Pimples on the mustache in men

Acne on the chin in men, the causes of which may lie in both external and internal factors, requires treatment. The root of the evil of acne lies in the functioning of the secretory organs. Sweat and sebaceous glands are appendages of the skin that create a water-lipid mantle on the surface. The sebaceous glands are an important defense of the epidermis. The sebum they secrete envelops the entire skin surface with a thin film, making it impenetrable to billions of microbes.

Acne is an indicator of the body's functioning

Often acne on the face appears as a conglomerate, accumulating in one place. There is an opinion that the appearance of acne in a certain area indicates specific problems in the body. Purulent elements in the chin area call for attention to the reproductive system. The cause may be hormonal imbalance. Rashes close to the chin and lower cheeks indicate dental problems. If the appearance of the rash is periodic and occurs after careless shaving, then there is no cause for concern. Acne on the chin in men, which is permanent, signals the need to visit an andrologist or endocrinologist.


Not all dermatologists support this theory of acne and do not see a clear relationship with specific diseases or pathologies of internal organs. Experts explain the reasons for the appearance of acne by the special location of the sebaceous glands on the face. If acne on the chin occurs constantly in men, this is due to the number and activity of the sebaceous glands in this particular place.

Causes of skin damage

There are 4 main reasons for the development of acne:

  1. Increased levels of androgen hormones, which stimulate the production of sebum.
  2. Microbial inflammation, because lard becomes a favorable environment for nutrition and proliferation of microbes.
  3. Increased keratinization of the epidermis, when scales close the lumen of the sebaceous gland, preventing the contents from breaking out.
  4. Demodex.

Causing factors for acne in men

Factors for the development of acne on the chin in adults are:

  1. Weakened immunity.
  2. Heredity.
  3. Malfunctions of the digestive tract, slagging of the body.
  4. Disturbances of the endocrine system.
  5. Neglect of hygiene, improper care.
  6. Self-squeezing out acne.

Weakening of the immune system

Viral diseases greatly weaken the immune system. To increase the body's defenses, experts recommend taking Omega-3, vitamin and mineral complexes from autumn to spring.

Disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract and hormonal system

Disruption of the digestive system is fraught with the release of toxins that provoke acne. Fatty foods, a lot of sweets, starchy foods, carbonated drinks, fast food, and alcohol provoke the development of acne on the face. Acne on the chin in men in adulthood can signal sluggish chronic diseases, poor diet with a predominance of fatty, sweet foods. If the liver and gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with the removal of toxins, the skin suffers first.

When the activity of the hormonal system changes, the sebaceous glands secrete fat in huge quantities. This environment becomes a breeding ground for microbes. As a result, inflammation occurs in the epidermis.

Improper skin care

A common reason why acne appears on the chin in men is improper hygiene and shaving - infrequent or too frequent washing, use of inappropriate or aggressive perfumes and cosmetics, constant rubbing of the face. Men are not immune to the appearance of inflammation on the skin after shaving. For some, they occur periodically, while others experience them constantly. The problem lies in insufficient preparation of the skin for the hair removal procedure or choosing the wrong cosmetic product. Shaving without foam causes microtrauma to the facial skin, which serves as an entry point for germs and then becomes inflamed. Special creams and lotions will help disinfect wounds and soothe the skin.

It happens that components in cosmetic products lead to allergic rashes. In this case, dermatologists recommend abandoning them in favor of soap.
The machine can also cause acne on the chin. It is better to choose well-designed models and not use disposable razors.
When acne is pressed, the sebaceous gland bursts, and the infiltrate breaks into the adjacent layers of the skin. Therefore, inflammation spreads, and acne spreads further.

Development of demodicosis

Demodicosis is a skin disease caused by the subcutaneous activity of the demodex mite. The microscopic creature is a saprophyte that lives in human skin. The tick begins to multiply intensively if the body is weakened. Possible reasons why local and general immunity decreases are as follows:

  1. environmental exposure, high humidity;
  2. prolonged stress, excessive physical activity;
  3. lack of vitamins and microelements in the body; chronic foci of infection or past infectious diseases.

