Propeller acne toner reviews


Previously, I did not see the need to use facial toners. But after I was actually convinced of their effectiveness, I started buying them. Not long ago I experienced skin rashes. They appeared mainly on the cheeks. I decided not to resort to heavy artillery. I began to fight them with the simplest tonic, which I had heard a lot about.


The entire Propeller line is aimed at eliminating skin rashes. The result is achieved due to the zinc content. The manufacturer promises not only the elimination of acne, but also a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands. In my case, this is relevant, since the skin in the T-zone is oily and has enlarged pores.



The bottle is small in size and equipped with a convenient flip-top cap.


The contents are transparent in color and have a mild, fresh aroma. I use tonic after completing all stages of skin cleansing. I first apply the product to a cotton pad, and then wipe the skin with it.


Immediately after this maneuver, the skin looks like this:


I deliberately did not cut out problem areas. The effect of narrowing pores and mattifying the skin is clearly visible. It becomes even and smooth. You can also see problem areas. I achieved this result after 7-8 days of using the tonic. The rashes did not disappear completely, but became less pronounced. The tonic dried them well and stopped the process of their spread. I think this is a good result. But I can’t say that it works instantly. At the same time, I cannot call him aggressive. It does not tighten or dry out the skin. I didn't find any alcohol in the composition.

To summarize, I can say that the product is very good. Especially in its price category. But it has a competitor - tonic from Clean Line. Here it copes with rashes much faster. Therefore, I cannot give the hero of the review five stars.

Hi girls! I want to share with you my opinion about a product that fights acne. We will talk about tonic from Propeller.


Product Name: Propeller 24 Hours Anti-Acne Acne Lotion with Zincidon

Expanded opinion:
The lotion came into my hands after my cheeks were covered with numerous pimples. I decided to fight them with Propeller products. (On the advice of a friend). I bought several products from this line. And the first thing we will talk about today is lotion.


The volume of the jar is only 100 ml, which is enough to try the product. From my first impressions I remember that I liked it. At first, the product worked like a charm, removing redness and drying out pimples. But soon the skin got used to it. It turns out that the lotion is quickly addictive, and you either need to give it up for a while or change it to a better one.


But I used the lotion until the end, until the product ran out, I used the product 2 times a day (morning and evening), after cleansing the skin.

The lotion itself is very soft, acid-free and very light. Instantly absorbed. The smell of the product is unusual, it smells like a medical product, I can’t even describe the smell, because after smelling it, nothing else will come to your mind.


The most important thing is that the lotion does not fight acne (as stated), it removes redness. I think the point is that I used the lotion separately from the cleansing gel. (After all, products from one line work much more efficiently). It turns out that the product works with less efficiency and does not bring the desired result.


I think you can turn your attention to this line if you are a teenager (16-17 years old), or you have minor rashes and redness that the lotion can deal with quickly. The tool is interesting. The Propeller company develops various lines. So this company definitely has something to try. I believe these are funds for a “less neglected” version than mine. So those who have not exactly problematic, but sensitive skin, you can take a closer look.

I decided that since I had already tried it, I wouldn’t take it again; to be honest, I expected more.

Today, almost any cosmetic store has a wide selection of different facial toners for acne. Despite the fact that such refreshing facial tonics differ in chemical composition, cost and method of action, these lotions help achieve a noticeable effect in the treatment of problem skin on the face. You can purchase such products in specialized cosmetic stores or pharmacies. They are also allowed to be used to treat various groups of patients, including pregnant women and adolescents. The only contraindication to the use of facial toners for acne is if the consumer has an individual intolerance to the ingredients that make up the tonic.


Review of the best tonics

In order for the fight against acne on the face to bring positive results, cosmetologists advise using a cleansing and refreshing facial tonic in combination with other products that are used for problem skin. These products include various masks, creams and washing gels. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a refreshing facial toner for acne must be used daily, so that after a few weeks the skin on your face becomes clearer and healthier.

The following tonics have proven themselves to be very effective in the fight against acne:

  1. Tonic "Propeller".
  2. Lambre TTO Tonic.
  3. Stay Clear Nivea.
  4. "Garnier Clean Skin Active".
  5. "Clean line".

It is worth familiarizing yourself with the above tools in more detail.

Lambre TTO Tonic

This product was specially developed for combination and oily skin. The tonic is suitable for people under 30 years of age. The tonic contains no alcohol. The product helps to effectively regulate the function of the sebaceous glands and also creates a matting effect. Tonic from Lambre makes existing rashes less noticeable. In addition, the lotion promotes very rapid cell regeneration and relieves the inflammatory process in tissues.


This product contains tea tree oil, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. This tonic can not only cleanse pores, but also actively fight various bacteria and stop inflammatory processes. At the same time, it cares for the skin of the face, moisturizes it and forms a protective film. The tonic is good at preventing the formation of new inflammations.

Cosmetologists recommend wiping the skin with this product after washing. And after using the tonic, you need to apply a special cream-gel, included in the same series, to your face.


