Acne on the right side of the face causes

You will be surprised, but in modern medicine there is a map of acne. It clearly illustrates the connection between purulent inflammations on the face and diseases of the internal organs of a person. Diseases of the genitourinary and endocrine systems, irritations of the gastrointestinal tract are especially clearly reflected on the face of the female part of the population: any destructive change in the body immediately makes itself known in the form of a red spot on the skin. We will tell you which organs in women are responsible for acne that appears on the face.

Where does the acne map come from?

It is generally accepted that the acne map came from Ancient China. However, numerous evidence proves that not only the Chinese were able to identify diseases by painful abscesses on the face. This diagnostic method was popular in India, Japan, and in later centuries in Europe.

Modern doctors The appearance of papules on the face is most often associated with changes in the functioning of the endocrine system. There is even an opinion that diseases are reflected on the face only in women, while this phenomenon is not observed in men. However, many experts reject this theory due to its inconsistency: over many years of practice there have been proven many timesthat acne occurs in all people, regardless of gender and age. In this article we will look at the relationship female body and purulent points located on various areas of the face.

Localization area and possible diseases

Let's consider typical zones localization of acne on the face and neck and find out what diseases may be hidden behind seemingly harmless pimples.

Inferior frontal zone

The affected area of ​​the frontal part is diverse. Most often, acne attacks the forehead itself, the bridge of the nose and the brow ridges. We hasten to please: in 90% of cases, acne in these areas is not a harbinger of a serious illness. They testify about the following points:

  1. The norm has been exceeded eating sweet and fatty foods.
  2. Poor selection of face and hair care products. This skin reaction indicates an increased content toxins in cosmetics.
  3. Bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol.
  4. Psychological disorders: depression, lack of sleep, stress.
  5. Wearing dirty headdresses.

Any of the above reasons can be eliminated without resorting to drug treatment. It is recommended to improve nutrition and change its regime, get rid of bad habits, and replace care products.

Superior frontal zone

If you have been experiencing persistent acne on the top of your forehead for several months, worth worrying about. First, visit a dermatologist to rule out natural causes of inflammation, and then see doctors who can check the following: possible diseases:

  1. Lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle.
  3. Depressed liver condition.

Wings of the nose

It can be said with almost one hundred percent probability that painful rashes that appear on the wings of the nose signal about inflammation in the bronchi. You should consult a doctor to stop the progressing process in time.

Often damage to internal organs manifests itself in the form of acne in women. The most unpleasant diseases are characterized by a galaxy of pimples on the cheeks. It is important to pay close attention to these manifestations and monitor on which cheek rashes have a constant frequency. Depending on this, the following diseases are distinguished:

  1. Left cheek
    Rashes on the left cheek are characteristic of stressful conditions. If you are often nervous and lack sleep, be prepared for the formation of cosmetic defects. In addition, acne on the left cheek can appear from excessive food consumption. Liver dysfunction is diagnosed as a serious disease.
  2. Right cheek
    Pimples on your right cheek indicate that you have a sweet tooth. Excess sugar in the body invariably affects this area of ​​the face. Also, spots on the right side indicate problems with the stomach or colds.

To avoid acne on the cheeks, it is recommended to carefully monitor the cleanliness of bed linen, hats and hair, and also visit a gastroenterologist.

Between the eyebrows

Persistent pimples in the area between the eyebrows often indicate something is going on in the liver. pathological process. If you observe such a picture for more than three months, we advise you to immediately consult a doctor for examination and making a diagnosis.


Acne on the temporal areas has unpleasant external and internal manifestations. The expected diagnosis in case of a large number of painful rashes is gallbladder damage. Less common are disturbances in lymph circulation or hypovitaminosis.

You can remove acne forever only by eliminating the problem: making them less noticeable is quite possible using methods available at home. Among them menu revision: Add more fresh vegetables and fruits. As additional measures, wipe your face with herbal decoctions, make vitamin and nourishing masks. Read the article on how to make them.

Chin, neck

Pimples in this area are the hardest to bear: they hurt, they are difficult to disguise, and healing is very slow. In women, this arrangement of inflammatory lesions indicates gynecological problems, Therefore, if you observe acne that does not go away, you should consult a doctor.

