into the skin, causing serious purulent lesions of the skin, ending in the appearance of disfiguring scars and scars.

What causes blackheads to appear

Factors that provoke the development of comedones can be:

  1. improper or inappropriate skin care with an illiterate selection of cosmetics, excessive use of decorative cosmetics (especially foundations) in the absence of regular and thorough skin cleansing;
  2. imbalance of hormones in the body that occurs during adolescence, pregnancy, menopause or inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  3. a genetic predisposition that creates the likelihood of such a defect occurring in 97% of cases in children if their parents had the same skin problems;
  4. taking hormonal medications and certain medications containing bromine that disrupt the functions of the endocrine glands;
  5. diseases of the nervous, endocrine and digestive systems;
  6. environmental pollution in the region of residence, when the air contains large amounts of carbon monoxide and metal salts;
  7. unbalanced diet with a predominance of fatty, carbohydrate foods and a lack of vegetables and fruits;
  8. the use of cosmetics containing mineral oils, paraffins, wax, lanolin.

Washing your face with hard tap water, especially hot water, can provoke the development of comedones in most people, so you should use boiled or filtered water for this purpose.


Diagram of the appearance of comedones

Methods of drug treatment

A qualified and experienced dermatologist will be able to select the right therapeutic treatment, taking into account the type, degree of worsening of the defect and the general health of each patient.

Most medications can cause allergic reactions, so the doctor will adjust their prescription depending on the individual reaction of the epidermis to them.

A general recommendation for getting rid of comedones is the mandatory use of antiseptic preparations with a disinfectant effect, for example Differin, Tretinoin gel or cream, which must be lubricated on clean skin twice a day.

Treatment of comedones is long, complex, and requires patience and a responsible approach. It lasts at least 1 – 2 months.

Cosmetology procedures

We would like to warn you that self-squeezing of closed comedones can lead to serious complications and undesirable consequences for appearance in the form of the appearance of a large number of purulent, painful infiltrates with the subsequent formation of scars on the face that require expensive laser removal!

The right thing to do would be to visit a professional cosmetologist who will offer a range of effective procedures that ensure quick and guaranteed removal of blackheads.

For example, deep cleansing of the skin can free the pores of the epidermis from all contaminants accumulated in them, remove dead keratinized cells and ensure complete cell regeneration. This type of procedure can be performed using different methods:

  1. mechanical (manual) method, involving the use of special tools (Uno spoon, loop or Vidal needle);
  2. ultrasonic devices;
  3. chemical peels;
  4. microdermabrasion;
  5. laser peeling.

All of these procedures remove the surface layer of skin affected by comedones, as a result of which the skin tissue is cleansed, renewed, the function of the sebaceous glands is normalized, local blood circulation is improved, and all metabolic processes are stabilized.

Preventive measures

Cosmetologists advise anyone with oily or combination skin type to take the following preventive measures to prevent the appearance of comedones:

  1. Cleanse your facial skin twice a day with special tonics and lotions designed for problematic epidermis. The use of ordinary soap in this case is not recommended;
  2. once a week, use scrubs or peels to remove the dead epithelial layer that interferes with the normal process of breathing and regeneration of the skin surface;
  3. make homemade lotions containing chamomile, calendula, green tea, eucalyptus;
  4. if your lifestyle does not involve constant exposure to people, try to use foundation, powder and decorative cosmetics as little as possible;
  5. After thorough cleansing, lubricate areas of skin with blackheads with tea tree or eucalyptus oil at night;
  6. remove any remaining cream 20 minutes after applying it to allow the skin to breathe freely;
  7. walk in the fresh air every day without exception;
  8. perform contrast washes, which involve alternating warm and cold water;
  9. eat more vegetables and fruits, give up sugary carbonated drinks and candies, which provoke excess sebum secretion.


Special tools for dealing with problem skin have appeared on sale. Before using them, it is necessary to carry out sterilization treatment.

Recipes for homemade masks to remove blackheads

For such treatment to become effective, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of regularity, that is, perform procedures at least 2 times a week, changing recipes from time to time, excluding skin addiction. Do not forget that masks are applied only to previously cleansed epidermis!

Protein based

Egg white perfectly mattifies, dries, whitens, cleanses and tightens pores, and also actively tightens the skin surface. Its effect can be compared to peeling, since after such a mask the skin becomes clean and fresh. Before use, be sure to beat it with a fork until light foam appears.