If acne appears in men after 20 years of age and is bothersome, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Treatment depending on the cause

For acne in the lower part of the face, a specialist will prescribe an examination and a course of internal or external treatment. The examination will make it possible to identify the cause. If these are not hereditary or isolated acne on the chin in men, treatment consists of normalizing the work and rest regime and diet. For mild acne, external remedies are used: lotions, ointments, mash.

If acne reaches a moderate and severe stage, it is necessary to involve endocrinologists, a dermatovenerologist, a psychotherapist and internal therapy. High doses of vitamin A are prescribed for acne that has a genetic basis. Preparations with retinol will block the sebaceous glands for a certain period.

With demodicosis, efforts should not be aimed at destroying the mite, but at increasing and improving the general condition of the body. To do this, you need to get enough sleep, stay in the fresh air, be distracted by useful, interesting things, and improve your diet. And also remove alcohol and cocktails to increase body weight. Anabolic protein shakes not only contain an increased amount of protein, but also sugar.

Treatment at home

Pimples on the chin in men are different: purulent, subcutaneous, small and large in size. A large comedone, which rises above the surface of the integument, can be opened independently, following certain rules:

  1. opening any abscess begins with disinfecting the surface using an alcohol solution or iodine;
  2. Using a sterile needle, the element is opened from the side and then an incision is made;
  3. the contents are removed with a disposable napkin, the surface is again treated with an alcohol solution.

Small subcutaneous pimples are painful because the inflammation is internal. To remove acne under the skin you need to make a lot of effort and be patient. Tips for home treatment of subcutaneous elements are:

  1. using a decoction of chamomile flowers as a daily lotion;
  2. taking vitamin complexes, enriching the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs;
  3. use of salt lotions.

In case of extensive damage, it is better to resort to procedural treatment - ozone therapy, ELOS technologies, chemical peels.

The importance of proper nutrition

Sugar and simple carbohydrates increase dermatological problems. Skin diseases at any age, regardless of gender, improve when limiting sugar. If the same diet and lifestyle are maintained, the cell, which originated in the lower layers of the epidermis and has gone through a number of stages, will come to the surface unhealthy. The cell will grow healthy if it is provided with high-quality water and another set of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. In addition, it will produce offspring of healthy cells.

An integrated approach is used in the treatment of acne. Treatment of the underlying disease or physical condition always comes first and is combined with proper nutrition, external or internal therapy. In the absence of pathological processes in the body, as well as if acne is hereditary, you should pay attention to dermal care products or undergo a series of cosmetic procedures prescribed by a dermatologist.

The appearance of acne on the body of men causes great inconvenience. Firstly, they look ugly, and secondly, they can hurt, itch, itch, which causes a lot of additional problems for their wearer.

Most often, acne in men appears on:

  1. head - temples and back of the head;
  2. face - on the nose, forehead, cheeks, chin;
  3. on the body - shoulders, back, stomach, buttocks and butt, in the groin and penis and on the chest;
  4. on the legs - especially on the hips.

But regardless of where acne appears, the causes of its occurrence almost always remain the same.

But, despite the fact that almost any popping up red dot on the body is popularly called a pimple, medicine calls acne acne (or acne), other skin rashes have other names and the cause of their appearance is certain diseases. We will try to sort everything out in your head from a scientific point of view and help you determine what exactly you have and what caused it.

Acne or acne

Acne or acne is the medical name for actual pimples. To better understand the reasons for their appearance, let us schematically illustrate the process of their appearance.

Acne formation process

Human skin is constantly lubricated by natural oil, which is produced in the sebaceous glands located under the skin near the hair follicles. To come out, the fat uses the same hole through which the hair came out. But sebum can accumulate under the skin if there is too much of it or the hole is clogged. In this case, bacteria begin to multiply rapidly in the fat accumulated under the skin, which leads to the appearance of pus.