In addition, acne in the lower part of the face indicate digestive disorders or diseases of the endocrine system. In any case, it is better not to delay your visit to the clinic and get examined by the necessary specialists.

Around the mouth

Pimples around the mouth usually have a cause unrelated with internal organs: they appear from an excess of spicy and fatty foods in the diet and from non-compliance with hygiene standards. So cosmetic defectThis affects ladies who prefer not to spend money on lipstick, buying cheap, unknown brands.

To get rid of hated pimples in this area, review your menu and include fiber-rich foods in your meals. Refuse from night meals, so as not to burden the stomach and not provoke the appearance of inflammation on the face.

Now you know which organs are responsible for acne on the face of women. Please note that the information is provided for informational purposes: do not attempt self-treatment in advanced cases. The best solution would be to see a doctor.

Pimples on the cheeks in women - the reason for their appearance on the face

If acne appears on the cheeks of women, the reason may be hormonal changes in the body, but diseases of the internal organs should not be ruled out as the main pathogenic factor. The patient’s task is to contact a dermatologist in a timely manner, undergo all examinations, determine the root cause, and begin to eliminate it in a timely manner. Acne on the cheekbones in women is treated with conservative methods, but using only topical medications is ineffective.

Causes of acne on the face

If a food allergy develops in a woman’s body, it is possible that a small rash, painful and itchy, will appear on the skin. It is important to exclude the provoking factor, otherwise the disease becomes chronic. Allergen exposure is one of the most common causes of facial acne, which can be accompanied by severe acne symptoms. If a characteristic illness occurs, it is important not to exclude the influence of other internal factors that also provoke skin irritation. This:

  1. hormonal disorders of the body;
  2. allergic reaction to certain medications (antibiotics);
  3. problems of the digestive system, prone to chronicity;
  4. nervous shock, stressful situations, deep depression;
  5. diseases of the endocrine system, thyroid gland;
  6. impaired metabolism;
  7. weakened immune system, vitamin deficiency;
  8. squeezing old pimples with the spread of infection throughout the skin;
  9. peculiarity of the arrival of menstruation, pregnancy, menopause;
  10. use of low-quality decorative and caring cosmetics;
  11. climate features, social factor;
  12. genetic factor (hereditary predisposition).


Rash on cheeks

If the patient is a child, the reasons for the appearance of a skin rash on the cheekbones are the consumption of allergens in the diet. This is one of the manifestations of food allergies, which in modern pediatric practice is called diathesis. If an adult is injured, the characteristic rash may be preceded not only by the penetration of an allergen into the body, but also by the presence of bad habits. For example, a pimple on the cheeks appears from cigarettes, or rather the influence of tobacco smoke, or under the influence of alcohol. The patient experiences pain, and treatment begins with a healthy lifestyle.

Internal acne on the face

If dangerous bacteria penetrate the skin, an extremely undesirable infection occurs. As a result of this pathological process, an internal pimple appears on the face, which hurts, but is not accompanied by the formation of a white blister. Such small foci of pathology characterize acute inflammation of the skin, and appear not only on the cheeks of women, but also in the forehead, temples, cheekbones, and neck. Characteristic rashes are single, especially painful; however, their presence bothers the clinical patient for a long time, and intensive care is mediocre.

Acne on cheeks

The characteristic rashes are distinguished by their abundance and painless sensations, indicating hormonal changes in the body. More often, acne on the cheeks appears during an intense surge of hormones, which is characteristic of the adolescence of a teenager. This is one of the main causes of facial acne in women (girls), but there are others that are no less relevant in modern dermatology:

  1. progressive pregnancy;
  2. chronic gastritis, ulcer;
  3. hormonal imbalance;
  4. dietary habits (abuse of spicy, fatty, fried, salty foods);
  5. condition of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands, which may become clogged;
  6. exposure of the skin to dirt and dust from the outside, toxins from the inside;
  7. the influence of low-quality decorative cosmetics, as an option - powder or foundation;
  8. strict diet with limited intake of vitamins into the body;
  9. chronic genitourinary diseases;
  10. problems with the intestines (dysbacteriosis).

