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A pseudopolyp is a site of attachment of an infection or pathogenic bacterium; in other words, due to an incorrect immune response or pathogenic effect, such tissue is formed at the site of inflammation. When it is formed, it is not possible to give the body a clear answer about its true threat. This could mean several things:

Pseudopolyposis (Pseudopol-polyki) is a disorder of the structure of the intestinal mucosa that occurs as a result of abnormal growth of the intestinal epithelium. Previously, this term was used only in medicine, but now it is used in other fields, such as philology and linguistics. It is a common belief that pseudopolyps are simply masquerade as real polyps. In addition, in some cases, people believe that such a diagnosis was made by eye when a biopsy method was not used. In fact, if there is a suspicion of the presence of pseudopolyps, then a biopsy should be performed to confirm the diagnosis.

A pseudopolyp is an island of intestinal mucosa that rises above the surface of the healthy intestinal mucosa. Their appearance is associated with various reasons, such as metabolic disorders, taking chemicals or prolonged consumption of food containing preservatives and dyes. However, despite their prevalence, there is a misconception that they do not pose a risk to human health. This is absolutely not true. The reasons for the appearance of pseudopolyps include various