Schematically, the appearance of acne is presented in the figure below:


Types of acne

Depending on what a pimple looks like on the outside and how much sebum has accumulated under the skin, they are divided into several types:

  1. Closed comedon
  2. Open comedon
  3. Cyst
  4. Papule
  5. Pustule
  6. Knot

In the picture below we tried to present the types of acne so that their differences can be seen:


You can see how different types of acne look under the skin in the following picture:


Acne severity

The International Alliance of Dermatologists distinguishes 3 degrees of severity of acne:

  1. Group 1 - minimal number of pimples (up to 10 pimples);
  2. Group 2 - from 10 to 40 pieces;
  3. Group 3 - more than 40 pieces.

Therefore, any person, not even a doctor, will be able to determine the severity of his illness and understand whether he should see a doctor or not. Of course, if you have less than 10 pimples and they appear and disappear, then you shouldn’t worry too much, but if you have more, you should sound the alarm.

Causes of acne

Now that we know how acne forms, we can name the main reasons for its appearance in men, which can be divided into two groups - endogenous and exogenous.

Primary causes

We note the following as the main reasons leading to the appearance of acne:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. In this case, the appearance of male hormones androgens in greater quantities than necessary, the glands secrete too much sebum, and the excretory channels cannot cope with its removal. Typically, this failure occurs in men during adolescence and leads to the following consequences.
  2. Pore ​​blockage. This leads to the fact that the secreted fat cannot come out, and bacteria begin to multiply in it.
  3. Dry skin. Dead skin particles can block the release of sebum, which leads to the development of bacteria and the appearance of acne.

Secondary causes

Here we will note those reasons, the appearance of which is not accompanied by 100% appearance of acne, but with a high degree of probability causes one of the previously mentioned primary causes and leads to the growth of acne:

  1. Use of cosmetics. The desire to look beautiful sometimes leads to negative consequences. Cosmetics clog pores, which inevitably leads to acne. Of course, for an ordinary man this is not the number one problem, but still for actors, presenters and other media personalities who, due to their profession, are forced to use cosmetics, this can lead to the problems described.
  2. Heat and humidity. Another factor that contributes to clogged pores. In the heat, especially with high humidity, sweat mixing with dirt (especially in areas of friction with clothing) also leads to clogged pores, which prevents sebum from being released out.
  3. Ultraviolet and sun in small doses are very beneficial (ultraviolet disinfects and dries out acne, and tanning from the sun reduces their visibility), however, in large quantities they lead to increased sweating and the production of more sebum, which again increases the likelihood of acne.
  4. Excessive washing and cleansing leads to the skin becoming dry and flaky, hyperkeratosis appears, skin flakes block the exit of sebum and pores become clogged.

What does not affect the appearance of acne

Unfortunately, very often on the Internet and other sources you can find information that dysbiosis affects the appearance of acne. This is wrong. Indeed, dysbiosis and a decline in the immune system can lead to many diseases, but it in no way affects the appearance of acne.

Diagnosis of the disease

Under no circumstances should you try to treat acne yourself; be sure to consult a dermatologist. To begin treatment, you need to determine whether you really have acne and not some other rash (rash, boil, carbuncle, smallpox, etc.).

After this, the severity of acne is determined, a hormone test is taken, and treatment is selected.


1 Degree

For grade 1 severity, treatment is performed only externally, using the following drugs:

  1. reducing sebum production;
  2. anti-germ;
  3. removing blockage of the sebaceous glands.

2nd degree

For grade 2 acne severity, both external and internal preparations are used.

External medications are the same as for the first degree of the disease. An antibiotic containing doxycycline is taken orally for 3 months. Such a long period of taking the antibiotic is explained by the fact that in order to bring the skin back to normal, it is necessary for the skin to be changed three times, and it changes within 28 days.

