Psychosis Degenerative

Psychosis is a term that describes mental disorders that can manifest as delusions, hallucinations, inappropriate behavior and other symptoms. However, there are different types of psychoses, and one of them is degenerative psychosis.

Degenerative psychosis is a mental disorder that

Degenerative psychosis is an outdated and incorrect name for exogenous psychoses of late age that developed against the background of organic pathology of the brain in old age. In ICD-2 R45.0 - “Exogenous psychosis”; in ICD-3 F09.28 - “Chronic moderate psychosis with signs of degeneration.” Subsequently, the name “chronic psychosis of the elderly” was not used; as a result of a consultation of specialists in 2011, it was generally accepted that the development of psychosis in the mature and late period is a symptom of an exogenous (acquired, including drug, toxic or vascular) syndrome of degradation of endogenous mechanisms for maintaining mental activity. The term “Chronic psychosis of late age” is inherently outdated, and the recognition of clinical forms of late exogenous psychosis is very controversial. From the perspective of modern ideas about psychosomatic and pathogenetic relationships, disorders must be classified together with environmental factors in the presence of reliable exogenous trigger events. For a formalized expert assessment, it is necessary to apply a multidisciplinary principle, allowing the involvement of experts from different fields (neurologists, psychiatrists,