

Profibrinolysins are substances that stimulate the activity of the fibrinolysis system. Fibrinolysis means the breakdown of fibrin, which is the basis of the blood clot. Profibrinolysins are proteins and other molecules that contain a special protein sequence called profibrinopeptidase.

Currently, the most common use in the medical field is of drugs that thin the blood and prevent the development of stroke and cerebral thrombosis. In the treatment of various diseases, low molecular weight heparin is used, which suppresses blood clots in the veins.

What is the mechanism of action of profibrinolysin?

Blood thinning occurs under the influence of profibrinopolysin, the effect of which is as follows: * Profibrinosilin dissolves blood clots, promoting platelet adhesion and supporting the vital activity of the intravascular endothelium. Thus, blood circulation in tissues saturated with oxygen increases;

* The active phase of thrombin in the composition of fibrin leads to the formation of soluble forms of fibrin and amino esters of fibrin threads, the disintegration of a blood clot and the normalization of blood circulation in the circulatory network. The process of destruction of fibrin occurs quite quickly, the dissolved blood material is pushed out by blood cells into the cavity structures - capillaries and promotes further blood circulation;

* Profibrinorlysin is able to prevent thrombosis in arteries, veins and other anatomical structures. This phenomenon