  1. Mix raw, prepared egg white with a tablespoon of granulated sugar and divide the mass into 2 parts. Apply the first one to the face along the main lines (massage lines), avoiding the area around the eyes and lips, leave for 5 minutes until the mixture dries on the skin, and then apply the second part of the mixture, lightly and gently massaging in areas with comedones. Leave the mask on for another 10 minutes, then wash first with warm and then cooled soft water.

With chamomile

Compositions based on chamomile have a pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, sebum-regulating, whitening and disinfecting effect, and are therefore recommended for problem skin types.

  1. You will need to pour 2 tablespoons of dried flowers with boiling water so that you get a thick mixture similar to gruel. Let the mixture brew with the lid closed for half an hour, then grind it in a blender, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same volume of rye flour. Be sure to thoroughly stir the composition so that it becomes homogeneous, without lumps, and apply to the skin.

With aloe

Juice and pulp from aloe vera leaves have a complex therapeutic effect on problematic epidermis, as they eliminate inflammatory reactions, kill harmful microorganisms, cleanse pores, promote cell regeneration, deeply moisturize, narrow enlarged pore ducts, and regulate sebum production.

  1. Grind the juice and pulp from 2 large aloe leaves to a smooth paste, add a pinch of iodized salt and rub into clean skin with blackheads for 2 minutes. Then leave the mask on for 10 minutes, then wash with heated and then cooled water.

With grapefruit

The pulp of this fruit contains vitamin C, organic acids, and mineral components that perfectly restore the activity of the sebaceous glands, dry and disinfect the skin, narrow enlarged pores, whiten and increase the tone of the epidermis.

  1. Peel the contents of the grapefruit from the seeds, grind in a blender, add oatmeal or rye flour in a 1:1 ratio, mix the mixture well and apply an even thick layer to the skin.

With persimmon

This fruit is characterized by a high content of astringents, vitamins, and antioxidants, so it perfectly cleanses, disinfects, whitens, tightens pores, saturates with vitamins and useful mineral components that regulate the functioning of all functions and metabolic processes in the epidermis.

  1. Distribute the crushed persimmon pulp evenly over the entire surface of the skin, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Video: How to cleanse your face of blackheads

The problem of blackheads (comedones) is common and worries not only women, but also men, at any age. Since blackheads give the skin a not entirely attractive appearance, it is absolutely necessary to deal with them. What are the causes of blackheads and how to deal with them will be discussed in today’s article.


The reason for the appearance of blackheads.
Comedones are non-inflammatory elements that arise due to blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Sebum accumulations appear as white nodules under the skin with a diameter of 2-3 mm. As a rule, the areas where comedones are located on the face are the nose, chin, and forehead. Externally, comedones look like black dots due to sebum, dirt, dust, particles of keratinized skin, hence the name “black dots”. The reasons for the appearance of blackheads are hormonal imbalance, poor diet, improper and inconsistent skin care or lack thereof.

How to get rid of black dots.
You can quickly and effectively get rid of blackheads in the salon; a dermatologist will perform a deep cleansing of your face. But you can also clean your face from blackheads at home. To do this, you first need to cleanse your face, removing any remaining makeup using cosmetic milk or cleansing lotion. Then do a light peeling using a scrub, which is applied to damp skin with soft circular movements, after which it is washed off with warm water. The peeling procedure should not take more than 2 minutes, and peeling is generally contraindicated for people with skin inflammation.

After peeling, you need to prepare a steam bath for your face. To do this, boil two liters of water in a large saucepan. By the way, instead of bath water, you can use a decoction of medicinal plants. For example, chamomile and horsetail are perfect for oily skin, and wormwood, rosemary, and yarrow are perfect for dry and sensitive skin. A herbal bath perfectly relieves irritation, flaking and excess oiliness. In addition, it enhances blood microcirculation.

Then, after preparing the bath, we begin to steam the skin. To do this, you need to tilt your head over boiling water and cover it with a terry towel so that it is in tight contact with the edges of the pan. This is necessary in order to avoid the boiling water cooling down and steam escaping, otherwise the procedure will be useless and ineffective. Steaming must be done for 15 minutes. Moisture appearing on the skin of the face must be blotted (do not rub!) with a towel. After this procedure, the pores open and the skin begins to breathe. After this, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap, thoroughly treat them with alcohol and wipe dry. Then wrap your fingers in a sterile bandage soaked in a 1% salicylic acid solution to prevent infection. Blackheads are removed with light pressure on both sides.

After cleaning, we narrow the pores by wiping our face with a lotion that contains alcohol, or a special tonic that tightens the pores. Lemon juice diluted in water is also an excellent remedy for tightening pores. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas - forehead, nose, chin.

