
Proleukin is a synthetic antitumor drug of different groups, which is produced by several manufacturers in Italy, the Netherlands and the Netherlands. The international name of the drug is Aldesleikin. The dosage form of Proleukin - lyophilized powder for the preparation of infusion solution and powder for the preparation of injections - you should also pay attention to the composition of the drug, it contains the active substance - AldxleKIN. Aldesleukin is prescribed for the treatment of metastatic kidney cancer.

Aldescleikin (and its forms produced by different companies) is approved for use in adult patients with mild and moderate forms of chronic renal failure. If creatinine clearance decreases below 25 ml/min, replacement therapy can be discontinued.

Many different side effects of Proleukin have been recorded, including anemia, arrhythmia, supraventricular tachycardia, diarrhea, dizziness, infections, heart problems (hypotension, hyperthyroidism), edema, allergic reactions, various types of pain and others; These undesirable side effects have been reported to a greater extent, but less common are dizziness and eosinophilic reaction, but they may develop throughout the course of treatment. If side effects develop, you must immediately inform your doctor and stop using the drug.

The use of Proleukin requires constant monitoring of body weight, the level of electrolytes in the blood, heart activity, liver function and other indicators that will be revealed to the doctor in order to select the appropriate treatment. It is also necessary to use birth control while taking this medicine, and there may be adverse reactions during treatment.