Prostatitis Phlegmonous

In ancient times, people did not practice medicine: they treated teeth, tried to increase male strength with herbs and tinctures from eggs, and for pain in the groin they turned to healers and priests. The frailty of human existence is reflected in folklore. Hints of a fatal beginning can be found in proverbs and sayings: “Life laughs at those who do not believe in omens,” “Health is in the grave,” “Seventy days are measured.” In the modern world, at the first symptoms of prostatitis, you can consult a doctor. It is better to treat prostatitis at an early stage, even before complications develop and health deteriorates. During therapy, medications, physical therapy, and acupuncture methods can be used. From this article you will learn what phlegmon of the prostate gland is in men, its causes, signs of development and treatment methods.

Prostatitis in men: pathologies of the prostate gland. Inflammation of the prostate is not an independent disease - it is one of the symptoms of chronic prostatitis or any other ailments of the male reproductive system. The prostate gland is enlarged and can be felt under the scrotum. It is located above the urethra and below the bladder. The function is to support and retain sperm needed to conceive children. Malfunction of the gland manifests itself with unpleasant symptoms and can lead to the development of serious consequences.

Cellulitis is an acute purulent inflammation of the tissue, in which the formation of pus occurs in a decentralized manner. In the case of the development of phlegmon of the prostate gland, pyogenic microflora from the urethra is localized in its tissues, or abscesses, carbuncles, and boils occur. Such a pathological process is clearly expressed and brings serious discomfort. Bacteria can enter prostate cells through the urethra, rectum, inguinal lymph nodes or blood. The causes of phimosis and paraphimosis are constipation, the use of plastic catheters and poor personal hygiene. All this ultimately leads to pathology of various organs and systems, which causes pain, fever and pus. Frequent exacerbations of prostate phlegmon interfere with an active sex life and work. Often the disease is detected only after a man seeks treatment for infertility. The prostate compresses the seminiferous tubules and affects sperm production. For reproductive function, the consequences of surgical interventions and trauma to the genitourinary system, untimely treatment of infectious diseases, including frequent chronic prostatitis, pose a particular danger.

The development of phlegmon in acute form is accompanied by unbearable pain in the lower abdomen and on the sides of the pubis. Over time, the discomfort becomes more acute and pulsating in nature. The pain radiates to the genital area and lower back, causing a painful urge to urinate and have bowel movements. It becomes impossible to walk. Body temperature rises to 38 °C. This condition is accompanied by a local increase in temperature, pale skin, chills and a violation of the general blood test. Next, the prostate gland becomes inflamed against a background of acute pain and fever. Swelling of tissues and signs of bacterial growth are visually noted. Intense painful sensations are constantly present, whether