A good way to get rid of blackheads is the following mask: on damp facial skin (problem areas), apply a foam of baby soap, on top of which apply baking soda. With this procedure, a tingling sensation may appear in the first five minutes, which will quickly disappear. Then the mask is washed off with warm water. This mask can be done once every 7-10 days.

For those who do not accept squeezing out blackheads, there are special masks whose cleansing effect is not so noticeable. In addition, there is a special patch that is glued to the wings of the nose and the chin area. But the effect will be better if you do it on steamed facial skin. To consolidate the achieved effect, you need to cleanse your face twice a day (morning and evening), regularly use various scrubs and masks to cleanse the skin. To achieve a better effect, depending on your skin type, you can add a few drops of salicylic alcohol or essential oils to the cleansing toner. For example, the addition of mint improves complexion, Chinese lemongrass is an excellent pigment reducer, tea tree is a good antiseptic, bergamot is an excellent means of combating excess fat secretions. You should not use essential oils to cleanse your skin every day; wait 2-3 days and give your skin a little rest.

There is another way to get rid of blackheads. To do this, you need to make a warm herbal compress. If you have particularly sensitive or dry skin, you need to apply an oil or paraffin mask. Before making a paraffin mask, you need to wipe your face with olive oil. After which you need to take two small cups, pour a couple of teaspoons of fine “extra” salt into one of them, and pour warm water or hydrogen peroxide (3%) into the other. Then you need to make a cotton swab and wrap it in gauze, soak it in water or hydrogen peroxide, and then dip it in salt. Use this swab to wipe the problem areas in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes. If a slight burning sensation occurs, you should rinse your face with hot and then cold water. In this situation, cleansing is stopped for 2-3 days. If there is no burning sensation, then you can continue cleaning. The next session can be carried out in 2-3 weeks.

There is another way to get rid of blackheads. To do this, you need to dilute 1/2 teaspoon of “extra” salt in a glass of soapy water. It is best to take antibacterial soap. In this solution, you need to moisten a swab and wipe your face with it, where there are blackheads, also in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes. After which you need to wash yourself first with hot and then with cold water.

In addition to all this, you can perform a very popular salon procedure at home, such as vacuum facial cleansing. To do this, you need to purchase a special cosmetology device for home use. This device is based on the principle of operation of a vacuum cleaner, that is, it pulls out sebaceous plugs from the pores. A special vacuum attachment must be moved over the skin in a circular motion for no more than 10 minutes.

An analogue of this device is a mechanical device, which can be purchased at a special cosmetic store. As a rule, a special steaming mask is sold together with such a device, which must be applied to a cleansed face before starting the procedure. After this, you need to move the device along the massage lines.

Prevention of blackheads.
To avoid the appearance of blackheads, it is necessary to cleanse your face daily, morning and evening. To cleanse the face, it is best to use gels that contain AHA and BHA acids, which are effective solvents for fat in the pores of the skin. After washing, it is imperative to use cream. It is best to purchase cleansing gels and creams from the same cosmetic line. Be sure to make a clay-based face mask once every two weeks. To prevent the appearance of blackheads, the use of greasy creams and regular soap is not recommended. In addition, once a week you need to take a steam bath and then apply a cleansing mask.

Diet also affects the formation of blackheads. Proper nutrition is the key to clear skin! Remember, no expensive cosmetics will help you if you don't eat right. It is recommended to avoid poorly digestible foods and a variety of spicy seasonings. Include in your diet more fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, hazelnuts and almonds, flax grains, which can be added to porridge (they are a source of fatty acids).

To treat comedones, you need to consult a specialist for advice and a cleansing procedure, as well as use skin care products that suit your skin type.

Folk remedies.
You need to take 1 tbsp. rolled oats flakes crushed in a coffee grinder, add a pinch of soda or 3-4 drops of boric acid. Add kefir to the resulting mixture until a thick paste forms. This paste must be applied to problem areas of the skin for 10-15 minutes, then rolled with damp fingertips. Wash with cool water.

Another equally effective way to get rid of blackheads is to spread kefir on your face. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with water. This mask is suitable for oily and combination skin.

Purifying protein mask for blackheads.
Mix one egg white with 1 tbsp. sugar until completely dissolved. Apply half of the prepared mask to your face and leave until completely dry. After that, you need to apply the rest of the mask and begin to intensively pat your entire face with your palms and fingertips. It is necessary to make patting movements until your hands stop sticking to the skin. Then rinse off the mask with cool water and lubricate your face with moisturizer. This mask must be done several times a week to achieve maximum effect. If you have dry skin, then the mask should be applied only to areas where blackheads form (T-zone).

