
Proxodol-o-hold is a combined alpha and beta adrenergic blocker, produced in the substance, eye drops 1%, capsules, tablets 40 mg. The form contains butylaminohydrochloroipropoxphenoxymethyl anilinoxadiazole.

Arterial increase in pressure is a wide range of possibilities of Proxodol, and hypertopic crisis, stenocorography, and arrhythmia. In addition, Glaucoma for open- and closed-angle, secondary. Contraindicated for insufficiency of sinus brady, atrial heart block, severe heart failure, cardiogenic shock, obstructive pulmonary diseases, gastric ulcers and duodenal coli, type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulin dependent).

Indications: angioedema of any origin, long-term treatment, limited gastric or duodenal ulcer (not active); postoperative period; ischemia (after peripheral revitalization reconstructions); turning off coronary attacks intramuscularly after special effects - nitroglycerin; acute circulatory failure; polyar