3rd degree

With the third degree of severity of the disease, almost the entire body or face is covered with acne. Therefore, the treatment here is even more serious. The retinoic acid drug Roaccutane is taken orally, which blocks the release of sebum from the sebaceous glands, deprives food of microbes, and the skin dries out. At the same time, under no circumstances prescribe it to yourself; the drug is prescribed only by a doctor.

External treatment is not performed.

What not to do

The first thing you want to do when a pimple appears is squeeze it out. However, never do this. The fact is that when you squeeze pus out of a pimple, you expect it to come out. But, contrary to your wishes, the bubble may open inward rather than outward. Then the pus will enter the blood and spread through the blood vessels throughout the body, which will lead to their more widespread appearance. Squeezing out blackheads on the face is also dangerous because the brain is close, and bacteria entering the brain can be fatal.

In addition, not all of the pus may come out. The remaining pus through the open wound will receive additional infection, which can lead to even more harmful consequences.

In this regard, under no circumstances should you:

  1. squeeze pimples yourself;
  2. do a cosmetic procedure called “skin cleansing,” which means squeezing out pimples.

Video about acne

Other causes of acne

The type of acne discussed earlier (acne/acne) is a separate type of disease. Below we will look at other diseases that also lead to the appearance of formations on the skin, popularly called pimples, but are not such.


Boils, popularly called “boils”, unlike acne, manifest themselves in a purulently necrotic nature, when the hair follicle and then the surrounding connective soft tissues become inflamed. The main reason for its appearance is staphylococcus bacteria, which under certain circumstances begin to actively manifest themselves.

The appearance of a boil is usually accompanied by pain at the site of its appearance, the skin color becomes red-blue, and a tubercle appears. Below is a view of a boil on a man’s nose:



The sequence of appearance and growth of acne with chickenpox is as follows:

  1. a reddish inflamed tubercle appears - a papule;
  2. the top layer of skin peels off, and the resulting cavity is filled with pus or serous fluid - a pustule is formed; when suppuration occurs, the vesicles turn into pustules;
  3. pimples open up, forming weeping surfaces that dry out and form crusts.

Typically, pimples with chickenpox appear on the torso, arms and legs, gradually spreading to the scalp and face. Pimples rarely appear on the palms and mucous membranes, and if they do appear, they indicate that the disease will be severe. In addition, chickenpox is characterized by so-called breakouts, when, in the presence of old pimples, new ones appear, and the pimples that appear constantly itch and itch. If pimples appear in the mouth (which happens in 20-25% of cases), they lead to excessive salivation, open much faster, and the opened pimples hurt and interfere with eating.

The skin of not only women and teenagers suffers from various rashes. Acne on the face of men also often appears.

By the location of the rash, you can understand the reasons for its appearance.

And competent treatment of the underlying disease in combination with lifestyle correction helps to completely cleanse the skin of unwanted skin defects.

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!


Acne on the face in men, the causes of which can be very different, occurs due to disruption of the sebaceous glands.

  1. At the age of 14–19 years, the main provoking factor for the appearance of a rash is hormonal activity, which characterizes the period of puberty (at this age, about 40–50% of young men are susceptible to the appearance of acne).
  2. At the age of 22, only 5% of young people suffer from inflammatory skin processes.
  3. After age 30, hormonal acne usually goes away.
  4. At an older age, rashes on the face of men can also appear, but much less frequently (at 40 years old - only 1% of males, and at 50 years old they do not appear at all).

Provoking factors may be:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. hormonal imbalance;
  3. insufficient sexual activity;
  4. hyperkeratosis is a skin disease accompanied by an increase in the upper stratum corneum of the skin (occurs as a result of occupational intoxication or for other reasons);
  5. diseases of the digestive tract;
  6. lack or improper skin care;
  7. prolonged exposure to open sun;
  8. stress, emotional fatigue, physical exhaustion;
  9. taking anabolic steroids (hormones);
  10. unhealthy diet – abuse of sweets and fatty foods;
  11. subcutaneous mite, which causes the appearance of redheads that resemble acne in appearance;
  12. skin irritation and inflammation of hair follicles after shaving (if bacteria enter the wound);
  13. squeezing existing pimples (leads to the spread of infection to adjacent areas of the skin).

