Does acne go away with age?

Pimples and acne are a real problem of adolescence. Sometimes breakouts during adolescence can leave marks on the skin for life. Proper care under the supervision of qualified cosmetologists will help avoid these troubles.

What is the danger of acne?

Teenage acne does not always go away without a trace: it can leave behind hyperpigmented spots and atrophic scars. If the spots go away over time (on their own or thanks to cosmetic procedures and home care), then it is quite difficult to fight the scars.

When it comes to facial rashes in boys and girls, three main questions arise: “Why do some have acne and others don’t?”, “How to treat so that it goes away faster?”, “How to prevent acne marks after treatment ?. Helps us find answers to these questions Vera Anatolyevna Bakurova, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist at the Alfa Health Center clinic.

What happens to the face during adolescence

Do not forget that the condition of the skin is a reflection of the general condition of the body. It would not be superfluous to consult not only a dermatologist, but also a gynecologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, and urologist. If the cause of problems with the face lies in a disease of the internal organs, then this is what needs to be solved first. However, most often juvenile acne appears due to the characteristics of adolescence.

Many people have experienced the appearance of acne on their skin at least once in their lives. They form on the face, back, butt or other parts of the body. This occurs as a result of the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and dead cells in the pores. If you do not address this problem, inflammatory processes will begin. Therefore, when rashes appear, you need to quickly determine the cause and direct all efforts to fight it.


Teenage acne: symptoms and causes

Teenage acne becomes a real problem for boys and girls. The rash begins during the transitional period of puberty, when the child experiences changes in the hormonal system. The level of androgen in the blood sharply increases, which regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Causes of acne in teenagers:

  1. Frequent stress, depression.
  2. Poor nutrition. Eating a lot of fatty, salty, sweet, fried and smoked foods.
  3. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. In addition to the usual shower and washing, at this age you need to start taking care of your skin.
  4. Using low-quality cosmetics and choosing the wrong products.
  5. Deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in the body.
  6. Genetic predisposition.


In addition, some types of diseases can provoke the appearance of various rashes on the skin. For example, diabetes mellitus or infectious pathologies. In adolescence, acne is usually localized in areas of the body such as:

Getting rid of teenage acne on your own is very difficult. To prevent complications, you need to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will determine the cause of the rash and prescribe the optimal course of treatment.

Acne goes away after a few years as boys and girls enter adulthood. After the period of maturation of the body ends, the hormonal system normalizes, and all skin defects disappear.


Acne in women: causes

Acne in women occurs due to many reasons. The most common include:

  1. frequent stress or chronic fatigue;
  2. disruption of the proper functioning of the hormonal system;
  3. disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  4. the beginning of menopause;
  5. the onset of pregnancy;
  6. allergic reactions;
  7. failure to maintain proper nutrition;
  8. mechanical impact;
  9. climate change (during travel);
  10. taking certain medications;
  11. presence of bad habits.

Acne can appear even in women who did not experience it during adolescence. Most often, rashes appear as a signal that your period will begin soon.

Pimples can also appear as a result of infection in the wound. It promotes the development of inflammatory processes.


Acne in men: causes and symptoms when it appears

Men are also not protected from the appearance of skin defects. This usually occurs as a result of metabolic disorders. The causes of acne in guys at any age are:

  1. Violation of proper air exchange. This occurs due to the use of cosmetics that contain mineral oil and other harmful chemical elements.
  2. Increased sweating. This is facilitated by wearing fabrics made from non-natural materials. In addition, a man begins to sweat a lot during stress, as well as when suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  3. Failure to maintain proper nutrition.
  4. Taking medications. Medicines that then cause skin rashes include: antibiotics, immunosuppressants. anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal medications, some types of vitamins.
  5. The appearance of inflammation in the body. The main symptoms of the onset of malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs are acne of any shape and type.

By the appearance of the rash, you can determine the cause that caused its appearance. For example, small red pimples concentrated in a certain area of ​​the body indicate that an allergic reaction has occurred in the body.