The appearance of comedones (blackheads and white pimples) is a sign of malfunctions in the body, or a signal of improper facial care. There are a number of rules that will help you get rid of them.


Not every woman can boast of perfectly healthy skin: subcutaneous pimples, acne and other types of rashes regularly spoil her mood. That is why women have a question: how to get rid of comedones? Fortunately, there are many options for treating skin, starting with grandma’s recipes and ending with cosmetic procedures.

Why do skin problems occur?

Comedones on the face are a clot of sebum that has clogged a pore. This problem is not limited to teenagers: people of all ages and with different skin types are susceptible to rashes.

Types of comedones

Dermatologists distinguish several types of comedones:

  1. Open comedones
    This type of rash is better known as blackheads. Their color is explained quite simply: when air and the substance located in the pores interact, the latter oxidizes, which results in a dark color.
  2. Closed comedones
    The rash, consisting of cystic formations, sebum, bacteria and horny scales, looks like closed white pimples. They enlarge as the sebaceous glands produce sebum.


If you want to know how to get rid of comedones on your face, you must first understand the true cause of their occurrence. Dermatologists identify several main factors:

  1. Poor/unprofessional performance of cosmetic procedures.
  2. Genetics (heredity).
  3. Failure of the hormonal system (in particular, high testosterone levels).
  4. Taking medications.
  5. Ecology of your region + high humidity.
  6. Neglect of hygiene rules.


Experts also note that stressful situations and emotional overload can negatively affect the condition of the skin and be one of the causes of acne.


  1. A modern procedure - yellow peeling - is the main assistant in improving skin health.
  2. Instructions for performing retinoic peeling at home. Secrets from professionals. Details at the link.

Treatment in a cosmetologist's office

There are many ways to treat comedones, but the most radical and noticeable effect rightfully belongs to cosmetic procedures, which are offered by most beauty salons and private offices. A specialist will be able to offer you several techniques that will relieve skin problems. But it is important to understand that one should fight not only the visible manifestations, but also the cause of the disease. Therefore, it is much better to start therapy with a visit to a dermatologist: only a doctor will be able to take the necessary tests and explain how to get rid of subcutaneous comedones specifically in your case.

Types of interior cleaning

Many girls mistakenly assume that facial cleansing is not a complicated procedure, and therefore try to do it at home. But it is important to understand that in this case there is a high probability of worsening the situation.


There are several types of salon cleanings:

  1. Mechanical
    In this case, the cosmetologist treats all problem areas and specifically removes pimples and blackheads.
  2. Hardware
    Facial cleansing is carried out in a cosmetologist’s office using special equipment. There are several options for how to get rid of subcutaneous comedones on the face using this technique.
  1. Brushing
    The procedure is also known as “brush peeling”. In this case, the cosmetologist cleans the upper layer of the epithelium using a device with brush attachments. This allows you to get rid of dead cells and improve blood circulation. This kind of cleaning is only suitable in cases where the situation is “not running.”
  2. Ultrasonic cleaning
    To achieve a positive effect, the specialist uses the beneficial properties of ultrasound. This procedure gives a softer result than mechanical cleaning, and therefore is suitable both as a preventive measure and for combating blackheads. But ultrasound cannot remove open comedones.
  3. Vacuum cleaning
    This technique is ideal for those with aging and oily skin with various rashes (blackheads, acne). In this case, the cosmetologist uses a vacuum tube to clean the previously open pores. The procedure is painless (which is typical for manual cleaning) and does not leave any marks (redness typical for mechanical cleaning).
  4. Galvanization
    This technique is also known as disincrustation. The procedure promotes deep cleansing of the face. Using a special device, the cosmetologist acts on the skin using low frequency current. This procedure helps to get rid of comedones both on the forehead and other areas of the face.

Peeling with fruit acids

Many visitors to beauty salons prefer to fight skin imperfections with fruit peeling. This procedure removes dead skin layers. To do this, specialists use lactic, tartaric, glycolic, malic or citric acid (the use of each acid is a separate type of peeling). One session of fruit peeling is completely insufficient to achieve noticeable results. To really remove comedones on the forehead, nose and chin, you will need to take a course (from 7 to 11 sessions).