If girls aged 12-16 years have intense acne on their cheeks, this is a characteristic sign of the onset of adolescence. There is no need to normalize hormonal levels using medication; all that remains is to wait for noticeable improvements over the years. A growing patient can only use local antiseptics externally in order to significantly reduce the foci of pathology. Dermatologists additionally recommend facial cleansing in a beauty salon to reduce the amount of acne on the cheeks.


Acne on cheeks

The causes of acne on the face in adults are different; for example, according to reviews, allergies can be caused by a caring face mask or smoking, followed by the entry of dangerous toxins into the body. Acne on the cheeks becomes not only a source of cosmetic defect and complete self-doubt, but also affects the internal well-being of the clinical patient. Over time, profuse rash provokes deep lesions of the dermis with a static phenomenon even after final recovery.

Acne is a recurrent disease that is infectious and inflammatory in nature. Visible pimples on the cheeks are complemented by redness of the skin, sharp pain on palpation, and red spots after opening the abscess. The cause of the disease is parasites, Demodex skin mites and other small pests. To determine the causative agent, you need to additionally take a test and consult with a dermatologist and nutritionist regarding the upcoming course of treatment. To cleanse the skin, you need to wipe it with local antiseptics and take medications orally.

White pimples on cheeks

It is necessary to treat all neoplasms on the skin, especially purulent acne on the cheeks. They are especially painful, cause cosmetic defects, and provoke redness of the skin. The main causes of acne on the face in women are infectious and inflammatory processes. Reviews from patients report that treatment should be both local and internal, nutrition should be therapeutic and fractional. It is important not to squeeze out pimples, but to burn them with local antiseptics. The main causes of such acne are the following:

  1. progressive demodicosis;
  2. extensive damage to the liver and spleen;
  3. hormonal imbalance (increased testosterone);
  4. skin infection;
  5. exposure to dust and dirt on the upper layer of the epidermis;
  6. failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  7. hot weather, increased sebum production.

According to reviews, the causes of facial acne in women may be different. For example, some patients report the poor quality of a cosmetic scrub or oil, while others take sorbents to eliminate this symptom of progressive dysbiosis. In the latter case, strict nutritional control and a therapeutic diet are required. Women should not perceive acne in the cheek area as a folk sign and delay treatment; they must promptly seek qualified help from their doctor.

Video: causes of acne on the cheeks in women

Why do acne appear on the right cheek?

Pimples on the right cheek are most often a random localization of skin rashes, which can equally likely occur on other parts of the face. At the same time, there is a version about the connection between the location of pimples on the cheek and the location of the diseased internal organ, i.e. the right organs correspond to acne on the right cheek. In any case, the rash can only be a form of cosmetic defect, or it can be a symptom of pathology. Taking this into account, it is recommended that if acne occurs chronically, consult a doctor to find out the true causes.

The essence of the problem

Pimples on the cheeks are the result of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, changes in the composition of the fatty secretion and blockage of the sebaceous ducts. Such formations may be inflamed or non-inflammatory. Non-inflamed pimples, or comedones, are not associated with an inflammatory reaction and appear as blackheads (external type) or white subcutaneous swellings (internal type). Inflamed acne occurs when an infection is attached and is characterized by pain, redness, and purulent contents.

Acne can appear at any age, but is most common during periods of significant hormonal changes (such as adolescence). The reasons for this phenomenon can be associated with both external and internal factors.

For the most part, defects arise for understandable physiological reasons not related to pathologies, and disappear when the causes are eliminated.

However, pathogenic factors associated with disruption of the functioning of internal organs cannot be discounted. Moreover, according to Chinese scientists, unilateral localization of acne on the face usually indicates pathogenic causes.

In particular, in their opinion, acne on the right cheek (if it is chronic and intense) is caused by pathology of the right internal organs (right lung, right lobe of the liver, etc.). Many people disagree with this opinion, but it is not possible to refute this opinion with evidence.

