
Pseudo-dipsrmomania is a condition when a person experiences an obsessive desire to drink alcoholic beverages, but does not get pleasure from it and does not experience dependence. This term was introduced into medicine in the 50s of the 20th century to distinguish false mania from true mania associated with alcohol addiction.

Symptoms of pseudodyspomania can vary and depend on the severity of the condition. Usually a person begins to feel the urge to drink alcohol, sometimes without even realizing that this is a symptom of an illness. He may experience anxiety, restlessness or discomfort when he does not drink alcohol for a long time, which can lead to excessive drinking. Sleep and appetite disturbances, decreased concentration and performance may also occur.

Treatment of pseudodipsomania should include changes in the patient's lifestyle and behavior. The doctor may recommend avoiding alcohol, exercising, spending time with friends and loved ones, and participating in various activities. Medications may also be prescribed to reduce anxiety and mood.

It is important to understand that the real disease of dipsomania requires treatment and rehabilitation from a specialist - a narcologist. At the same time, treatment of false dipsomania may be more effective in a clinic that specializes in the treatment of addiction to psychoactive substances. A visit to a narcologist and addiction specialists is mandatory and timely. It is important to remember that this disease is easier to treat in the early stages of development, so do not delay visiting a specialist and take care of your health.

Pseudodipsomania is a condition where a person has a tendency to drink alcohol excessively, but is not intoxicated. He cannot control his appetite, and his desire for alcohol becomes more and more persistent. This condition is common in people with personality disorders, including attention deficit disorder, hypertension