
Proctospasm is a common dysfunctional syndrome of the colon, characterized by a disturbance in the rhythmic motor activity of the wall, manifested by spastic pain in the left iliac region and usually accompanied by a disturbance in the passage of intestinal contents. Proctospasmodic pain manifests itself in paroxysms and can imitate kidney disease or gynecological diseases. According to statistics, 14% of the world's population suffers from colon diseases, and almost every fifth person gets sick after the age of 50. Specific diseases are not common, but if necessary, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment for proctospasm, and helps relieve an attack - treatment of pain. Chronic pathology requires the prevention of exacerbations - periodic course of taking antispasmodics

Proctospasm is a disease resulting from inflammation and impaired relaxation tone of the rectal sphincters. The disease is one of the dangerous diseases of all types of the anal canal, as it can lead to hemorrhoids and anal fissure. Proctosgrouposis most often manifests itself as a result of infection, allergic reactions, and inflammation of intestinal vessels.

The main symptom of proctospgrom is the manifestation of pain in the rectum. Often the disease is combined with abdominal pain, flatulence, burning and itching in the anus. Proctosgroup treatment is carried out by proctologist-surgeons, specialists in physical therapy and manual therapy.

It is worth considering that treatment for proctosigrum should include taking vitamins to maintain immunity, medications to restore intestinal activity, and wounds can also be treated locally with ointments and compresses based on medications. Most often, the positive effect of such treatment comes no more than 3 weeks after the start of treatment for the disease.