Physiological features

Acne on the right cheek can be caused by the following reasons not related to diseases of the internal organs:

  1. Violation of basic hygiene standards.
  2. Poor nutrition associated with excessive consumption of the following products: coffee with sugar, flour and sweets, carbonated drinks, ice cream, fatty dairy products, animal fats, peanuts, hazelnuts and walnuts.
  3. The use of low-quality cosmetics or cosmetics that cause an allergic reaction, as well as inept use of cosmetic procedures.
  4. Frequently supporting the right cheek with the hand.
  5. Excessively frequent and prolonged use of a mobile phone while placing it on the right ear.
  6. Skin damage from shaving.
  7. Harmful substances associated with human professional activity (fuels and lubricants, chemical reagents, acids, alkalis, etc.).
  8. Nervous stress.
  9. Hereditary predisposition associated with excessive activity of the secretory function of the sebaceous glands, abnormal size of the sebaceous ducts, skin structure (dry, oily).
  10. Uncontrolled use of certain medications.

When physiological acne appears, it can become inflamed when infections occur. Any blockage of the sebaceous duct creates a favorable environment for the activation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Internal etiological factors

Internal factors most often give rise to skin manifestations when hormonal balance and metabolic processes are disrupted. Hormonal imbalance manifests itself during puberty in adolescents, in women during pregnancy, before and at the beginning of menopause, and during menstruation. Disorders in women are sometimes caused by taking hormonal contraceptives.

The right cheek suffers for the following internal reasons:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the right section of the transverse colon: localized at the outer corner of the eye.
  2. Pathologies of the right lobe of the liver: found in the area of ​​the jaw muscles.
  3. Diseases of the right lung: in addition to numerous pimples, dryness and pigmentation of the skin on the cheek appears.
  4. Renal congestion: a rash forms in areas close to the orbit.
  5. Disturbances in the right mammary gland: pimples are distributed in the center of the cheek.
  6. Damage to the ureter of the right kidney manifests itself as a rash and spots on the edge of the cheek.
  7. Abnormalities of the small intestine: irritation and pimples in the lower cheek area with dry skin.
  8. The pathogenic factor is considered to be the vital activity of the demodex mite, which under certain conditions can cause skin damage.

Thus, skin defects on the right cheek can be a symptom of a serious pathology. Taking into account this possibility, if acne persists for a long time, its intense and painful manifestation, the appearance of pigmented spots, or disruption of the skin structure, it is necessary to consult a doctor to find out the causes of acne.

You should get rid of acne on your face in special beauty salons, and at home - only after consulting a doctor.

The most effective treatment is carried out using ointments with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. For large defects, Baziron ointment is used. An effective remedy, especially for frequent relapses, is Tsindol. Local treatment is carried out with Acyclovir, Zovirax ointments; medicines Baziron, Zinerit, Skinoren. To strengthen the immune system and normalize metabolic processes, vitamin complexes Retinol, Aevit, vitamin E, and folic acid are prescribed.

A positive effect is achieved by treatment with folk remedies based on decoctions and infusions of St. John's wort, sage, burdock, horsetail, linden blossom, and aloe.

Pimples on the cheeks - causes


It can be considered a long-known and scientifically substantiated fact that inflammatory diseases of the skin are one of the manifestations of a violation of the internal balance of the human body.

The main causes of acne on the cheeks

There may be several reasons for the appearance of acne on the cheeks:

  1. Reconfiguration of the hormonal system, as a rule, is characteristic of puberty, pregnancy, and endocrine disorders.
  2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis. gastroduodenitis, stomach ulcers, lack of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  3. Eating disorders – an abundance of fast food, sweet and fatty foods, frequent consumption of coffee.
  4. Hereditary predisposition.
  5. Incorrectly selected cosmetics containing comedogenic ingredients.
  6. Violation of hygiene rules. Using aggressive skin care products.
  7. Allergic reactions to external irritants.
  8. Lack of vitamins A, E, B2, B6 and zinc

The cause of red pimples on the cheeks may be a skin reaction to aggressive weather factors. Such acne goes away quickly and does not require the use of medications.

Localization of rashes on the face

Since all human organs are tightly interconnected, constant rashes in the same place can indicate possible disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. The cause of acne on the left cheek may be a malfunction of the pancreas or liver. Therefore, to exclude this cause, you should consult a doctor and do an ultrasound. It would also be a good idea to check the condition of the pulmonary system. Chinese traditional healers believe that one of the reasons for the appearance of acne on the right cheek may be problems with the right lung. And, accordingly, on the left side of the cheek - with the left lung.

