Psychosis Manganese

Let's talk about manganese psychosis (Latin - Psychose manganicā), which is also called "manganese fever". Psychoses and other mental illnesses, although infrequently, arise from the illiterate use of manganese (or even just one powder - and just the metal). And all because it can provoke a descent into madness, acute psychotic symptoms, mental disorders, quite comparable to a case of infectious manganese poisoning.

Epidemiology of manganese psychoses Official statistics on the prevalence of such a phenomenon as manganese psychoses generally do not exist, and if they exist, they are very small and are not used due to the rarity of this phenomenon. And yet, among people in a state of acute manganese poisoning, one can find cases of psychosis of this type much more often than poisoning with organic manganese compounds caused by herd abuse of it. These facts are included in toxicology books to confirm the fact of the epidemiological danger of manganese in acute poisoning. The human body develops internal defense measures. In the case of exposure to external harmful factors on the body, the effect of this protection immediately disappears or appears after some time. In science, the term “Mn-pain” has long been coined - this is a modified name for “manganese fever.” It is sometimes also called “manganese poisoning fever,” because it is caused by severe metal poisoning. It would seem that the acute course of manganese psychosis should always be accompanied by various psychoses and hallucinations during manganese poisoning, but this is far from the case. Statistics show that only a small percentage of people diagnosed with manganese poisoning suffer from manganese hallucinations. (at present, many doctors continue to refer to psycho-emotional disorders with anxiety-depressive symptoms that formed during the stay of the victims in the acute stages of the manganese psychasthenic state). Diarrhea, vomiting, trembling, fever