Prostatitis And Prostate Adenoma

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, accompanied by swelling and painful sensitivity. Often this disease occurs latently and leads to impaired sexual function and spermatogenesis. Spermatogenesis is the process of formation of male germ cells in the testicles. As a result, potency is weakened and impaired. In addition, prostatitis is very often accompanied by vesiculitis - inflammation of the seminal vesicles. Nowadays, according to various sources, prostatitis affects from 20 to 40% of the male population of the planet. Some data are even more pessimistic. According to these sources, prostatitis affects up to 80% of men. The likelihood of this disease increases with age, and often the most fruitful years of a man's life are poisoned by this serious disease. However, today, very young men - 25-30 years old - are increasingly becoming ill with prostatitis. Doctors say that this disease is rapidly making people younger.

Similar figures characterize the spread of adenoma. According to statistics, it occurs in 20% of men aged 40, 50% of men aged 60 and 80% of men aged 80.

There are several types of prostatitis. Bacterial prostatitis can occur in acute and chronic forms. In this case, prostate inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection. Often this disease is the result of sexually transmitted diseases that were not treated promptly or incorrectly. Recently, chlamydial prostatitis has become increasingly common. Although bacterial prostatitis is sometimes called infectious, none of its forms are contagious.

There is also non-bacterial prostatitis. The nature of its occurrence still remains a mystery to doctors. Symptoms of this disease may include pain in the joints, muscles, lower back, and the area behind the scrotum. Aches, fever, chills are characteristic of acute prostatitis. The disease is also accompanied by such phenomena as impaired urination, including blood in the urine, painful ejaculation (ejaculation).

Treatment for prostatitis depends on the type of disease. Thus, non-bacterial prostatitis cannot be cured with antimicrobial drugs - antibiotics, and bacterial prostatitis cannot be cured without them. Therefore, if these symptoms occur, you must consult a doctor to get tests done and correctly determine the form of prostatitis.

Another common disease among older men is prostate adenoma. This is benign hyperplasia, i.e. a tumor of the prostate gland, which is accompanied by inflammatory processes. The causes of these two diseases are different, but their symptoms and course are largely the same, because both diseases lead to inflammation of the prostate.

The main symptom of prostate adenoma is frequent and difficult urination. Then the pressure of urine weakens, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, pain and discomfort appear.