Causes of subcutaneous acne on the cheeks

The cause of internal acne on the cheeks is usually a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. As a result of changes in functioning, the sebaceous duct becomes clogged and the outlet for the outflow of sebum disappears. This leads to its accumulation inside the skin, the development of the inflammatory process and the appearance of internal cystic formations containing pus. As a rule, such rashes are typical for people with oily skin.

One of the possible causes of acne on the cheeks may be demodex mites. More than 90% of the population is infected with this microscopic parasite that lives in the sebaceous ducts and hair follicles. Usually its presence does not manifest itself in any way. But when the mite begins to actively reproduce, it can cause disruption of the skin microflora and the appearance of subcutaneous acne. If you experience itching, internal pimples, eye irritation along the eyelash line, these may be symptoms of demodicosis.

Treatment of acne on the cheeks

Treatment of acne should begin with establishing the true cause of its appearance and obtaining advice from a dermatovenerologist. In any case, an integrated approach is used in the treatment of acne:

  1. Treatment of diseases of internal organs.
  2. The use of external agents to combat inflammation.
  3. Changing eating habits, excluding sweets, flour, fatty and fried foods from the diet.
  4. Taking vitamin-containing medications.
  5. Boosting immunity.
  6. Visit to a cosmetologist.


It would not be amiss to use traditional medicine recipes for facial care. Decoctions and lotions from the following herbs have been proven to be the most effective in the fight against acne:

Medications sold in pharmacies and having good performance are:

  1. Zenerit is an external remedy;
  2. Baziron is an external remedy;
  3. Polysorb – enterosorbent for oral administration;
  4. Clindovit is a gel for external use.


Acne is an unpleasant disease. But sometimes, with absolutely clean skin, people are puzzled acne on one side of the face and body. Where do they come from? How to get rid of them and bumps after acne? Meanwhile, the answer can be either the simplest and most unexpected, or serious, which will require the help of a doctor.

Why are acne only on one side?

So, you have smooth and even skin that has never suffered from acne. And then one day you noticed that on one side of your face, from cheek to ear, you had inflamed spots. After certain tricks they became smaller, but then reappeared on the same side. Where did you come from?

What if this is something serious?

First of all, don't panic. Observe your habits from the outside. You talk on the phone for a long time, often holding the receiver to one ear. This is the reason! This is a common infection. A lot of microorganisms accumulate on the handset or mobile phone and regularly come into contact with the skin. Bacteria penetrate the pores and begin to multiply. They cause acne. You start treating them, but new pimples still appear in the place of the old ones. Because you continue to introduce germs that live on the tube. Try cleaning it regularly and you will see the results.

Or maybe you sleep on one side? Exactly the one on which the acne appeared. Then the problem is the bedding. The pillow is your enemy.

It is an ideal breeding ground for mites and microorganisms that can cause infection and cause allergies or acne around the child’s mouth. Moreover, according to research by British scientists, it is impossible to use a pillow. Mites, for example, readily settle in both down and feather products and synthetic ones. To protect against this, air and dry your bed linen in the sun and wash it 2-3 times a year. Changing your pillowcase every 3 days is the easiest thing to do. Ideally, you should throw away such a pillow and replace it with a modern one made from special hypoallergenic materials.

On the one hand, the causes of acne are diseases of the internal organs.

But there is a more serious explanation for the fact that you have acne on one side of any part of the body. The skin has the ability to project the state of internal organs. Moreover, each part of it corresponds to a specific organ. For example, if acne regularly appears on the left side of the chin, then this is a signal that the functioning of the reproductive system is disrupted. They are usually localized on the side opposite to the location of the diseased organ. This means that the ovaries on the right side are inflamed. Pimples on the wings of the nose will tell you about diseases of the bronchi (on the right - the left bronchus, on the left - the right). The area at the temples shows the condition of the gallbladder. Frequent appearance of acne on one or both sides is a reason for medical examination.

Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. And if you have tried to eliminate the causes of acne, but they still do not disappear, then it’s time to see a specialist. He will help and prescribe appropriate treatment.