Photo: stages of development

The skin contains sebaceous glands that produce sebum.

  1. With increased activity of the glands, the sebaceous secretion is not completely removed to the surface of the skin; its excess clogs the pores.
  2. Sebum mixes with dust, dirt and dead cells, oxidizes, and blackheads (comedones) appear.

As a result of the addition of a bacterial infection, painful purulent pimples form in their place.

What do acne on the face of men mean?

If you know which organs are responsible for acne in a certain area of ​​the face or body, you can guess what problems exist inside the body.

On the nose

A large number of sebaceous glands are located in this area.

  1. Their excessive activity leads to excess sebum production, and as a result, to the appearance of acne.
  2. Other causes of inflammation can be digestive disorders, endocrine problems and weakened immunity, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Pimples on the bridge of the nose indicate problems with the liver.

In the lip area

If acne appears in the lip area, there are problems with the digestive system.

  1. Quite often, such rashes are accompanied by other symptoms of indigestion (flatulence, heartburn, diarrhea, etc.).
  2. The second reason for the appearance of rashes on the lips is frequent colds, herpes.

Photo: cold rashes

On the forehead

Here, like on the nose, there are many sebaceous glands.

And the main reason for the appearance of acne is increased sebum production.

  1. Most often, rashes on the forehead are formed due to hormonal changes in adolescents.
  2. In adult men, skin inflammation develops against the background of disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, intestines, and gall bladder.
  3. A small rash near the eyebrows may be a symptom of dysbiosis.

On the chin

The chin is one of the main places where rashes localize in men over 30 years of age.

The two main causes of acne in this area are:

  1. excessive consumption of spicy and fatty foods;
  2. alcohol abuse.

Rashes on the chin indicate the presence of a large number of toxins in the body, as well as problems with the digestive or endocrine system, problems with the kidneys and liver.

On the back

Acne on the back in adult men appears due to increased sweating in this area of ​​the body, as well as as a result of:

  1. disorders of fat metabolism;
  2. hormonal imbalances;
  3. dermatological diseases (follicular dermatosis).

Video: “How to get rid of acne”

What to do

How to get rid of acne can only be understood after determining the main cause of its appearance.

To do this, you need to see a doctor and undergo a medical examination.

If after 30 years

In addition to contacting a specialist, the following will help improve the condition of the skin and reduce inflammatory processes:

  1. proper skin care;
  2. correction of a nutritious diet - limiting the amount of sweet, fatty and spicy foods consumed, including a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily menu.

Photo: including fresh vegetables and fruits in the menu will reduce the risk of acne

As a result of shaving

To prevent the skin from becoming inflamed after shaving and unwanted rashes appearing on it, it is recommended:

  1. shave after a shower or bath (in this case, the skin will be sufficiently steamed);
  2. carry out the procedure with movements strictly along the hair growth line;
  3. change blades in a timely manner or use an electric machine;
  4. use a special aftershave lotion that has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect.

Is it possible to remove acne on the face of an infant? Find out here.

On the chin

If single rashes appear occasionally, thorough cleansing and treating the skin with antiseptic solutions should help.

  1. It is better to use an alcohol solution of salicylic acid, which not only perfectly disinfects the skin, but also tightens enlarged pores and removes excessive oiliness.
  2. For severe rashes, special medications may be prescribed.


To get rid of acne completely, you must first treat the underlying disease.

As for topical medications, they should be selected by a doctor taking into account the type of acne, the severity of inflammation, age and other individual characteristics of the patient.