If acne with a dense structure begins to appear on the body, this indicates that fatty foods predominate in the diet. Small inflamed pimples indicate a malfunction of the endocrine system.


Do older people get acne?

Rashes can appear not only in adolescence, but also in old age. The usual area of ​​localization of such acne is the nose, forehead and chin. In some cases, they can spread to the neck, shoulders, décolleté, and back. When a person over the age of 50 develops skin problems, this indicates that the skin is aging and cannot cope with its functions.

In old age, people's processes that are responsible for regeneration slow down. The main causes of acne include:

  1. Clogged pores with sebum.
  2. Hormonal problems.
  3. Aging of internal organs and the presence of various parasites in them.
  4. The appearance of fungus on the skin.

When acne appears in old age, it is very important to establish its cause and make sure that serious diseases have not begun to develop in the body.


Basic ways to fight acne

If acne begins to appear on your skin periodically, you should seek help from a dermatologist. The doctor will correctly determine the cause of their formation and select a course of treatment for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the body. To do this, the specialist will not only conduct a very careful and attentive examination, but will also prescribe certain tests. To identify the true cause of acne, you may need to consult specialists such as:

  1. infectious disease specialist;
  2. gynecologist;
  3. endocrinologist;
  4. gastroenterologist

To reduce external manifestations, the dermatologist prescribes medications to the patient that fight inflammatory processes and also reduce the active functioning of the glands. This helps reduce the production of sebum, which, combined with dead cells, clogs the pores.


To effectively combat acne, it is not enough to remove its external manifestation. A person needs to completely reconsider his lifestyle. All sweet and flour products, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, smoked meats, sausage, as well as margarine and milk should be removed from the diet.

For healthy skin, drinking green tea, mineral water, and more fresh vegetables and fruits is beneficial. In addition, you should definitely eat meat and fish that have been steamed.

If a person constantly has several pimples on his face, then he needs to consult a doctor and also undergo an examination.

Antibiotics and special cosmetic procedures may be prescribed for treatment. This complex will help reduce the secretion of sebaceous secretions, which will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. The main thing is to strictly follow all the dermatologist’s instructions and take the medications to the end without interrupting the course.

Can acne go away on its own?

If acne is not the cause of diseases of the internal organs, then you can get rid of them yourself at home. To do this, first cleanse the skin, tone it and then moisturize it. Cosmetic care products are selected strictly according to age and skin type. To avoid addiction, cosmetics should be changed from time to time. In addition, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Don't wash your face often. This leads to the active work of the glands that produce sebum.
  2. Follow the rules of proper and balanced nutrition.
  3. Do not touch your face with dirty hands.
  4. Wipe your skin with disposable wipes.
  5. Do not squeeze pimples with dirty hands.

If you have skin problems, it is not recommended to delay a visit to a cosmetologist or dermatologist. The doctor will quickly find the cause and solution to this problem.

I heard from many doctors that many people have “hormonal” acne - they go away on their own, after the end of the period of maturation of the body. And it depends on what age it all started. I started getting acne when I was 16-17 years old. Now I’m 19. Tell me, has anyone’s acne gone away on their own? Have you adjusted your hormonal levels on your own?
Write what time your acne started and at what age did it go away - if there are any.) Thank you for your attention! experts

Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

No, hormonal imbalance can last a lifetime. In theory, it needs to be treated, but not everyone is an expert in such a delicate matter; they can heal it in such a way that they confuse everything and ruin your health.
It's better to have acne than hair all over your body, or thyroid problems, or childlessness.
My daughter, when she started taking birth control pills, her skin became clearer, but she gained a lot of weight from the pills.

I heard from many doctors that many people have “hormonal” acne - they go away on their own, after the end of the period of maturation of the body. And it depends on what age it all started. I started getting acne when I was 16-17 years old. Now I’m 19. Tell me, has anyone’s acne gone away on their own? Have you adjusted your hormonal levels on your own? Write what time your acne started and at what age did it go away - if there are any.) Thank you for your attention!

