Cause of acne around the mouth in women

Acne around the mouth is a problem that plagues many young people, most often girls. Everyone wants to look beautiful, but at the same time, if the area around the mouth is strewn with acne, it is simply impossible to achieve beauty. That is why many people are interested in what causes this problem and, of course, how to cure acne around the mouth. This is exactly what the article will be about.

Acne and perioral dermatitis


If you have acne around your mouth, then the first thing you should do is determine what is happening to your skin. The fact is that the situation may turn out to be diametrically opposite. These can be either regular acne or symptoms of a disease called perioral dermatitis, which will be discussed below. But first you need to deal with a simpler option. If pimples around the mouth appear pointwise and periodically, then this is not a disease - these are the most common acne and ulcers. The cause of their occurrence is clogged pores, and this is caused by poor personal hygiene. You just need to purchase products with which you will care for your facial skin and use them constantly. Then acne will not appear, and you will achieve the beauty effect you have always dreamed of. However, rashes are not always caused by insufficient or improper care. Many people who regularly take care of their skin still develop pimples around their mouth and chin. What could be causing this?



So, if you take proper care of your facial skin, but the rashes around your mouth do not disappear and are widespread rather than local, then the situation is more complex. The fact is that you most likely have perioral dermatitis - a disease in the field of dermatology that requires attention on your part. However, why do these pimples appear around the mouth? The reason for this phenomenon, unfortunately, has not yet been established - there are only a number of assumptions, which you will read in this article. A distinctive feature of this disease is that its signs are observed exclusively in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle - random pimples do not pop up on the cheeks, neck or anywhere else. That is why the disease is called perioral dermatitis, that is, one in which the rash spreads around the mouth.

What is this dermatitis?




No, we are not talking about using steroids directly. If you have acne around your mouth, it's worth paying attention to whether your skin care products contain these substances. Facial creams and various ointments often contain prednisolone or hydrocortisone, which cause irritation in some people. Therefore, you should carefully study the composition of your products and try to stop using them for a while to determine whether they are the cause of the disease. Please note that the rashes do not disappear immediately after you stop using the cream that causes them to appear. Most often, the phase of active growth of acne is observed first, that is, there may be even more of them, they will become redder, and the sensations will become even more painful. But after a short period of time, this phase passes, and after it, the pimples gradually disappear from your face.



Small pimples around the mouth can also appear when using various cosmetic products. The range of these products is quite wide, but the cause of this disease is most often foundation, and there are also frequent cases when perioral dermatitis appears due to the use of certain makeup removers. In this case, you need to do the same as in the previous one - stop using specific products for a while to see if this will affect the acne around the mouth. The reason (in women this problem is observed much more often, since they use much more cosmetic products) is clear? Great! Take note, fight, and we move on.

Natural influence

It also cannot be ruled out that the occurrence of acne in the mouth area was caused by certain external factors, in particular natural phenomena. Among them, perioral dermatitis is most commonly caused by strong winds or excessive exposure to sunlight. It's not as easy to figure out as you'd like, but in most cases, if you just stop going out in the sun for a couple of days, your pimples will begin to fade, so you can quickly figure out whether something is causing your problems.



Now you know the main reasons why acne around the mouth can occur. However, many doctors also talk about toothpaste that contains fluoride. By itself, in most cases, it cannot cause this disease, but if you have already developed it, then using such a paste can lead to unpleasant consequences. Fluoride intensifies the disease, pimples around the mouth begin to increase in size, become brighter, and the discomfort becomes more pronounced.


This disease can also be caused by a skin infection. This is one of the cases when you should not experiment or try to cure yourself - it is better to immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe you the necessary medications. If you self-medicate, you can trigger the disease and bring yourself to a much more serious condition. Remember that acne goes away without a trace only if you get rid of it quickly. If you delay, then after healing, traces will remain at the site of the rash that will spoil your appearance.

Hormonal background


It's no secret that hormones can greatly affect the health of the body as a whole and its individual organs and systems in particular. In some cases, their fluctuations affect the condition of your skin. As in the case of cosmetics, this reason most often causes the appearance of defects in women - acne around the mouth can appear during the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy. However, when hormonal levels normalize, acne also disappears. As in the previous case, in case of hormonal imbalances, you should not try to deal with the problem on your own - it is best to contact a specialist who will accurately determine the specific cause of the disease, and then prescribe exactly the medicine that will most likely help you.


