Proteinuria False

**Proteinuria is false**

This is a condition in which the presence of protein in an amount of more than 0.033 g/l is detected in the urine, but there are no causes or circumstances causing the development of non-inflammatory nephropathies.

The key factor in the occurrence of false proteinuria is the dynamic error caused by mixing urine containing pathological protein with urine, the normal composition of which is an indispensable condition for the diagnosis of proteinuria. As is known, the concentration of protein in urine is influenced by individual parameters, such as the patient’s preparation of daily urine for analysis, the stage of its storage before the study, and the method of measuring protein levels.

In addition, the reason for the decrease in the diagnostic properties of the amount of protein in daily urine may be poor identification of the causative agents of the infectious process or progressive viral damage in terms of its etiology, as well as hormonal imbalance.