Psychopathic-like Condition

Psychopathic-like conditions are various forms of mental disorders that differ from psychoses and psychopathologies. These conditions can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic factors, head injuries, stress, drugs and other factors.

Signs of psychopathic conditions may include depression, anxiety, hallucinations, inappropriate behavior and other signs that can affect a person's behavior and abilities. It is also important to note that such conditions are not always the result of actual psychopathology.

Psychopathic-like conditions are those in which the clinical picture of the disease contains a number of disorders characteristic of any disorder (or combination thereof) of a psychotic level along with mental disorders of an organic nature, and as if aggravating, exacerbating the manifested clinical manifestations, including mental ones, which arose as a result organic damage. This is not just a weakening of the symptoms of some mental disorder in response to the influence of unfavorable factors, it is the presence in the mental state of residual pathological phenomena from a previously existing mental illness. That is, as they say, the picture of “psychogenesis” is a synthetic construction - there are components of the processes of remission and secondary (third, etc.) psychopathological dynamics. Therefore, if, for example, depersonalization-derealization disorders appear under the influence of a psychogenic situation, then this is clearly not a symptom of schizophrenia, not hallucinatory-paranoid psychosis, but a pseudohallucination associated with increased lability of affective reactions, a somatovegetative state (anxiety), and a violation of higher cognitive processes (attention and thinking) in connection with intrapersonal conflict within the framework of the conflict typology of personality and other situational issues. In a situation where newly formed disorders arise (up to progressive degradation) they are closely intertwined with negative changes, i.e. they aggravate the symptoms of another disorder and/or disease that the patient already has, strengthening it, and begin to transform into some new clinical form influenced by social status. Everything has a place to be. It is no coincidence that the main sign of a psychopath-like state is a combination of signs of a mental illness with pathological personality traits, and not symptoms inherent in one of the mental illnesses or conditions. The formulation of this sign-symptom may emphasize the fact that, along with psychotic symptoms, the condition includes acute or subacute schizophrenic disorders that determine affect

A psychopathological condition is a group of mental health disorders that are characterized by disturbances in the areas of thinking, emotions and behavior. These disturbances may manifest themselves in the form of decreased activity levels or excessive expressiveness, indecisiveness or aggression, as well as other forms. The psychopathic condition is characterized by the presence of several symptoms, including disinhibition, irritability