Well, the last reason why you may experience perioral dermatitis is taking oral contraceptives. This point is closely related to the previous one - the fact is that such drugs lead to a strong change in hormonal levels, which, as you have already learned, can lead to the appearance of acne around the mouth. In this case, you should contact a gynecologist to choose the means of protection that will not cause a similar reaction in your body. It would also be a good idea to pay a visit to a dermatologist who will help you eliminate the effects of the disease from your face.



So, now you know the main causes of acne around the mouth, and therefore it’s time to put this knowledge into practice. What should you do if they start appearing on you? First of all, you need to determine the extent of the lesion. If there are few acne, they appear not only around the mouth, but also on other parts of the face, and also eventually “mature” - this means that the problem lies in personal hygiene, that is, in the lack of it. Pores become clogged and need to be cleaned using special skin care products.

However, if the pimples are located exclusively around the mouth, there are a lot of them and they do not look like ulcers or acne, then you have perioral dermatitis. If the disease has just begun to manifest itself, it is worth trying home methods - avoiding creams containing steroids, certain types of cosmetics, as well as toothpaste with added fluoride. Pay attention to the environment, weather factors and monitor how certain of your actions affect the condition of the skin around your mouth. If you can’t get rid of acne at home, don’t delay - go to a specialist, otherwise you will jeopardize not only your health, but also your appearance in the future, since acne may leave unsightly marks. A dermatologist will help you sort out your problem, he will find out why you have these acne, and will also prescribe a specific course of treatment or write a referral to the appropriate specialist. Depending on the specific cause of the disease, the treatment method is selected. Special hormonal drugs are used to stabilize hormonal levels, and antibiotics are used to treat infections. So if you are convinced that the cause is not your cream or the environment, go to the doctor immediately. This way you can quickly and effectively overcome the disease and regain your beauty.

There is nothing more annoying than acne on the face. And when they also appear around the mouth, it is not only offensive and ugly, it is also very painful, because many nerve endings are concentrated around the mouth. And if the disease cannot be eliminated quickly, it can result in a general weakening of the body, depression and other related diseases.


Photo 1: The speed of getting rid of acne depends, first of all, on the cause of its appearance and the correctly selected treatment regimen. Source: flickr (Pasha Mek).

Causes of acne

Let's start with the fact that rashes around the mouth can be of two types: infectious and non-infectious. With infectious diseases, everything is clear: the reason for their appearance is infection of the skin with one or another type of virus, fungus, or other microorganism (herpes, demodicosis, etc.). Accordingly, treatment is aimed at destroying the causative agent of the disease.

In the case of non-infectious rashes, the situation is somewhat more complicated. The thing is that doctors still don’t know the exact reason for their appearance. There are, of course, factors that contribute to the development of skin disease. However, these are only factors, not the cause itself.

Among non-infectious ones, the following types of rashes are distinguished:

  1. single pimples around the mouth, sometimes pustular (appear when the sebaceous glands are disrupted, on the skin with enlarged pores, which in an unfavorable environmental situation very quickly become clogged and inflamed);
  2. group pustular zones, watery symmetrical rashes;
  3. patches of red or pink rough skin.

The last two types of rash are characteristic of perioral dermatitis. Sometimes it appears as a concomitant disease - after long-term treatment of other diseases with hormonal drugs. Sometimes - as an independent disease. In both cases, the exact causes of the occurrence are not known to science.

But we can name what negatively affects the condition of the skin during this disease:

  1. long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, hormonal medications, hormonal creams and ointments that lead to hormonal imbalance;
  2. nervous stress;
  3. disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. fluoride toothpaste;
  5. allergy;
  6. adverse weather conditions;
  7. decreased own immunity.

Important! All these factors can only provoke the development of the disease. The real reason lies in the internal problems of the body.

Acne in women

As for women, they suffer from rashes much more often than men. The most common causes of this problem in women are hormonal disorders (including changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menstruation) and seborrhea.

Another factor that often determines the overall condition of women's skin is cosmetics. Low-quality cosmetics can cause a lot of trouble for a girl’s thin, delicate skin.

Note! Groups of pimples on the upper lip may also indicate problems with the heart!

Acne in men

In men, acne most often appears around the mouth for two reasons:

  1. Disturbance of the stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines.
  2. Hormones (excess or deficiency of certain hormones).


Photo 2: Due to the fact that men's skin is thicker and rougher, it is less susceptible to viral infections, exposure to adverse environmental conditions and is much easier to treat if a problem occurs. Source: flickr (Eugene Evehealth).

"First aid" for acne around the mouth

  1. The first thing to do when you encounter a problem is to avoid all types of cosmetics until you figure out what caused the breakout.
  2. Hormonal medications, even those prescribed by a doctor, should also be excluded until the cause of the rash is determined.
  3. Well, the third, very important step is to normalize your diet. Stop smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fried, fatty, spicy foods.