Acne toner "Propeller" effectively fights skin growths in the form of blackheads and blackheads. This product contains glycerin, alcohol, castor oil and fruit acid extracts. The main components of this product have the following effects:

  1. Inflammatory elements are dried out.
  2. Tighten and cleanse pores.
  3. They have an antibacterial effect.
  4. Soothe and tone the dermis.
  5. Reduce inflammatory processes.
  6. Reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  7. Helps prevent the formation of new rashes.


Reviews of the Propeller tonic for acne say that this product improves the complexion, and the skin becomes more even after its use. Thanks to zinc, which is part of the lotion, the product prevents the growth of bacteria that contribute to the appearance of acne. Since the composition contains alcohol, the toner is not recommended for use by owners of dry and very sensitive skin.

"Garnier pure skin active"

This anti-acne facial toner works well to protect your skin from blemishes that appear after acne. Of course, the toner will not get rid of existing marks after neoplasms, but it can prevent the appearance of such spots. The composition contains salicylic acid, which inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, a phytocomplex is used to prepare the product, which includes various plant extracts. They are able to effectively fight inflammatory processes and accelerate the process of skin regeneration. The product also contains alcohol, so frequent use may cause flaking and a slight feeling of tightness of the skin, as evidenced by some reviews of the acne toner.


Stay Clear Nivea

This toner is also very effective in fighting acne. The product is suitable for absolutely any skin type. The main active ingredients of the anti-acne facial tonic are sea salt and magnolia extract. Magnolia extract also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. In addition, the plant extract can effectively eliminate excess sebum and help prevent the formation of rashes and blackheads. Sea salt dries out inflammation, relieves irritation, tightens pores and quickly regenerates tissue in areas of damage.

This anti-acne toner does not contain alcohol, so it is not capable of having an aggressive effect on the skin, and also does not dry it out.


"Clean line" "Ideal skin"

This lotion helps deeply cleanse pores without drying out the skin. The product is very effective in the fight against blackheads and helps prevent the formation of small rashes. The active ingredients of this lotion are: aloe vera, zinc, chamomile. Zinc helps prevent the growth of bacteria, reduce inflammation, narrow pores and dry out existing rashes. Aloe vera takes good care of the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Chamomile has antiseptic properties, so it can also fight various skin imperfections.

Homemade acne toner

There is no need to purchase expensive products to combat acne. You can make a homemade facial toner for acne that will be no less effective than store-bought skin care products. The recipes for preparing such products are very simple and easy. It's worth taking a closer look at a few of them.


Herbal lotion

To prepare such a lotion, you will need 300 ml of purified water, dried immortelle and St. John's wort, 2-3 tablespoons of propolis-based alcohol tincture, as well as a few drops of any essential oil. First you need to make a decoction based on immortelle and St. John's wort, strain it, and then send it to a cool room to cool completely. After this, add 7 drops of essential oil to the infusion of St. John's wort and immortelle. When the broth has cooled, you should also add propolis infusion to it. Pour the resulting product into a container and place it in a cool, dark room for 2 weeks. When the tonic is ready, wipe your face with it every day after cleansing the skin.

Mint tonic

To prepare a tonic with mint, you will need filtered mineral water or melt water in the amount of one glass, 2 teaspoons of alcohol, a decoction based on mint leaves, 12-15 drops of essential oil of fragrant mint, an infusion based on propolis in the amount of 3 teaspoons, as well as lemon juice in the amount of 2.5 teaspoons. Essential oil and mint decoction must be mixed with alcohol. After this, lemon juice and propolis-based infusion are added to the liquid. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Next, clean water is added. The resulting product is poured into a clean container and the refrigerator is removed for 12 days. The finished product can be used in hot weather as a spray.

Chamomile lotion

To prepare this tonic you will need one and a half tablespoons of dry chamomile, 10 drops of rosemary essential oil, 200 ml of mineral water, one and a half tablespoons of alcohol, and the same amount of lemon juice. Boil the chamomile, let it brew for 3 hours, and cool. After this, the broth is filtered, and lemon juice is added to it. Next, you need to add essential oil and alcohol, mix everything well. The finished lotion must be used immediately after its preparation. The product is stored in the refrigerator.


Honey tonic

To prepare this remedy to combat acne, you will need one spoon of natural honey, 4 teaspoons of lemon juice, 12 drops of essential oil based on spruce cones, 1 glass of distilled water. Melt the honey in a water bath, add all the remaining ingredients to it, stir everything thoroughly. Pour the finished lotion into an airtight container and place in the refrigerator for half an hour. The prepared toner must be used daily.


Reviews of tonics that fight acne indicate that the most effective and inexpensive remedy is the Propeller tonic. The result after its use can be seen within a few days. Many people prefer to use lotions and tonics prepared at home with the addition of only natural ingredients.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that before purchasing an acne tonic, you need to pay attention to what type of skin it is suitable for. Under no circumstances should you use products that contain alcohol for dry or sensitive skin.