In addition, the procedure has a number of contraindications:

  1. Fresh tan.
  2. Damage to the skin (in areas of treatment).
  3. Allergy to components.
  4. Warm season (or you will have to temporarily give up walking on sunny days).

If the technique is contraindicated for you, the cosmetologist will offer you other, but no less effective peeling options: almond, salicylic, pyruvic, retinoic.

Darsonvalization against comedones

Darsonval is a universal device that helps fight hair loss, varicose veins and many other problems. The device is especially widely used in the field of cosmetology: the device helps reduce scars and treats any rashes on the skin.

Features of the procedure and its effectiveness

The device does not have a healing effect, and therefore many cosmetologists use it after mechanical cleaning: this makes it possible to relieve redness and irritation. Darsonval promotes tissue renewal by improving blood circulation.


Women interested in how to remove comedones choose darsonvalization. This is easy to explain: regular hardware procedures will significantly reduce the secretion of sebum, which is often the root cause of rashes. The technique allows the skin to literally “breathe”.

Using the device at home: precautions

Darsonval is sold in many online stores and in medical departments. equipment at affordable prices. But before purchasing it, be sure to consult a doctor and, if possible, undergo several procedures with a cosmetologist. If you see a positive reaction, feel free to purchase Darsonval for home use.

Required number of procedures

To quickly get rid of comedones, girls prefer to have their skin cleaned by a cosmetologist. But if you are interested in long-term results and treatment, choose Darsonval. To achieve a noticeable healing effect, perform the procedures daily or every other day. One session of darsonvalization of facial skin should last from 5 to 10 minutes. The course of such treatment is 10-20 sessions.

Home methods for treating comedones

Cosmetics are quite expensive, and therefore many girls are trying to find out how to get rid of comedones at home. Such cosmetics are not only affordable, but also more beneficial for the skin in general.

Homemade masks

To prepare you need one raw protein a tablespoon of sugar. The components must be mixed so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Apply half of the product to the skin and wait until it dries completely. Next, without washing off the composition, apply the second part of the mask. It must be applied in a special way, patting it with your palms and fingertips. This method of application is mandatory: a sticky mass appears between the fingers and the skin, drawing sebum out. When your hands stop sticking, rinse off the product with cool water and apply cream to your face.

Scrub from improvised products

Blackheads are easy to hide with cosmetics, and therefore closed comedones cause much more discomfort. Dermatologists know how to get rid of comedones that regularly appear on the face. They recommend combining treatment prescribed by a doctor and store-bought/homemade scrubs.


A homemade scrub can be prepared from ordinary household products, and you don’t have to spend money on expensive cosmetics. A mixture of coffee cake and sour cream in a 1:1 ratio gives a good result. This scrub gently and carefully cleanses skin pores and is easily washed off. You can carry out this procedure several times a week: it is suitable even if your skin is delicate and sensitive.

A scrub mask against comedones made from sea salt (2 tbsp), olive oil (1 tbsp) and liquid honey (1 tbsp) gives excellent results. After mixing all the ingredients, the mixture is applied to the skin in a circular, rubbing motion. After 3-4 minutes, wash your face with warm water.


  1. Despite the development of cosmetology, darsonval for the face remains on the wave of popularity due to its qualities.
  2. What kind of lifting face masks can you make at home? We heal the skin and make it soft and silky. Recipes here.

Prevention of comedones

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the cause of all kinds of rashes is poor facial care: for many girls, all procedures are limited to just washing, which is fundamentally wrong.

Skin care rules

If white comedones appear on the face, you can get rid of them not only with masks and medications, but also with proper care.


To keep your skin healthy, follow these simple rules:

  1. Never squeeze pimples (you can get infected).
  2. Wash your face twice a day using gel or foam. There is no need to rub your face: movements should be smooth and massaging.
  3. If you have oily or combination skin, choose drying products. Sebum is a breakout's best friend.
  4. Try to limit your exposure to the sun and solariums. Tanning does not help solve the problem, but only masks it.
  5. Masks and scrubs against comedones will give results only if they are used systematically.

What foods can trigger comedones?

Dermatologists have long proven the relationship between skin health and diet. Among the products that negatively affect the quality of the skin, coffee ranks first. Those with problem skin are also advised to avoid eating fast food, flour, sweets, and alcohol.

It is important for women to remember that the problem of rashes is easier to prevent than to cure. That is why, if you want to look good, take care of your health: follow a daily routine and give preference to healthy foods.

Video: how to get rid of comedones

Any rash spoils not only your mood, but also, in some ways, your life. In today's video cast, we can learn about the most popular ways to get rid of them.