Supplement these preventive measures - skin care with herbal decoctions (chamomile, chamomile are very good at cleansing and soothing inflamed areas), wiping the affected areas with celandine juice.

Remember that sometimes this alone is enough to say goodbye to acne forever.

If the ambulance does not help, then you need to contact specialists.

Homeopathy treatment

Homeopathic remedies are good because they allow you to eliminate not only external manifestations of the disease, but also internal disorders, normalizing all vital processes of the body. They help even where traditional medicine is powerless, for example, with many advanced chronic diseases. The principle of homeopathy is to treat like with like, but in doses. This treatment of skin rashes gives a lasting result without relapses.

Important! Taking homeopathic medicines not only aims to cure, but also cleanses the body of toxins, increasing vitality, reducing excess weight, and normalizing metabolism.

The general principles of homeopathy treatment for rashes around the mouth are as follows:

First stage

Increasing the body's resistance, strengthening the immune system (in this case, complex drugs work great Mucosa compositum, Echinacea compositum, Edas 308. At this stage, homeopaths also prescribe medications that promote general cleansing of the body and the removal of toxins. For example, Filtrum-STI. Such drugs are also called constitutional. They prepare the body for direct impact on problem areas of the skin, strengthen the body, cleanse it and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Second phase

It is necessary if the causes of rashes around the mouth are disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, rectum, or viruses and microbes. In case of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, medications are prescribed Gastro-gran, Hole-gran. If the causes of acne lie in disruption of the endocrine system, then you need to take it according to the regimen indicated by your doctor, Gormel SN, Gormel S. For disorders in the reproductive system - Ovarium compositum.

Third stage

Actually, it helps inflamed skin with rashes.

Sulfur 6C (Sulfur) and Antimonium curdum 12C (Antimonium curdum) - perfectly eliminates purulent and nodular rashes.

Silicea (Silicea) helps with severe forms of inflammation that result in scars.

A universal remedy is also gel Traumeel S, consisting of 14 components. The drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic and healing effects and is often used to prevent skin rashes as a cosmetic product.


Quite a large number of guys and girls and even adult men and women are now suffering from the problem of acne around the mouth. Women mostly get acne due to hormonal fluctuations and are usually found around the mouth, jawline and chin area. When it comes to removing acne around the mouth. , then there is no definitive cure since what works for one person may not work for another.

Pimples around the mouth and chin: causes

The only good news is that for most people, acne around the mouth and chin area is preventable. This is because in about 90% of those who suffer from acne around the mouth, such acne can be attributed to the use of the wrong beauty products, which may include oily lip balms. , sulfate-rich toothpastes, cosmetics, etc. Also, women who tend to sleep with their makeup on are most likely to suffer from such acne.

In the remaining about 10% of sufferers, acne around the mouth and chin area can be related to hormones, stress, as well as other health conditions. They are usually more difficult to treat and require a multifaceted approach to treatment.

Most women suffer from hormonal acne throughout their lives, as teenagers at the onset of puberty, after childbirth due to changes in hormones and during menopause.

A dermatologist can help determine the exact cause of oral acne. Accordingly, a person may need to change brands of toothpastes or lip balms, wash their face at least twice a day with warm water and acne-specific cleansers, and then follow a makeup removal routine, especially during sleep.

The main causes of acne around the mouth and chin

Here are some of the main causes of acne around the mouth and chin:

  1. Lip Balm Fragrances and waxes in lip balm products can clog pores and irritate hair follicles, leading to increased sebum production that can cause acne around the mouth.
  2. Cell Phone Mobile phones and other tech accessories can collect and accumulate dirt, sweat, bacteria and oil from the face and hands and thus act as a trigger for acne when they come into contact with your mouth and chin area.
  3. Toothpaste Sodium lauryl sulfate, used as a spattering agent in toothpaste, can also clog skin pores, leading to pimples around the mouth and chin.
  4. Stress and Nervous System Disorders According to many dermatologists, stress does not cause new acne breakouts around the mouth or anywhere else on the body, but it can make existing acne outbreaks worse.
  5. Certain medications Pimples around the mouth can occur as side effects to certain medications Corticosteroids and lithium-based medications are common culprits in causing such inflammation
  6. Waxing Waxing can both irritate the hair follicles and create a breeding ground for bacterial action, leading to inflammation and ultimately acne.
  7. Comedogenic Face Creams Thick moisturizers and skin care products, especially those with an oily texture and those containing thick wax, can clog skin pores, leading to breakouts around the mouth, chin, nose and other areas of the skin.
  8. Hormonal Fluctuations Any stage of our lives (eg: adolescence, menopause, ovulation, pregnancy) or medical condition that causes testosterone (male hormone) fluctuations can be a major cause of acne in the mouth and chin area.