Photo: pharmaceutical products for acne

The action of the means used is based on:

  1. decreased sebum production;
  2. removal of dead cells;
  3. suppression of bacterial flora.

Most often, doctors prescribe drugs:

  1. Zenerite lotion;
  2. Baziron cream;
  3. Metronidazole gel;
  4. Levomekol ointment.

Folk remedies

In addition to medications, you can fight rashes using alternative medicine.

Photo: using calendula you can remove inflammation from your face

  1. Sea salt solution. Prepared from the ratio of a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. Apply to problem areas and wash off with water after 30 minutes. This remedy helps get rid of acne on the face and back.
  2. Tincture of calendula. It is characterized by pronounced antiseptic properties and also dries out the skin. Used to treat problem areas twice a day.

Skin care


  1. You should wash your face at least 2 times a day, preferably using special cleansing cosmetics. Regular soap is not suitable for washing - it dries and irritates the skin.

Photo: cleansing the skin with a scrub

  1. It is useful to cleanse the skin of dead cells with a scrub several times a week. You can use a ready-made product, or make a scrub yourself by mixing coffee grounds with a small amount of cleanser.

If you have inflamed or purulent acne on your skin, scrubs and peels are contraindicated!


The use of toner helps to narrow enlarged pores and reduces oily skin.

Tonic can be purchased at a cosmetics store or replaced with homemade products (for example, fresh cucumber juice).


Photo: After washing your face, apply moisturizer

Moisturizing cream to give the face freshness is applied to the skin after washing and applying toner.


Daily consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits will undoubtedly benefit the skin and the entire body.

But spicy, salty, fatty and sweet foods are best consumed in limited quantities.

Photo: foods whose consumption should be limited

In addition to a healthy diet, giving up bad habits, strengthening the immune system, and eliminating physical and emotional fatigue will help prevent the appearance of new rashes on the body and face.

Questions and answers

What is the difference from teenage

Acne in adult men differs from teenage acne in appearance, location, and causes of appearance.

  1. In teenagers, the rash is caused by increased hormone levels.
  2. In an adult man, rashes on the face and back may indicate serious diseases of the internal organs.

Photo: acne on the back of a teenager

Unlike the small red spots that affect the skin of teenagers, rashes in adults are deep, inflamed papules.

What do intimate places mean?

Pimples in the groin and genitals in men appear for various reasons.

In some cases, the provoking factor is failure to comply with basic hygiene rules or mechanical damage to the skin (scratches, cuts). Such acne is not dangerous and only requires careful antiseptic treatment. Over time, they go away on their own.

Other causes of groin acne include:

  1. hidradenitis inguinalis – inflammation of the sweat glands of the groin area, which occurs when infected with Staphylococcus aureus;
  1. boils – formations develop due to inflammation of the hair follicle and are accompanied by purulent processes;
  2. contact dermatitis – occurs against the background of skin irritation with chemicals (for example, hygiene products);

Photo: psoriasis of the groin area

  1. psoriasis – a chronic skin disease accompanied by the appearance of scaly itchy nodules;

Photo: athlete's foot inguinal

  1. fungal diseases – pimples in the form of blisters appear in the groin and skin folds.

Pimples in intimate areas can also appear due to sexually transmitted diseases.

Photo: genital herpes


Photo: lice pubis

  1. lice pubis;

Photo: molluscum contagiosum

A seemingly harmless rash can be a symptom of a serious disease, and therefore requires careful diagnosis and timely, competent treatment.

There are many reasons for acne in adult men.

Sometimes, in order to improve the condition of the skin, it is enough to change your lifestyle - eat right, give up bad habits, observe a work-rest schedule and avoid stress, and properly care for your skin.

How to treat pimples and blackheads on the face? Find out here.

Can acne occur due to stomach problems? Read on.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the rash and know how to remove acne from the skin quickly and effectively.

Video: “7 simple ways to get rid of acne in one day”