Accessory duct of the pancreas

The pancreas is an important organ of the digestive system, responsible for the production and secretion of enzymes and hormones necessary for proper digestion. It has several ducts, including the main pancreatic duct (ductus pancreaticus major) and the accessory pancreatic duct (ductus pancreaticus accessorius), also known as the pancreatic duct minor or duct of Santorini.

The accessory pancreatic duct is a minor duct of the pancreas and accompanies the main duct. It begins in the small duct cells in the tail of the pancreas and passes through the entire gland, joining the main duct before it enters the duodenum.

The main function of the accessory pancreatic duct is to transport secretions produced by the minor ductal cells to the main duct. This secretion contains digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase and proteases, which play an important role in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in food.

Although the accessory pancreatic duct is considered minor, its role in digestion should not be underestimated. It provides an additional pathway for the secretion of enzymes, which promotes more efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients.

However, sometimes the accessory pancreatic duct can be susceptible to various pathological conditions. For example, a blockage or narrowing of the duct may occur, which can lead to a delay in the release of enzymes and the development of pancreatitis, an inflammatory disease of the pancreas. Such complications require medical intervention and treatment.

In conclusion, the accessory pancreatic duct is an important component of the digestive system. It plays a role in transporting digestive enzymes and promotes efficient digestion. Understanding its functions and possible pathological conditions helps in the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic diseases, and also contributes to a general understanding of the human digestive system.

Accessory pancreatic duct. This is a duct that connects the pancreas and duodenum. It starts from the tail of the pancreas, passes through the greater curvature of the stomach and ends in the duodenum. The length of the duct is about 5 cm.

The function of the pancreatic duct is to transport substances from the pancreas to the duodenum for further processing and transportation throughout the digestive tract.

Together with the papillary duct, the duct connects to the small pancreatic duct. The small duct flows into the large pancreatic duct before its connection with the duodenal canal.

The pancreatic ducts play an important role in the digestion process as they are involved in the processing and transportation of food. They form a fine network of pathways through which nutrients move and are eliminated from the body. In addition, the ducts are important sources for the production of hormones that regulate digestion and metabolism.