Protective Cream for Oily Skin

Protective cream for oily skin: ingredients, method of application and action

Oily skin requires special care and protection from external factors such as UV rays, pollution and other irritants. A protective cream based on quinine, zinc oxide and glycerin is an effective remedy for protecting the skin and reducing oil production.

Ingredients and their effects

Quinine is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent that helps fight various skin problems such as acne, blackheads and irritations.

Zinc oxide is a natural ingredient that helps reduce oil production and prevents shine on the face. It is also anti-inflammatory and may help treat skin problems associated with acne.

Glycerin is an excellent humectant that protects the skin from moisture loss and makes it soft and smooth.

Mode of application

To prepare a protective cream for oily skin, mix 2 g of quinine and 3 g of zinc oxide with 5 g of glycerin until the grains disappear. Then add another 15 g of glycerin and grind again. Zinc oxide can be replaced with powder.

You should use the cream immediately before going outside. Apply a small amount of cream to your face and distribute it evenly. Let the cream absorb for 20 minutes.


Protective cream for oily skin helps protect the skin from harmful environmental influences, reduces oil production and prevents the appearance of shine on the face. In addition, the cream contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components that help fight skin problems such as acne and blackheads.

Skin type and frequency of use

A protective cream based on quinine, zinc oxide and glycerin is recommended for oily and combination skin. The cream can be used daily before going outside.

Shelf life and cooking time

Protective cream for oily skin can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. The preparation time of the cream is only 10 minutes, and the application time is 20 minutes.


Protective cream for oily skin based on quinine, zinc oxide and glycerin is an excellent product for protecting the skin and combating its problems. Its advantages lie in the naturalness of the ingredients, simplicity and speed of preparation, as well as effectiveness in combating oily skin and other skin problems. Proper care for oily skin will help keep it healthy and beautiful, and a protective cream based on quinine, zinc oxide and glycerin is one of the important steps in this direction. Remember to use the cream daily before going outside for best results and follow the instructions for preparation and use.