I had acne from about the age of 13 to 17. Not so much that there was no free space on my entire face, but not a little. They went away on their own (I didn’t do anything at all, didn’t use any creams or anything like that). Now I’m 22 years old, sometimes before my period 1-3 small pimples appear for 3 days, but they also go away on their own. So in my case it's more of a confirmation of your topic title.
I’ve also heard several times the theory that acne goes away after the first sex. But I think this is nonsense. I had my first sex at 19, that is, my acne went away 2 years before. A friend had her first sex at 16, but her whole face was covered in acne until she was 20.

My skin has improved a lot since pregnancy

Now I’m 27, I’ve had severe acne since I was 14. Over time it’s become much less, but it’s still there. Especially before my period.

theoretically, teenage acne should go away on its own, but you can’t neglect your face either. a lot of people who did not take care of their faces and did not fight acne, and now their entire face is covered in spots and scars from them. I somehow avoided this problem, at the age of 13-15 I was quite a bit old, although I had oily skin (perhaps everything went away so easily, because my mother immediately bought me a cleansing gel for teenage skin, a toner and an acne cream, thanks to her for that). Now 1-2 pieces pop up occasionally, mostly before menstruation.

Even at the age of 30, I still get acne. As they say: acne hasn’t gone away yet, but wrinkles have already appeared..)))
The Yarina tablets helped. I've been drinking for 4 years now. And I'm not going to quit. They don’t particularly affect weight, but it seems to be individual. But from “Diane” I have noticeably gained weight.

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It started when I was twenty and went away when I was 26, when I became pregnant.

When I took Logest, my skin was wonderful. And I gave up - not acne, but more like a rash. but maybe it's a stomach problem
I don't think it depends on sex
Well, don’t eat flour sweets either)

I'm 34 and pimples still appear, sometimes more, sometimes less. Depends on how often I visit the bathhouse/sauna, how carefully I watch my food, whether there is stress or not.

I'm 30 and still have acne. doctors suggested approx. but I refused. doctors said that these were hormones and they could return to normal at any time. or maybe not. I'm kind of waiting. yeah I don't care anymore

Drink urine and your acne will be gone.

For me, like most people, they went away with age, but for them, WRINKLES came as a result!

I had acne from about 13 to about 20 years old, very ugly, large and terrible, just so classically disgusting((at 16, so to speak, their “dawn” came, then they slowly began to go away, but the quality of the skin remained terrible(((although I constantly I used all sorts of creams and products with salicylic acid and for problem skin like Vichy, etc., it helped but not really, I haven’t had strong rashes for a long time, but the skin was just dark (greasy, ugly enlarged pores, sometimes here and there - something will pop up here). Now I’m 21 and I finally have some brains, I went to a dermatologist and in six months something unreal just happened to me))) there are no more pimples at all, not a single one appears, even before my period . pores have noticeably narrowed, the skin is no longer oily, better and better every day! I am so grateful to her. This is what the correct selection of care products + vitamins, etc. means.

Girls, thank you all for your answers!
.at the age of 15, I really had no idea that such a horror would begin with my skin. Somehow it started small - and then it grew. Now I apply Zenerit - it helps, but you can’t use too much of it either. Mostly pimples on the cheeks, and my face is already covered in red spots from what I used to squeeze.
I started drinking flaxseed oil, as was recommended here in some thread. I've only been drinking for three days now.
I won’t say that the face is so gloomy - if you don’t pick at it and don’t eat a lot of fatty and sweet foods, and also play sports, then in principle, it’s tolerable. But you still get very tired of it. Sometimes I cry - because it’s very sad that, in principle, no one in my family had such nightmares - but they say that it is genetically transmitted. Well, that is, my mom and dad had pimples in their teens, but not as bad as mine. I may also have stomach problems since childhood, mixed in with my personal psychoses (picking, etc.). The worst thing is that I have a very sensitive body and it is not advisable for me to take hormonal supplements. Although, maybe they will prescribe something individual. It’s just that my mother also says that everything will go away on its own. And if it doesn’t go away, then think about this topic. And now I really really want a normal life (((And I’m afraid to drink OK. I don’t know where to find a good specialist. Obviously not in a free clinic.