Pimples around the mouth or herpes

Acne around the mouth should not be confused with herpes; If pimples occur around the lips, they can easily be confused with those caused by herpes. There are some significant differences that can help you differentiate between pimples around the mouth and herpes.

Firstly, the appearance of acne is closely related to the hair follicle, and since the lip does not have hairs, bumps that occur directly on the lip or lip line are most likely not even herpes, but bedsores.

Secondly, herpes appears as clusters of soft, fluid-filled blisters, while oral pimples around the mouth and chin usually present as free-standing, persistent, white or red bumps. An exception applies to cystic acne around the mouth, which is characterized by tender, painful lesions, but they also have a characteristic appearance that is different from herpes.

Treatment of acne around the mouth and chin

The skin around the mouth area is quite sensitive, so treating adult acne in this area requires special care. Here are a few steps to take to ensure that adult acne around the mouth is treated quickly:

  1. Always wash and dry the mouth and chin area thoroughly after eating or consuming acidic foods and drinks.
  2. Never touch pimples and sores around the mouth as this will spread bacteria causing breakouts in healthy areas.
  3. Remove surface oils and makeup every night using a good cleanser such as salicylic acid lotion.
  4. Use oil-free moisturizers throughout the day and avoid overexposure to the sun. This is an important step to avoid acne around the mouth.
  5. Always keep an acne medication that treats the spot and apply it to acne-affected areas around the mouth and chin area. They usually contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide and can treat zits quickly to prevent scars.
  6. For adult acne around the mouth and chin, retinol products can be very effective in treating acne in these areas. They contain vitamin A derivatives and can help unclog pores to treat existing blackheads and prevent new ones from appearing. A thin layer applied nightly can help reduce existing imperfections while preventing new gaps. Retinol is available by prescription and also over the counter.
  7. Additionally, a dermatologist can also recommend the right chemical peels, laser treatments, and other topical products to treat and reduce acne around the mouth.

Your doctor can determine treatment based on the severity of your condition. In some cases, using mild soaps and stopping the use of heavy skin creams and fluoridated toothpaste may relieve symptoms. Medications may also speed healing.

The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology recommends stopping the use of topical steroid creams or nasal sprays that contain steroids, if possible. These products may worsen symptoms. However, it is important to talk to your doctor before you stop taking any medications.

Acne around the mouth is difficult to treat and can take months to heal. Research suggests that even after several weeks of treatment, the condition may get worse before it gets better. In some people, oral dermatitis becomes chronic.

How to get rid of and how to treat acne around the mouth

Medications your doctor may prescribe to help get rid of acne around the mouth and chin include:

  1. topical antibiotic medications such as acne metronidazole (Metrogel) and erythromycin ointment
  2. immunosuppressive creams such as Ovante cream
  3. topical anticancer drugs such as adapalene or azelaic acid
  4. oral antibiotics such as doxycycline, minocycline or even isotretinoin for more severe cases

As the causes of oral dermatitis and acne around the mouth and chin vary, there is no surefire way to avoid them. However, there are some things you can do to help ease the problem or keep it from getting worse:

  1. Avoid steroid creams and even ointments unless specifically prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Do not use heavy makeup or skin creams. Ask your doctor about which moisturizers are acceptable to use.
  3. Switch to gentle cleansers and moisturizers. Ask your dermatologist for recommendations on products that are best for your skin.
  4. Limit the amount of time your skin comes into contact with elements such as: UV rays, heat and even wind, which can aggravate oral dermatitis Some of the medications that are used to treat oral dermatitis can also make the skin sensitive to the sun Remember to protect skin if you will be in the sun for a long time.

Cleansing your face also helps remove any surface oils or bacteria that have accumulated during the day, hence it is a suitable way to get rid of acne around the mouth.

Swipe a toning product over clean skin to tighten pores and prevent dirt and oil from entering. Use an oil-free moisturizer to hydrate skin and maintain a balanced complexion. Finally, when breakouts occur around the mouth, treat the blemish area as soon as pimples appear by wiping with a product containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to reduce the breakthrough time.


Acne on the chin around the mouth and jawline can be a nuisance for both men and women. However, it is also treatable and with the right approach, such acne can be eliminated even within a month. Therefore, we hope that this guide will help you get rid of acne. around the mouth once and for all!